Thursday, March 1, 2012

Parish Council Minutes February 23rd 2012

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 23rd February 2012

14. Present:Councillors P Allen, (Chairman), A Campbell, N Cole,
P Meadow-Jones, N Reynolds and A McLaven (Clerk).

15. Welcome:Councillor Allen welcomed Nigel Coles as a co-opted Councillor to the Parish Council, the responsibilities are the same as an elected officer. It was noted that we need more people to take on responsibilities.

16. Open Session for the publicThere were no members of the public in attendance.

17. Minutes of 19th January 2012
17.1 These were signed as a true and correct record.

18. Matters Arising18.1 6.2 There has been no response yet from Reverend Dommett.
18.2 7.1 Councillor Cole will oversee the priority and produce the Annual Audit of footpaths and roads with Councillors Campbell and Meadow-Jones.
18.3 7.4 The development plan has not yet been given to ACRE
18.4 8.2 Awaiting response from both Reverend Dommett and Guides. The phone box felt not suitable at the moment for the lectern.

19. Annual Meeting preparations:19.1 It was agreed to promote the village sign and information board at the Annual Parish Meeting.
19.2 Bespoke Media will be contacted with regard to publishing the newsletter and making large promotional boards for the Annual Parish Meeting.
19.3 It was agreed to meet at 7pm on 29th March to discuss the Annual Parish Meeting before the Parish Council meeting.

20. Developments including Centre of Village Sign and Information Board, and bin:20.1 We are fairly certain now that the best location for the information board is by the Notice Board, something angled underneath the Notice Board. Only one board at the moment, so that it doesn’t take over the whole area.

20.2 Councillor Allen has done work on the ‘highlights of history’ of the village, there are 2 people looking into producing the board, one quote is for the £3,000 and the
other is for £200.
20.3 Councillor Allen will bring to the next meeting a mock-up of the lectern and village sign if achievable.
20.4 Councillor Allen will go ahead with planning the sign, but until we have consent from the PCC we cannot go ahead.

21. Crime reports.
21.2 There have been seven crimes in Orlingbury between August 2011 and Jan 2012. Clerk to write and invite the Police to the Annual Parish Meeting

22. Correspondence22.1 The Borough Council had been in contact to see if we still wanted a review of the number of councillors – Councillor Allen has responded that we require 2 additional councillors in order to have a larger attendance and to spread the load better.
22.2 Edward Maxted – gardening company – to be kept on file
22.3 Proludia – awards for all play area funding – to be kept on file
22.4 NCC – information re county connect service - to be put in newsletter
22.5 Information re petition against wind turbines – to be kept on file
22.6 Alan Price printing and distributing company – to be contacted re newsletter and posters.
22.7 NCC library shop promotion
22.8 NAYC – information re youth advisors to be discussed at Annual Parish meeting – it was agreed that we should contact the village and see what facilities are required, Councillor Reynolds will draft a ‘village census’

23. Financial matters:23.1 The following accounts were agreed for payment.
734 Village Hall Rent £ 21.00
735 Petrol for mower ( allotments) £ 7.22
736 WBC – election costs £ 50.00
737 PCC floodlighting costs 2012 £117.56
738 Mrs A Mclaven – salary & exp £124.67
739 PCC floodlighting costs 2011-
Previous cheque not received £164.25

23.2 It was agreed to sign a cheque for next month’s PAYE
23.3 Jackson Grundy have been in contact as we are one of the few villages that don’t have a relationship with them. They will donate a % of the income from sales to the village if they can put on advertisements that they sponsor the village. All in favour

24. Planning24.1 The development in the grounds of Orlingbury Hall has been refused permission to build. The Parish Council were concerned as the development was outside of the village envelope. The application was under clause PPS7 which allows a building of outstanding architectural merit to be built on land outside the building area.
24.2 The Parish Council were also concerned that the access to the property was on a dangerous bend.
24.3 The Chairman of the Planning Committee used his casting vote to refuse the application, as he felt it was not of outstanding architectural merit.

12. Any Other BusinessThere was no other business

13. Date of next meeting.The date of the next meeting is 29th March 2012 at 7.30pm. There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.55 pm with thanks to those attending.

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Chairman Date