Friday, December 14, 2012

Parish Council Minutes 6th December 2012

Minutes of the Meeting held in the village hall
on Thursday 6th December 2012 at 7.30p.m.

131. Present:
Councillors B Rootham (Chairman), P Allen, A Campbell, N Reynolds,
C Turnell, and A McLaven (Clerk).

132. Apologies
132.1 Councillor Cole sent his apologies which were accepted.

133. Public Question Time
133.1 There were no members of the public in attendance.

134. Declarations of Interest
134.1 There were no declarations other than already registered

135. Minutes of 1st November 2012
135.1 Councillor Allen proposed and Councillor Turnell seconded all in favour of being signed as a true and correct record.
135.2 The revised minutes of 4th October were also signed after min 125.2 was changed to the lectern sheet has been satisfactorily amended by the producers.

136. Action Log/ Matters Arising
136.1 122.5 There was discussion of the newsletter, only councillors phone numbers to be put in the newsletter, all calls should go through the Clerk.
136.2 Councillor Rootham had not received a draft copy of the newsletter and it was agreed that he would be sent a copy to look through before it was signed off.
136.3 126.6 Councillor Allen had taken away the information about the capital grant but it was felt too late to deal with the paperwork which was very detailed and involved. Many other parishes felt the same and were also not able to put in bids. Clerk to write to the Chief executive and complain about the lack of time to make bids, at least 2 or 3 months’ notice to be able to deal with the paperwork copies to be sent to Councillor Timms and Councillor Bailey.
136.4 129.1 Councillor Rootham was upset by the lack of attendance at the Remembrance Day Service, Councillors Allen and Cole had sent apologies but no other councillor had either sent apologies or attended. The Councillors had their reasons for non- attendance, but had not realised this was the one occasion that it was necessary to attend if possible. The service is an ecumenical one. Unfortunately, partly due to the church being interregnum the person who was supposed to be taking the service was unaware of this and attended at a different service. Councillor Rootham had to take the service and 2 ex councillors carried the flag.
136.5 The above led to discuss of war graves and Councillor Reynolds proposed Councillor Turnell seconded all in favour of investigating the cost and supporting where appropriate the reconditioning of the 2 war graves in the churchyard.
136.6 122.7 The emergency plan is 18 pages and Councillor Turnell suggested something more user friendly, this is her first remit. The plan builds into the Borough then County and then National plan. Councillor Turnell will make further efforts to identify the first aiders.

137. Finance and precept
137.1 All Councillors have signed a dispensation requesting permission to discuss the precept. The Clerk granted the dispensation
137.2 There was discussion of the need to meet expenditure but not increase the precept too much. We need to maintain our 106 expenditure, street lighting will need changing within the next few years and Rectory Lane needs the verge refurbishing.
137.3 Councillor Reynolds proposed Councillor Allen seconded an increase of 2.5% in line with inflation this takes the precept from £7122 to £7300. All in favour.
137.4 Councillor Reynolds proposed and Councillor Campbell seconded the following accounts for payment. All in favour.

773 A McLaven salary and expenses                    £145.08
774 HMRC PAYE                                               £ 24.20
775 S Miles green team expenses                         £239.44

138. Complaints Policies.
138.1 It was felt this was a very formal approach for dealing with formal complaints, and it was agreed to start the Policy with --
If issues raised cannot be resolved by other means, and add ‘all complaints to be dealt with expeditiously on an individual basis’
Councillor Reynolds proposed and Councillor Campbell seconded the additions, all in favour.

139. Training Policy
139.1 A training budget of £500 was identified
139.2 Following discussion of the draft proposal it was agreed that the policy was more relevant to larger council and the Clerk will draft a new policy and distribute before the next meeting for comments.

140. Lectern/Village Sign
140.1 The work at the top of Rectory Lane is almost complete, the Noticeboard will be removed to be repainted.

141. Correspondence
141.1 The Borough Council wrote to advise that although we had requested a site viewing for the application at the nurseries, there would be no site viewing as the site had been visited several times previously.
141.2 NCC Annual waiting restriction review – request for any parking restriction changes – We don’t have any but note was taken that it is a problem in Rectory Lane and around the Green.

142. Planning
142.1 There were no planning matters to discuss.

143. Any Other Business
143.1 Pat White had advised Councillor Rootham of his concerns about the village pavements. Clerk to write to Highways, although we are aware there is no funding available at present.

130. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be 7th February 2013 at 7.30pm in the village hall.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.15 pm with thanks to those attending.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Parish Council Minutes 1st November 2012

Minutes of the Meeting held in the village hall
On Thursday 1st November 2012

116. Present:
Councillors B Rootham (Chairman), P Allen, A Campbell, N Coles, P Meadow-Jones, C Turnell, and A McLaven (Clerk).

117. Apologies
117.1 Councillors Reynolds and Timms sent their apologies, which were accepted.

118. Public Question Time
118.1 There were no members of the public in attendance.

119. Declarations of Interest
119.1 There were no declarations other than already registered

120. Minutes of 4th October 2012
120.1 -108.1 It was felt that to avoid confusion it was best to remove the sentence, but they will automatically have the same allotment, unless we have had problems.
120.2 109.1 Councillor Allen explained that the minute was meant to say that if something was recorded accurately but was slander can we be held accountable? The Clerk to investigate.
120.3 110.2. The minute needs to show: Councillor Allen had designed with the committee had a production cost of £42.00.
120.4 110.3 The minute needs to add centre of village sign
120.5 Clerk to reissue minutes with above changes, Councillor Rootham to sign later. Councillor Rootham proposed Councillor Allen seconded and all in favour.

121. Action Log/ Matters Arising
121.1 105.3 No response from Mike Kilpin. The plans have gone in and any changes will need to be resubmitted.
121.2 The hedge on the Isham Road discussed previously will be cut back when the equipment is available.

122. Roles and Responsibilities.
122.1 Roads and Pathways (priority 2 from Development plan) : team headed by Councillor Coles, with Councillors Campbell and Meadow-Jones to assist with audit.
122.2 Priority 3 – Clerk to receive plans, Councillor Rootham to guide through and make sure borough stick to policies, Clerk to get copies of planning policies.
122.3 106 funding - Councillor Allen has responsibility for ensuring targets met, in consultation with all of council. There was then discussion regarding the maintenance of the 106 developments. Councillors Allen and Rootham will meet with Bosworth’s to look at this and discuss an annual renewable contract to do the maintenance and advise of remedial work needed. Formal tenders will need to be sent with a time limit to 3 contractors.
122.4 It was agreed all councillors should work with key community organisations as it is good experience for all individuals to attend meetings, such as the Parish Forum, which Councillors Campbell and Cole attended, to get to know the Borough Officers and for the Officers to get to know the councillors.
122.5 Emergency Policy support, there was discussion on how this was set up and delegated out, and it was agreed to set up a sub-committee to review this in the future. It was decided that the plan should be an article in the newsletter, with a small sub group meeting to get ideas for the article and possibly link it in with neighbourhood watch.
122.6 It was agreed that Councillor Reynolds would be the councillor to deal with improving relations with key organisations and legal matters.
122.7 Councillor Turnell was given responsibility for the emergency plan and would meet with Councillors Meadow-Jones and Campbell, she would check on the first aiders and contact Gillian Walton.

