Wednesday, November 26, 2008

November 6th 2008 minutes


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Thursday 6th November 2008

65 Present: Cllrs Miles (Chairman), Rootham (Deputy), Allen, Rowlett, Waller, Timms (Borough) and Alison McLaven (Clerk). 2 members of the public were also present.

66 Apologies: Cllrs Norton and Watts67 Discussion with Lyn Martin-Bennison and Councillor John Bailey
67.1 Councillor Bailey had instigated meetings between the Parishes and the Chief Executive and himself in order to improve the relationship between the Borough and the Parishes. This was the first of 18 such meetings.
67.2The main points discussed were making communication better and addressing problems associated with planning decisions.
68 Open session for the Public
68.1 Mr Derry addressed the meeting on his concerns that as one of the objectives of the Parish Council was improved communication it was not doing as well as it could. The spending of the Section 106 money had originally had a large meeting of the public and although a working group had been set up little else had been heard. He realised the Parish was land poor and pointed out that the village was unaware of the nature of alternative draft proposals now being discussed. He was advised that work was still in progress and that a very positive meeting with the Borough had already been held. Should draft proposals be formally approved later at this meeting the village would be advised via the Newsletter.

68.2 There was discussion regarding the village web site, which appears not to be fully functional at the moment. Mr Derry had set up a village ‘blog’ and would like to publish draft minutes rather than wait 2 months to see the approved minutes. Lynn Martin- Bennison suggested producing a resume of the meeting, summarising decisions made.

68.3 Councillor Miles proposed and Councillor Allen seconded that the minutes be produced within a week of the meeting and they be published on a notice board and the Blog in total but clearly marked ‘draft’ or ‘unapproved’. Councillor Rootham counter proposed an amendment that we produce a resume reflecting and highlighting topics, but was uniquely separate and not identifiable as minutes. Councillor Waller seconded this. This was defeated by 2 votes to 3.The original motion was therefore, carried. Councillor Rootham and Councillor Waller asked to have their objections minuted because of previous legal advice taken. The minutes would be scrutinised by 2 Councillors before publication. Councillors Miles & Rootham

69 Minutes of meeting 11th September 2008 and matters arising

69.1 Several errors needed correction and it was agreed that following correction they be signed as a true record of the meeting and copies circulated to Councillors.

69.2 The excavations at Orlingbury Hall appear to have stopped but the Clerk to contact Mr Rennie to check the situation.

70 Development Plan
70.1 Councillor Allen proposed that the document previously discussed on spending the S106 money be approved. Councillor Rootham seconded and meting unanimously approved.

70.2 It was noted that Joe Hubbard, Deputy Chief Executive of WBC, was aware of the working document and felt that it should be able to go ahead. The Developers would have to agree the plan but he saw no major problems and hoped the money would be released within the next ten days.

70.3 Councillor Allen was thanked for his hard work on the project.

70.4 Joe Hubbard will contact the Highways about the traffic calming money.

70.5 There is the possibility of highways money being available for small works. Resurfacing the pavement where the bush has been removed, and dropped curbs were discussed. Councillor Allen will contact ACRE as they are the ones liaising for the highways.

71 Progress on Parish Plan
71.1 Communication was discussed earlier

72 New Tenancy Agreement for Allotments
72.1 Councillor Rootham had produced an agreement, and Councillor Miles had an agreement that had been downloaded from the National Society of Allotment owners website. It was agreed that they would get together and agree the final document.

72.2 Councillor Rootham had had sight of a document showing the access to the land was 15feet from the edge of the ditch. Councillor Miles asked to be given a copy of this so that he could consult with the local residents over this. It was agreed important that the access for vehicles should be kept, if only for access for burial purposes, and that land was not lost.

72.3 Water would not be supplied to the site as the only obligation of the Council was to provide ‘earth for cultivation’.

72.4 Rod Derry has done a lot of work making a plan to accommodate 12 allotments on the ground currently available. It was agreed that he should allocate the allotments with current users having priority choice of plot. The agreements to be signed as soon as they are available.

72.5 It was agreed that the rent be set at £5.00 per plot per year.

72.6 Rod Derry was thanked for all his hard work.

72.7 It was noted that an article about the allotments was produced by Councillor Miles for the newsletter, but was omitted at the final cut by the Editor.

73 Adoption of model publication scheme
73.1 It was agreed to adopt the scheme. Councillor Allen had reservations about the document.

