Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Parish Council Minutes 24th Nov 2011

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 24th November 2011

120. Present:
Councillors P Allen, (Chairman), A Campbell,
P Meadow-Jones, Councillor G Timms and A McLaven (Clerk).

121. Apologies:
Apologies were received and accepted from N Reynolds and B Rootham,

122. Open Session for the public
There were no members of the public in attendance.

123. Minutes of 19th September
The agreed corrections having been made these were signed as a true and correct record. Proposed A Campbell seconded P Meadow-Jones, All in favour.

124. Minutes of 6th October and matters arising.
These were signed as a true and correct record, proposed A Campbell seconded P Meadow-Jones, All in favour.

125. Minutes of 20th October and matters arising.
125.1 These were signed as a true and correct record, proposed P Meadow-Jones seconded A Campbell, All in favour.

125.2 -116.2 The final tranche of the section 106 monies has been received.

125.3 115.7 The Development focus meeting will now meet in early January.

125.4 115.8 Councillor Allen will talk to OOAPS on 6th December regarding the village sign and lectern, asking for any village history recent past included.

125.5 Helen Howard has agreed to put returns on the gateways.

126. Parking on Public Footpaths.
126.1 Cars are being parked on the footpath, by the post box and the public telephone. This makes it difficult for people using the footpath, especially if they are wheelchair users, or pushing pushchairs. It was felt best to write to all residents in that area advising them of the problem. It was also agreed to raise the general problem of parking on footpaths and pavements into the newsletter.

126.2 Several residents have driveways that have been extended straight to the highway. This is an inherited problem that should have been dealt with in the past as the infringements occurred.

127. Boundary Commission recommendations for the North Ward.
127.1 The Boundary Commission are looking to reorganise the constituency boundaries. There suggestion is that the North Ward, Orlingbury, Isham, Little and Great Harrowden, and Hardwick be put in the Kettering parliamentary constituency.

127.2 Councillor Timms explained in the past a similarly unworkable situation had occurred involving Earls Barton being placed for a period of time in the Daventry constituency.

27.3 It was agreed the Clerk should write that this is unacceptable as we have no affinity with Kettering Borough Council, all our amenities come from Wellingborough Borough Council and important links are well established with Wellingborough.

128. Developments including Centre of Village sign and Information Board.
128.1 It was agreed that the meeting for the sub-committee should take place on Thursday 8th December.

129. Results of Consultation of litter bin.
It was agreed to leave this matter until the January meeting.

130. Correspondence
130.1 WBC re-instating planning consultation information
130.2 WBC letter re changes to garden waste collection (dated 24/10 collection ceased week commencing 18/10)
130.3 Fire service – re fire at Blackbridge Farm
130.4 WBC – request for information regarding future 106 expenditure – in future, arising out of the localism bill all new properties built will incur 106 penalties, when the money is collected the borough will then spend it in the village it came from, we have updated the form they sent us.
130.5 NCC grass mowing agreement, our grant will be £217.35 for the year to cover 3 cuts of urban grass.
130.6 Email NCC
130.7 Email NCalc – re Localism Bill, many of the provisions coming into effect 1st April 2012

131. Financial matters
131.1 It was agreed to hold a precept, budgeting meeting on 10th January at 7.30 in the village hall.

131.2 It was agreed to pay for the cost of repairing the tap at the rear of the church, which services the allotments.

131.3 The following accounts were agreed for payment.

722 Orlingbury Village Hall – rent £ 15.00
723 Royal British Legion cost of wreath £ 20.00
724 Eon- electricity maintenance £243.32
725 Mrs A Mclaven – salary £ 99.40
726 Mr S Miles –petrol for mower £ 81.00

131.4 It was agreed to sign a cheque for next month’s PAYE

131.5 E-on have issued reminders for invoices we have paid, the Clerk contacted them and advised of cheques issued, but if E-on are unable to find them then we will cancel and reissue the cheques, outside of a meeting if necessary.

132. Planning
132.1 An application for a wind turbine in Pytchley on a Farm in Broughton Road had been received from Kettering Borough Council. The website was difficult to access and notice of the application was very short, not giving time for proper consultation.

133. Any Other Business
There was no other business

134. Date of next meeting.
The date of the next meeting is 19th January 2012, although there is a precept meeting for Councillors on 10th January 2012 . There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.00 pm with thanks to those attending.

………… ………….
Chairman Date

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Parish Council Minutes 20th October 2011

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 20th October 2011

112. Present:
Councillors P Allen, (Chairman), B Rootham, (Deputy), A Campbell,
P Meadow-Jones, N Reynolds and A McLaven (Clerk).

113. Apologies:
Councillor G Rowlett sent her apologies, as well as her resignation as a councillor. Clerk to write and thank for her long service and sterling work. She was a vibrant and useful member of the Parish Council, in particular with respect to her work on highways and footpaths, and on the development sub-committee.

114. Standing Orders:
114.1 NCalc and Northumbria Council had both provided copies of Standing Orders, which we will adapt for our use. The NCalc orders are written for a range of councils and are a very complex guide on the composition of councils, committees, practise and code of conduct. The Northumbrian ones are more succinct, providing a working guide for smaller councils.

114.2 Both suggest that Declarations of interest should be on each agenda and we will incorporate this in future agendas.

114.3 A time limit for members of the public to speak was also discussed and it was agreed to put a discressionary 5 min limit per person.

114.4 The Standing Orders also give guidance regarding the Annual review of finance and risk assessment.

114.5 It was proposed by Nicola Reynolds and seconded by Barry Rootham that we trial with the Standing Orders given to the meeting and review them at the April meeting and then review at the April meeting each year. All were in favour.

115. Development Plan
115.1 A copy of the plan is kept on record.

115.2 Although we are at the end of a 4 year period the work continues. The Government are making moves to include all villagers in consultations. We need to agree our draft priorities.

115.3 With reference to recording future Council Action it was felt we should a) log our future actions and review them to accertain whether they had been achieved, also b) log forum and Police meeting attendance.

115.4 The Development Plan for 2088-11 was discussed. We should reflect that we have achieved a lot, sometimes against a backdrop of tardiness from other major authorities. There is still much to be done and we need to keep up pressure to achieve maintenance and improvement of roads and footpaths.

115.5 The Development plan for 2011 was discussed and how the complexity of the plan for the next four years could be to communicated to the village whilst giving opportunity for meaningful contribution and consultation. It was also felt that a context of financial restraint should be underlined.

115.6 There was discussion of the lectern and sign, costed at £12,000. It was felt that there needs to be still more consultation with residents regarding these.

115.7 It was agreed to focus on Priority 3 (106 funded next steps), and Priority 2 (Roads and Pathways) work to be continued. Consultation would be particularly important on Priority 3. It was agreed that we publish a flyer reminding villagers of the history of the Section 106 developments and next steps in developments and we invite contribution and consultation. This would be mentioned within the context of the new four year development plan.

Nicola Reynolds, Allison Campbell, Pen Meadow-Jones and Peter Allen are to work on this item, which will be prepared in time for the November meeting. Details of a focus meeting to inform a sub-committee in early January will be planned. A sub-meeting will take place prior to the meeting on 24th November.

115.8 It was thought that it would be helpful for Peter Allen to attend a meeting of OOAPs to speak about Priority 3 of the Development Plan (in particular content for the centre of village sign and information lectern), and to take ideas away from the meeting.

115.9 The Emergency Plan needs re- starting, it needs some-one with time to lead a village action group to co-ordinate activities arising from the plan.

116. Correspondence
116.1 Helen Howard had met with Peter Allen following his letter thanking her for support in erecting gateways to the village, but bringing her attention to matters outstanding. Following a meeting with Councillor Allen, Mrs Howard had agreed some important additions to the gateways. We are still awaiting confirmation of new speed limits. It was noted the repeater speed signs are to be kept on Harrowden Road.

