Thursday, November 26, 2009

Parish Council Minutes 12th November 2009

Minutes of the Meeting held in the village hall on 12th November 2009

119.Present: Councillors Allen, (Chair) Rootham Deputy, Miles, Norton, Rowlett, Watts and Councillor Timms (Borough), and Clerk .
120.Apologies: Councillor Watts was not present-he tendered his apologies.
121.Minutes of the meeting 15th October and matters arising.
121.1 The minutes were signed as a true and correct record.
121.2 An item, following a discussion with the Dog Warden, was placed in the magazine. The Dog Warden had been in contact with the Clerk and has put new signs up in the village and suggested that we report all problems to him as they will be “taken seriously”.
121.3 106.7 Mr D Reynolds has agreed to the seat being located alongside the footpath near Lammas Spinney and his estate manager will be contacting re. details.
121.4 118.2 Thanks were given to those councillors who attended the Remembrance Day Service.
121.5 118.3 The faulty street lamp has been repaired.
121.6 Any other matters arising dealt with under agenda items.
122. Developments , Progress Reports and Actions
122.1 The first 2/3rds of the section 106 monies (£29,100) has been received and NCC Highways are in receipt of £6,500 for traffic calming.
122.2 We have received a positive note from Joe Hubbard (Deputy Chief Executive WBC) in relation to the grant for portable speed sensors. The application has progressed through the first stage. However, all new bids are now in abeyance, due to a full review of the capital programme and the Borough’s zero increased budget for the next fiscal year. We should be notified within the next 2 weeks if we have been successful this year or if the funding has been deferred.
122.3 Helen Howard (our Highways Officer representative) has written to confirm match funding the £6,500 for gateways, new integral village signs and traffic calming features i.e. for the total sum of £13,000.

122.4 2 cheques have also been received; £500 from the Waendel Walkers Association and £500 from a walker who wishes to remain anonymous. We have paid £19.95 for a brass plaque which has been fitted.
122.5 It was agreed to write to thank donors .Councillor Bailey who awarded an empowerment grant for the notice board project, should also be formally thanked and advised that his donation has empowered the Council to generate extra funding.
122.6 A meeting was held between Councillors Allen, Rootham, Rowlett, the Clerk and Helen Howard. We were advised that legal expenses have been moved in- house by the County Council. This has helped cut costs towards moving speed limit signs in the village.

122.7 P.C. McQuade came to the village and met with Councillors Allen, Waller and Rowlett. They walked the village to see where the community speed watch team should be positioned. The positions for Speed Watch operations and sensor/monitoring instruments are strictly, governed by the road safety of operators and motorists and the limitations of instruments.

There is a recording box positioned on the temporary Speed Check post on the Green. This monitors the speed and flow of traffic as well as giving a visual warning. The speed check sign was scheduled to be moved to Northampton Road. This has been deferred until the speed sensor and monitoring device has collected sufficient data.

There are 40 volunteers for the speed watch training. The first round of training begins in January.
122.7.1Mr Leo Plant from MGWSP met with Councillor Allen, to discuss previous delayed response to agreed repairs and pruning. He agreed the following improvements and maintenance:
a) Shrubs and roots at the junction of Isham/Harrowden Road (outside the Hall), will be removed and the area re-seeded with grass. This area was noted as a safety issue, by Mr Plant and also P.C. McQuade. However, the scheduled paved area will be postponed until there is positive legal advice on the safety of this measure.
b) The footpath and paving i) at the Church on the Pytchley Road and ii)outside the last house on the Isham Road (on the Right hand side) will be patched where, it is judged by the Highways Department, there is a danger to pedestrians.
c) The footpath by the Old School House and phone box are priority patching areas.
d) A failure by BT to instate part of the footpath at the Leys and Isham Road junction will be referred to BT.
e) Overgrown verges and hedgerows at the splay on the Isham Road right corner has been referred to the Environment Officer as a hazard.
f) An additional grit bin will be placed at the junction of Rectory Lane and Isham Road.g) Pruning of the tree by the telegraph pole in the Leys has been passed to the environment officer.
g) Illegal access points on Isham Road have been recorded by Mr Plant and reported to Kerry Palmer.
h) The pavement outside 5 the Leys will be repaired.

All village pavements are recommended for resurfacing in the next three years but currently, only those areas that are deemed to be unsafe will be repaired.
122.8 The Development Group met on the 30th October to address the details of the costed 106 related improvement plan now that funding strands had been agreed. The group confirmed the focus of the first round of improvements and, in view of additional funding strands and match funding, what was required in terms of additional areas for development. The group resolved that:
· A separate balance sheet should be kept to keep a clear track of the development funding and expenditure.
· At the April Annual Parish meeting time should be set aside to further explain developments and the funding and to publicise achievements.
· Additional features should include Street lighting at the edge of the village, litter bins, extending the paving to the left of the notice board as a site for the information lectern.
· The location of the centre of village sign was also discussed as were issues of additional maintenance around the village.
· A good newsletter was agreed to promote new developments. This has since been produced and sent to every household.
122.9 Work on the Village Green and car park opposite the church is to begin next week.

123. Future Development
123.1 A review of progress shows that the majority of priorities on the Parish Council Plan have been successfully, achieved. Items which had been hitherto marked as amber i.e. “movement slow” have now changed to green i.e. completed. It is expected that all developments will have been achieved or commenced by the end of the financial year.
123.2 The next Parish Plan will continue to refine communications by further, involving the community. It is hoped that the resolution of 106 related issues will see the road clear to a less crowded agenda for development.
123.3 The idea of a Pocket Park and a pathway alongside the road to Harrowden were floated as a possible development foci for the coming year but these were rejected, for the reasons agreed in 106 deliberations i.e. issues related to the lack of available land in and around the village.

123.4 There are concerns regarding the width of verges, particularly, on the Harrowden Road approach to the village. It was agreed to endeavour to, year by year, cut back hedges and to incrementally increase the size of the verges.

124. Correspondence
124.1 Letter from BCW regarding affordable housing. It was agreed that their representative attend our next meeting, and meanwhile, for the clerk to research how many “affordable” houses there are in the village.
124.2 Police next consultation meeting 10th December, Councillors Waller and/or Rowlett to attend.
125. Financial MattersThe following accounts were approved for payment.
635 Northants Acre – subscription £ 34.00
636 E-on Maintenance £ 36.39
637 E-on supply £422.20
638 Village Hall rent £ 21.60
639 P Allen – per invoice £ 29.94
640 Royal British Legion £ 20.00
641 A McLaven – salary £124.00
126. Planning applications and decisions
126.1 WP/2009/0411/F – Extension to Barn, Taggies Yard. -Councillor Norton declared and interest. There were no objections.
126.2 Decisions – WP/2009/0319F – house adjacent to 43 Norlinton Close, following site visit – development granted, with conditions including access to be from Norlinton Close with shared private drive.WP/2009/0298/F – stables Taggies Yard, refused, but the Parish Council have since reviewed a re-submission received via WBC.

126.3 Access to Harrowden Road from properties adjacent to Harrowden Road with restricted access to the same.

Norlinton Close is the principal access for these properties, and residents have assured Councillor Allen that they are very aware of safety issues relating to the Harrowden Road access and therefore, use the Norlinton Close access as directed. They point out that occasionally, the access is blocked, either by parked cars or wheelie bins.

Arising from these concerns Councillors resolved that access to Norlinton Close for these householders should, at all time be unobstructed.

Councillors also discussed the issue of cars parking on the Harrowden Road highway in front of the properties in Norlinton Close. This was contrary to road safety and to owner and tenant agreements.

Following discussion it was agreed to write to all Harrowden Road/ Norlinton Close residents reminding them to park at the rear of dwellings and to avoid obstructing access.
127 Village Hall£3,500 has been spent on the building, repairs and decoration.
128 Any other business
128.1 The Isham Road bridle way has now been blocked with a concrete block Councillor Rowlett has spoken to the Enforcement Officer who will speak to the land owner and advise installation of either a central post or gate providing regulation width access for pedestrians and horses.
128.2 Councillors Waller & Rowlett will attend the safety forum on 14th Jan. Orlingbury were not mentioned at the previous meeting as we have no problems. The forum is focusing on Anti-social behaviour in Finedon.
128.3 The leaves outside the village hall and at5 the Rectory Lane Road junction are causing problems. The Borough will be asked to remove them.

The next meeting will be on 7th January 2010 at 7.30 in the village hall, it was also agreed to change the date of the Annual Parish Meeting to 15th April 2010, the meeting finished at 9.30pm.