123. Equal Opportunities Policy.
123.1 Councillor Campbell proposed and Councillor Turnell seconded, all in favour of the policy being adopted and re issued with the dated adopted on the policy.

124. Health and Safety Policy
124.1 It was agreed the final paragraph should read and potential risks and installations are reviewed on at least and annual basis. Councillor Meadow-Jones proposed and Councillor Turnell seconded all in favour, the policy was then adopted.

125. Lectern/Village Sign
125.1 The work on the lectern is still a work in progress due to the weather. There will be an extra cost incurred due to a need for more tarmac in between the cobbles and the pavement in order that the surface is safe. Councillor Rootham will talk to Bosworth’s about this and the possibility or raising the sets on the kerbed edge.
125.2 The lectern sheet has gone back to the people at Ashton as they had used a translated programme which had lost words from our original, so they have changed this free of charge and made it more robust. Pat White has produces a 5 ml ply backing, and Tim James is producing an angled tray to fit the upright post.
125.3 Councillor Allen is going ahead with designs for the sign, giving ideas to the blacksmith.

126. Correspondence
126.1 Notice that PAYE will be ‘real time’ from April 2013
126.2 Mower Man – information leaflet – Clerk to keep information and ask to tender for works.
126.3 Police – notice of election for police and crime commissioner.
126.4 Boundary Commission – final recommendations for new electoral arrangements for Northamptonshire County Council – will include Finedon in Urban Wellingborough Parish
126.5 Ian Arnott – will be acting privately for 2014 audits, we have agreed to use NCalc Auditors.
126.6 Borough – email from Wendy Thundercliffe re capital programme – Councillors Allen and Rootham will put together a bid towards the refurbishment of Rectory Lane path and kerb – Clerk to ask for extension of time limit.

127. Finance Matters
127.1 Steve Miles has done the work on the little green, but we have not yet received an invoice
127.2 It was agreed to pay the Bosworth’s Invoice when it comes in if it is not close to a meeting date.
127.3 The following invoices were agreed for payment, proposed by Councillor Turnell and seconded by Councillor Campbell, all in favour.

768 P Allen Lectern expenses       £ 34.70
769 E-on electricity supply           £453.76
770 E-on electricity maint.            £121.66
771 A McLaven ink & stamps     £ 26.39
772 Royal British legion –wreath  £ 20.00

128. Planning
128.1 There were no new planning issues.
128.2 It was agreed to mention the Niort Way development in the newsletter so that residents are aware of the situation, as there was no time to call a public meeting. Councillor Cole had asked about this at the Parish Forum, the current plan has permission which expires in February. The current plan is for outline permission, and they are now looking for more detailed planning permission.

129. Any Other Business
129.1 The Royal British Legion Remembrance Service will take place at 10.55 on Sunday 11th November, as many councillors as possible to attend. It was noted that the memorial in the church is for World War I and the memorial for World War II is in the village hall.
129.2 It was asked why the speed camera (Speedwatch) was being taking place in Isham – although the scheme had been cancelled and funding withdrawn there are now a lot of traffic issues and the police are trialling a pilot scheme in Isham and Pytchley to see if it is feasible to restart the programme.

130. Date of next meeting
This is the 6th December 2012 at 7.30pm in the village hall. There will now be no January meeting and the first meeting in 2012 will be 7th February.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.10 pm with thanks to those attending.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Parish Council Minutes 4th October Unnaproved/Draft

Minutes of the Meeting held in the village hall
On Thursday 4th October 2012

101. Present:
Councillors B Rootham (chairman), P Allen, A Campbell, N Coles, P Meadow-Jones,
N Reynolds, C Turnell, and Timms (Borough) and A McLaven (Clerk), and 1 Member of the public.

102. Apologies
102.1 There were no apologies received.

102.2 This has been discussed many times, all apologies should be sent to the Clerk at least 24 hours before the meeting, in writing. The apologies have then to be accepted at the meeting. If meetings are missed continuously for six months a councillor’s position is in question. It is not democratic to make decisions if the meeting is only just quorate.

102.3 It was agreed to keep an attendance record.

103. Open session for Members of the Public
103.1 Pat White advised the meeting that 2 of the allotments that had been complained about had been cleared. The 3rd, a half plot had been rotavated by Pat. The allotments will be discussed later in the meeting.

103.2 Pat was thanked for all the work he had done.

104. Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations other than already registered

105. Redhill Grange Development
105.1 Councillor Timms asked to speak to the meeting concerning developments at Redhill Grange. He advised that BeeBee still want to build on Redhill Grange and had held a meeting to discuss this on 17th August, he and many other Borough Councillors were not made aware of this until the afternoon of the day. The Clerk was only aware on receipt of the plans which contained a note saying sorry you were unable to attend.

105.2 They only want to progress with phase 1 at the moment due to costs. There was discussion regarding the site and the land available.

105.3 The Clerk to write to the CEO of the Borough Council, and Mike Kilpin in planning to express dismay that the meeting took place without the Parish Council being aware, and to ask that we are notified of future meetings in plenty of time so that we can arrange a village meeting so that we can get the views of residents. Also to write to the developer advising of the same.

105.4 Councillor Timms will speak to the 4 other parishes that he represents so that the Parishes can get together to put a response from all parishes.

106 Minutes of 6th September 2012Councillor Campbell proposed and Councillor Cole second that these were signed as true and correct record. All in favour.

107. Action Log/ Matters Arising
107.1 Councillor Cole has spoken to Mrs Stockdale and she agrees that the Sycamore tree is a problem and will arrange for it to be cut down. The Clerk will write and thank her for her assistance.

107.2 Councillor Cole had also reported a damaged kerb, to Street Doctor, and it was repaired promptly.

107.3 Regarding the small the green, the Borough Council had advised Steve Miles that there supplier could supply 1000 bulbs for £30. There has not been a response from Bosworths yet. Steve thinks he will need 2/3000 bulbs, fertiliser and grass seed and expects to spend up to £130. Councillor Coles proposed we accept this Councillor Campbell seconded all in favour, Councillor Rootham will confirm this with Steve.

108. Allotments
108.1 Following discussion it was agreed that all the tenants to be given Notice from early October, they will have to reapply for tenancy, but they will automatically have the same allotment, unless we have had problems.