116.2 Joe Hubbard has advised that we should be receiving the third tranche of the Section 106 money shortly.

117. Financial matters
It was agreed to sign the cheque for HMRC for next months PAYE so that it can be sent off before the next meeting.

118. Any Other Business
118.1 It was agreed that a joint chair for the next few meetings would help new councillors experience the Chair role within the council, Nicola Reynolds would help at the next meeting, followed by Allison Campbell at the following meeting.

118.2 Thanks were again given to Allison Campbell and Pen Meadows-Jones for the production of the newsletter.

118.3 Clerk to contact Borough regarding the election of new councillors.

119. Date of next meeting.
The date of the next meeting is 24th November 2011. There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.15 pm with thanks to those attending.

………… …………..
Chairman Date

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Parish Council Minutes 6th November 2011

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 6th October 2011

Councillors P Allen, (Chairman), B Rootham, (Deputy), A Campbell,
P Meadow-Jones, N Reynolds and G Rowlett and A McLaven (Clerk).

102. Apologies:
Councillor T Norton sent his apologies.

103. Minutes of last Parish Council Meeting

(15th September 2011)
Unfortunately these had been published with a number of inaccuracies. These will be amended and signed at the next meeting.

104. Matters arising.

104.1 Minutes were incorrect when stating none of the people written to about hedges had done anything. Messrs Tompkins had responded by trimming the ivy in and around the wall at Rectory Lane, but had left other growth in the vicinity. It was noted that we have a duty of care to pursue this matter and seek a resolution: Hedge and plant trimming is necessary in the interests of health and safety so that residents are able to use the footpaths and grass verges.

104.2 91.2 Councillor Allen has written a long email to Helen Howard saying that whilst we are delighted with the partial installing of the gateways, outstanding matters necessitate a meeting for 10th November to discuss issues and the completion of the project.

104.3 99.1 The “Ward Walk” took place, its purpose being to examine outstanding issues within Wellingborough Council’s remit. Highways footpaths and hedges are not within this remit but the councillor attending said he would pass on our concerns relating to the state of footpaths etc.

There then followed discussion regarding the recent Parish Forum which had advised that the best way to interact with Highways Department is to contact Street Doctor.

105. Standing Orders
105.1 It was agreed, especially after discussion with other Parish Councils at the Parish Forum on the likelihood of powers being delegated to lower levels, under the Localism Bill, that we adopt the Model NCalc Standing Orders. It is felt that they will add probity to what we do and are part of the criteria for future audit.

105.2 It was felt best not to discuss Model Standing Orders at the time but at the next meeting when Councillor Allen will look at the NCalc Model of Standing Orders and other models and give recommendations.

106. Village Sign and Lectern
106.1 Councillor Allen is going to take on the co-ordination of this project and organise a working party to move forwards. Councillor Rootham said he would be happy to be on that working party.

106.2 The Newsletter and welcome pack is at the printers. The cost is £125106.3 Our Parish Plan is in need of updating and this should be undertaken as soon as possible. The Localism Bill which may be in place as soon as next Easter will necessitate a comprehensive degree of consultation in its formulation.

107. Correspondence

107.1 QE11 open space protecting open spaces. – Councillor Reynolds to investigate this.

107.2 Wellingborough Volunteer bureau AGM, changes to name & item on Community Bus – Councillor Rowlatt to investigate

107.3 Leanne Kelman – Cartographer –a possibility to provide a map with historic/geographic notations for lectern. Clerk to ring

107.4 BCW – Remembrance Day Wreath Available again for a donation of £20.

108. Financial matters

108.1 The following accounts were approved for payment

717 Eon supply £448.82
718 HMRC (PAYE) £ 24.80
719 A McLaven (Salary) £ 99.40
720 BDO Audit £162.00

108.2 Issues Arising from Audit – Fixed Assets – we increased our fixed assets this year by more than was spent due to some items under section 106 not being added until the project was completed this year, this needs to be noted.

Fidelity Guarantee The cover is less than we sometimes have in our bank account. Clerk to check cost of increase to either £30,000 or £50,000.

108.3 Lawn mower is due to be serviced before the start of the new growing season. Clerk to write and thank Green Team for work done and to ask if they would kindly have the mower serviced Jan/Feb time at their convenience. The mower will possibly need to be replaced soon.108.4 Following discussion Councillor Rootham proposed and Councillor Campbell seconded NCalc do the audit for next financial year. All in favour.

109. Planning
109.1 Decision 7th September, WP/2011/0328/NMA – non material amendment to WP/2011/0061/F 27 Isham Road – granted

109.2 Due to changes in the way information is being received by the Clerk, Councillors who notice a new application should make sure the Clerk is aware.

110. Any Other Business
110.1 Councillor Rootham requested the issue of Footpaths to be put on the next agenda. It was agreed Councillors Campbell and Rowlatt do an audit of the Footpaths and hedges.

110.2 Boundary hedges to be placed on agenda. An officer from NCC to be asked to advise how to proceed. This matter goes back a long time and we need to be able to get all the hedges cut back to a reasonable depth.

110.3 The Development plan to be put on the next agenda as it needs to be reviewed and we need to think how to embrace the community so that we can demonstrate support for the direction it takes. Councillor Reynolds to explore the possibilities of using Face book/Twitter and other media as means to consult with sectors of the public.

110.4 Ideas for a Jubilee Committee to be made an agenda item.

110.5 Flowers (near to gateways) – These are costed on the existing development plan, but the development needs ‘kick starting’; we need to decide how to progress. It was noted that the Village Hall Committee had spent £300 regenerating the area in front of the hall.

111. Date of next meeting.
The date of the next meeting is 20th October 2011, but this will be for the Development Plan, and the next full meeting with all the above items on the agenda will be 24th November 2011. There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.15 pm with thanks to those attending.

………… …………..
Chairman Date

Monday, October 3, 2011

Parish Council Minutes 15th Sept 2011

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall
on Thursday15th Sep2011

87. Present:
Councillors B Rootham, (Deputy), A Campbell, P Meadow-Jones, G Timms
(Borough), Danny Moody (NCalc) and A McLaven (Clerk).

88. Apologies:
Councillors P Allen, (Chairman),T Norton, N Reynolds and G Rowlett sent their apologies.

89. Minutes of last Parish Council Meetings (21st July 2011)
All in favour of signing as a true and correct record.

90 Danny Moody – the role of Northants Calc
90.1 Danny joinded NALC around 5 years ago and one of the first things he did was to change the name of NALC (Northamptonshire Assoiciation of Local Councils) to Northants Calc (County Association of Local Councils) in order to differentiate it from the National Association of Local Councils (NALC). NCalc is a membership organisation of Parish and Town Councils. There is no formal association with ACRE although originally they shared a building. There are 208 Parish & Town Councils in Northamptonshire and 51 Parish Meetings. Some parts of the county have no Parishes.

90.2 The job of NCalc is to provide advice and guidance to a council as a corporate body, answering any questions an queries that arise. This can normally be done in house, but if there is anything more specialised (eg legal) then they can escalate matters to the National body. NCalc also provide training over many topics, eg new councillors, allotments, admin etc.

90.3They also provide an Internal Audit service, the meeting was provided with a check list of what is required by the auditor. There was discussion on this and it was agreed to put the matter as an agenda item for the next meeting.

90.4 Councillor Timms had a question regarding wether or not a Borough Councillor can speak at a Parish Council meeting, Danny advised that technically they can only speak at Public Question time as they are a member of the public, but that at the Chairmans discrection would be a better way to promote a good rapore between the councils.

91. Matters arising.
91.1 Non of the people written to about hedges have done anything, Clerk to chase, also street doctor re trees in Leys. Also to write to the Barratts to ask to clear the street light in the tree on their property.