74 Correspondence
74.1 NCC had asked if the street lighting installed in Norlinton Close was functioning correctly. It appeared it was but the Clerk would write to confirm that the road had actually been adopted yet.
74.2 WBC had advised that BT was seeking to remove payphones but they could be acquired by Councils for £500 a year serviced or £1 with nothing in it. Clerk to advise both that the Orlingbury one was now a listed building.

74.3 New permitted Development order – copies of regulations to be circulated to individual Councillors.

74.4 Remaining correspondence would be circulated in the pack.

75 Financial Matters
75.1 BDO Stoyhayward (auditors) had approved the annual return with the only issues being asset valuation and fidelity guarantee. It was agreed to pay the accounts to hand and then leave only £2000 in the current account, transferring the remainder to the reserve account.

75.2 Councillor Allen proposed, Councillor Waller seconded, all in favour of the following accounts being approved for payment.
508 E-on (elec supply Jan-Jun) £861.37509
E-on (electricity maintenance) £1209.08
510 S Miles (mower maintenance& petrol) £103.66
595 BDO Stoyhayward (audit) £141.00
596 Royal British Legion ( wreath) £20.00
597 Mrs A McLaven (salary) £282.42

75.3 Current Account balance at 29 October is £7923.73

75.4 Reserve Account balance at 29 October is £7508.9875.5 ACRE had advised of an interim salary increase for Parish Clerks, SCP 15 is now £8.238p per hour increased from £7.846. This has been backdated to 1st April 2008.

Reports from external meetings attended (if any)
76.1 Councillor Miles and the Clerk had attended the Parish Forum.
76.1.1 It had been agreed to continue meeting twice a year in the Council Chamber rather than visit the parishes.

76.1.2 Paul Howard, who is employed by both the Borough and the County, gave a talk on emergency plans and asked to be e-mailed copies of emergency plans.

76.1.3 The Borough had plans for the provision of sport and sporting facilities of all types but did not have the appropriate funding

76.1.4 Next meeting to be on February 25th 2009 is the next meeting and as many councillors as possible to asked to attend.

77 Planning applications and decisions
77.1 WP/ 2008/0519/CA – Demolition of 2 barns, land adjacent to the Lodge, Taggies Yard for Mr Ben Norton and Miss Rebecca Denton. Comments were made rgarding over-development of the site, increased traffic density through Norlinton Close to exit on Harrowden Road and a site viewing would be requested.

77.2 WP/2008/0491/F single storey extension to front & rear including conversion to granny annexe – 6 Isham Road for Mr & Mrs Cole. It would be requested that all site traffic be contained within the site and Isham Road not obstructed.

77.3 Concerns were raised about the two new properties on Harrowden Road not using Norlinton Close for vehicular access. Clerk to contact the enforcement officer.

78. Village Hall Nothing to report

79. Any Other Business
79.1 Councillor Rowlatt had had details (placed through her letter box) of a plot of land for sale on Harrowden Road put through her box. No action could be taken over this unless formal notification of planning intention was received

79.2 Councillor Timms spoke about the availability of Smart-Water at a price. However it was thought that Charlotte Cook could get it free through Neighbourhood Watch, this to be checked out.

79.3 Councillor Allen suggested that once the development costings had been approved then a meeting should be convened to progress matters. This was agreed.

79.4 Clerk to write to Helen Howard, copying John Bailey to ask if the ‘speed review’ has been concluded and what has been approved.

79.5 To comply with new regulations future agendas would have to be more detailed and precise. This could prove problematic, especially with late planning applications.

79.6 The Chairman asked for volunteers to form a flag escort for the British Legion Remembrance Day Service in the Parish Church on Sunday November 9th.

80. Date of the next meeting

80.1 To be held on the Village Hall on Thursday January 8th 2009.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 10.20pm, with thanks from the Chair to those attending.

………………………. ……………………….
Chairman Date

September 11th 2008 minutes


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Thursday 11th
September 2008

53 Present: Cllrs Miles (Chairman), Rootham (Deputy), Allen, Rowlett, Waller Watts, Timms (Borough) and Alison McLaven (Clerk). .

54 Apologies: Were received and accepted from Cllr Norton.

55 Minutes of meeting 3rd July 2008 and matters arising

55.1These were signed as a true and correct record. It was asked if the tone of the minutes could report central issues with more vigour. A lot of the previous meeting was very positive, but the records appeared bland. Discussion followed and it was agreed that after the minutes are completed both Councillor Miles and Councillor Allen would check through to make sure all issues are covered. It was noted that minutes are just a brief outline of what went on at a meeting, not a verbatim report. Councillor Rootham suggested that important issues be reported upon in the Parish Magazine, so that villagers are kept update with progress. It was felt important in our recording of minutes to highlight our resolve to move things forward and highlight the development plan. It was also then agreed to discuss the agenda at the end of the meeting and put major issues at the top of the agenda.