108.2 The year will then run from 1st October to 30th September.

108.3 The rent for this year will be pro rata, £7.50

108.4 The two larger plots will be divided to make 4 smaller plots

108.5 There is a resident interested in taking on a new allotment, she has been advised to contact the Clerk.

108.6 The Clerk to telephone Pat White and advise him what is happening.

109. Risk Assessment Policy
109.1 Councillor Allen asked how the matter would be dealt with if something was said that was then recorded inaccurately. Councillor Rootham advised him that if a minute had been approved but was then found to be factually incorrect it could be corrected and a new minute issued.

109.2 It was agreed to add each councillor has responsibility to exercise proberty in all financial matters.

109.3 It was agreed to add and keep its public liability insurance up to date.

109.4 It was agreed to cut the sentence regarding the playing field as this is not relevant.

109.5 It was agreed to append the asset list to the Risk Assessment and also the duty list given to new Councillors.

109.6 ‘Roles and Responsibilities’ and the Equal Opportunities Policy to be on the next agenda.

110. Lectern/Village Sign
110.1 Councillor Rootham has been advised that Bosworths will start work within the next 2-3 weeks.

110.2 Councillor Allen showed the meeting the finished display which cost £42.00, it was then agreed to order another one and that future designs would have 2 copies made.

110.3 The Blacksmith is going to start work on the lectern very soon and Councillor Allen is going to present him with ideas for the design of the Village, i.e. chestnuts, leaves, doves, squirrels, and key images, such as dairy cows and the village green, it is possible the sign will be ready early next year.

111. Correspondence
111.1 information re a candidate for Police Commissioner

111.2 Various posters – registering for school places, informing the County Council of problems via the internet, and road safety – There was discussion of the best place to display the posters, Councillor Rootham will arrange this.

111.3 Parish Forum - This is to be held on Wednesday 10th October, Councillor Coles will attend this on behalf of the Council

111.4 Northamptonshire Licencing partnership – information re its 3 yearly review – a statement of principles can be viewed Comments required by 5th November.

111.5 Ian Arnott- the Auditor has resigned – Clerk to write and thank again for his advice and wish him well in the future.

112. Finance Matters
112.1 The Audit has been completed and the matters arising were

a) The Accounting statement not approved by 30th June, this was due to a new auditor and we shall in future try to approve the statements by 30th June.

b) The Fidelity Guarantee – we are aware of this and once the 106 monies have been spent this will not be an issue.

c) Change in accounting basis – just a note for readers of the accounts.

112.2 Councillor Reynolds proposed and Councillor Meadow- Jones seconded, all in favour of the following accounts for payment

762 Information Commission – for data protection       £ 35.00
763 BDO – for audit fees                                           £162.00
764 PAYE                                                                  £ 49.60
765 A McLaven salary oct/nov                                  £198.80
766 Clearly secure ltd – display board                        £ 42.00

113 Planning
WP/2012/0432/F – construction of 2 detached houses with garages – 1 The Nursery, Isham Road, Mr James Lawson – site visit requested to discuss access.

114. Any Other Business
114.1 Councillor Campbell asked for any items that could be included in the newsletter.

115. Date of next meeting
This is the 1st November 2012 at 7.30pm in the village hall.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.34pm with thanks to those attending.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Parish Council Minutes 6th September 2012


Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 6th September 2012

85. Present:
Councillors B Rootham(Chairman), P Allen , A Campbell, N Cole, G Timms
(Borough), Ian Arnott, NCalc Auditor, 1 member of the public and A McLaven

86. Apologies
86.1 Councillor Reynolds sent her apologies as it was her wedding anniversary, Councillor Meadows-Jones sent her apologies as she had just returned from holiday. There was discussion that all apologies should be received at least 24 hours before the meeting and that they have to be accepted or not. The above apologies were accepted.

86.2 If apologies are not accepted or not given after six months a councillor can be removed for non-attendance.

87. Declarations of Interest and update on registration of interests
87.1 There were no declarations

87.2 The declaration forms that were issued at the previous meeting have been completed by all councillors and they have been given to Chris Pitman at the Borough Council who has registered them, and is in the process of scanning them so that they are available electronically, he will then return them to the Clerk.

88. Approval of Minutes 5th July
Councillor Coles proposed and Councillor Campbell seconded these be signed as a true and correct record. All in favour

89. Approval of Minutes 19th July
Councillor Campbell proposed and Councillor Allen seconded these be signed as true and correct record. All in favour.

90. Matters arising 5th July90.1 Minute 72.1 was changed to note that it was Carpenters Yard planning application and clarified that if residents agree matters at a site viewing they cannot be taken into consideration at planning committee if they are not part of the plans submitted.

90.2 Following discussion it was agreed to bring the Action Log to each meeting.

90.3 76.1 it was noted that Councillor Allen had emailed a response to Councillor Reynolds questionnaire.

91. Public Question Time
91.1 The Allotment Notices had been delayed but were sent out on 24th August.

91.2 Clerk will ring Mrs Matthews to see if she wishes to continue with her allotment.

91.3 Allotments will be on the agenda of the October meeting when all conditions etc. will be discussed. Mr White was assured that all would be ready for the meeting so that he can do any work necessary to the allotments.

92. Ian Arnott NCalc Auditor
92.1 Ian thanked the meeting for being asked to attend. He has been an auditor since it was introduced in 2003. Northamptonshire is the only County that provides this service out of 70 odd parishes, town councils, and parish meetings Ian does the audit for 30 including Oundle and Thrapston Town Councils and Rockingham Parish Meeting.

92.2 Section 137 monies are for where we have no specific authority to give money, i.e. we have authority to give money to Citizens Advice, but no authority to buy the memorial wreath. Section 137 is for the benefit of the village on behalf of the village.

92.3 Ian was advised that we had put using an NCalc Auditor as part of our development plan, following a presentation from Danny Moody of NCalc. Ian told the meeting that the purpose of the Audit was better described as an inspection.

92.4 On meeting with the Clerk, Ian felt it was better with a smaller council such as ours to change from Income & Expenditure to payments and receipts which is purely what comes in and what goes out. The Annual Return figures had needed re-stating because of this and this was now causing addition questions from the External Auditor BDO, but Ian felt this had all been dealt with properly and fully now.

92.5 Ian also went through the Policies needed, which have been distributed between Councillors. The Practitioners guide to the Audit will be distributed around the Councillors.

92.6 Ian had to make 3 visits instead of the normal 1, but feels that all shortfalls are being dealt with.

92.7 Ian was thanked for attending and giving very valuable information to the Councillors.

93. Model Policies
93.1 Following on from Ian Arnott’s presentation it was agreed to review and put in place one Policy a meeting with a target of having all policies in place by the end of March 2013. However, we shall work as though all the draft policies are in place.