91.2 Helen Howard to be asked when the 30mph limits become legal.

91.3 79.14 Third Tranche to be chased yet again.

91.4 85.2 Footpaths have been cleared.

92. Developments
92.1 The gateways are now inplace. The general impression is that they are not very impressive, not quite what was expected. Councillor Rootham will meet with Councillor Allen and discuss the situation.

92.2 It was agreed to have a meeting early in October to discuss the lectern and the village sign.

93. Standing Orders
93.1 It was agreed to discuss this at the next meeting when there are more councillors present. Clerk to circulate Ncalc and Sunderland Standing orders prior to the meeting.

93.2 Danny Moody offered to email the Clerk model standing orders.

94. Newsletter
94.1 This is nearly done, just needs Councillor Allen to look over and if he is happy with it, it can go ahead. When it is finalised Councillor Rootham would like extra copies of the welcome pack to be placed in the back of the church.

95. Welcome Pack
95.1 This is now included in the newsletter.

96. Correspondence
WBC – changes to consultation process. The Borough is no longer sending out paper copies of plans, unless it is a large application, the notifications will now be a link to the web site, also it is no longer sending out decision notices, the web site will have to be checked for this information. NCC- new information campaign Ncalc invite to AGM on 22nd October. Police – crime reports The Pilot Project – councils to join together to buy oil. East Midlands Council Info re membership £360 + VAT per year. RHS re Britain in Bloom competition Catherine Greenfield – request for information re spending of Grant. Jan Jones – Parish Council survey – followed by individual councillors survey. WBC – review of Polling districts – response sent Ncalc – Opportunity to become board member. NCC revised bus timetable. Police- Information re have your say. Ncalc request for training requests. Ncalc request to put planning on agenda. CVS various information. Public service news various newsletters. NCC Library consultation – public now being consulted
WBC Parish Forum 5th October upto 3 councillors can attend.

97. Financial matters
97.1 There were not enough council members available with clearance to sign cheques. Council members to attend at bank to be able to sign as soon as possible.

98. Planning
98.1 There was nothing to discuss on planning.

99. Any Other Business
99.1 Councillor Timms is planning a ward walk to see if there are any major problems in the villages, this will be on 22nd September, starting at 10am in Isham. Paul Burnett from the Borough Council and Lynette Amey-Heard from the Police will also be on the walk.

99.2 It was agreed that the meeting to be held on 6th October will be a full council meeting, and therefore the meeting on 20th will be a smaller meeting.

100. Date of next meeting.
The date of the next meeting is 6th October 2011.There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.35 pm with thanks to those attending.

Chairman Date

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Parish Council Minutes 21st July 2011

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 21st July 2011

76. Present:
Councillors P Allen, (Chairman), B Rootham, (Deputy), A Campbell
P Meadow-Jones, G Rowlett, G Timms (Borough) and A McLaven (Clerk).

Councillors Norton and N Reynolds sent their apologies.

78.Minutes of last Parish Council Meetings (16th and 23rd June 2011)
Councillor Rootham proposed and Councillor Campbell seconded; all in favour of signing as a true and correct record.

79. Matters arising.
79.1 64.1 Clerk to check whether the maintenance to the Telegraph Pole has been done, and to chase the repair of the light by Post Office.

79.2 Clerk to write to Tompkins regarding the issue of overgrown hedging and undergrowth on telegraph pole next to Garden House

79.3 The mobile library days and tmes have been confirmed as Fourth Friday 18.20 to 18.45 and the details passed to Allison and Pen for the Village Newsletter.

79.4 Specimen Standing Orders to be put on the next agenda

79.5 Helen Howard to be thanked for her help in making sure the gateways look good, and to remind her how long developments have taken.

79.6 The planning application at the Hall is not being looked at by the Wellingborough planning committee, at least, until the September meeting, it was noted that on the web site the application is marked as being “delegated”, Councillor Timms will investigate this, and make sure that a site viewing takes place.

79.7 Even though there is no reported crime, we must make sure we keep links with Neighbourhood Watch.

79.8 66.5 Clarification had been obtained from Gillian Walton. The Over-sixties group has been extended into OOAPS . The Parish Council is required to kick-start funding a transport project, assisting in transporting elderly people without access to transport to doctors/dentists/ on shopping trips/emergency trips. It was agreed to explore any overlap with the ‘Wellibus’ scheme. The Council will look into supporting this and in principle agree to giving an amount for this specific project.

79.9 69.1 Allison and Pen have copies of the templates for the Welcome Pack and newsletter and are looking into combining the two.

79.10 69.2 Street Doctor to be chased regarding the trees in the Leys and if no response is forthcoming the Council will engage some one to carefully, clip the trees to clear the telephone wires.

79.11 68.4 The reason the Council’s repeated requests that building materials are kept within the curtiledge of developments is never added to conditions by the borough Council is that they are not a condition of planning.

79.12 73.6 The letter was produced and copied onto the portal, and we did request a site viewing.

79.13 74.3 Looking into the possibility of a replacement Auditor provided by Ncalc is still a work in progress: the Clerk is to investigate further.

79.14 74.4 The Clerk has been chasing the final tranche of 106 monies, following up on her letter to Mr Chapman (WBC). He advised her that he no longer dealt with the matter and had passed the request on to Carol Wilson. The Clerk contacted Carol to find out what was happening, but Carol could not advise of anything until she had spoken to Mike Kilpin, and he was away until the following week. Clerk to pursue.

80. Developments

80.1 We are still at the same critical stages with issues still to address. The gateways need to move forward as it is in the 4th year since being a development priority. The road repairs at Rectory Lane are an important issue being pursued with MGWSP.

80.2 It is important to move the lectern and village sign forward, Tim has agreed to co-ordinate the focus group to assess the cost and design. At the moment, plans are to situate these developments between the Church & Mr Lewis’s property.

80.3 It was agreed to ask for suggestions for a site for the third bin, in the newsletter although Mr Allen has suggested the possibility of a location in the church yard.

81. Newsletter
81.1 This is progressing, it will be reflect recent positive developments, mentioning that white lines have been painted in preparation for the siting of the gateways.

82 Right to Build
82.1 This is part of the localism bill, which is having its second reading and will not be in place before November 2011. It gives the community the power to decide what the community needs building, This means like minded people will be able to have an impact and it is therefore, imperative that the community is encouraged to be even more proactive. There will need to be a change in planning regulations to allow for developments. Right to Build may also mean that another overlay of planning regulations could be an outcome of this approach. A copy of the synopsis of this report produced by Councillor Reynolds will be sent to all councillors.

83. Correspondence
83.1 Ncalc sent a link to a questionairre regarding council performance. Rather than complete this, it was felt better to ask Danny Moody to explain the role of Ncalc.

83.2 NCC questionnaire re speed camera grant.

84. Financial matters
84.1 It was agreed to spend £40 on repairing the handle of the hand mower.

84.2 The following accounts were agreed for payment.

708 Orlingbury Village Hall Committee (rent) £ 24.00
709 Isham Parish Council (1/2 share sign ins) £ 24.40
710 Meadows (audit fees) £ 90.00
711 E-on Supply £845.11

84.5 It was agreed that the New Councillors would take the completed mandate to the bank to be added as signatories to the cheques.

85. Any Other Business
85.1 Councillor Timms agreed to bring the monthly Borough Council meeting notes to the Parish Council meetings and report on key issues.

85.2 Councillor Rowlatt explained that the footpaths had not been cut this year. She had spoken to the Rights of Way Officer who advised that all scheduled cutting had been done for this year. He will contact Mr Tarry to see if he will reconsider clearing foothpaths that have been identified by councillors as overgrown. Councillor Rowlatt will also lobby to ensure that the bridle way footpath sign on Northampton Road is refurbished.