Councillor Rowlett gave thanks to Councillor Allen on behalf of all the Councillors for all work done by him on the Section 106 matters.………………….. …………………..
Chairman Date

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Parish Council Minutes 15/10/09

Minutes of the Meeting held in the village hall on
15th October 2009
104.Present: Councillors Allen, (Chair) Rootham Deputy, Miles, Rowlett and Watts.
105.Apologies: Councillors Allen and Waller sent their apologies, which were accepted.
106. Minutes of the meeting 3rd September and matters arising.
106.1 The minutes were signed as a true and correct record.
106.2 94.3 Councillor Allen is concerned that there is further delay in the response of the N.C.C Highways Department and its representative. He has arranged a meeting with Helen Howard on 20th October at 2pm to review the works that need to be done and the 106 joint plan.
106.3 94.4 The Clerk to contact further the dog warden and ask why still no response. Councillor Miles to put an article in the Parish Newsletter.
106.4 94.7 Councillor Allen is in regular contact with the PCEG and there will be continued close involvement of the PC in future developments.
106.5 94.1 The Clerk to check through the minutes as there are now concerns that the access restriction applies only to 19 Norlinton Close and not the other two properties. It was agreed in future any detailed planning outcomes and conditions should be minuted.
106.6 94.6 Anyone undertaking first aid on behalf of the Parish Council in an emergency is covered by our public liability.
106.7 97.1 The farmer still has to be contacted, about siting the seat. On rechecking her emails the clerk noted that highways have no objection as long as the landowner does not object. There is no mention of planning permission being needed.
107.Minutes of 17th September and Matters arising
107.1 These were signed as a true and correct record, after correcting the date. It was noted that this was not on the agenda and future agendas will read minutes of previous meetings.
108. 106 Monies – highways traffic calming, recreation and leisure components.
108.1 A copy of the letter sent to highways advising £6500 to be released for the traffic calming and gateway feature. Also 2/3 of the 106 monies (£26,100) are being collected from the developer. Alan Chapman (WBC) has requested a detailed analysis of the expenditure. Councillor Allen will be working on this in the next few days. The meeting on 20th with Helen Howard will work on how to dovetail the £6,500 with the £26,100, and the obligation the financial obligation Highways have re replacement costs of existing signs.

108.2 There is a need to set up a development committee with the power to give focus to the 106 developments. A small group with the knowledge and understanding of the village and the plan. Councillors Rootham, Rowlett and Allen will get together to meet and be ready to present recommendations at the next meeting. This was agreed to take place during the week commencing 26th October.
109. Progress re WBC capital grant for portable speed sensors.Councillor Allen spoke to Joe Hubbard re a Capital Grant for portable speed sensors, A grant for £6,700 should be available to us. A detailed and costed proposal been filed with WBCV and Councillor Allen will continue to pursue this. There was a discussion regarding the maintenance and up keep of sensors and charging of batteries, the cost of which has been applied for.
110. Emergency Plan – training and fundingThe fete committee and have agreed to pay for all of the first aid training. Gillian Walton is recruiting people for this and the 8 should start their training between November and January.
111. Speedwatch – training of volunteers.A letter from Councillor Waller advised that training will take place in January. There is a list of volunteers who will be contacted. The actual speed watch will take place over the six weeks from 14th February 2010 and 28th March 2010, Orlingbury having the 1st, 3rd and 5th week Isham the other weeks.
112. Village development
112.1 The progress report on Development Plan issues shows most objectives have been accomplished. The vital issues outstanding rest on a) improvements pending the section 106 monies (which have now been awarded) and b) Highways improvements, repairs and pruning as yet incomplete. The meeting on the 20th is pivotal. Priorities for the coming year will focus on a small manageable list of things to be done, with more community involvement. Achievements should be promoted further at the Annual Meeting.112.2 Emerging concerns. It was noted that trees on the highway had been damaged, by cutting. Following discussion it was agreed:
1. A notice be placed in the next Parish Magazine reminding villagers that any cutting of trees and bushes in public village spaces may only be undertaken with the approval of the Parish Council.
2. A letter is to be sent to the householder(s) concerned asking why surgery took place and what they are going to do about rectifying matters.
3. A sub-group headed by Councillor Rootham, is to be established to review all trees and bushes in public village spaces and adjacent settings with a view to moving towards formal protection procedures. Councillors Allen and Rowlett to join committee
112.3 A note to put in the Parish Magazine, noting the damage done and advising that trees on the public highway should not be attended to by members of the public.

113. Youth Focus GroupThere are several young people interested and it is progressing.
114. Correspondence
114.1 BDO Stoyhayward -Annual Return completion statement expresses concerns about asset valuation and fidelity guarantee. It was agreed to update the asset valuation at the next return and to increase fidelity guarantee by £20,000.
114.2 BCW details of how to obtain the wreath for Remembrance Day.
114.3 Corby BC – details of their consultation document for site-specific developments.
114.4 NCC – wanting to adopt Norlinton Close.
114.5 Otelo – telecommunications Ombudsman – if we have not heard back from BT about our concerns with Broadband we can contact them again in 8 weeks (the last week in November)
114.6 Parish Forum Agenda
115. Financial MattersThe following accounts were approved for payment.
628 E-on Electricity supply £116.59
629 BDO Stoyhayward – annual return £138.00
630 P Allen – emerg & focus group expenses £ 42.04
631 A McLaven – salary & course expenses £130.20
632 P Allen – leaflet distribution (E.Brown) £ 20.00
633 Sywell Motors – mower maint £ 80.00
634 S Miles – petrol for mower £ 52.29

116. Planning applications and decisions
116.1Decisions 12th August WP/2009/0156/F – two storey front extension and relocation of front door 19 Norlinton Close- granted with conditions inc. the access to the existing property at no 18 Harrowden Road provided off Harrowden Road shall be used for emergency purposes only.
116.2 WP/2009/0376/F Erection of stables 2 Taggies Yard – Mr I NortonFollowing discussion it was agreed to ask that it is sufficiently far from residents, and only for private use.

116.3 Isham Road planning application.
Discussion took place over the handling of this matter as an anonymous letter had claimed the Parish Council was not fulfilling its role, as it was perceived by the writer. It is the Parish Council’s remit to make its observations without emotion and with precise reference to existing planning policy whilst taking all views into consideration as consultees. Councillor Rootham had spoken to a resident over the same matter and explained that the role of the Parish Council is to be dispassionate but incisive in planning matters. It is not the role of the Council to Object. The final decision rests with the Borough Council Planning Committee. It was felt that the Council had acted responsibly but that expectation was different to what our role actually is.
117 Village Hall
The AGM had taken place and Gwen Carter is now the Treasurer, Barry Rootham is Chair, and Cath Gosling the Secretary. Next week the under stage is to be painted and the floor sealed. The works outside are no further forward yet.
118 Any other business
118.1 The Allotments have two plots which are not being attended – the agreement allows for notice to be given if they have not been attended for 3 months – Clerk to write and give notice, then contact Rod Derry for the waiting list, which should in future be kept by the Clerk.

118.2 Remembrance Sunday – 8th November
118.3 lamp no 27 out Clerk to contact ABB

The next meeting will be on 12th November 2009 at 7.30 in the village hall, the meeting finished at 9.15pm.………………….. …………………..
Chairman Date

Monday, August 24, 2009

OPC Minutes of Thursday 13th August 2009.


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 13th August 2009
79.Present: Cllrs Allen, (Chairman), Rootham (Deputy), Miles, Rowlett, Waller, Watts and Alison McLaven (Clerk), Gillian Walton. Special Constable Robinson and PCSO Amey-Heard

80.Apologies: Were received and accepted from Cllr Norton.81. Police Community Session
81 Police community session
81.1 Concerns were raised regarding cars parking on the footpath causing obstructions, the police will keep an eye on this, but it should be reported when it is happening so that they can come and see the situation for themselves. 03000111222is the telephone number to report crime if it is not regarded as an emergency.
81.2 More than154 signatures have so far been collected in support of speed watch. Over 40 people have agreed to take part in the project. Thanks were given to those who collected the signatures. Councillors Rowlett and Waller will work with PCSO Amey-Heard to organise the training of volunteers. The Clerk will contact our Insurance company re third party insurance for the speed check signs.

82. Minutes of meetings 2nd July 2009 The Minutes were approved as a true and correct record.

83. Matters arising

83.1 67.2 – A large Morrison’s lorry was reported to have travelled through the village and taken branches off several trees. HGV’s will be an agenda item at the next meeting It was noted that when reporting matters of HGV infringements, vehicle registration, date and time and the name of the company should be noted, and details passed to the police on 03000111222.
83.2 72.4 – The gate at Norlinton Close designated for emergency purposes, contrary to planning agreement appears to be in regular use. Clerk to write to the enforcement officer.
83.3 68 The Meeting between Councillor Timms, Local Authority Officer Mike Hayburn and the councillors was a welcome development but had not resulted in the resolution of a reported incident of fly tipping. Asbestos dumped on Northampton Road has still not been cleared. Clerk to write to Lyn Martin-Bennison expressing our disappointment.
83.4 We have been advised that the area outside Orlingbury Hall (previously cleared of obstructive bushes) will be filled in within the next few weeks. Clerk to contact Mark Gatlin regarding the removal of re-grown shrubs and tarmacing of the road.
83.5 The Clerk to contact the dog warden for more signs.