93.2 The Risk Assessment Policy will be the first to be adopted, this will then go out yearly prior to the Annual General Meeting so that it is in place for year of Council and reviewed at the year end.

94. Village Sign
94.1 Councillor Allen has been given support to go ahead and explore the possibility of using the same provider for this and the lectern.

95. Lectern
95.1 The Lectern design has yet to be formalised.

95.2 The Sycamore near the site has had the main branches lopped out, but the tree is still pressing against the wall. Councillor Cole will discuss the matter with the owner when he meets with her at another meeting in the near future.

95.3 Councillor Allen presented a design for the tray insert. It was agreed that he would go ahead with this. If Councillor Allen had not heard otherwise after 3 days he will contact the blacksmith and another recreating this.

95.4 It was noted that there will be more designs so that they can be changed periodically.

95.5 There is an old scrapbook in the young chapel with old photographs of pastors/priests and Councillor Rootham with find out if Councillor Allen can borrow it.

96. Financial Matters
96.1 The following accounts were agreed for payment Councillor Cole proposed and Councillor Campbell seconded, all in favour.

760   HMRC PAYE £ 49.80
761   A McLaven salary & expenses £236.96

97. Correspondence
97.1 Police – information about the new Police and Crime Commissioner who is to be elected and will replace the Police Authority, one of the candidates sent information about public sessions.

97.2 Society of Local Council Clerks – offer of 4 months free membership, it was decided that membership would not give anything extra to the Clerk.

97.3 WBC – information about a Later Life Matters event at the Castle Theatre on 26th September.

97.4 Northamptonshire Transportation Plan – information about strategies and link to website for consultation.

98. Planning
There were no planning applications

99. Any Other Business
99.1 Steve Miles had asked the Clerk if it was possible to plant crocuses on the small green at a cost of about £130. It was agreed to try this, but Councillor Timms will try and find out if we can get a free supply of crocus’ and Councillor Rootham will ask Bosworths if they would provide the bulbs. Councillor Rootham will contact Steve regarding the outcome.

100. Date of next meeting.
The date of the next meeting is 4th October 2012, and the date of the January 2013 meeting was confirmed as the 10th. There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.23pm with thanks to those attending.


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Parish Council Minutes 19th July 2012

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 19th July 2012

80. Present:

Councillors, B Rootham(Chairman), P Allen , N Cole, C Turnell and A McLaven (Clerk).

81. Apologies

Councillors A Campbell, P Meadow-Jones, N Reynolds, and Borough Councillor G Timms sent their apologies which were accepted. It was agreed to discuss the giving of apologies at the next meeting.
82. Financial Matters

82.1 The Clerk read out the comments from the Auditor, he did not note that we had instigated the use of an NCalc Auditor, as this was part of our development plan, and it was agreed to ask him to do so.

82.2 Danny Moody to be contacted for financial regulations and policies that need to be adopted. It was agreed the Clerk would print off copies prior to the meeting and ensure each councillor had a hard copy to discuss and agree at the next meeting.

82.3 The council needs to register for Data protection which will cost £35.

82.4 It was agreed that a separate spread sheet will be produced for the Section 106 monies.

82.5 It was agreed to ask the Auditor to attend the next meeting.

82.6 Peter Allen proposed and Charlotte  Turnell seconded All in favour of the Accounts and Annual Return being signed.

82.7. The following accounts were agreed for payment Peter Allen proposed and Nigel Cole seconded, all in favour.

757   Ian Arnott Auditor                       £75.00
758   Orlingbury Village Hall rent          £15.00
759   E-on electricity maintenance         £121.66
83. Planning
WP/2012/0287/F – single storey rear extension (re submission) 8a Pytchley Road, Mr Talbot –

83.1 There were concerns with the plans and the Clerk was to obtain clarification of whether or not the French windows were on the new extension. 
83.2 There were also concerns as to whether the site could cope with the additional sewage/services. 

83.4 All building vehicles and materials to be kept within the curtilage of the site.

84. Date of next meeting.

The date of the next meeting is 6th September 2012. There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.15pm with thanks to those attending.

Chairman                                  Date

Parish Council Minutes 5th July 2012


 Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 5th July 2012
66. Present:
Councillors B Rootham, (Chairman), P  Allen,  A Campbell, N Coles,  P Meadow-Jones, N Reynolds, C Turnell, PCSO Mike Bowes, PC Phil Sawyer, Mr P White and A McLaven (Clerk)
67. Apologies: Councillor Timms and sent his apologies which were accepted.
68. Election of Chairman
68.1 Councillor Rootham explained that under regulations a council must have a Chairperson, their duty is to chair the meeting, if present and to sign the minutes at the following meeting and to use a casting vote when necessary. Decisions cannot be made if there is no Chair.
68.2 The Clerk cannot chair the election, the outgoing chairperson remains in the chair until a new chair is elected.  The agenda can go out in the name of the Clerk.
68.3 Councillor Rootham then offered to Chair the meetings until the next Annual General Meeting in May 2013, when he would definitely not re-stand.  Councillor Cole proposed and Councillor Campbell seconded, all in favour of Councillor Rootham remaining Chair for the rest of the council year.

68.4 It was agreed to make a concerted effort to groom people to take on functions of the council.
69.Police Matters
69.1     There have been no reported crimes in Orlingbury in the past month
69.2     The issues for the village are traffic speeding through the village and parking problems, particularly near road junctions.

69.3     They confirmed that for emergencies people should still call 999 but if it is a non- emergency they should call 101.
69.4     Police Local Incident Priorities are : Speeding, Street Nuisance and in Earls Barton, Motorcycle nuiscance.
69.5     Crime in adjacent villages is maybe 1 or 2 a month at most.
70. Public Question Time
70.1     Mr Pat White asked what could be done regarding the allotments of Mrs Matthews,  Mr Mulroy and Mr Pipkin.  Following discussions it was agreed that as Mr Mulroy had received previous warnings he would be given written notice to quit the allotment within 28 days. Mrs Matthews and Mr Pipkin would be given a letter requiring them to keep to the terms of the allotments.
70.2 The next newsletter will advise people that if they are interested in renting an allotment to contact the Clerk to be put on a waiting list should a plot become available.

70.3 Mr White advised the meeting that he was willing to rotavate the empty plot if the Parish Council would provide the ‘Round up’ to start with.
70.1 It was agreed to review the plots and the tennancy agreement at the October meeting, possibly changing the dates of the agreement so that it runs from September until September.
71. Approval of Minutes of 5th May and 29th May
The date on the minutes of 29t May was corrected and both minutes were signed as a true and correct record.
72. Matters arising
72.1 From the planning meeting 29th May Councillor Rootham attended the site viewing. The neighbours discussed things which were agreed but at the planning meeting can only consider presented plans. WBC approved but with conditions- that the ground floor window will be obscured and unable to open.  It was also agreed that the building would be for ancillary use only.
72.2 65 The new house in the grounds of Orlingbury Hall, was approved by WBC Planning committee a 5-4 vote of the committee.
72.3 54.3 The name sign for Rectory Lane is ready to be collected.