85.3 Clerk to write to Mr Wilson asking him to cut back trees and hedge boundaries to allow pedestrian passageway, also Mr Webb regarding the hedge on the left hand side of Harrowden Road and the Landlord of the Queens Arms regarding the height of the Leyland Cyprus along the the garages access road.

85.4 Councillor Rootham noted that the speed sign between 9th and 15th July on the Isham Road facing out of the village ‘clocked’ 2147 vehicles entering the village at over 33mph.

85.5 Councillor Rootham noted an incident of a suspicious person reading meters at 7.05pm British Gas and the Police were made aware of the situation.

86. Date of next meeting.
The date of the next meeting is 12th September 2011.There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.55 pm with thanks to those attending.

Chairman Date

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Parish Council Minutes 23rd June 2011

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 23th June 2011

71. Present:
Councillors P Allen, (Chairman), B Rootham, (Deputy), A Campbell,
N Reynolds, G Rowlett G Timms (Borough) and A McLaven (Clerk).

Councillors Norton and Meadow-Jones sent their apologies.

73. WP/2011/0225/F
Land at Orlingbury Hall Buildings adjacent 21 Harrowden Road Orlingbury - New house and access road on land at Orlingbury Hall (development within the curtilage of a Listed Building), Mr P Webb
73.1 Concerns about enlargement of proposed building footprint.

73.2 Concerns about access, on road with a 60mph speed limit with a series of bad bends. A lot of walkers and cyclists use road and traffic volume has increased since last application.

73.3 Site is outside of village envelope and compromises agreed planning regulations. Insufficient evidence exists that the planned development will harmonise with the landscape and improve amenity value overall.

73.4 Concerns about sewerage and water overflow and effect on streams and current services.

73.5 Little notice taken in Design Statement and Application of conditions in 1993 planning consent.

73.6 It was agreed Councillor Allen would produce a letter, adressing our concerns and request a site visit, and the Clerk would send a hard copy to the Planning Officer and paste the letter on the website portal.

74. Annual Return/Accounts
74.1 The Annual Return was approved

74.2 The Accounts were approved, but it was agreed to separate the auditors charges in future.

74.3 Councillor Rootham will investigate the costs of changing to the NCALC auditor as previously discussed.

74.4 The Clerk to chase the final tranche of Section 106 monies (as the final property is now occupied) and to request interest as developers have held this money for a very long time.

75. Date of next meeting.
The date of the next meeting is 21st July 2011.There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.50 pm with thanks to those attending.

………………. …………………….

Chairman Date

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Parish Council Minutes June 16th 2011

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 16th June 2011

61. Present:
Councillors P Allen, (Chairman), B Rootham, (Deputy), A Campbell,
T Norton, N Reynolds and A McLaven (Clerk).

Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors P Meadows-Jones, G Rowlatt and G Timms

63. Minutes of the meeting 12th May 2011
These were signed as a true and correct record.

64.Matters arising
64.1 Nicola Reynolds was welcomed to the Council.
64.2 52.1 Mr Lucy had not responded to the Clerks request that the work will be done regarding the roof of the barn in Rectory Lane, before the village fete. Clerk to write and express our concerns over the delay, and lack of a response from the Borough and the work not having started yet
64.3 52.2 E-on advised the clerk the Street lights in Rectory Lane and Harrowden Road have not been repaired
64.4 52.3 The Borough Council have been in contact regarding the location of the Rectory Lane dog waste bin, and it is now being emptied regularly.
64.5 52.4 The bus timetable and the need to ‘Use it or Lose it’ will be in the newsletter.
64.6 The new councillor induction has taken place and responsibilities and duties discussed and agreed.
64.7 Model Standing orders will be issued to all councillors and then discussed at the September meeting so see what they could contribute to the running of the council or whether best practise is the better option.

66 Developments
The most important issue is resolving the gateway situation. The Clerk to chase Helen Howard.

66.1 An email regarding a sponsored bike ride for Cynthia Spencer Hospice, details to be put in the newsletter.
66.2 2 emails regarding the right to build, Councillor Reynolds to review and see if anything is applicable to ourselves.
66.3 Alex Stevenson, advising that planning application WP/2011/0225/F will probably go to the meeting on 27/7/11 and there is no rush for comments.
66.4 Police crime statistics, no reported crime in Orlingbury for the past three months
66.5 Email from Gillian Walton regarding the Oversixties group, now called OOAPS!, Councillor Allen to contact for clarification of what input they require from the Parish Council
66.6 E-on advising they are changing the layout of bills.
66.7 NCC advising the Minerals and Waster Development Framework Document has been adopted.
66.8 Sustainable communities information.

67.Financial Matters.
67.1 The accounts and annual return have not yet been finalised by the Auditor, they should be with the Clerk by Monday and will be available to be signed off at the meeting on 23rd June 2011.
67.2 It was agreed the Clerk would bring a new bank mandate to the meeting on 23rd June.
67.3 The following accounts were agreed for payment.

706 HMRC Clerks tax £ 24.80
707 Alison McLaven – salary £ 99.40

68. Planning applications and decisions.
68.1 WP/2011/0151/F – demolition of existing dwelling and erection of new 2 storey dwelling – 1 The Nursery Isham Road – James Lawson – Tree Information. Clerk to confirm that Councillors Norton and Rootham will attend the site visit.
68.2 WP/2011/0225/F Land at Orlingbury Hall Buildings adjacent 21 Harrowden Road Orlingbury. New house and access road on land at Orlingbury Hall (development within the curtilage of a Listed Building), Mr P Webb. It was felt there was insufficient time to scrutinise papers in depth before the meeting. Final comments have been deferred to a scrutiny meeting on 23rd June at 7pm. Mr Webb will be notified about the meeting as a matter of courtesy, by Councillor Allen.
68.3 WP/2011/0061/f – Domestic extension – 27 Isham Road- granted68.4 It was noted that although the Parish Council always ask that building materials are kept within the curtilage, they are never added as conditions of planning. The Clerk to inquire.69. Any Other Business
69.1 A sub-committee of Councillors Allen, Campbell and Meadow-Jones will discuss the newsletter and its frequency of issue, it was also noted that Rev. Simon Dommett is going a three month sabbatical and this may affect the Parish Newsletter.69.2 There are two trees at the bottom of The Leys, which are affecting the Broadband signal. BT says the responsibility of pruning the trees does not lie with them. A further tree at Harrowden road was also reported as in need of pruning. The Clerk to find out whose responsibility it is.
70. Date of next meeting.

The dates of the next meetings are 23rd June 2011 and 21st July 2011

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.50 pm with thanks to those attending.

………………….. ………………………..
Chairman Date

Friday, May 20, 2011

Parish Council Minutes 12th May 2011

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 12th May 2011

48. Present:
Councillors P Allen, (Chairman), B Rootham, (Deputy), A Campbell,
P Meadows-Jones, T Norton, and A McLaven (Clerk), Anne Lovely from the Libraries department of NCC, G Rowlatt

Apologies were received from Councillor Timms

50. Mobile Libraries
Anne advised the meeting that Northamptonshire County Council was facing serious cuts in the amount available to spend on libraries, they are already the cheapest in the County, and the next closest (Cambs) costs £1 per visit more. There have been discussions since last September about the reductions. 11 librarians have taken voluntary redundancy and another 6 compulsary redundancy. 8 libraries were facing closure but these have been kept open at the moment with a review of all 36 libraries in the county being undertaken at the moment. The mobile service has been cut from 4 vehicles on a 3 weekly rota to 2 on a 4 weekly rota. The vehicles will stay longer in one place and the vehicle will stay in Orlingbury from 17.55 to 18.20 on Wednesdays starting from 24th August. A lot of villages have 3 or 4 stops and in many cases these have been reduced. Discussion took place about working with community partners and the possibility of discarded books being used as small library in somewhere like the church or village hall. It was agreed that Anne would let us have any promotional material and that we would publicise the new times etc as much as possible.