84 Progress on Emergency Planning (Gillian Walton)

84.1 Thanks were given to Gillian for chairing the group working on the emergency plan. The final plan is on file. Several points were made for discussion.
84.2 A first aid course has been suggested by St Johns Ambulance, they will do a course for £45 per person for a minimum of 10 people, Gillian has funding for 2 young people and suggested that the Parish Council pay for 8 other people. Councillor Rootham proposed and Councillor Watts seconded The Parish Council fund 8 people to get the first aid qualification and to keep the funding every 3 years so that there are always qualified people in the village. All in favour. It was noted that these costs should be kept in mind when setting the precept each year.
84.3 The St Johns Ambulance also recommend defibrillators which cost £800 including training costs, which are a further £80 per year. Following discussion it was agreed that Gillian would find out more information and the Clerk will check on insurance cover. The fete committee special fund may be able to help with costs.
84.4 Salt bins, it is the responsibility of Highways to fill the bins, we are in discussion with Dave Grindley regarding more bins.
84.5 Gillian will draft a letter for the village, a) inviting views b) advising on the Emergency plan purposes and needs c) proposed on-going support c)advising of young people’s input and d) first aid training.
84.6 Councillor Miles to put note in newsletter advising where copies of the plan can be obtained.
84.7 Clerk to chase little Harrowden contact details 84.8 Councillor Allen and Gillian will meet and finalise the PCEG group, which will be a combined group of Neighbourhood watch, Parish Councillors, and young people. Gillian and Ian Walpole will work on the constitution of the group.
85. Section 106 development funding – focus group for planning centre of village sign.
85.1 We have no further information Clerk to write to Lyn Martin-Bennison and ask what is happening and copy Joe Hubbard in.

85.2 A focus group of 13-19 year olds has been suggested to work on the design and location of the centre of village sign. Councillor Allen would like to start working on this as soon as possible, the group to have an older person as chair, and an observer who is CRB checked. All in favour of this.
86. Correspondence
86.1 The Community Panel meeting was attended by Councillor Miles, who felt that the meeting was not very useful. It was agreed that Councillors Rowlett and Waller would attend the next meeting on 22nd October.
86.2 Highways Annual Day Conference on Wed 9th Dec Councillors Allen and Rootham to attend.
86.3 Choice based lettings – Allocations Policy – Clerk to write that we agree with the draft letting policy and ask the number of lettings in Orlingbury.
86.4 BT – invitation to adopt red kiosk for £1 – bt will then remove the telephony. This was not regarded as helpful. The PC wish to retain it as a Telephone kiosk.
86.5 E-on inventory update
86.6 Mr Percival from the Waendel Walkers has offered a gift of £500 towards our seat. They have money to give to Parishes for seats that are of benefit, they will place a small brass plaque on the back of the seat. There is another £1000 on offer if we have attractive seats as part of our development plan. Councillor Waller proposed and Councillor Watts seconded we accept the gift All in favour. Councillor Allen will write to confirm our acceptance of this offer and thank them.
86.7 The village notice board. Seals had now been fitted on the new notice board to prevent rain damage . It was agreed that payment should be made to Bosworth’s.

86.8 Councillor Allen had met with Mr Steve Barber (Highways) regarding the speed check signs. It was agreed that the speed check sign on the green could be placed on Northampton Road. The purpose of posts is as a mounting for sensors for speed watch. A movable flashing speed sign can be purchase for £4000, it is battery operated. WBC want grant funding bids by 31st August we have to match fund. All in favour of Councillor Allen requesting extra funding.
87.Financial Matters
These will be dealt with at the next meeting
88.1 Tree removal. There is a request to remove the eucalyptus tree behind the Queens Arms, following discussion, Councillor Rowlett proposed it be left in place, there was no seconder. Councillor Miles proposed it be cut, Councillor Allen seconded 2 in favour 1 against and 3 abstainees. The proposal went forward.
88.2 WP/2009/0295/F erection of single garage 43 Norlinton Close. Clerk to write to Planning Officer requesting that the usual care and consideration be observed re safety of building vehicles during the erection of the garage.
88.3 Village boundary. Two meetings were held to determine what initial contribution could be made to the ongoing review of Village development lines.
It was felt that the Parish Council should endorse the current village policy line and associated policy re. village development. Councillor Rootham proposed and Councillor Rowlett seconded that this view be adopted as our current policy position and that Councillor Allen write and inform Mike Kilpin of this.
88.4 The 226 dwellings at Niort Way – Councillor Allen to write a note of concern regarding the affect of development on communication infrastructure and increase of traffic, and the unnecessary expansion onto open farm land.
89.Any Other Business
Councillor Rowlett raised concerns about carrying over items, it was felt that this was due to the amount of work needed to get through and should ease soon.It was agreed to make BT (Telephone & Broadband) and Village Maintenance items for the next agenda.
The lamp over the 30mph sign is still out
90.Date of the next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 3rd September 2009 in the village hall at 7.30pm.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.15pm, with thanks from the Chair to those attending.

Chairman Date

Monday, July 20, 2009

Parish Council Minutes 02/07/09


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 2nd July 2009
63. Present:
Cllrs Allen, (Chairman), Rootham (Deputy), Rowlett, Waller, Councillor Timms (Borough) and Alison McLaven (Clerk), Gillian Walton.

64. Apologies:
Were received and accepted from Cllr Miles.
65. Public Question Time:
There were no questions.

66. Minutes of meetings June 3rd and June 18th 2009
The Minutes of 3rd June were approved as a true and correct record, the meeting planned for 18th June did not take place as Councillor Allen was advised by the WBC Planning Officer that the planning application did not need a response within the 21 day period, as it would take longer to deal with. It should be noted that the application has now been designated invalid and a new application if made will be dealt with at that time.

67. Matters arising
67.1 The police surgery went well at the previous meeting. There will be a police surgery at the next meeting.
67.2 Councillor Rootham would like to put the issue of HGV’s violating the weight restrictions on the next agenda, this was agreed.
67.3 Councillor Timms was unable to meet the council request for an empowerment grant for additional grit bins. Discretionary funding does not permit spending on grit bins as the County Highways Department need to agree a site and should infact, provide and fill the bins. Clerk to email Dave Grindley to chase up previous emails with ref. to grit bins from Councillor Allen that have not been responded to.
67.4 52.5 There have been further formal complaints about the speed check area sign by the church, as it is a) sited on a conservation area b) has appeared in and therefore, spoiled wedding photographs and c) is a less appropriate site than Pytchley or Northampton Roads. In the absence of anyone claiming responsibility for siting the signs the Clerk to write to Highways, Borough and the Police and inform them it is our intention to move the signs to a different location 21 days from the date of the letter unless we are informed otherwise.
67.5 Councillor Allen had spoken to Mr Kilpin, Planning Officer regarding the unnecessarily, short time limit for planning applications created by the clerk often receiving applications up to a week later after the time of sending. Councillor Allen sought assurance that notification would be achieved promptly to enable considered responses within the 21 day time-frame. Mr Kilpin explained that the Planning Department would endeavour to ensure that applications were despatched early but also pointed out that the 21 day period was a minimum and if there were concerns relating to particular applications, Councillor Allen may contact Mike Kilpin with a view to extending the consultation period. Councillor Rootham asked if late letters to planning committee were given to planning hearings, Councillor Timms confirmed that the committee should be given them.

Councillor Timms will ask if it is possible for the plans to be emailed from the Borough so that more immediate scrutiny of applications may be achieved/

68. Councillor Timms
The North Ward officer, Mike Hayburn would be writing to the council to arrange a meeting to discuss what spending priorities could be met by WBC empowerment grant, Councillor Timms offered the possibly of waste bins, and dog waste bins. It was agreed that matters of grants should be discussed at a meeting on the 16th @ 6pm at the village hall.

69. Progress Report on Priority Plan
69.1 Emergency Plan – report by Gillian Walton
There had been a reasonable response to the request for volunteers to be involved in the focus group, approximately 10 people have become involved. They had met and a full report of the meeting is available from the Clerk. The emergency plan has been reviewed, with additional information contributed by Ian Walpole and others working with emergency plans. It was felt that 2 levels were required in the plan a) the PECG and b) a community support group.
All the volunteers had expressed willingness to be part of future emergency groups and would like to work on the plan further and bring back proposals to council for approval. It was recommended that all councillors be part of the PCEG.There are concerns about the medical contacts, Gillian will contact nominees to confirm that they are still registered, insured and wish to be on the list. The possibility of a) a first aid course for any interested villager, and b) supplying a defibrillator was discussed and it was agreed that these matters would be looked into. The Clerk will contact the Borough and County to ask broad questions about insurance cover for the use of tractors etc., giving the use of a chain saw as an example. It was agreed that Gillian would go back to the focus group with Council feedback. Then possibly a mini questionnaire would be devised to guage support and further guidance. Street wardens would administer this. The updated emergency plan would then be given to the 13th August meeting. Including Neighbourhood watch co-ordinators and involving young people was also discussed.Gillian was thanked for her hard work on the project.