72.4 54.3 Pell’s have still not responded, in view of the detailed proposal from Bosworth’s it was agreed Councillor Allen would proceed with a site meeting to discuss progressing, and advise chairman so he can be present at the meeting.
72.5 54.3 The owner of the sycamore pressing the wall near the site has not yet removed it as was agreed, Councillor Allen is going to try and resolve the problem with the owner.

72.6 54.4 The resident no longer parks blocking the post box.

72.7 54.5 The hedge on Isham Road is still a problem for pedestrians and traffic, it was agreed to try and work with the owner to achieve cutting it back further.
73. Code of Conduct.
73.1 It was agreed to accept the new code of conduct, using the NCalc version. Proposed by Councillor Rootham, seconded by Councillor Cole, all in favour.
73.2 It was agreed that the Clerk will advise all councillors which documentation should be brought to the meetings.
74. Action Log/ Declaration of interest

The Action log is upto date

74.2 Declarations of interest are now to be filled in on the registration form, so they wont have to be declared at each meeting.
75. Financial Matters

The Clerk has met with the Auditor, there is still work to be done, the Auditor is going to charge an extra £75 for having to come out more often, Regulations and Policies to be printed off and agreed, the Clerk will contact NCalc for these.  The Auditor will be asked to attend the finance meeting on 19th July.

75.2 The reason we have to pay 2 NCalc Auditor invoices is apparently historical, the year we are in needs to be paid as the Auditor is available during the financial year, and we have to pay the previous year as this is the year he is working on at the moment.
75.3 The following payments were approved

            750 HMRC PAYE                   £  49.60
            752 NCalc Audit fees               £285.31
            754 A Mclaven salary x 2         £198.80
            755 E-on Maintenance             £121.66
            756 E-on supply April – June    £448.82
75.4     The following payment was approved from the allotment income
            751 P White mower maint.       £22.58
76. Questionnaire
76.1 Nicola had received no responses to her draft questionnaire, she is happy to finish the preparations, but it was agreed it was better to put it on the back burner until we have completed the 106 commitments.

77. Lectern/Village sign

Councillor Allen had been in contact with the Blacksmith at Cransley Hill with regard to making a cast iron frame which would hold laminated boards/trays which could be changed periodically, the Blacksmith was also prepared at a later date to make and design a village sign.

77.2 Bosworths have quoted around £2300 for the work at the corner of Rectory Lane, repositioning the seat, replacing the sign, building the lectern, etc. The Metalwork should cost between £150 - £200, and the trays around £400 each. Approved unanimously and work should start as soon as possible.
77.3 Councillors Rootham and Allen will progress the lectern works, top of Rectory Lane.  Councillor Allen will progress with the Blacksmith. Councillor Allen will bring a design for the tray to the next meeting

77.4 All in favour of going ahead with the project spend.
77.5 It was agreed to use the same provider for the village sign, which we need to deal with next.

78. Planning
78.1 WP/2012/0310/F – First floor extension to rear of dwelling 21 Isham Road, S White
All materials to be kept on site as it is a busy road.

78.2  WP/2012/0303/F- Proposed demolition of garage, erection of granny annexe, single storey rear extension and erection of double garage – 100 Harrowden Road, Mr & Mrs Chipperfield.
The following conditions were proposed by Orlingbury Parish Council. Not to be sold as a separate dwelling as outside the village envelope.
79. Correspondence.
The mobile library service is no longer stopping in the village, it has been withdrawn due to lack of use. This will be noted in the newsletter. There was discussion regarding books being left in the church to be borrowed and Councillors were advised that the church already has a Christian Library.

79.2 Notice has been served of the proposed removal of some trees along the rear boundary of the Queen’s Arms, at the south west corner of the site. The trees in question are ash and hawthorn.  Residents are concerned about the lack of privacy once the trees are removed and also concerned that removal will make the subsidence worse.  It was also noted that another tree has previously been cut down and removed from the same site.

80. Dates of the next meeting.
These were agreed as 19th July 2012 (finance only), 6th September 2012, 4th  October 2012, 1st  November 2012, 6th December 2012, 7th February 2013, 7th March 2013, 4th April 2013, 18th April (Annual Parish Meeting) and 10th May 2013( Annual General Meeting), all  at 7.30pm, a January meeting is planned but the date to be agreed at the next meeting.
The meeting closed at 9.45 with thanks to those attending.

Date                      Chair

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Parish Council Minutes May 29th 2012


Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 29th May 2012

60. Present:
Councillors B Rootham, (Chairman), A Campbell P Meadow-Jones and A McLaven (Clerk)
Councillor Rootham declared an interest in WP/2012/0194/F

61. Apologies:
Councillors P Allen, N Coles, N Reynolds and C Turnell sent their apologies which were

62. Finance:
It was agreed to wait until the full meeting on 5th July to agree payments

63. WP/2012/0194/F
Single storey extension to kitchen plus alteration/improvements to annex building –
amended plans 4 Carpenters Yard – Mr & Mrs Walpole
A site viewing was requested and the following comments made to the Borough Council,
The Parish Council are concerned with the increase in roof height, and that it will be a
self -contained dwelling within a garden, and will lead to increased traffic, making it over
development of the site. If it is approved the council would like all over looking windows of
obscured glass and all materials to be in keeping

64. WP/2012/0221/F
Single storey front extension 8a Pytchley Road Mr Talbot
A site viewing was also requested. The Parish Council was concerned that there were no detailed
measurements on the plans.It was felt that extending the property will adversely affect the street
scene as will adding gables. We have concerns regarding the access on to the road, and if approved
concerns re access to the building during construction.

65. WP/012/0211/F
New House and access road, Land at Orlingbury Hall, Mr Webb
There were concerns about access from a 60mph road. It is ouside the village envelope. It is not of
sufficient architectural merit,too near to a grade 2 listed building and out of keeping with the village
scene A site viewing was requested.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Parish Council Minutes May 5th 2012


Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 5th May 2012

50. Present:
Councillors P Allen, B Rootham, (Deputy), N Cole, C Turnell and A McLaven

51. Apologies
Councillors A Campbell, P Meadow-Jones, N Reynolds, and Borough
Councillor G Timms sent their apologies which were accepted.

52. Open Session for the public
There were no members of the public in attendance.

53. Approval of Minutes of 12th April 2012
53.1 Councillor Cole proposed and Councillor Turnell seconded, These were signed as a true and correct record, all in favour.