55.2 45.5 The Pulse Park application has been rejected out by the planning inspector

55.3 45.8 The Clerk to write to a senior officer (from the Police or County? Cant remember which) to attend the next meeting and comment on traffic survey.

55.4 45.10 The implement blocking the bridle way has been removed.

55.5 46.1 The obsolete lamppost on the corner of Rectory Lane and Lammas close has been replaced.

55.6 46.2 The village phone box is due to be painted before the end of the year.

55.7 47.2 The clerk will reinstate the standing order for garage rent

55.8 47.3 Still no bills from e-on but an unmetered supplies agreement has been signed in regard of our 42 lampposts.

55.9 49.1 The Borough Council will only allow the Clerk one copy of a planning application. There are concerns that Parish Councillors need more time to study plans to make informed observations on planning applications. Councillor Timms advised re the planning committee meetings, that Borough Councillors are only given outline details to start with and if they want further information they can go to the files and look. The PC can ask for an extension to the time limit if it is a major plan that requires a public meeting.

55.10 50.7 Felicity Webber had advised the Clerk that the S106 monies had been collected. She then phoned Councillor Allen to ask if the Parish Council would allow the monies to be used for a pocket park in Little Harrowden. Councillor Allen advised her that there were coherent plans in action for the appropriate village use of this grant money. Clerk to write to Lynn Martin-Bennison and ask if the traffic calming monies have been spent.

55.11 52.1 Councillor Miles attended the Audit Commission Focus group, Earls Barton, Finedon and Mears Ashby also attended. They spoke to an Inspector from Bristol giving their views on the Borough Council, telling of issues in the past. It was felt that the provision of services was all right, but communication was a problem, the Parish forum was discussed as the idea was good, but when attended the Parishes are just told what is being done for the town, and nothing to do with the Parishes.

55.12 52.3 Clerk to chase up re reported excavations – to clarify the situation with the Borough as the constant noise from earth moving equipment is causing a problem as it is happening in evenings and over the weekend as well as during the day
55.13 Clerk to give a copy of the planning document to all councillors with these minutes.

56.1 NCC Waste management – one of the preferred sites for waste management is adjacent to the A14 and A43 by Pytchley. Councillor Timms read a letter that the borough councillors had received from Joe Hubbard in relation to a television programme the previous evening, where waste from residents with their address on had been found on a waste site in India. All the county recycling is traceable and it would appear that any contaminated paper waste is placed in landfill. Councillor Miles is going to put information regarding this in the Parish Magazine.

56.2 Smartwater- Councillor Timms explained about this further, costs could be reduced if the Parish Council or Neighbourhood Watch co ordinate the distribution. Councillor Miles will contact Charlotte Cook. The meeting was advised that all church property was marked with similar water containing the appropriate postcode.

56.3 Councillor Bailey and Lyn Martin-Bennison would like to attend a Parish Council meeting, the dates have been sent to her PA.

46.2 The remainder of the correspondence was passed around the Councillors.

57 Financial Matters
57.1 Councilor Rowlett proposed and Councillor Watts seconded, all in favour of the following accounts being approved for payment. 506 E-on (electricity maintenance) £119.12
507 Mrs A McLaven (salary) £235.38

58. Reports from external meetings attended (if any)
58.1 Councillor Waller had attended a meeting with the Police. A point was made about the Police response to speed issues, their response had not been helpful, as a lot of work had been done by the village, and the Police did not follow this through with vigour or with the co-operation of volunteer villagers. It was noted that the Police do respond well in emergency situations.

58.2 Councillor Miles and the Clerk had attended a stakeholder meeting about the A43. It will be 2015 before action will be taken to overcome congestion. There will be further meetings.

59. Planning applications and decisions
59.1 Decisions 23rd July
WP/2008/0269/F – demolition of existing house and construction of new house, detached house and related site development works – Derwent Builders – granted

59.2 WP/2008/0150/OEIA – outline proposal for 3000 dwellings, retail commercial facilities non-residential institutions, neighbourhood centre, open spaces, facilities and infrastructure. – an identical application to WP/2007/0750/OEIA – our previous comments can just be moved to this application.