70. Correspondence
70.1 NCC request for details of Highways Rep – Tree Wardens – Parish Path Wardens.
70.2 Governance Toolkit – this document has been updated and is available on a free download at
71.Financial Matters
71.1 The following accounts were approved for payment.
617 Orlingbury Village Hall – rent Jan – March 09 £ 27.0
618 E-On Electricity Maintenance £116.59619
Mrs A McLaven – salary £124.20620
Orlingbury Village Hall – rent April – June 09 £ 27.00
622 P Waller – for leaflet distribution (Welcome Pack) £10.00623
P Allen - for leaflet distribution ( Speed Watch Meeting) £10.00
71.2 Please note that cheque 621 was allocated to Bosworths for the Notice Board and surrounding area, there have been teething problems with water getting into the new Notice Board, following discussion Councillor Allen will contact them and we will either pay excluding the Notice Board costs or wait and pay in full on completion after discussion.
72.1 Site visit Isham Road – This application has been refused as it is outside the village envelope.
72.2 During the site visit Mike Kilpin mentioned that there is a review of village envelopes in the County. Further enquiry by the chairman (with Ms Bateman Planning Department) revealed the following:
“We are currently reviewing the existing Village Policy Lines as part of our work on the Site Specific Proposals Development Plan Document. This document once adopted will replace the Local Plan. We are currently hoping to have a version available for consultation in Nov 2009….. Consultation would be invited in November and further consultation in July 2010 with the results taking effect in 2011.”
72.3 Notwithstanding, it was agreed to hold a meeting of councillors to address issues related to this review of guidelines. The meeting would follow that with Mr Hayburn and Councillor Timms on 16th July. The Clerk will provide copies of the village map and policies with date issued to councillors as soon as possible.
72.4 Norlinton Close – following an email from the WBC Planning Department confirming that access for site development and future use of the site would only be achieved through Norlinton Close and that the Harrowden Road entrance was for emergency use only, the request for a site viewing was withdrawn. In view of the hazards presented by this entrance, it was agreed to monitor future use to verify compliance.

73. Section 106 monies
A letter has been received from Alan Chapman at the Borough Council, advising that proceedings have been taken against the developer to recover the monies due. As the council records do not have the final dwelling occupied, they are only claiming for the first two tranches. All monies have been index linked. He also confirmed that our development costings have been approved as an appropriate spending of the monies, The County Highways Department will have close involvement on road signs and gateway features. A copy of the letter has gone to Helen Howard at the County Highways Department. He will advise as soon as any monies are received.

74.Priority 3 development funding
74.1 Focus Groups – Councillor Allen gave out an information sheet for all councillors regarding a Youth focus group of 13 to 19 year olds. This will be discussed at the next meeting.
75.Notice Board
75.1 It has been agreed that the Old Notice Board needs refurbishing and that this will be done once it has been resited outside the village hall. Half the Board will be contact details for hall users and the other side will advertise events in the hall.
75.2 The resiting of the seat is to be discussed and we will be advised of the new site.

76. Village Hall
76.1 The village hall is to be completely redecorated in August.
77.Any Other Business
There was no other business
78. Date of the next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 13th August 2009 in the village hall at 7.30pm.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 10.00 pm, with thanks from the Chair to those attending.

Chairman Date

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Minutes of PC meeting June 3rd 2009

Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on
Wednesday 3rd June 2009
48 Present: Councillors Allen (Chairman), Miles, Rowlatt, Waller, Charlotte Cook, Rod Derry, PC Lee PCSO Amey-Head and Mrs McLaven (Clerk)
49 Apologies: Councillor Rootham and Councillor Timms sent their apologies which were accepted.
50 Police Surgery:
50.1 PCSO Lynette Amey- Head advised the meeting that the meeting with PC Macavoy, regarding speed issues, was going ahead next month. He would talk for half an hour and then take questions. Concerns were raised that there was a need to reassure the public that any exercise would not become a vigilante situation, and that those involved need not use the speed gun. There would always be a group of people using the gun, no one will be alone.
51 Public Question Time:
51.1 Rod Derry asked what had happened when Councillor Miles stepped down and Councillor Allen took over as chair, as in the minutes he had seen it appeared as a fait accomplit. The Clerk advised it was minuted in a separate meeting, where Councillor Miles stepped down due to other commitments, Councillor Allen was then nominated and voted as Chair, The new chair had thanked Councillor Miles for his work as Chair of the Council. Communication was again discussed, as all minutes should have been available. Mr Derry then congratulated the new chair and thanked the previous one.
52 Comment from the Police.
52.1 PC Lee advised that the community police have been concentrating on Police watch and will concentrate on interaction with the community later, but they will attend neighbourhood watch meetings, which are taking place 2-3 monthly.
52.3 PCSO Amey-Head has made a note of all our meeting dates and will do her best to attend. The council was asked to give prior notification if possible of any specific problems they need dealing with.
52.4 A previous issue of markings on a private lawn and on the little green were raised. These had not been recorded as a crime, but appropriate advice has been given by the police.
52.5 The speed check signs on the village green have been investigated by PCSO Amey-Heard, but it has not been discovered who installed them, She suggested it may have been highways, but when councillors had questioned highways, they too denied knowledge of the signs. The chairperson questioned the logic of the location.
52.6 Charlotte Cook (Neighbourhood watch) thanked both the old and new Chairpersons for working together with Neighbourhood watch.

53 DRAFT Minutes of meeting 6th May 2009 and matters arising.
53.1 The original minutes prepared by Councillor Allen had been amended to reflect the tone of the minutes re recommendations, and therefore, the words “seek assurance” had been changed to “register concern”.
53.2 A site viewing has been arranged on 9th June at 2.10pm Councillors Allen, Rowlatt and Waller are able attend and as many other councillors as possible
53.3 Councillor Watts name was corrected from Councillor White.
53.4 Councillor Rowlatt proposed and Councillor Miles seconded that the minutes be signed as a true and correct record. All were in favour.

54 Minutes of meeting 7th May 2009 and matters arising.
54.1 Councillor Rowlatt proposed and Councillor Miles seconded that the minutes be signed as a true and correct record, all in favour.
54.2 – 37.1 Councillor Timms was not in attendance so could not be asked about funding for grit bins, but Helen Howard and Mark Gatling had advised Councillor Allen to contact Dave Grindley at the County Council. He had done this but no response had yet been received.
54.3 37.4 Councillor Allen had not yet been able to speak to Andy Gosling about the web site, but discussion on communication would take place later in the meeting.
54.4 37.5 Alan Chapman (WBC) had emailed NCC Highways to advise (re sect. 106) that the developer had been invoiced and that if payment not received soon then legal action would be taken. No response had been received from Joe Hubbard, to either Councillor Allen’s emails and the Clerk’s letter.
54.5 44.1 Gillian Walton had accepted the lead role with the PCEG, it was agreed to wait until she held her meeting to discuss details e.g. that no nurses are available, only first aiders.
55 Minutes of meeting 28th May.
Councillor Rowlatt proposed and Councillor Miles seconded that the minutes be signed as a true and correct record, all in favour.
56 Future conduct of meetings and agendas.
56.1 The council have now doubled the number of meetings. It is intended to close the meetings by 9pm, this should allow the council to focus and prioritise, and anything not dealt with should roll forward to the next meeting.
56.2The council needs to celebrate what it has achieved and record its progress.
56.3 The development plan has been in progress for 2 years and we need to see how far we have got towards declared targets. There have been items generated extra to the plan. The council has to be aware of not extending the expectations of the public. The involvement of village sub-groups is imperative.
56.4 The council should be aware of dealing with time sensitive issues promptly.

57 Progress on priority plan
57.1 All Councillors had a copy of the priority plan, which had been recently updated to show what had been achieved.
57.2 Priority 1 “Communication”,
Councillor Rootham was to report on Priority 1 “Communication”, but unfortunately, he was unable to attend the meeting and therefore, this item will be discussed at the next meeting.
57.3 Communication with the Borough Council is slowly improving, a file of all letters and their responses is being kept.
57.4 Gillian Walton has agreed to take on take on the key role with the emergency plan and all the village have been asked to be part of the focus group.
57.5 The Clerk and Councillor Allen to collaborate on a letter to the Borough showing our concerns about time limits on planning, although a recent meeting had been achieved in 3 days, we should not have to work on such small time limits.
57.6 Councillor Waller advised the meeting that the welcome pack was updated before the Annual Parish Meeting. There were now more changes, it was agreed Councillor Waller and Councillor Allen would update the pack and then mail shot the village, also placing a copy in the Notice board, after this the pack will be updated yearly.
57.7 Councillor Waller proposed and Councillor Rowlatt seconded a summary of the minutes to be placed in the parish magazine. This followed discussion of what should appear in the magazine, as it now is a benefice magazine reaching Pytchley, Little Harrowden and Great Harrowden as well as Orlingbury. Councillor Miles will organise this.
57.8 Priority 2 “Roads and Footpaths”.
Councillor Rowlatt will liase the Clerk regarding the response from Highways regarding roads and pathways, There are a range of positive responses from Highways which will lead to requests being addressed. This resulted from a further meeting with Helen Howard (Highways) and Mark Gatling (MGSWP).
57.9 Charlotte Cook advised the meeting of progress within Neighbourhood watch reiterating about the speed meeting, and residents concerns about repercussions. She was thanked for all the work done for the community.
57.10 Priority 4 “Allotments”.
Rod Derry advised the meeting that the allotments were a success story. The old plots having been re-divided into 12 with well defined and maintained paths. The Borough Council having provided 6 bins for water storage. He is trying to find someone to start a website for the allotments. A good gardening community was developing. He was thanked for all his work done.
57.11 A letter has been received regarding the 15ft boundary line. Councillor Miles and the Clerk to liase with a response to clarify that the line is straight down.

