Monday, September 24, 2012

Parish Council Minutes 6th September 2012


Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 6th September 2012

85. Present:
Councillors B Rootham(Chairman), P Allen , A Campbell, N Cole, G Timms
(Borough), Ian Arnott, NCalc Auditor, 1 member of the public and A McLaven

86. Apologies
86.1 Councillor Reynolds sent her apologies as it was her wedding anniversary, Councillor Meadows-Jones sent her apologies as she had just returned from holiday. There was discussion that all apologies should be received at least 24 hours before the meeting and that they have to be accepted or not. The above apologies were accepted.

86.2 If apologies are not accepted or not given after six months a councillor can be removed for non-attendance.

87. Declarations of Interest and update on registration of interests
87.1 There were no declarations

87.2 The declaration forms that were issued at the previous meeting have been completed by all councillors and they have been given to Chris Pitman at the Borough Council who has registered them, and is in the process of scanning them so that they are available electronically, he will then return them to the Clerk.

88. Approval of Minutes 5th July
Councillor Coles proposed and Councillor Campbell seconded these be signed as a true and correct record. All in favour

89. Approval of Minutes 19th July
Councillor Campbell proposed and Councillor Allen seconded these be signed as true and correct record. All in favour.

90. Matters arising 5th July90.1 Minute 72.1 was changed to note that it was Carpenters Yard planning application and clarified that if residents agree matters at a site viewing they cannot be taken into consideration at planning committee if they are not part of the plans submitted.

90.2 Following discussion it was agreed to bring the Action Log to each meeting.

90.3 76.1 it was noted that Councillor Allen had emailed a response to Councillor Reynolds questionnaire.

91. Public Question Time
91.1 The Allotment Notices had been delayed but were sent out on 24th August.

91.2 Clerk will ring Mrs Matthews to see if she wishes to continue with her allotment.

91.3 Allotments will be on the agenda of the October meeting when all conditions etc. will be discussed. Mr White was assured that all would be ready for the meeting so that he can do any work necessary to the allotments.

92. Ian Arnott NCalc Auditor
92.1 Ian thanked the meeting for being asked to attend. He has been an auditor since it was introduced in 2003. Northamptonshire is the only County that provides this service out of 70 odd parishes, town councils, and parish meetings Ian does the audit for 30 including Oundle and Thrapston Town Councils and Rockingham Parish Meeting.

92.2 Section 137 monies are for where we have no specific authority to give money, i.e. we have authority to give money to Citizens Advice, but no authority to buy the memorial wreath. Section 137 is for the benefit of the village on behalf of the village.

92.3 Ian was advised that we had put using an NCalc Auditor as part of our development plan, following a presentation from Danny Moody of NCalc. Ian told the meeting that the purpose of the Audit was better described as an inspection.

92.4 On meeting with the Clerk, Ian felt it was better with a smaller council such as ours to change from Income & Expenditure to payments and receipts which is purely what comes in and what goes out. The Annual Return figures had needed re-stating because of this and this was now causing addition questions from the External Auditor BDO, but Ian felt this had all been dealt with properly and fully now.

92.5 Ian also went through the Policies needed, which have been distributed between Councillors. The Practitioners guide to the Audit will be distributed around the Councillors.

92.6 Ian had to make 3 visits instead of the normal 1, but feels that all shortfalls are being dealt with.

92.7 Ian was thanked for attending and giving very valuable information to the Councillors.

93. Model Policies
93.1 Following on from Ian Arnott’s presentation it was agreed to review and put in place one Policy a meeting with a target of having all policies in place by the end of March 2013. However, we shall work as though all the draft policies are in place.

93.2 The Risk Assessment Policy will be the first to be adopted, this will then go out yearly prior to the Annual General Meeting so that it is in place for year of Council and reviewed at the year end.

94. Village Sign
94.1 Councillor Allen has been given support to go ahead and explore the possibility of using the same provider for this and the lectern.

95. Lectern
95.1 The Lectern design has yet to be formalised.

95.2 The Sycamore near the site has had the main branches lopped out, but the tree is still pressing against the wall. Councillor Cole will discuss the matter with the owner when he meets with her at another meeting in the near future.

95.3 Councillor Allen presented a design for the tray insert. It was agreed that he would go ahead with this. If Councillor Allen had not heard otherwise after 3 days he will contact the blacksmith and another recreating this.

95.4 It was noted that there will be more designs so that they can be changed periodically.

95.5 There is an old scrapbook in the young chapel with old photographs of pastors/priests and Councillor Rootham with find out if Councillor Allen can borrow it.

96. Financial Matters
96.1 The following accounts were agreed for payment Councillor Cole proposed and Councillor Campbell seconded, all in favour.

760   HMRC PAYE £ 49.80
761   A McLaven salary & expenses £236.96

97. Correspondence
97.1 Police – information about the new Police and Crime Commissioner who is to be elected and will replace the Police Authority, one of the candidates sent information about public sessions.

97.2 Society of Local Council Clerks – offer of 4 months free membership, it was decided that membership would not give anything extra to the Clerk.

97.3 WBC – information about a Later Life Matters event at the Castle Theatre on 26th September.

97.4 Northamptonshire Transportation Plan – information about strategies and link to website for consultation.

98. Planning
There were no planning applications

99. Any Other Business
99.1 Steve Miles had asked the Clerk if it was possible to plant crocuses on the small green at a cost of about £130. It was agreed to try this, but Councillor Timms will try and find out if we can get a free supply of crocus’ and Councillor Rootham will ask Bosworths if they would provide the bulbs. Councillor Rootham will contact Steve regarding the outcome.

100. Date of next meeting.
The date of the next meeting is 4th October 2012, and the date of the January 2013 meeting was confirmed as the 10th. There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.23pm with thanks to those attending.