51. Minutes of the meeting 14th April 2011
These were signed as a true and correct record, and the minutes of the Annual Parish meeting which had taken place before the ordinary Parish Council Meeting were read and confirmed as a true and correct record to be signed off at the next Annual Parish Meeting (5th April 2012).

52.Matters arising
52.1 42.1 Mr Lucy had advised the Clerk that the work will be done regarding the roof of the barn in Rectory Lane, but not until after the village fete. Clerk to write and express our concerns over the delay, especially as the fete means there will be lots more people and cars in the village, and more opportunity for accidents due to the loose slates .
52.2 42.2 The Street lights in Rectory Lane and Harrowden Road are still not working. The Clerk has withheld payment, but the lights still have not been repaired. E-on to be advised again. It was noted that the County are switching off street lights to save money.
52.3 42.3 The Borough Council have still not been in contact regarding the location of the Rectory Lane dog waste bin; the clerk to write as it would appear telephone conversations have not been effective.
52.4 46.1 Mrs Matthews is happy with her arrangement with Mrs Campbell over the sharing of the allotment.
52.5 46.7 The bus routes have been re-instated and are being re-evaluated between now and September.

53. Co-option
53.1 Peter Allen proposed and Barry Rootham seconded Gerry Rowlatt being co-opted onto the council – All in favour. Gerry was welcomed back to the council, being commended for her energy and commitment in the past.
53.2 There was a discussion about two possible co-optees for the other seat on the council. Barry Rootham proposed and Tim Norton seconded Nicola Reynolds being co-opted onto the council- all in favour. Clerk to write and advise Nicola.

54 New Councillor Induction.
It was agreed that a meeting should take place between all the councillors to talk about duties and allocate responsibilities. It was agreed the meeting would take place on June 16th at 7pm and the Parish Council meeting not start until 8pm. The Clerk to provide a copy of model standing orders for the meeting.

55 Developments
The development plan will be discussed during the new councillor induction, the completion of gateways, and the centre of village sign and lectern being the most pressing items at the moment.

56.1 NCalc – communities in action training 2 free places available cost of course £117.
56.2 NCC Mobile Libraries – revised routes, this will be put into the newsletter and will be mentioned in church as well.
56.3 Tim Lucy – re barn roof in Rectory Lane – work to commence soon
56.4 Ncalc – spring training opportunities
56.5 NCC – consultation on Public Transport –dates of open meetings

57.Financial Matters.
57.1 The Accounts and Annual return need to be signed off before 30th June and the Annual Return returned by 1st July to the District Auditor. Our previous Internal Auditor has retired and an auditor who lives in Isham is willing to do the audit at the same cost but plus VAT (which we can reclaim). Due to there not being time to look at options we will use him for this year but possibly use the Ncalc auditor in future.
57.2 The following accounts were agreed for payment.
703 Shaw & sons forms £ 37.74
704 HMRC Clerks tax £ 49.60
705 Alison McLaven – salary x 2 £ 212.86

58. Planning applications and decisions.
58.1 WP/2011/0151/F – demolition of existing dwelling and erection of new 2 storey dwelling – 1 The Nursery Isham Road – James Lawson There were concerns about the boundary trees and hedges possibly being removed, and a site visit was requested It was felt the quality of the drawing submitted was not very good.
58.2 WP?2011/0165/F – single storey conservatory to the rear and side of 2 Pytchley Road – David Brady – no observations just the usual comment of construction materials being kept within the curtilage of the site.

59 Village Hall
Nothing to report

59. Any Other Business
59.1 A formal agreement is still to be written between Isham and Orlingbury for the use of the speed camera. The camera is to be returned to Orlingbury in June, it is to be noted that care needs to be taken when changing the battery.
59.2 In order for the hedges to be cut back in Harrowden Road, a road closure order needs to be obtained. It is thought that the police charge to make a closure order. Councillor Allen is looking into the costs etc for this, and as long as the costs are reasonable we will proceed with this. 60.

Date of next meeting.
The dates of the next years meeting are 16th June 2011, 21st July 2011, 15th September 2011, 20th October 2011, 24th November 2011, 19th January 2012, 23rd February 2012, 29 March 2012, Annual Parish Meeting 5th April 2012 12th April 2012 and 3rd May 2012, the Annual General Meeting

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.15 pm with thanks to those attending.

………………….. ………………………..
Chairman Date

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Parish Council Minutes 14th April 2011

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 14th April 2011

39. Present:
Councillors Allen, (Chairman), Rootham, (Deputy), Miles, Rowlatt, and Waller. There were no members of the public.

Apologies were received from Councillors Norton, Timms and Watts

41. Minutes of the meeting 17th March 2011
These were signed as a true and correct record

42.Matters arising
42.1 31.2 Still no response from Mr Lucy regarding the roof of the barn in Rectory Lane. Clerk to write and phone.
42.2 31.2 The Street lights in Rectory Lane and Harrowden Road are still not working Clerk to withhold payment until the lights are repaired.
42.3 31.3 The Borough Council have still not been in contact regarding the location of the Rectory Lane dog waste bin.
42.4 32.1 The Clerk has now registered the Parish Council as her employer and herself as the employee and will fill in the PAYE form on line each time she is paid and raise a cheque to be signed at the meeting. There is also an online return to fill in at the end of each financial year.
42.5 32.2 At the Parish forum MGWSP did not attend. Councillor Bailey said that their attendance was unnecessary but it was clear from the meeting that the County is not communicating well with MFWSP.
42.6 It was noted also at the Forum that land in Bozeat was about to sold by the Borough with out consulting the Parish until the Parish had protested. Councillor Bailey had agreed in future to consult Parishes in similar situations.

43. Correspondence.
43.1 Information from NALC
43.2 Information from BDO regarding Audit – to be completed by 1st July

44. Financial Matters.
44.1 The following accounts were agreed for payment.
697 A-on Insurance £671.03
699 Ncalc subs £124.08
700 E-on Elec supply £440.25
701 Village Hall rent £ 18.00
702 E-on elec maint £121.66 *

* this cheque to be held back until lights are repaired.

45. Planning applications and decisions.
45.1 Nothing to report

46. Any Other Business
46.1 Alison Campbell is to share the work on Mrs Matthews allotment.
46.2 Thanks given to all those leaving the council. Clerk to write and thank all leaving councillors.
46.3 All Speedwatch records to be archived in case the scheme is reactivated in future.
46.4 The possible need for a brown bin for cuttings from the mowing the green etc to be an agenda item for the next meeting.
46.5 The cost of colour printing to be explored as the newsletter will require updating following the elections in May.
46.6 All new councillors to have an induction meeting and discuss responsibilities.46.7 Discussion regarding Welly Bus now that the bus service has been discontinued in the village. To be further discussed at the next meeting.

47. Date of next meeting.
The date of the meeting is 12th May 2011, the Annual General Meeting

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.30 pm with thanks to those attending.

………………….. ………………………..
Chairman Date

Parish Council Minutes Annual Parish Meeting April 14th 2011

Minutes of Annual Parish MeetingHeld in Orlingbury Village Hall
Thursday 14th April 2011

P Allen (Chairman), B.Rootham (Deputy S. Miles, G Rowlatt, P.Waller, Mrs A.McLaven (Clerk), and 2 Members of the public

Cllrs Bailey (County Council), G.Timms (Borough),), A.Norton, J.Watts, John Cooke and Nigel Carr, sent their apologies, which were accepted.

These were approved as a true and correct record


We have a full team of Councillors, and still meet monthly with members of the public attending the meetings. The minutes continue to be available on the village blog, which has been set up by Rod Derry and on the village website run by Andy Gosling. Copies of draft minutes are placed in the village notice board, which is unlocked to enable people to take them out and read them. The Parish Council Newsletter established in October 2008 further informs the village on growing developments.