58 Financial Matters
58.1 The accounts were agreed and the Annual Report signed.
58.2 It was agreed to update the asset register.
58.3 The following accounts were agreed for payment.
613 Mrs D Sisman – audit fees £70.00
614 Smartwater signs £48.00
615 P Allen expenses £64.02
616 Village hall rent £56.70*

* the Clerk and Councillor Allen to liase on a letter showing the council’s disapproval as this payment relates to old invoices including one never received and one for which the cheque previously issued had never been cashed.

59 Correspondence.
A letter from the County asking for information regarding the empowerment grant. To be responded to by Councillor Allen
60 Priority 3 “Development funding” and associated empowerment grant
60.1 Helen Howard had contacted Councillor Allen and advised him that proposed speed limit changes need planning permission. She was told to go ahead and do what was necessary.
60.2 The empowerment grant from Councillor Bailey has been used and a good job done by Bosworths (see 57.12 above).
60.3 The old notice board now needs to be relocated, it was thought a good idea to site it either outside the front of the village hall towards the dovecote or on the left of the village hall, it was agreed to wait for the village hall committee to meet and discuss their wishes.
60.4 The old seat also needs re-siting this will be an agenda item at the next meeting.
61 The date of the next meeting
This will be Thursday 2nd July at 7.30pm in the village hall.
62 There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.10 pm, with thanks to those attending.
Chairman Date

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Minutes of Parish Council 7th May 2009


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 7th May 2009
34.Apologies: Were received and accepted from Cllrs Norton, and Waller.
35. Public Question Time
A question was asked regarding the proposed planning application that had been dealt with at a meeting held the previous evening: “If it is approved can 25% of development costs be claimed as Section 106 monies?” The Clerk was aware of a threshold before Section 106 can be claimed, and has confirmed that this is 10 properties. There was discussion that if the density of housing on the site increased the issue would be revisited. The conclusions reached at the previous meeting were outlined i.e. Safety concerns, infrastructure concerns and the development being outside the village envelope. It was also noted that a site visit had been requested.

Concerns were raised regarding the vandalising of residents’ lawns, with graffiti. It was agreed to monitor the situation, and noted that the Police and Neighbourhood Watch were both aware of the situation. Councillor Miles advised the meeting that there should be a Police attendance to the meeting (PCSO 7119 Lynette Amey- Head, arrived 15 minutes later).

36. Minutes of meetings 5th March 2009
These were approved as a true and correct record

37. Matters arising

37.1 Grit bins – Councillor Timms was approached regarding the money he has available as a grant, and he agreed to look into the matter.
37.2 Helen Howard from the County Council is coming on 14th May at 9.30 to review what has not yet been done, Councillors Allen and Rowlatt will accompany her but any other available Councillors can also attend.
37.3 Smart Water – it was agreed to make flyers to deliver to the village to make them aware of the fact there is still some available. Councillor Allen will make the flyers and Councillor Rowlatt will deliver them. Councillors Rootham and Allen will be putting up the signs next week.

37.4 Website – no progress as yet, Councillor Allen to ask if we can have access to the site to populate it, Councillor Rootham will help if this is possible.
37.5 Section 106 Money – Clerk to write to Joe Hubbard, Councillor Timms will speak to him, as he appears confident about the situation, but nothing is apparently happening.
38. Police Matters
38.1 PCSO Amey- Heard has contacted PC 384 McQuade, who would like to attend a meeting to discuss speed cameras and other speed issues. Councillor Allen and PSCO Amey-Heard will liaise on this and then produce a flyer, incorporating the Smart Water information and PSCO Amey-Heard will help distribute them.
38.2 Crime Statistics, 1 Criminal Damage, 1 Criminal Damage to a vehicle and vandalism to grass.
38.3 It was asked who put up the Speed Check area Notices as they have been sited in the wrong place, PCSO Amey-Heard was not aware of them, but would enquire and find out if they can be resited.

38.4 Quad Bikes are a problem that the Police are aware of, and they will seize all bikes that are being used illegally, Quad Bikes are not allowed on the public highway unless they have an MOT, are insured and taxed, nor are they allowed on Bridle Ways.

39. Correspondence
39.1 NCC – Amenity Weight Restrictions (7.5t) – Countywide Awareness Campaign. Clerk to respond that we would like to be considered for this scheme.
39.2 Wellingborough Partnership – Annual Conference 8th June 2009, no one available to attend.
39.3 MGWSP – request for contact details of local farmers to help in adverse weather conditions, this will be discussed later under the emergency plan.
39.4 Reopening of the Orlingbury Outreach Service Post Office commencing 6th April.
39.5 Planning Aid – Section 106 training event. It was felt we are too far down the line with our Section 106 development for this to be useful.
39.6 The rest of the correspondence was circulated amongst the Councillors.
40.Financial Matters
40.1 The Annual Report has been received and a meeting needs to be held before 30th June to approve the accounts and sign the Annual Report. It was agreed to hold this on 3rd June 2009.
40.2 The following accounts were approved for payment.
605 E-on – electricity supply £421.52
606 Orlingbury Village Hall £ 35.10
607 E-on – elec maintenance £ 116.59
608 Allianz – Insurance £521.72
609 NCALC – subs £120.52
610 Clerk salary £248.40
611 smartwater signs £ 48.00
612 Pages – mower maint £390.17
24 Reports from external meetings attended
24.1 Councillor Allen had attended a highways meeting, this explained about a new computerised, communication system, which prioritises concerns. . There will now be 4 officers each representing an area. Helen Howard is our representative, and she appears to be very keen and has agreed to walk the village with councillors again.

For the NCC Highways department, work with Orlingbury have slipped hugely. The Highways group appears to be in crisis following of unusually bad weather in January.
25.1 April Decision – WP/2009/0038/F – 11 The Leys, single storey extensions and alterations – granted.
25.2 Re. the village boundary/envelope; Councillor Timms confirmed that the structure plan is being looked at, and being renamed, there will be a review of village envelopes but this will not be published until all villages have been reviewed.

26.Spending Empowerment Grant
This is underway, a discussion followed; a final report will be made at the next meeting.
27.Emergency Planning
27.1 The plan was read by all councillors in attendance. It was agreed the members of the Parish Council Emergency Group PCEG, would be Councillors Miles, and Rootham and Gillian Walton if she was prepared to accept a lead role.

27.2 The Road Responsibilities to be confirmed.

27.3 It was agreed to keep the contact Doctors to either practising or recently retired.

27.4 Nurses and first aiders to be asked if they are prepared to be on the list

27.5 With regard to farmers/builders willing to help. MGWSP to be asked for clarification, what equipment needed, whether insurance required and ask if payment/expenses will be paid. Also if there is a 24/7 contact number.
27.6 Emergency group training agreed to encourage the community to work as a team and a role for a co-ordinator to help the elderly.

27.7 An audit for water pumps/generations/emergency survival packs/ water/blankets and storage and accommodation. It was noted that there are no toilet facilities in the church. Clerk to check what is needed.
27.8 A small planning group to set up a volunteer meeting on 18th June 2009
31.Village Hall
31.1 It was noted that comments had been made at the Annual Parish Meeting regarding the steps. There was discussion on health and safety and public liability, the need for independent inspections etc.

31.2 The Parish Council can nominate someone to be on the committee.

32 Any other business
32.2 The Clerk is still working on the Freedom of Information model and will have to meet with Councillor Allen to finalise matters.
32.3 The Clerk to contact highways about pavements and weeds on pavements on the Pytchley Road and outside Orlingbury Hall.
32.4 The lamp over the 30mph is still out. Clerk to report again.
32.5 Communications – Councillor Rootham was concerned about the lack of communication between the Borough, the County and ourselves, especially in light of a traffic survey the County have carried, with out informing us. It was noted that the Clerk had not brought the letters written to the meeting as previously agreed, but that this would now happen.
32.6 There was concern that due to the amount of work needed to be done by the council and the number of items on the agenda that it would be better to have monthly meetings, but they must aim to finish at 9pm and 9.30pm would be the latest time to end.
33 Dates of the next meetings.
3rd June 2009, 2nd July 2009, 13th August 2009, 3rd September 2009, 15th October 2009, 12th November 2009, 7th January 2010, 4th February 2010, 4th March 2010,
Annual Parish Meeting, 1st April 2010, 22nd April 2010, Annual General Meeting, 6th May 2009.

The emergency plan PCEG meeting would take place on the 18th June.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 10.00 pm, with thanks from the Chair to those attending.