54. Matters Arising
54..1 The Clerk apologised for not having the up to date action log

54.2 44.2 The Parish enhancement gang have been given details of work required (Clerk to send email to Councillor Rootham).

54.3 44.3 Councillor Allen presented the plans to Helen Howard (NCC) with detailed annotated photo’s showing the issues of pruning, enhancement, cosmetic changes, changes to the hard standing and road edges. She advised she would convey this to MGWSP. Nothing has been heard from them. The Borough Council are responsible for the Street Name Signs. Pells asked if who ever did the works for the Lectern site at the top of Rectory Lane could make the sign and incorporate it within the works. It had also been mentioned to Bosworths. The owner of the sycamore pressing through the wall near the site had been asked to remove the tree, and they advised that they would. The wall is not in a dangerous condition, but does need repointing.

54.4 44.7 Sheila Gilder had not yet been contacted regarding the resident next to the post box, it was felt another letter thanking for consideration shown but asking to park so that residents can access the post box, and a response appreciated.

54.5 It was agreed to chase up Street Doctor, regarding the hedge on Isham Road, as it makes it dangerous to cross the road. It was also agreed that Nigel would contact Street Doctor about problems with blocked drains, councillors would email him the information.

55. Questionnaire
55.1 It was agreed to postpone discussion of the questionnaire until the next meeting, as Councillor Reynolds was not in attendance.

56. Development Plan
56.1 Councillor Allen had agreed to continue working on the lectern, it was agreed to progress the matter as quickly as possible. The quotation from Bosworths of £2250 exvat for the works had been received and the quotation from Pells was anticipated. It was agreed the four in attendance at the meeting would meet once the second quotation had been received and make a decision. This was proposed by Councillor Rootham and seconded by Councillor Cole all in favour.

56.2 There was discussion of what had taken place with regard to the village sign and the discussion of the siting of the sign. It was agreed to make this an agenda item for the next meeting and make a firm decision on how to progress things and to make sure we spend the 106 money.

57. Correspondence
57.1 NCalc – newsletter and information on Code of conduct and advising BDO Stoy Haywood to remain as Auditors for next 3 year

57.2 BCW Community governance review – A Resident would like the boundary changed so that his property is in Little Harrowden. Clerk to write and advise we feel there is no need to change the boundary.

58. Finance
58.1 The following accounts were agreed for payment

747 HMRC Paye           £ 49.60
748 A McLaven salary   £198.40
749 Village Hall rent       £ 15.00

58.2 It was agreed to pay the Insurance once the revised quotation was received.

59. Planning
59.1 WP/2012/0206/F – small extension to existing ground floor room at rear of bungalow – 2b Little Barn Harrowden Road, Mr Alan West. Only comment - all materials and vehicles to be kept within the curtilage of the site.

59.2 WP/2012/0194/F Single storey extension to kitchen plus alterations/ improvements to annex building – 4 Carpenters Yard Orlingbury, Mr & Mrs Walpole – Following discussions it was agreed to comment that the window overlooking neighbouring property should be of obscured glass. All materials and vehicles to be kept within the curtilage of the site.

60. Date of next meeting.
It was agreed that the council meet on 19th June for a short finance meeting and then again on 5th July to decide the dates for the rest of the year.

Chairman Date

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting April12th 2012


Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting
Held in Orlingbury Village Hall
Thursday 12th April 2012

P Allen (Chairman), B.Rootham (Deputy) Cllrs Bailey (County Council), A Campbell, P Meadow-Jones, N Reynolds, C Turnell Mrs A.McLaven (Clerk), and 3 Members of the public, John Cook, Charlotte Cook and Evelyn Jarrett

G.Timms (Borough), Nigel Cole, Sylvia Rootham and Steve Miles sent their apologies, which were accepted.

These were approved as a true and correct record

A visual display of the following documents was provided to demonstrate the works of the Parish Council, its development programme and progress overall:

a) The Parish Council Development Plan: its purpose and priorities

b) The Centre of Village Sign showing location

c) The Information Lectern; showing design location and contents

d) An annotated photograph of the Rectory Lane Corner showing scheduled works for this year

e) A progress chart on the 2088-12 development plan

f) Photographs of key areas in the village showing standard of neglect and disrepair prior to developments being achieved

The Guides under the direction of Jane Smith provided refreshments for people attending the meeting, Councillor Allen thanked them for their good work.

Elections last May secured three new councillors and two further councillor co-options have achieved full strength in membership. A requested review by the Wellingborough Authority this year could enable growth by a further two councillors. This will assure coverage of responsibilities in an ambitious new Development Plan and the early achievement of key objectives. We continue to meet monthly though members of the public whilst eligible to attend, have rarely, joined us this year. We regularly, see the Wellingborough Borough Councillor representing the Northern ward, he is on hand to comment and sometimes feed-back our concerns to the Borough Council. Minutes are regularly, available on the village blog, which is maintained by Rod Derry and on the village website run by Andy Gosling. Copies of draft minutes are placed in the village notice board which is unlocked to enable people to take them out and read them. The Parish Council Newsletter combined with a Welcome section for new villagers is published on a thrice yearly basis and run by Councillors Campbell and Meadows-Jones.

New Councillors all attended an introductory meeting where roles and responsibilities were discussed. A new set of standing orders has been adopted. We trust that villagers interested in the works of the Council will attend monthly meetings as observers and will seriously consider putting up for election if, following review of membership, an expansion in numbers is confirmed by the Wellingborough Authority.

Part of the function of the Parish Council is to study planning applications and to uphold current regulations. This year the Council also contributed to the review of Borough Planning Regulations. Our view that any expansion of the village should continue to take place within the existing planning envelope was endorsed by the Wellingborough Authority.

Our second, 4 year Development Plan has just been approved. It builds on the previous Orlingbury PC Development Plan. It briefly, consists of 3 priorities, which are:

Procedures and responsibilities

- Improvement of consultation and decision making

- Assuring relationships with key organisations

Roads and pathways

- Road safety

- Improvement of Roads and Pathways.

- Maintenance, lighting of pavements and pathways

Development funding

- Completion of gateways to village

- Completion of Section 106 village agenda by designing and erecting a village sign and lectern.

Each Priority area has target dates by which elements are to be achieved and each Councillor is responsible for part of the plan.

We regularly report on progress in these areas at Parish Council Meetings. It will be clear to villagers that elements relating to development funding have taken longer than expected to achieve. However, we are pleased to observe that the village gateways have been erected and those who remember the old village signs will be only too aware of improvements. Changes include speed restrictions being extended on the Harrowden and Pytchley Roads and the additional installations of speed-check posts to enable the use of our Speed Indicator signs on each road. Sadly, the village Speed Watch initiative involving trained villager volunteers has been ended by the Police though; we are informed that Police cameras continue to visit the village. Villagers involved in that initiative are invited to be part of the team created to erect maintain and position the electronic speed warning sign shared with Isham Parish.