The Parish Council are on the point of achieving the objectives in the Development Plan established in 2008. Priorities include:
Parish Council Development - Improvement of Procedures and Communication
Roads and Footpaths – Safety and Maintenance
Developments arising from the securing of Section 106 Funding
We regularly report on progress in these areas at Parish Council Meetings though progress can often be frustrating when dealing with external agencies to help complete projects.

The final instalment of section 106 money has still to be awarded but the bulk of funding has been agreed and granted by the Norlinton Close Developers and the Wellingborough Council. Progress reports on the agreed plan are submitted to the Council. Developments achieved last year, including new seating at the village green and car parking opposite the Church and these together with waste paper bins and dog waste bins have blended in well. The expected installation of village entrance gateways and integral village sign and speed restrictions with road markings scheduled for last April are close to being approved, delays having resulted from the legislation required to extend speed limits. The centre of village sign and village information lectern informed by the work of the Youth Focus Group are scheduled to be designed, and installed later this year.

Whilst we are grateful to the Highways Department for using their Section 106 grant and further match funding that to complete our village gateway project, the wait to complete this project has been very frustrating. Traffic calming measures including the Gateway Project, the Speed Watch project involving the police and a trained team of villagers together with our Speed Sensor have all made important contributions to raising the awareness of drivers to speeding through the village and have made it a safer place. The audit conducted in 2008 revealed a range of pressing needs to repair and improve pathways and road surfacing, key problem areas have been improved. With notable exceptions most boundary hedgerows have been trimmed to improve the vision of pedestrians and motorists and the overgrown area outside the Hall which made crossing for pedestrians difficult and negotiation by motorists at the junction hazardous has been grassed.

The Speed-Watch project is a central element in our priority to make roads and footpaths safer in the village and to enable adults and children to confidently enjoy the environment in safety. Unfortunately this is no longer being funded , and Councillor Waller has written to thank all the volunteers for their help with the scheme.

During the last three years, works have been completed in respect of extending a pavement at the Taggies Yard junction, and grit bins have been installed at some slippery points. The verge at Rectory Lane on the Old Rectory side still remains a problem and our lobbying with the Highways Department to restore the road edge and ideally to widen the road have been resisted owing to the dire lack of available funding for roads.

The establishment of an active Emergency planning group, inspired by the writing of our Emergency Plan and the successful training of a team of First-Aiders has been halted by the unavailability of people to lead the group. The establishment of a planning/action group would be a step to ensuring support for the community in unforeseen circumstances. Three hard winters have underlined the importance of providing support in the community when things come to a standstill.

As I pointed out in my report last year, endeavours to regularly inform the village of developments are designed to improve understanding of the works of the Council and to encourage people to participate in its work. Mindful of the need to encourage participation from all sectors of the community a number of sub-groups have been established to involve people e.g. the Emergency Planning Group and Speed Watch,

The four year cycle of work comes to an end this year and elections for new councillors take place. The Council has done much to promote its work and to encourage people to seek nominations. By this time all villagers interested in joining the Parish Council will have filled in their nomination papers and submitted them to Wellingborough Council. It is important to underline the areas of work that Councillors play a key role in:

· Representing our community
· Ensuring that services are delivered to meet local needs
· Striving to improve quality of life in the parish

As always we invite all those interested in the work of the Parish Council to attend meetings as observers and to take part in sub-committee work.

Councillor Bailey was unable to attend, but provided a report as follows:

“Isham’s by-pass is to be reconsidered in 2015. There is no money available at the moment. The planning applications and compulsory purchase orders run out this year and they will not be reapplied for until 2013/14.

The County Council have not increased the council tax, but they have had terrific cuts in government grants. The County have made difficult decisions on spending cuts, they have done their best to make cuts that don’t affect the front line. Libraries will not be closed, but they have got rid of Lollipop Ladies and reduced bus subsidies. A lot of staff including senior staff have been made redundant. Last year Councillors were given empowerment grants to support local initiatives. From this grant of £10,000 Isham and Orlingbury were given £2500 between them to purchase a ‘flashing speed sign’. Next year because of cuts Councillors are only being given £7000, but Councillor Bailey has to spend £5000 of his grant towards keeping Finedon Library open.”

Councillor Timms was unable to attend, but provided a report as follows:

“The Borough is starting a one stop shop to deal with most things at the Tithe Barn. Wellingborough Tax Office has closed and also moved 3 members of staff into Tithe Barn and their manager has relocated to Northampton.

The Borough has kept the Council Tax Rate at the same as last year. They have staff doing 2 jobs now and if anyone one wants early retirement or voluntary redundancy it is available.”

Neighbourhood Watch is operating well in the village. All areas are covered by a co-ordinator. The Police send all co-ordinators reports, via email, of crimes committed in the area, so it is much easier to pass this information around the village quite quickly. In Orlingbury things have been quieter then last year. A nuisance problem has stopped and hopefully will not reoccur. I have attended meetings and training sessions in Northampton, Wellingborough and Mears Ashby.

The meetings in Mears Ashby are held so that the Police, Parish Councilors and NHW representatives can discuss the problems in the villages and decide where the Police will focus their attention for the next few weeks. I am the only representative from the village at these meetings. Mrs Cook provided a list of co-ordinators for the village.

In 2010 the Orlingbury Drama Group was unable to find a play, which could be cast and produced. We read through numerous scripts, which had to be abandoned for one reason or another. It was finally decided that we should put a trilogy of three short plays. Those selected were – The Walking Dead by Michael Lamb, Between Mouthfuls and Gosforth’s Fete both by Alan Ayckbourn. These were performed on four evenings, 17th- 20th November 2010.The plays were well received and the group made a profit which will be donated to charity or other good causes, no final decision has yet been made.

The group is at present researching a suitable play for this November.

The Joseph Manning Trust, Over Sixties, Brownies & Guides, Village Hall, Orlingbury and Isham Short Mat Bowls Club, PCC, Village Fete Committee, Church Warden,Young Church, Green Team
The reports were all read to the meeting, and are available from the clerk. Copies of all reports are kept on file.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.00pm with thanks to all attending.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Parish Council Minutes 17th March 2011