………………………. ……………………….
Chairman Date

MInutes of planning meeting May 6th 2009


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on
Tuesday 6th May 09 to address to building planning applications
1.Present: Council: Cllrs Miles (Chairman), Rootham (Deputy), Allen, White, Rowlatt.
Public: Mr Lewis, Mr Simson ,Mr Smith, Mrs Smith, Mrs Widdup, Mr Derry, Dr Staff, Mrs Staff.

2. Apologies: Were received and accepted from P.C. Clerk Mrs Alison Mc Claven,, Cllrs Waller and Norton.
3.Planning 3.1
Application No: WP/2009/0116/F – Re-roofing of existing garage (flat to pitched).
Location: little Barn 2b Harrowden Road Orlingbury
Applicant: Mr Alan West
After studying the re-roofing plan for the Little Barn 2b Harrowden Road Orlingbury, the Parish Clerk was requested to write to the development control officer requesting that construction traffic entering and leaving the site would ensure that there is no hazard to road users and pedestrians during building alterations.

Application No: WP/2009/0024/F- Construction of five new dwellings and a new access road to land off Isham Road Orlingbury.

Location: Stables and land adjacent 24 Isham Road, Orlingbury ,Wellingborough.

The Chairman, Mr Steve Miles opened discussion by summarising the project and outlining concerns relating to
· a proposed access point at the centre of the existing dangerous bend
· potential overload of existing services e.g sewage which had caused problems in the past
· location on a dangerous bend in a road commonly used by horse riders and pedestrians
· a problem of speeding cars underlined in the traffic survey conducted by the PC
· existing problems of parking in and around the Leys where narrow and busy roads currently, caused problems
· the development would be beyond the village boundary and existing building lines

Discussion involving the public
Mr Smith and Mr Derry underlined the concerns of the chairman. And Mr Derry also referred to perceived inaccuracies in the development proposal which inferred that
· the “access point” at the centre of the property was an official entrance
· stone and brick finishing was a common feature in the centre of the village
· that the development would complete successive layers of building expansion

Mr Derry said that the recent traffic survey underscored the hazards of speeding traffic coming into the village which would be exacerbated by the creation of turning points on the bend to the approach to the village.

Mrs Widdup spoke of the existing dangers of speeding traffic which had resulted in many near accidents and would be worsened by a the creation of a driveway outside the village envelope.

Dr Staff said that a similar project had been rejected in 1972 and that the existing Borough Development Plan constrained the development of housing to within the envelope. The development was outside the village envelope and would create “open house” for further development creating a precedent for expansion beyond the point where our social cohesion as a village community could be sustained. He also spoke of the dangers of introducing vehicle access points on a hazardous bend.

He hoped that the Parish Council would take a view on the development and would urge the Borough Planning Controller to reject it.

Mrs Staff stated that apart from her personal concerns that new Building would overlook the five windows on their adjacent property, Plot 1 would increase the likelihood of a serious accident, “a fatality waiting to happen”. Visibility was now poor. It was debateable whether “improved visibility”, when added to greater traffic use would not simply compromise future ability to really, improve safety. The Paddock area was not as had been stated, a flat area. Further building would increase run-off and given changes in climate contribute to flooding at the access point between the new development and existing houses.

Mrs Smith, speaking on behalf of villagers from the Leys who could not attend, endorsed previous concerns but also gave several instances where the sewage and water drainage systems in the Leys area had failed indicating that the village infrastructure was too weak to sustain additional pressure. Councillor Rowlatt and Councillor Rootham agreed. Councillor Rootham outlined instances of failure and explaining the vulnerable structure of the existing systems.

Speaking on behalf of the project Mr Lewis explained its background pointing out that at the time of earlier consideration when a planning application for projected building had been rejected, the Borough Council had ruled that further infill would need to take place before development would be entertained. He explained that a survey conducted by him in 1972 had found villagers largely in favour of further expansion.
Mr Simson stated that villagers’ concerns in relation to services infrastructure would be taken on board.

Councillor Rootham stated that he had studied existing Borough Council policy which, notwithstanding the need for revision ,would obtain until future review had taken place.

Parish Council Discussion
The Chairman summed up referring to previous points, adding that affordable housing was a major component of the Norton Close development but that the need for affordable housing in the village should continue to inform any proposal.

After studying the development plans for the construction of five new dwellings and a new access road to land off Isham Road and listening to the concerns of the public raised at a meeting, the Parish Clerk was requested by the Parish Council to write to the Development Control Officer to raise the following issues with respect to the development:

1. The project would appear to breach rulings designed to ensure that future development does not extend beyond the agreed village boundary and thus compromise policy to restrict future expansion. The Parish Council registers concern that the development breaches policy and therefore, sets a precedent for future development on other sites.

2. The prospective developer expresses a view that the dangerous bend on the Isham Road would be improved by the proposed development. The Parish Council are concerned that increased traffic generated by additional housing using two additional entrances on the bend may lead to additional hazard and may compromise future moves to overcome this hazard altogether.

3. The existing infrastructure particularly, sewage and drainage arrangements are overstretched to the extent that existing properties experience frequent problems. The Parish Council are concerned that the development will compromise the existing facilities.

4. In view of the far reaching implications of this project and the complexities of issues raised, to request that a site visit take place.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.10 pm, with thanks from the Chair to those attending.

………………………. ……………………….
Chairman Date

Monday, April 27, 2009

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting April 2nd 2009

Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting
Held in Orlingbury Village Hall
Thursday 2nd April 2009


Cllrs S. Miles (Chairman), B.Rootham (Deputy), P Allen, A.Norton, G Rowlett, P.Waller, SPCO Paul Hurst, Mrs A.McLaven (Clerk), C Cook, B Lewis, N Mulroy, J Norton, P Robinson.


Cllr J Bailey (County Council), Cllr G.Timms (Borough), Councillors J.Watts, Mr R and Mrs B Abrams, Dr Ormorod, Mrs Miles, Mrs Rootham and Mrs Walton, sent their apologies, which were accepted.


These were approved as a true and correct record
It should be noted that neither Councillor Bailey or Councillor Timms had included a report with their apology, but the Clerk read the reports that they had both given to Isham Parish Council at their Annual Parish Meeting. It was disappointing for the meeting not to be able to question either of these Councillors, but both had meetings at the Borough Council, which they felt took priority.

BeeBee Homes have not put forward the Pulse Park application and the Upper Redhill application has been refused but they have appealed the decision.

Councillors Allen, Rowlett and Waller have walked the pavements to ascertain repairs and necessary improvements and a report was submitted to the N.C.C. in February 2008. The County Council contacts have now “moved on” and issues have not been resolved. Various improvements were discussed and agreed, and although nothing has yet been done, we are pressing matters and hopefully, outstanding business will have been achieved by next year’s meeting. The hedge outside Orlingbury Hall has been removed, although the area has not yet been tarmaced as requested.

We have submitted a development plan to Highways with our concerns re. the village signs. The Highways Authority said they would act once they had received the report from the Review of Speed Limits which was due in November, but they have not yet received this.

It should be noted that the Police, Highways Authority and Borough Councils had been asked to send representatives to the Annual Parish Meeting, but none had attended. The local police have been sent to cover the G20 summit in London.

The County had increased their share of the rates by 3.9%, which was disappointing as one of the pledges of the Conservatives when winning the election for the County Council was that they would not put the rates up by more than the rate of inflation.

N.B. Councillor Bailey had spent his empowering grant money, £2000 of which was given to Orlingbury Parish Council towards moving the notice board, and providing a new seat and paving. This consisted of two awards of £1000 per year.

Councillor Bailey also apologised for the highways problems as the County had changed agents and were now working with May Gurney. The problem of the grit bins not being filled during the summer caused problems during the previous bad weather; the practice of bins being automatically filled during the summer had been changed so that Parishes needed to inform the County if the bins needed filling. This and a shortage of salt meant that a lot of roads did not get gritted.
The Borough was able to freeze their portion of the rates. The other good news being that Councillors in Wellingborough have been given £1600 over 2 years which can be used for things not covered through the Parish rate, although it may not be used to fund revenue or be used for a project that carries on year after year. Little Harrowden are planning a pocket park and play area, which may require some of the money.

It was agreed to ask Councillor Timms if the money could be used to buy more grit bins for the village. Councillor Timms had concerns about BeeBee Developments plans for the North of Wellingborough. The Council has rejected this, but there may be an appeal. He was horrified to learn that the plans discussed at the appeal are not necessarily the ones that were rejected.

We still have a full contingent of Councillors, and continue to meet bi-monthly with members of the public regularly attending the meetings. The minutes are now available on the village blog, which has been set up by Rod Derry. There is also a village website under construction by Andy Gosling, but his other commitments mean it is not yet available for use. When the site is fully functional we will then pay the set up costs.

It was agreed to put copies of draft minutes on the Notice Board.

The Parish Council have been working very hard on projects associated with the paths, roads and speeding restriction but the authorities are slow to respond to our requirements. The section 106 funding is progressing, but the Borough have not yet collected any monies from the developer even though the triggers have been met. Our planned projects have been detailed in the village newsletter and no comments have been received, either for or against, so the Parish Council will progress with these.