Progress in the last year stalled on the erection of the centre of village sign and information sign. We hope that both will be in place by December.

An audit to be conducted this year on roads and footpaths will, reveal a substantial improvement in the up-keep of boundary hedges in the village. This is not only a matter of neatness and civic pride but more especially, a matter of public safety as ill- kempt or overgrown hedges restrict the view of motorists and prevent pedestrians from walking safely in the village.

An increasing hazard is the parking of cars across pavements. Whilst it is accepted that roads are narrow in places, motorists should always leave sufficient space on footpaths for pedestrians and wheel chairs to pass safely and for access to key facilities e.g. post-boxes and entrances.

During the last four years, as has been stated in previous reports, improvements have been made to village roads and footpaths. The verge at Rectory Lane on the Old Rectory side is still a problem area and there are several hazardous pinch-points on footpaths (particularly on the Harrowden Road), these require the attention of the Highways Authority.

I can report that the final instalment of section 106 money has been awarded by the Norlinton Close Developers and the Wellingborough Council.

It is important to underline the areas of work that Councillors continue to play a key role in:

• Representing our community

• Striving to improve quality of life in the Parish

We again invite all those interested in the work of the Parish Council to attend meetings as observers to take part in sub-committee work.


The County has decided not to increase the Council Tax this year, although they are still under financial pressure, but it is not so dramatic this year. Councillor Bailey is vice chair of the Council this year and from May should become Chair, after 42 years of service. At the end of 2013 there will be County Council elections and it has been decided to reduce the number of councillors from 70 down to 50. Councillor Bailey represents 10 Parishes and this will increase to 14 Parishes once the new areas come into effect. Many Councillors will then find themselves representing areas they don’t know.

The Parish Forum last night discussed the Localism bill and it was very difficult to comprehend, as it is not sure what effect it will have on Parish level decision making. There is a facility for the Parishes to identify community assets and if they are put up for sale for example the council can use measures to make sure it is not lost as a community asset. Community groups may want to take over assets and it needs to be monitored.

Councillor Allen felt that Parishes should work closely with the Principle Authority as costs of both financial and human energy would be too much for a small Parish Council


Councillor Timms was not in attendance, and had not provided a report.

There was discussion of Wellingborough Borough Councils reduction of services and that environmental services have been taken over by a company called Norse, and any profits will be shared with WBC. The workers still work from the same depot and it is anticipated that running costs will be less.


The Neighbourhood Watch scheme is continuing to operate well in Orlingbury. It is good to see the NHW signs and Smart Water signs up in places around the village. The last year has not passed without incident. There were 5 incidents between April and October. Just because they may be few in number does not mean they are less traumatic to the people concerned so we must not be complacent.

I would like to thank Judy Norton who kindly provided me with the local farmers names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses. These were then passed on to NHW and the Police so that a Farm Watch could be reinstated. There have been a lot of thefts from farms so we must be vigilant and if we see something strange going on, especially after dark, we should phone the Police who will check it out. It does not matter if it is a false alarm but if it saves machinery costing thousands of pounds from theft, it will be worth it.

All areas in the village have a “street” coordinator and anyone can contact those coordinators if they are concerned about something going on in the village, or in an emergency, phone directly to the Police.

POLICE = 999 or 101

NHW = 01604 432 436.


The above club now has a membership of 19 players, some have been with us since the opening of the Orlingbury Village Hall or before, but over the last year 3 new members have joined us and are enjoying the challenge of ‘beating the bias’ of the bowls and the length of the mats. We meet on Monday and Friday evenings 7.30pm – 9.30pm with a short break for tea/coffee and biscuits and also on a Tuesday afternoon from 2pm – 4pm (no break).

Should anyone like to come along and try their hand please just turn up to have a go. We have a selection of bowls in our cupboard (flat soled shoes or slippers should be worn)

This year we have a new Chairman – Alistair Jarrett, new Treasurer – Sue Marsh, new Secretary – Evelyn Jarrett (01536 516108) and a new Match Secretary – John Wilson to arrange friendly games with other clubs.

The club annual subscription is £5 and £1.50 per evening and afternoon. There is no obligation to come along 3 times a week and there will always be someone available to give you advice.

The club will have a ‘target bowls’ stall at the Orlingbury Fayre on Saturday, 16th June.

We have 3 mats and spare bowls and members from Isham, Orlingbury, Burton Latimer, Wellingborough, Kettering and Northampton – so come along and try your hand; we are a mixed bunch of all ages.


The village hall is used virtually every night of the week, and has a full booking diary for the next 12 months. The committee is looking into electrical safety and organisations using the hall may need to have items they bring in to the hall to be used PAT tested.


The Joseph Manning Trust, Over Sixties, Brownies & Guides, PCC, Village Fete Committee, Church Warden, Young Church, Green Team

The reports are available from the clerk. Copies of all reports are kept on file.


There was discussion on how much the council has progressed, with the gateways and getting hedgerows cut back. It is anticipated that the centre of village sign and information board will be completed by the end of this the Queens Diamond Jubilee Year.

Councillor Reynolds is preparing a short questionnaire to profile the village and establish what everyone feels is needed, such as footpath maintenance and a Youth Club.

It was agreed to write to the Police and say that we are disappointed they did not contact us to say they could not attend, and encourage them to attend in future.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.40pm with thanks to all attending.

Parish Council Minutes April 12th 2012 Draft/unapproved


Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 12th April 2012

40. Present:
Councillors P Allen, (Chairman), B Rootham, (Deputy),A Campbell,
P Meadow-Jones, N Reynolds, C Turnell and A McLaven (Clerk).

41. Apologies
Councillor N Cole and Borough Councillor G Timms sent their apologies which were accepted.

42. Open Session for the public
There were no members of the public in attendance.

43. Approval of Minutes of 29th March 2012
43.1 These were signed as a true and correct record

44. Matters Arising
44.1 31.2 The left action margin needs actions entered on log and log to be on agenda
44.2 Audit of roads and footpaths carried out; it was noted that the date should be stamped on photos to help with future audits. Councillor Allen had pre-empted audit by completing Parish enhancement forms for MGWSP to carry out works needed.
44.3 Helen Howard has been given information re modifying Rectory Lane, and Councillor Allen to meet with her on 17th April to discuss works and improvements; the Borough and the County have also been given this information.
44.4 Acre have now received the development plan and asked if they can use it as an exemplar, this was agreed provided it was noted that the plan was formed ‘p re localism’ and is not a neighbourhood plan
44.5 31.7 The bin is now sited.
44.6 33.2 Councillor Allen will contact the designers regarding the information board and ask them to come back with a design and an estimate of costs.
44.7 38.3 Clerk to now write to Sheila Gilder at Highways and advise that we have had no response to our requests for residents not to park in front of the letter box.