ORLINGBURY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on Thursday 17th March 2011 27. Present: Councillors Allen, (Chairman), Rootham, (Deputy), Waller, Timms (Borough and Clerk. Helen Howard from NCC Highways. There were no members of the public. 28. Apologies: Apologies were received from Councillors Miles, Rowlatt, and Watts 29 Report from Helen Howard NCC on developments and gateways 29.1 Helen presented the meeting with designs and maps for the village gateways, the costs of which, will be match funded with the Section 106 monies received from the developer of Norlinton Close and highways. The gateways are being custom made by a company in Sywell, they are pressure treated softwood, and will have the village name on them. The speed limit signs will be on independent posts behind the gateways. 29.2 Pytchley Road will have a gateway on the left as you drive into the village, where the new speed limit begins. The post for the original speed sign will be left so that the flashing speed sign can be sited on it when necessary. The post from the other side of the road will be moved to the Harrowden Road for use of sign. Isham Road will have a full size gateway on the right and a smaller gateway on the left as there is less available verge. Northampton Road will have two gateways at the start of the 30mph limit. Harrowden Road – it was agreed to revisit the site and explore the possibility of extending the 30mph further and then we will also be able to have a repeater of the 30 mph on the road. There will be 30 mph signs painted on all the other roads as you enter the village limits. 29.3 It was agreed to have the gateways made and sited as soon as possible and the speed signs once the speed limit legislation has been passed. Helen could not advise of the time scale for making the gates, but she will find out and let the council know. 29.4 The discussions then went to the subject of Rectory Lane. Helen re-itereated the fact that the County are only repairing roads and no longer doing schemes or reconstructions. Following more discussion of the erosion of the surface and the resurfacing that did not cover the full width of the road, it was agreed for the Clerk to contact Terry Matthews the County Council maintenance manager, and Leo Plant with dates to meet and view the site. 29.5 Helen was thanked for attending. 30. Minutes of the meeting 17th February 2011 Following corrections the minutes were signed as a true and correct record. A new copy to be issued and those minutes in the Notice Board to be replaced. Councillor Rootham proposed and Councillor Waller seconded the corrected version. 31.Matters arising 31.1 17.3 Tim Lucy was able to attend a site viewing of the barn, Alex Stephenson was not. Tim had knocked at Mrs Stockdales to discuss the matter but there was no answer. Tim agreed that the state of the roof on the small barn was very dangerous and that the finial on the barn was also dangerous. Tim had written in November asking for the roof to be made safe, but this had not been followed up by the council He agreed it was an ongoing problem and that they can only enforce making the loose tiles safe and this could re-occur. There were discussions about a guttering or covering the roof with netting Tim will write again giving 28 days notice to make good or they will have to issue an enforcement notice. He agreed to include the Clerk in the correspondence, but nothing has been received by the Clerk. 31.2 17.4 The street light is still off and now also one in Harrowden Road, the Clerk to re- report both. 31.3 17.7 Councillor Allen had contacted the Borough Council about the sites of the new bins and dog bins. He left a message asking them to get back to him so that he could show them the site of the bin in Rectory. They did not do this and the bin was not emptied when the lorry was in the village emptying all the others. 32. Correspondence. 32.1 There has been various correspondence between HMRC, Ncalc, accountancy firms and the Clerk regarding new legislation. The legislation requires councils to register as an employer and Clerks are no longer allowed to be self employed. The Clerk has spoken to HMRC and after 6th April she can register the council as an employer. HMRC will provide a downloadable tool for the Clerk to use. This will enable PAYE to be paid, there will be no need for NI payments as this is below the threshold. At the end of the financial year a form will need to be completed but this can be done on line through the downloadable tool. They feel that it is simple to complete and use and that there is no need for any accounts packages or accountants to be involved. It was agreed for the Clerk to progress this but any financial expenditure must be brought back to the Council for approval. The Council may need to seek further advice from WBC and elsewhere. 32.2 WBC Parish Forum to be held on 6th April at 7pm in the council chamber. Councillors Allen, Rootham and Waller to attend if possible. 32.3 Police – 1 burglary in February 32.4 Ferguson Broadbent – Bench at America Farm, they would prefer we did not site a litter bin near the bench or in the vicinity of the field. 32.5 Ncalc Freedom of Information training Clerk attended previously 32.6 CPRE Planning Road Show with Localism as one of the topics. Clerk to ask CPRE to attend our meeting and discuss localism. 32.7 Sustainable government newsletter 32.8 IAC company from Bath offering Internal Audit 32.9 Email received from Councillor Miles. Emma Green had contacted him regarding the Parish Council Notice Board She was unsure what it could be used for. It was clarified that the notice-board was for the publicity of the Parish Council and designated village matters. Space is limited and if there is space available it should be reserved for organisations promoting events for the benefit of the village. It is definitely not for commercial advertising. Councillor Allen will write to Emma advising of this and a copy given to councillors for future reference. 33. Financial Matters. 33.1 The following accounts were agreed for payment. 694 St Mary’s PCC (church floodlighting) 164.25 695 P Allen (printing & distribution costs) 51.90 696 A McLaven (salary x 2) 248.40 33.2 There followed discussion that due to amount of time and costs incurred in printing and publishing newsletters etc it would be better that it be done commercially in the future. 34. Planning applications and decisions. WP/2011/0061/F, 27 Isham Road Orlingbury, Mr Lyon domestic extension – only to comment materials to be in keeping and all construction materials to be kept within the curtilage of the property 35. Speedwatch and portable speed sign There have been no more volunteers for training even with advertising in the newsletter. 36. Village Hall Nothing to report 37. Any Other Business There was discussion of the content of the Annual Parish Meeting, Councillors Allen, Rootham and Waller will meet to finalise this. Clerk to write to John Watts with our good wishes etc. 38. Date of next meeting. The date of the meeting is 14th April 2011, the Annual Parish Meeting and this will be followed by the Parish Council meeting. There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.30 pm with thanks to those attending. ………………….. ……………………….. Chairman Date

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Parish Council Minutes 17th Feb 2011

ORLINGBURY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on Thursday 17th February 2011 14. Present: Councillors Allen, (Chairman), Rootham, (Deputy), Rowlatt, Waller, and Clerk. There were no members of the public. 15. Apologies: Apologies were received from Councillors Miles, Norton, Watts and Timms (Borough) 16. Minutes of the meeting 6th January 2011 Following, corrections in correspondence that the Royal British Legion information was passed to the village hall committee not the fete committee and 12.1 footpath ‘officer’ not ‘warden’ as stated, the minutes were signed as a true and correct record. 17.Matters arising 17.1 4.1 A response had been received from WBC regarding the site specific proposals. 17.2 4.2 Discussion of essential road repairs and improvements Rectory Lane, which are getting worse. Clerk to write to ask Leo Plant to meet with councillors re reinstating the road to its original width, advising we are minded to go to the newspapers as this maintenance is long over due and is now a pressing health and safety issue. 17.3 4.3 Clerk to ask Tim Lacy and Alex Stephenson to meet at the barn with councillors, as the dangerous roof tiles and masonry have not been remedied. 17.4 4.5 Rectory Lane streetlight is on intermittently. Clerk to report, but querying if it is the bulb or the electrics, or the ivy on the pole causing the problem. 17.5 5. The upcoming elections will be in the newsletter, as the headline your village needs you. 17.6 6.1 The Clerk spoke to Helen Howard on 6th January and was advised that the gateways will be underway within this financial year, and that MGSWP have started measuring. She offered to attend the March meeting. Clerk to confirm this prior to the meeting. 17.7 6.2 The bins and dog bins have been ordered and delivered. The dog bins have been sited and the clerk to contact the borough to arrange collection. Dog Bins are a) 200 yards into the field known as North America/Rectory Lane and b) at the entrance to the bridle path on Isham Road. Two of the waste bins have been sited on the green and we will ask where the farmer would like the remaining bin sited on the footpath through North America Field close to the entrance of Rectory Lane. 17.8 Councillor Rootham and Councillor Curtis from Isham PC and therefore the draft agreement re legal matters of sharing our jointly owned Speed Warning sign has yet to be drafted. 17.9 The issue of Quad Bikes and horses using the footpaths is a Police matter, the County Footpath Officer does not deal with this. Although he advised that taking action is difficult as a) the Police have to witness the incident, b)there has to be a photographic record of it and c) there must be no doubt that the landowner has not given his permission for the riders to use his land. 18. Developments 18.1 It was noted that costings are becoming more than expected. 18.2 It was agreed that Councillor Rootham would source a lockable cabinet to put in garage to store essential items such as the battery /charger for the speed sign. 18.3 It was noted that the responsibilities for areas in the village had been firmed up by the planning petition issue. 19. Correspondence. Police - Crime Statistics Information re Special Constables for inclusion in village magazines – passed to Cllr MilesPolice – Information from rural community panelACRE – survey to improve their services, to be completed by 1st April – because we are part of speed watch.Best Village competition information for entry Environment Agency – information re emergency response exercise, dealing with flooding issues and therefore not relevant to the village NCC – updating records for Dovecote, confirmation of Clerk as contactBCW – election papers, Clerk to request 20 more copies of papers PS Dave Convery, request re speed gun financing, the cost of recalibration if split between all Parish Councils approximately £7.50Letter received from parishioner re pavements, concerns from resident regarding footpaths and suggesting calming methods, Councillor Allen to respond, noting that the County Highways Department have dealt with some of the problems under the section 126 dealing with Norlinton Close but that issues re the state of repair and narrowness of pavements at Harrowden Road have been drawn to the attention of he Highways Department, following our own audits. A copy of the letter of concern with a covering note would be forwarded to the Highways Department.Letter re localism bill – Clerk to copy letter to the Borough Council and Councillors Timms and Bailey and ask for their response, Councillor Allen to inform the resident of this. NCC Section 50 Licence Forms to be signed and returned, also to remind that the speed sign post in Pytchley Road be left when replacement takes places, as a site for the speed warning sensor. 20. Financial Matters. The following accounts were agreed for payment. 691 E-on Electricity Maintenance £119.12 692 Mrs A McLaven Salary £124.20 693 Sywell Mowers – servicing of mowers £394.30 21. Planning applications and decisions. WP/2011/0013/F – vehicular access (dropped kerb) 21 Isham Road, Orlingbury- The council pleased to see this being applied for in the proper manner. No comments 22. Speedwatch and portable speed sign 22.1 There will be one session of speed watch in the summer and an appeal has been made for volunteers for training on 16th April. All is well financially for the project. 22.2 The flashing speed sign has been used on the Northampton Road from 10th Jan and in 14 days just under 4000 cars triggered a response by going over the 30mph and then on the Isham Road, 2400. 22.3 We shall be appealing for volunteers to help change the battery when necessary. 24. Village Hall 24.1 All the tickets to the murder mystery evening this weekend have been sold (70) 25. Any Other Business There was none 26. Date of next meeting. The date of the meeting is 17th March 2011 There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.10 pm with thanks to those attending. ………………….. ……………………….. Chairman Date