The emergency plan is completed and a training programme for the Emergency Group and volunteers is planned for May. The emergency plan will be available on the website blog, as will the updated welcome pack.

We have obtained a grit bin for outside the village hall, and have requested 3 further bins, for the top of Rectory Lane, Northampton Road, and Harrowden Road, as these fit the criteria of being on a slope or at a junction.

It was agreed to ask the Stagecoach bus company whether the Isham Road is now a bus route as a double decker has been seen going along the road quite regularly. Confirmation would allow the PC to progress with demands for an additional grit bin for the Isham Road.

The Allotments have been redesigned to accommodate more allotment holders and new contracts for the 12 plots drawn up and signed. These are to be renewable annually, and if the allotments not cultivated properly the council have the power to ask tenants to leave. A waiting list is being drawn up should any plot become vacant.


Brownies, Drama Group, Neighbourhood Watch, Orlingbury Wold Charity, Over sixties, The Green Team, Orlingbury and Isham Short Mat Bowls Club, PCC, Village Fete Committee, Flag group, Village Hall Committee, Young Church.

The reports are available from the clerk. It should be noted that Orlingbury Wold Charity has applied to the Charity Commission to change its name to the Manning Charity, after the gentleman that founded the Charity originally to give bread to the poor at Christmas.


Councillor Allen gave a synopsis of the section 106 monies, how we obtained it and how it will be spent. We have had previous schemes, which needed land which was unobtainable. New schemes to improve the safety and well-being of the villagers, and to enhance to the village environment were drawn up. Approved proposals stemmed mainly from the traffic survey and from the strongly supported petition.

The main schemes at the moment include, new gateways with integral village/speed signs and planters, traffic restriction procedures and a centre of village sign, new seats on the village green, edging posts to the green, re- locating the notice board, and parking and signage opposite the church. This has all been costed at £36,000 to £43,000 including maintenance.

Councillors Miles and Allen had been to the Borough Council and met with Joe Hubbard, the Assistant Chief Executive in October who gave his support to the proposed scheme. In November this went to the Borough Solicitor who researched and endorsed the plans. In January the developer said they had no objections to the scheme proposed , but due to financial problems and housing costs falling they wanted to reduce the amount to be paid. The Borough did not agree to this.

The first project of moving the notice board is going ahead following the receipt of Councillor Bailey’s grant money.


The Waendel walk will again be going through the village and the church group will be hosting refreshments on the green. Councillor Rootham is hoping to notify all villagers so that they are aware of this and the inherent dangers of cars, cyclists and walkers all using the same road.

Charlotte Cook advised that next year is the 100th Anniversary of the Guides and as part of their commitment to make the community better, they might be able to sponsor one of the village planters.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.10pm with thanks to all attending.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Minutes of March 5th 2009.


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Thursday 5th March 09

19.Present: Cllrs Miles (Chairman), Rootham (Deputy), Allen, Waller, and Alison McLaven (Clerk).

20. Apologies: Were received and accepted from Cllrs Norton, Rowlett, and Timms

21. Minutes of meetings 8th January and 24th February 2009

21.1 The minutes of 8th January were signed as a true and correct record.

21.2 3.2 Councillor Miles has spoken to Mr Gosling who is working on the website. He is very overworked at the moment. Councillor Miles will revisit him. It was noted that the money has not yet been paid, as the work has not yet been completed.

21.3 9. All the planning applications have now been approved.

21.4 4.2 Councillor Allen had spoken to Joe Hubbard several times but not received any formal response. The Clerk had spoken to Joe Hubbard whilst attending a meeting, and discussed the section 106 monies.

The Borough has been contacted by the developer and whilst they had no problem with what the money was being spent on, they felt that due to the economic situation the money could be reduced. The borough will not allow that to happen. The developers also felt that the triggers for the money have not yet been reached.

The Clerk will write to Joe Hubbard re the conversation and insist the money index linked and ask to confirm that although the 3rd trigger may not have been met the first 2 have and therefore surely 2/3rds of the payment should have been made.

21.5 4.3 Helen Howard (Highways) has now received the section 106 agreement, but is away possibly ill and we are chasing this issue. The Clerk also mentioned this matter to Joe Hubbard, and he was looking into this.

21.6 4.4 The empowerment grant it was agreed to go ahead and replace and relocate the notice board to the top of Rectory Lane, with the bench and paved area. Councillor Allen will contact Sam Bosworth to arrange this.

21.7 11.2 The meeting regarding access to the allotments had taken place and is minuted at 24th February meeting.

21.8 5.3 Councillor Miles will put in the newsletter that abandoned vehicles need to be reported to the police.

21.9 The minutes of 24th February 2009 were renumbered, and 14.4 changed from “skidded” to “parked on the verge”.

21.10 15.1 A grit bin has been placed on the corner of Orchard Close, by the Highways department. Following discussion it was agreed to write and ask for a further bin at the top of Rectory Lane and one in Harrowden Road below the 30mph sign. The County Council should agree to this as it meets with their criteria, but if they will not the Parish Council will purchase the bins.

21.11 18.2 (13.2) Councillors Allen and Waller will write a letter of clarification for residents, explaining about smart water and its merits.

22. Correspondence

22.1 Village Agent – The Clerk had received an email asking for information as the county are looking to fund village agents, who will bridge the gap between the local community and the statutory and voluntary sector organisations. The Clerk to be the contact.

22.2 Several conferences taking place, spring conference on 18th March, working together conference 24th April, Wellingborough Partnership 16th March, Councillors to attend if possible.

22.3 Temporary Closure of the Post Office – retrospectively from 16th December.

22.4 Bus Service contract renewal. The service is only one day a week, but the clerk to comment that we do not wish the service to be reduced.

23.Financial Matters

23.1 The following accounts were approved for payment.
602 E-on – electricity supply £852.20
603 Clerk salary £246.9024.

24. Reports from external meetings attended

24.1 The Clerk had attended the Parish Forum. Once again the prior information for this was of varying amounts to different Councils. Some only received draft agendas, some full, and some had not received anything. The discussion on the CPA report was not very informative, and the Clerk will write for a copy of the report.

25 .Planning

WP/2009/0038/F – this has been discussed at the previous meeting and as no residents attended the meeting to discuss further, the council will comment that they would like the hedge line to remain in place as a condition of approval.

26.Spending Empowerment Grant

This was approved under minute 21.6

27.Emergency Planning –dates for training evenings

Two meetings are needed, the first to confirm the plan and its details, the second to simulate the circumstances, there is a meeting with the Borough regarding emergency plans and therefore it was thought best to have the second meeting after this. All nominated in the plan to attend the meetings. It was then agreed the first meeting would be 30th April and the second on 21st May, both meetings to be at 7.30pm, in the village hall.

28. Rectory Lane Grass Verge Repairs.

28.1 It was noted that the grass verge outside the entrance to the Dovecote and outside the village hall presents as an untidy area. It is difficult to stop people parking on it. It was agreed to ask Highways to tarmac this. The other side of the verge also needs tarmacing, and Highways should be asked to do this as well.

28.3 An article in the Evening Telegraph was brought to the attention of the council. This advised that gangs of repairmen would be working on minor highway repairs and general tasks to improve the local environment. These would be called lenghtmen gangs and they were historically part of the local community. It was hoped that this would happen again. Repairs still need to be reported to Street Doctor and then the local lenghtmen would do the work.

28.4 It was agreed that the Clerk should write to the Chief Executive of the County
Council regarding the review done with Verity Chilvers, as a year has gone by and nothing has been done, we have been waiting for signs to be moved and nothing has happened. Accident debris on the Harrowden Road has been there for several months

29. Mowing Equipment

Councillor Rootham proposed Councillor Miles seconded, all in favour, that the mowing equipment be serviced. It should be noted that only the Green Team, Councillors and anyone over 18 nominated and approved by the above can use the mowing equipment.

30.Annual Parish Meeting

Smartwater to be discussed at the meeting.

31.Village Hall

A touring company is coming to the village hall, but there are concerns regarding how well this has been advertised.

32. Any Other Business

32.1 There are concerns from residents about how the electricity company is cutting back trees.

32.2 Councillor Waller is updating the welcome pack.

32.3 It was asked if the Queens Arms could advertise in the newsletter, mentioning smartwater, Councillor Miles will contact the Landlord and discuss.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.10 pm, with thanks from the Chair to those attending.

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Chairman Date

Monday, March 2, 2009

February 24th 2009 MINUTES


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on
Tuesday 24th February 09

13.Present: Cllrs Miles (Chairman), Rootham (Deputy), Allen, Rowlett, Waller, and Alison McLaven (Clerk).

14 Apologies: Were received and accepted from Cllrs Norton and Watts

15 Grit Bins
15.1 There are no grit bins in Orlingbury. In the past the salt has been dumped on the corner of The Green, which was not good for the grass. There had been a lot of snow and ice over recent weeks and residents had commented on problems. The Highways gritting map was produced for information and showed that the Broughton to Little Harrowden Road was the main one to be gritted and that the road from the A43 to Isham would be gritted in prolonged adverse weather conditions. It was noted that the County ran short of salt and only gritted the major roads. Grit bins in other villages were not refilled when they ran empty.