60. Traffic and section 106 monies
60.1 Councillor Allen was thanked for his exceptional work on behalf of us all.

60.2 Councillor Allen explained that a newly established Development Working Party met on three occasions in July and August discussing Section 106 matters overlapping the development plan. This working party followed the large amount of work done on the traffic survey, petition and audit and responded to the need to progress rapidly. The idea of a working party was to give quality time to making key decisions.

Traffic- Prior to the Development Group Meetings there had been a detailed audit of the roadways and the Green, which was divided into 3 parts, repairs safety pruning and improvements. Councillors Waller and Rowlett and the Clerk met with Verity Chilvers and Andrew Leighton from the County Council, who walked the village with our substantial list and added to it.

May Gurney WSP will deal with the safety pruning issues. Other matters need to wait until December when a Highways Traffic and Speed review will conclude its work and this could result in funding being available not only for scheduled repairs but for relocation of integral speed and village signs.S106 funding awarded to NCC for traffic calming resulting from additional effects of increased traffic from the Norlinton Close Development, it was envisaged, would finance Harrowden Road Developments. In addition costings for the village gateways and signs had been received; Councillor Allen had made a map of improvements, and enhancement. The gateways and associated planting will also need to be maintained professionally. Following discussions it was agreed to call a meeting to firm up all these ideas, a date to be arranged as soon as possible.

The Council was presented with a progress report on developments arising from the Highways audit and NCC acknowledgements.

Councillors were reminded that much work had been accomplished by earlier working parties but that a range of projects originally studied require the acquisition of land or agreement of landowners and this had proved impossible to secure.

Given the support by the villagers for a range of measures to regulate and calm ‘through’ traffic to ensure that open village spaces were safe and secure for villagers a range of small changes designed to enhance existing public spaces were projects now focused on as achievable options.

60.3 Priorities, therefore, concentrated on health, safety, and villager wellbeing, a) focusing on replacing signs, refurbishing footpaths, remarking roads, resiting signs and b) dealing with trees and shrubs overgrowing the highway, and village gateways. Works funding and grants would be secured from the NCC for these and 106 would be used where funding from the NCC would not be forthcoming.

The next priorities were a) seating on the village green, a centre of village sign on the small green and b) parking for people using the church and green c) resiting of the Village Notice Board with a paved and planted area, and a seat in the vicinity.

Councillor Allen had researched into 106 spending and there is no restrictive definition on use of S106 funding to enhance public space.

60.4 It was felt that the village would probably not object to the precept being increased to cover maintenance of the projects though additional costings had been included in projects to account for this.

61. Allotments
61.1 Councillor Allen declared an interest.

61.2 Following the development group meeting, and the response from the Church, about future use of allotment ground for burial purposes, it was determined that the need for additional burial sites would be gradual, the 26 existing plots within the churchyard being used at about 2 per year. Extra land from the allotment site would be unlikely to be needed for at least ten years. The allotment site would therefore, remain.
It was decided to reallocate the allotment site to enable a larger number of users and to enable future gradual use as an additional burial ground. It was agreed to contact the owners, who have been given notice to leave the site, and ask if they wish to continue with the allotment for the next season. The site would then be re divided, and a new contract drawn up for tenants to sign.
Councillor Rootham has agreed to draw up a draft contract for the next meeting.

61.3 A note to be put in the newsletter advising people what is happening 61.4 There was discussion about the access to the allotments. Clerk to find the tenancy and access agreement.

62. Village Hall62.1 Councillor Watts stepped down from the village hall committee. As Councillor Rootham is already on the committee he will report to the council. It was felt important that there is representation from the Parish Council at the village hall committee.

63. Any Other Business
63.1 Councillor Waller reported there was a light out at the garages, lamp 26

63.2 It was agreed that the agenda for the November meeting would run as follows, apologies, open session, minutes of previous meetings, development plan, and progress on Parish Plan, followed by usual items.

64. Date of the next meeting

64.1 This will be Thursday 6th November 2008.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.35, with thanks from the Chair to those attending.

………………………. ……………………….
Chairman Date






Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Thursday 11th
September 2008
53 Present: Cllrs Miles (Chairman), Rootham (Deputy), Allen, Rowlett, Waller Watts, Timms (Borough) and Alison McLaven (Clerk). .