45. Correspondence
45.1 NCalc – update
45.2 Bespoke media requiring information about producing newsletters, they produced our previous newsletter.

46. Financial matters:
46.1 It was agreed that Charlotte Cook would be compensated for any petrol used travelling to Neighbourhood Watch meetings on behalf of the Parish Council and she was formally thanked for her good work.
46.2 BDO Stoyhaywood has sent the annual return papers and they need to receive the completed form by 27th July 2012.
46.3 Clerk has contacted NCalc who will provide an Auditor for £140.31 for the financial year 2011/12 and £145.00 for the year 2012/13
46.4 The Clerk has not yet been able to file the end of year report, awaiting a letter of registration from HMRC and therefore cannot do the PAYE for this month until it has been received. It was agreed to do a nil return for April and pay 2 months in May
46.5. The following accounts were agreed for payment.

744 E-on electricity supply Jan- March         £448.82
745 NCalc subscription                                £127.16

47. Planning
There were no planning matters to report.

48. Any Other Business
48.1 The WBC Parish Forum was helpful and interesting, it gave a basic feel for neighbourhood development issues. It seems that localism will introduce another layer of consultation to planning. It was felt that small parishes need to work in partnership with the Borough Council. A register of potential community assets needs to be put on the agenda of the next meeting for discussion.
48.2 Councillor Reynolds will ask all Councillors to comment on the questionnaire she has produced to find out the demographics of the village, and the needs of the village as discussed at the Annual Parish Meeting. It was agreed to have the final draft for the 3rd May meeting and then Councillor Reynolds and Councillor Meadow-Jones will liaise with others to arrange delivery.

49. Date of next meeting.
The date of the next meeting is the Annual General Meeting, 3rd May 2012 at 7.30pm. It will be followed by a Parish Council Meeting. There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.30pm with thanks to those attending.

Chairman Date

Parish Council Minutes March 29th 2012


Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 29th March 2012

26. Present:
Councillors P Allen, (Chairman), B Rootham, (Deputy),A Campbell,
P Meadow-Jones, and A McLaven (Clerk). 1 member of the Public.

27. Apologies
Councillors N Cole and N Reynolds, and Borough Councillor G Timms sent their apologies which were accepted.

28. Co-option
Councillor Allen proposed Charlotte Turnell to be a councillor, Councillor Campbell seconded this, all in favour. Charlotte was welcomed to the Council and asked to join the meeting.

29. Open Session for the public
There were now no members of the public in attendance.

30. Approval of Minutes of 23rd February 2012
30.1 minute 20.4 had the words consent from changed to advised, and minute 24.3 was altered to read the Chairman of Wellingborough Borough Council Planning Committee used his casting vote to refuse the application on the grounds that the proposed building did not meet the criterion of ‘outstanding architectural merit’. The minutes were then signed as a true and correct record.

31. Matters Arising
31.1 Councillor Rootham apologised for missing the previous meeting, as he had not received emails and was unaware of the meeting.
31.2 It was noted that Action should be noted in the minute margins, in order to be transferred to the Action Log
31.3 Councillor Cole will be advised by Councillor Campbell with regard to the footpath audit.
31.4 Acre has not yet received the Parish Council development plan.
31.5 Councillor Allen will meet the PCC in May, with regard to the site of the village sign.
31.6 Councillor Allen will enlist Councillor Rootham’s help with the Information Board, and also look at the possibility of edging the proposed site with oak bollards.
31.7 Councillor Rootham suggested siting the bin on the edge of the car parking opposite the Church, Councillor Campbell seconded and all in favour. Councillor Turnell will discuss this with the person who mows this area, so that the bin does not interfere with mowing. Clerk to write and thank the Borough Council for emptying the waste and dog bins, advising them of the site of the new bin and letting them know that there is a lot of refuse in the verges along Pytchley Road and Northampton Road.

32. Annual Meeting preparations:
32.1 Councillor Meadow-Jones is preparing enlarged display items for the sign and lectern. It was agreed that pictures of the gateways, before and after should also be displayed.
32.2 Clerk to contact guides and confirm that they will be able to attend and provide tea, coffee and biscuits.
32.3 Clerk to chase up all reports
32.4 It was agreed to meet at 6.15 to set up chairs etc.

33. Developments including Centre of Village Sign and Information Board, and bin:
33.1 As minuted previously we now have a location for the bin.
33.2 The company Councillor Allen contacted regarding the information board have not yet got back to him even though they have all the information they requested. It was agreed to decide the location and commission the location and Councillor Allen will make the design and consult back to the council.
33.3 The centre of village sign will be discussed at the Annual General Meeting

Although we will have to make sure it stands outs but does not distract drivers. It was noted that Geddington and Walgrave have good examples of the type of sign preferred.

34. Speedwatch and Speed Sign
34.1 Now that Highways have moved the 30mph signs they have installed 2 poles suitable for the Speed sign, Clerk and Councillor Rootham to look into obtaining additional speed sign brackets.
34.2 Mrs Waller has passed on some speed control signs to Councillor Rootham and these can remain in place for up to 6 six weeks.
34.3 Councillor Rootham will approach people previously involved with speedwatch to help put up and take down the speed signs.

35. Correspondence
35.1 Victims Support – request for funding
35.2 NCC copy of schedule to move 30mph limit
35.3 Anglian Water – details of the hosepipe ban
35.4 Police and Mencap – Keepsafe card, a system whereby people with learning disabilities can take an information card to businesses if they are in trouble. Councillor Rootham will investigate further.

36. Financial matters:
36.1 The following accounts were agreed for payment.

741 S Miles – Mower servicing                    £380.60

742 Mrs A Mclaven – salary & expenses     £104.72

743 LPS printing newsletters                        £115.00

36.2 It was agreed to spend up to £20 on refreshments for the Annual Parish Meeting.

37. Planning
37.1 There were no actual planning matters, but discussion of the new localism bill took place. It was agreed that it was agreed that our Parish Plan was a strength.

37.2 Clerk to write to WBC to ask what the plans are for the review of villages and village envelopes.

38. Any Other Business
38.1 Councillor Meadow-Jones had received a request for a sign on Northampton Road warning of the junction. Clerk to write to Highways to ask for a feasibility assessment.

38.2 Councillor Turnell was concerned about the hedge outside of the Queens Arms, as it is very overgrown and needs cutting back to the curb. Clerk to ring Street Doctor

38.3 There have been various complaints received regarding the car parking in front of the post box. Clerk to write and ask householders not to park in front of post box.

39. Date of next meeting.
The date of the next meeting is the Annual Parish Meeting, 12th April 2012 at 7pm. It will be followed by a Parish Council Meeting. There being no other business the meeting closed at 9pm with thanks to those attending.

