Monday, March 2, 2009

February 24th 2009 MINUTES


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on
Tuesday 24th February 09

13.Present: Cllrs Miles (Chairman), Rootham (Deputy), Allen, Rowlett, Waller, and Alison McLaven (Clerk).

14 Apologies: Were received and accepted from Cllrs Norton and Watts

15 Grit Bins
15.1 There are no grit bins in Orlingbury. In the past the salt has been dumped on the corner of The Green, which was not good for the grass. There had been a lot of snow and ice over recent weeks and residents had commented on problems. The Highways gritting map was produced for information and showed that the Broughton to Little Harrowden Road was the main one to be gritted and that the road from the A43 to Isham would be gritted in prolonged adverse weather conditions. It was noted that the County ran short of salt and only gritted the major roads. Grit bins in other villages were not refilled when they ran empty.

15.2 A resident had contacted the County because they could not get out of Rectory Lane to Isham Road. They had received a full response from County who had advised they were looking into the situation, but at the moment they could not afford to put grit bins in any more locations.

15.3 The Clerk has been looking into prices for bins, but the County have not yet
got back to her. The Clerk will now contact Bosworths and Glasdon to provide costs as well

15.4 NALC advised, a person is only liable if they leave the road in a dangerous condition when spreading the grit, it is a public service to provide grit. Clerk to write to Highways and ask if the Broughton to Little Harrowden Road was gritted.

11.1 Councillors Miles and Allen have met with Rod Derry and the agreement has been finalised. Mr Titmuss has been contacted and is happy as long as the entrances to the properties are not blocked. He also has concerns re heavy traffic, the allotment agreement asks allotment holders to keep traffic to a minimum, and use consideration in accessing the site.

11.2 The Land registry confirms that the Parish Council owns 15 feet from the centre of the hedge at 4 Northampton Road. This is important to confirm as the future access for when it becomes burial land must be retained.

11.3 Rod Derry has done a lot of work meeting with the allotment holders, who are advised that they have a 2 month notice period if they are not keeping the allotment in good condition. There will be a meeting soon which Councillor Miles will attend and get the holders to sign the agreement and collect the £5 rent monies from each holder. 11.4 There are still fence posts across the end of the allotments and it has been agreed to plant a Hawthorn hedge along this line, with a large enough gap left for access.

12. Planning
Councillors Rootham and Rowlett declared an interest.WP/2009/0038/F – Single Storey extensions & alterations 11 The Leys Tim Robinson

As long as the hedge line remains there were no objections.

It was agreed to wait until after the next meeting for the Clerk to put this comment on the plans, in case any resident attended the regular meeting expecting this to be discussed, due to members of the public in attendance at this meeting.

13. Smart Water
13.1 Charlotte Cook had been advised that the cost of smart water would increase from the beginning of March from £19.50 per household, and that it would also need to be re- registered at a cost after a year.

13.2 Smart Water is a small vial of liquid containing a DNA like number, which shows up under ultraviolet light, allowing the police to return stolen property, and making it difficult for thieves to sell on. The liquid is applied with the brush supplied and can mark between 75 & 100 items.

13.3 Councillor Miles proposed and Councillor Allen seconded, All in favour of the Parish council buying 50 kits and selling them on at cost to the residents. Also 4 signs to go on lamp posts advising that this is a Smart Water area, (similar to Neighbour hood watch signs) to be purchased. Clerk to order.

14. Any Other Business
14.1 There are potholes on the Isham Road by the pony paddock and a long wide pothole in Rectory Lane. Councillor Rowlett to report to Street Doctor.

14.2 It was agreed to put relocating the notice board and moving forward with spending the money received from Councillor Bailey on the next agenda. The current noticeboard was in a poor state and needed attention.

14.3 To confirm the dates of the emergency plan meetings at the meeting.

14.4 It was noted that a 4 x 4 had skidded out side the village hall and caused a large ditch in the grass verge. This also to be put on the next agenda to discuss ways forward, replanting, resurfacing etc.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.50pm, with thanks from the Chair to those attending.

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Chairman Date

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