54 Apologies: Were received and accepted from Cllr Norton.55 Minutes of meeting 3rd July 2008 and matters arising55.1These were signed as a true and correct record. It was asked if the tone of the minutes could report central issues with more vigour. A lot of the previous meeting was very positive, but the records appeared bland. Discussion followed and it was agreed that after the minutes are completed both Councillor Miles and Councillor Allen would check through to make sure all issues are covered. It was noted that minutes are just a brief outline of what went on at a meeting, not a verbatim report. Councillor Rootham suggested that important issues be reported upon in the Parish Magazine, so that villagers are kept update with progress. It was felt important in our recording of minutes to highlight our resolve to move things forward and highlight the development plan. It was also then agreed to discuss the agenda at the end of the meeting and put major issues at the top of the agenda.
55.2 45.5 The Pulse Park application has been rejected out by the planning inspector
55.3 45.8 The Clerk to write to a senior officer (from the Police or County? Cant remember which) to attend the next meeting and comment on traffic survey.

55.4 45.10 The implement blocking the bridle way has been removed.
55.5 46.1 The obsolete lamppost on the corner of Rectory Lane and Lammas close has been replaced.
55.6 46.2 The village phone box is due to be painted before the end of the year.55.7 47.2 The clerk will reinstate the standing order for garage rent
55.8 47.3 Still no bills from e-on but an unmetered supplies agreement has been signed in regard of our 42 lampposts.55.9 49.1 The Borough Council will only allow the Clerk one copy of a planning application. There are concerns that Parish Councillors need more time to study plans to make informed observations on planning applications. Councillor Timms advised re the planning committee meetings, that Borough Councillors are only given outline details to start with and if they want further information they can go to the files and look. The PC can ask for an extension to the time limit if it is a major plan that requires a public meeting.55.10 50.7 Felicity Webber had advised the Clerk that the S106 monies had been collected. She then phoned Councillor Allen to ask if the Parish Council would allow the monies to be used for a pocket park in Little Harrowden. Councillor Allen advised her that there were coherent plans in action for the appropriate village use of this grant money. Clerk to write to Lynn Martin-Bennison and ask if the traffic calming monies have been spent.

Clerk55.11 52.1 Councillor Miles attended the Audit Commission Focus group, Earls Barton, Finedon and Mears Ashby also attended. They spoke to an Inspector from Bristol giving their views on the Borough Council, telling of issues in the past. It was felt that the provision of services was all right, but communication was a problem, the Parish forum was discussed as the idea was good, but when attended the Parishes are just told what is being done for the town, and nothing to do with the Parishes.55.12 52.3 Clerk to chase up re reported excavations – to clarify the situation with the Borough as the constant noise from earth moving equipment is causing a problem as it is happening in evenings and over the weekend as well as during the day
55.13 Clerk to give a copy of the planning document to all councillors with these minutes.

56.1 NCC Waste management – one of the preferred sites for waste management is adjacent to the A14 and A43 by Pytchley. Councillor Timms read a letter that the borough councillors had received from Joe Hubbard in relation to a television programme the previous evening, where waste from residents with their address on had been found on a waste site in India. All the county recycling is traceable and it would appear that any contaminated paper waste is placed in landfill. Councillor Miles is going to put information regarding this in the Parish Magazine. 56.2 Smartwater- Councillor Timms explained about this further, costs could be reduced if the Parish Council or Neighbourhood Watch co ordinate the distribution. Councillor Miles will contact Charlotte Cook. The meeting was advised that all church property was marked with similar water containing the appropriate postcode.
56.3 Councillor Bailey and Lyn Martin-Bennison would like to attend a Parish Council meeting, the dates have been sent to her PA.
46.2 The remainder of the correspondence was passed around the Councillors.
57 Financial Matters
57.1 Councilor Rowlett proposed and Councillor Watts seconded, all in favour of the following accounts being approved for payment. 506 E-on (electricity maintenance) £119.12
507 Mrs A McLaven (salary) £235.38
58. Reports from external meetings attended (if any)

58.1 Councillor Waller had attended a meeting with the Police. A point was made about the Police response to speed issues, their response had not been helpful, as a lot of work had been done by the village, and the Police did not follow this through with vigour or with the co-operation of volunteer villagers. It was noted that the Police do respond well in emergency situations.
Councillor Miles and the Clerk had attended a stakeholder meeting about the A43. It will be 2015 before action will be taken to overcome congestion. There will be further meetings.

59. Planning applications and decisions
59.1 Decisions 23rd July
WP/2008/0269/F – demolition of existing house and construction of new house, detached house and related site development works – Derwent Builders – granted

59.2 WP/2008/0150/OEIA – outline proposal for 3000 dwellings, retail commercial facilities non-residential institutions, neighbourhood centre, open spaces, facilities and infrastructure. – an identical application to WP/2007/0750/OEIA – our previous comments can just be moved to this application.