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Parish Council Minutes 6th January 2011

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 6th January 2011

1. Present:
Councillors Allen, (Chairman), Rootham, (Deputy),Miles. Rowlatt, Waller, and
Timms (Borough) Clerk. There were no members of the public.

2. Apologies:
There were no formal apologies. The best wishes of the Council were extended to
Councillor Watts who is currently recovering from illness.

3. Minutes of the meeting 25th November 2010
Following the addition of the word “be” in minute 124.1 in order that it read – “need
to be separate from contingency monies”, minutes were signed as a true and correct

4. Matters arising
4.1 122.2 Clerk to check WBC Consultation on Site Specific Proposals portal to
confirm whether reports from Parish councils have been posted in abbreviated form
prior to placement on the web-site. The Clerk to write a) to point out that the Borough
Council concerns re. lack of response from Parishes should be balanced by precise
recording of responses when they are received and b) to ask why the civil cemetery
and allotments are not classified in the Site Specific Proposals as separate entities, as a
full reason for this has not been given.
4.2 124.2 The estimation of cost and work, from the Highways Department,
in Rectory Lane has not been forthcoming. This is mainly due to the
recent bad weather.
4.3 125.6 No response from Tim Lucy; Clerk to contact him and if still no
response Alex Stephenson, Ewan Rennie and the CEO to be copied in to a
further letter.

4.4 127.2 Clerk not able to contact bugler, Councillor Miles will provide
contact details for Mrs McKeowan.
130.3 The street light was repaired but it has failed again. Clerk to
contact utility.

5. 2011 Elections – attracting new candidates and promoting the election
5.1 The elections and implications of poor interest in standing for office have
been discussed on many previous occasions and the situation shows no

5.2 Following discussions it was agreed that councillors should raise this
matter with villagers, a direct approach being the best way forward.
Councillor Allen to put an article in the newsletter and the Parish
newsletter to recruit new councillors.

6. Developments

6.1 Developments with regard to the village gateways await planning and
resolution of legal matters with regard to new siting. Works are expected
to begin within the next month but considering grants were agreed and
monies in place six months ago, progress has been slow.

6.2 Councillor Allen has authority to move forward with the Centre of
Village Sign, Lectern and Bins.

7. Correspondence.
Wellingborough Homes - the VAT increase means garage rent will increase from
£8.23 to £8.40.
WBC – form to request precept.
Countryside gardens – information regarding landscaping business.
NCALC - S137 limit for 2010/11 £6.44 per elector.
Communities “right to build” team – link to localism bill.
NCALC – reaction to the localism bill.
County Libraries – request for information re welcome pack.
NCALC - encouraging people to stand for the 2011 elections.
Police crime report - Clerk to contact Police and ask how Anti-social behaviour is
recorded, as there is no mention of it on the reports.
WBC – copy of the sub-committees decision re. premises licence for Orlingbury
Hall, granted with conditions.
NRHA – annual report.
NCC – Parish Satisfaction Questionnaire.
WBC – committee recommendation that the Orlingbury Request for a Review of
Electoral Arrangements and Council Membership Numbers be declined.
Royal British Legion – Information about the Great Poppy weekend to celebrate
their 90th Birthday on the weekend of 10-12 June. Information passed to fete
WBC – invitation to Civic Ball on 12th February.

8.Financial Matters.
8.1 The following accounts were approved for payment.
685 E-on elec supply £431.38
686 A Mclaven salary & licence objection costs £277.10
687 Isham PC (half of cost of insurance & locks for the join speed sign) £28.69
688 S Miles petrol costs for mowers £69.08

8.2 It was felt that financial recording was much improved.

9. Planning applications and decisions.
9.1 The hearing for the licence application at Orlingbury Hall lasted about 4 hrs
and 12 people from the village attended. 1JP and senior officers and councillors from
the Borough formed the Hearing Committee. The applicant had legal representation
and the village was represented by Mrs Reynolds of Lammas Close who is a Barrister
Papers presented on the day included copies of the petition signed by 137 villagers
and 37 independent letters. The licence was granted with important conditions, which
were very sympathetic to concerns regarding possible noise and disturbance. It is also
noted that the granted licence may be reviewed at any time if there are substantiated

9.2 WP/2010/0544/F; a proposed rear extension to property creating a new garden
room and kitchen extension with shallow pitched roof at 16, Pytchley Road; owned by
Mr Mark Edwards. The Council’s response was that all materials to be in keeping and
all materials and vehicles to be kept within the boundaries of the proposed

10. Speedwatch and portable speed sign
10.1 The dates for the summer Speedwatch are 22nd May until 25th June; the weeks
to be shared with Isham. This information will be placed into the newsletter along
with a request for more volunteers to be trained. There are more villages taking part.

10.2 The new flashing speed sign is now in place at Little Isham; the sign and is
shared between Orlingbury and Isham Parish Councils. The device is simple to use; it
is set to the speed limit, either 20/30/40 mph, and every time it flashes it trips a
counter, which can be used for evidence gathering. There are 2 batteries; each lasting
5-7 days.

10.3 The sign is insured but only on the policy of Isham Parish Council as it can
only be on one asset list. Councillor Rootham is to draft an agreement between the
councils, agreeing to share usage at 6 months each per year and costs, including the
excess if a claim is made. This will then be sent to the Insurers.

10.4 The yellow board and camera signs to be taken down by Councillor Miles

11. Village Hall
11.1 Nothing to report.

12. Any Other Business

12.1 Horses are using the footpath around the back of the village, there are also
reports of quad bikes using the paths as well. Clerk to liase with Councillor Rowlatt in
contacting the footpath warden and also the estate manager of Reynolds to ask if they
are interested in joining us in deterring horse riders and quad bikes on footpaths that
are not bridle paths.

12.2 Dog bins – Councillor Allen to progress the purchase and siting of these.

12.3 It was agreed that mower and the Hayter would be serviced.

131. Date of next meeting.

The date of the meeting is 17th February 2011

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.10 pm with thanks to those