15.2 A resident had contacted the County because they could not get out of Rectory Lane to Isham Road. They had received a full response from County who had advised they were looking into the situation, but at the moment they could not afford to put grit bins in any more locations.

15.3 The Clerk has been looking into prices for bins, but the County have not yet
got back to her. The Clerk will now contact Bosworths and Glasdon to provide costs as well

15.4 NALC advised, a person is only liable if they leave the road in a dangerous condition when spreading the grit, it is a public service to provide grit. Clerk to write to Highways and ask if the Broughton to Little Harrowden Road was gritted.

11.1 Councillors Miles and Allen have met with Rod Derry and the agreement has been finalised. Mr Titmuss has been contacted and is happy as long as the entrances to the properties are not blocked. He also has concerns re heavy traffic, the allotment agreement asks allotment holders to keep traffic to a minimum, and use consideration in accessing the site.

11.2 The Land registry confirms that the Parish Council owns 15 feet from the centre of the hedge at 4 Northampton Road. This is important to confirm as the future access for when it becomes burial land must be retained.

11.3 Rod Derry has done a lot of work meeting with the allotment holders, who are advised that they have a 2 month notice period if they are not keeping the allotment in good condition. There will be a meeting soon which Councillor Miles will attend and get the holders to sign the agreement and collect the £5 rent monies from each holder. 11.4 There are still fence posts across the end of the allotments and it has been agreed to plant a Hawthorn hedge along this line, with a large enough gap left for access.

12. Planning
Councillors Rootham and Rowlett declared an interest.WP/2009/0038/F – Single Storey extensions & alterations 11 The Leys Tim Robinson

As long as the hedge line remains there were no objections.

It was agreed to wait until after the next meeting for the Clerk to put this comment on the plans, in case any resident attended the regular meeting expecting this to be discussed, due to members of the public in attendance at this meeting.

13. Smart Water
13.1 Charlotte Cook had been advised that the cost of smart water would increase from the beginning of March from £19.50 per household, and that it would also need to be re- registered at a cost after a year.

13.2 Smart Water is a small vial of liquid containing a DNA like number, which shows up under ultraviolet light, allowing the police to return stolen property, and making it difficult for thieves to sell on. The liquid is applied with the brush supplied and can mark between 75 & 100 items.

13.3 Councillor Miles proposed and Councillor Allen seconded, All in favour of the Parish council buying 50 kits and selling them on at cost to the residents. Also 4 signs to go on lamp posts advising that this is a Smart Water area, (similar to Neighbour hood watch signs) to be purchased. Clerk to order.

14. Any Other Business
14.1 There are potholes on the Isham Road by the pony paddock and a long wide pothole in Rectory Lane. Councillor Rowlett to report to Street Doctor.

14.2 It was agreed to put relocating the notice board and moving forward with spending the money received from Councillor Bailey on the next agenda. The current noticeboard was in a poor state and needed attention.

14.3 To confirm the dates of the emergency plan meetings at the meeting.

14.4 It was noted that a 4 x 4 had skidded out side the village hall and caused a large ditch in the grass verge. This also to be put on the next agenda to discuss ways forward, replanting, resurfacing etc.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.50pm, with thanks from the Chair to those attending.

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Chairman Date

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 8th 2009 minutes


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 8th January 09

1.Present: Cllrs Rootham (Chairman), Allen, Rowlett, Waller, Watts,Timms (Borough) and Alison McLaven (Clerk). PC Lee was also present.

2. Apologies Were received and accepted from Cllr Miles

3. Minutes of the last Parish Council Meeting (6th November 2008) and matters arising.

3.1 These were signed as a true and correct record.

3.2 Most matters arising are dealt with under agenda items, it was agreed to ask Councillor Miles to contact the person running the village website to get it up and running so that the council can use it.

3.3 Access through Harrowden Road, The Clerk had spoken to Ewan Rennie, the Borough’s enforcement officer and he had visited the site, noting that the gate through Norlinton Close was open. The Clerk to write and advise that residents are still using the access straight on to the road, reversing on to the road on occasion, and asking him to write to re-enforce that they must access only through Norlinton Close.

4. Development Plan & Progress on Parish Plan

4.1 Councillor Allen presented the progress report to the meeting. Priority 1 – Procedures and responsibilities/ improvement of communication were on track for completion by their target date, with some already targets already achieved.

4.2 Priority 2 is connected to the 106 money. Councillor Allen had received telephone confirmation from Joe Hubbard that the request had been agreed as in the spirit of 106 and the developers approached for release of the monies. Councillor Allen to pursue with vigour.

4.3 Helen Howard at the County has been unable to find the request for 106 money. The Clerk to send a copy.

4.4 Priority 3 106 Development funding – mainly on track. We have received the £2000 donation from Councillor Bailey towards re-siting the notice board and wooden bollards to protect the edge of the green.

4.5 Priority 4 The Allotments – this is on target and itemised as a separate agenda item.

4.6 Councillor Allen was thanked for the work he had done. The Council are delighted with the progress made, but the pressure needs to be kept on

5. Police Matters

5.1 PC Lee had attended the meeting to discuss Smart Water. This is a clear liquid, which is painted on valuables and under ultra violet light reveals a code, which is individual to each owner. The kit can be bought and an annual sub paid, but if it is purchased through Neighbourhood Watch only a one off fee need be paid. The cost depends on the amount purchased, but is around £20 per tube. It was agreed to put an article in the village magazine and ask residents if they want to subscribe.

5.2 PC Lee offered use of speed recording equipment. Discussion of the speed measuring survey followed.

5.3 Councillor Waller advised the meeting about a car parked at the end of Rectory Lane. The tax ran out in November and the car would appear to have been removed after 28 days. This was thought to be the third car abandoned at that site. PC Lee advised the meeting that professional criminals often abandoned cars for a better one especially in rural areas, as there is no CCTV and less regular Police Patrols. It was thought a good idea to mention in the newsletter reporting suspicious vehicles.

5.4 PC Lee also advised the meeting that the number plate recognition cameras did a very good job at catching lots of different offenders.

6 Correspondence

6.1 Letter from NCC confirming the £2000 for re-siting of Notice board and bollards

6.2 Copy of register of electors 2009

6.3 Highways Parish Satisfaction Questionnaire and Area Structure Map. Councillor Allen to complete.

6.4 Civic Ball invitation.

6.5 Letter received by Councillor Rowlatt from Mr & Mrs Abrams concerned that the Parish Council is also paying for the Church mower and its maintenance. It was confirmed that the Parish Council allows the Church to keep its mower under lock and key in our garage, but that is all.

7. Financial Matters

7.1 Discussion on the precept, it was noted that any new mowing equipment would need to be funded from reserves. It was agreed to make an agenda item – Audit of other areas in the village requiring maintenance not done by the green team. Councillor Allen would have liked to be able to spend the precept money on repairing pavements, but this falls under Highways remit and we are not allowed to do any work. Councillor Watts proposed and Councillor Allen seconded, all in favour

7.2 the following accounts were agreed for payment Councillor Watts proposed 5% increase in the precept bringing it up to £6915. and Councillor Allen seconded, all in favour.

598 E-on electricity maintenance £116.59
599 A McLaven – salary £246.90
600 Orlingbury St Mary’s PCC £400.24 – this was for 2 years church floodlighting costs. (2007 - £162.61 & 2008 £237.63)

7.3 The bank require signatures again for the mandate in order for the Clerk to move money as they are saying that the mandate they have in force is from 2000 and gives S Turner permission, they also do not have recent councillors signatures on record so it was agreed for Councillors Allen, Rowlatt & Waller to meet the Clerk at the bank on Wednesday 14th Jan to rectify the matter, hopefully.

8.Reports from external meetings attended

8.1 There were no external meetings, although a meeting called for 9th December was not quorate so did not take place.

9.Planning applications and decisions

9.1 WP/2008/0556/F – raising of canopy by 0.9m – Red House Service Station

9.2 WP/2008/0544/F – single storey rear extension, alteration to front dormer and internal alterations – 24 Isham Road Orlingbury.

9.3 WP/2008/0497/F – demolition of 2 barns & erection of dwelling, land adjacent 2 Taggies Yard – site viewing 13 January.

10. Village Hall

10.1 Nothing to report.


11.1 Rod Derry and Councillor Rootham had sorted out the terms of reference and allocated according to the waiting list. Clerk to write to Mr Derry and thank for his help and input.

11.2 The Access still needs to be clarified. Councillors Miles and Rootham to deal with the matter, and if it needs be pass to the Borough Council to deal with further.

12.Any Other Business

12.1 Leaves in the lane outside the village hall blocked the drains and made the footpath slippy. Street Doctor needs to be contacted as soon this is a problem and they will deal with earlier than the scheduled kerb cleaning.

12.2 The junction of Rectory Lane and Isham Road – is very tricky to manoeuvre in the icy weather. Very little can be done as the village roads are only salted when it is very cold for a long period. The Council are not insured to grit roads.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 10.10pm, with thanks from the Chair to those attending.

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Chairman Date