60. Traffic and section 106 monies
60.1 Councillor Allen was thanked for his exceptional work on behalf of us all.60.2 Councillor Allen explained that a newly established Development Working Party met on three occasions in July and August discussing Section 106 matters overlapping the development plan. This working party followed the large amount of work done on the traffic survey, petition and audit and responded to the need to progress rapidly. The idea of a working party was to give quality time to making key decisions.

Traffic- Prior to the Development Group Meetings there had been a detailed audit of the roadways and the Green, which was divided into 3 parts, repairs safety pruning and improvements. Councillors Waller and Rowlett and the Clerk met with Verity Chilvers and Andrew Leighton from the County Council, who walked the village with our substantial list and added to it.

May Gurney WSP will deal with the safety pruning issues. Other matters need to wait until December when a Highways Traffic and Speed review will conclude its work and this could result in funding being available not only for scheduled repairs but for relocation of integral speed and village signs.S106 funding awarded to NCC for traffic calming resulting from additional effects of increased traffic from the Norlinton Close Development, it was envisaged, would finance Harrowden Road Developments. In addition costings for the village gateways and signs had been received; Councillor Allen had made a map of improvements, and enhancement. The gateways and associated planting will also need to be maintained professionally. Following discussions it was agreed to call a meeting to firm up all these ideas, a date to be arranged as soon as possible.

The Council was presented with a progress report on developments arising from the Highways audit and NCC acknowledgements.

Councillors were reminded that much work had been accomplished by earlier working parties but that a range of projects originally studied require the acquisition of land or agreement of landowners and this had proved impossible to secure.

Given the support by the villagers for a range of measures to regulate and calm ‘through’ traffic to ensure that open village spaces were safe and secure for villagers a range of small changes designed to enhance existing public spaces were projects now focused on as achievable options.
60.3 Priorities, therefore, concentrated on health, safety, and villager wellbeing, a) focusing on replacing signs, refurbishing footpaths, remarking roads, resiting signs and b) dealing with trees and shrubs overgrowing the highway, and village gateways. Works funding and grants would be secured from the NCC for these and 106 would be used where funding from the NCC would not be forthcoming.

The next priorities were a) seating on the village green, a centre of village sign on the small green and b) parking for people using the church and green c) resiting of the Village Notice Board with a paved and planted area, and a seat in the vicinity.

Councillor Allen had researched into 106 spending and there is no restrictive definition on use of S106 funding to enhance public space.

60.4 It was felt that the village would probably not object to the precept being increased to cover maintenance of the projects though additional costings had been included in projects to account for this.

61. Allotments

61.1 Councillor Allen declared an interest.61.2 Following the development group meeting, and the response from the Church, about future use of allotment ground for burial purposes, it was determined that the need for additional burial sites would be gradual, the 26 existing plots within the churchyard being used at about 2 per year. Extra land from the allotment site would be unlikely to be needed for at least ten years. The allotment site would therefore, remain.
It was decided to reallocate the allotment site to enable a larger number of users and to enable future gradual use as an additional burial ground. It was agreed to contact the owners, who have been given notice to leave the site, and ask if they wish to continue with the allotment for the next season. The site would then be re divided, and a new contract drawn up for tenants to sign.
Councillor Rootham has agreed to draw up a draft contract for the next meeting.

61.3 A note to be put in the newsletter advising people what is happening 61.4 There was discussion about the access to the allotments. Clerk to find the tenancy and access agreement.
62. Village Hall62.1 Councillor Watts stepped down from the village hall committee. As Councillor Rootham is already on the committee he will report to the council. It was felt important that there is representation from the Parish Council at the village hall committee.
63. Any Other Business

63.1 Councillor Waller reported there was a light out at the garages, lamp 26

63.2 It was agreed that the agenda for the November meeting would run as follows, apologies, open session, minutes of previous meetings, development plan, and progress on Parish Plan, followed by usual items.

64. Date of the next meeting

64.1 This will be Thursday 6th November 2008.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.35, with thanks from the Chair to those attending.

………………………. ……………………….
Chairman Date






Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Thursday 11th
September 2008
53 Present: Cllrs Miles (Chairman), Rootham (Deputy), Allen, Rowlett, Waller Watts, Timms (Borough) and Alison McLaven (Clerk). .

54 Apologies: Were received and accepted from Cllr Norton.55 Minutes of meeting 3rd July 2008 and matters arising55.1These were signed as a true and correct record. It was asked if the tone of the minutes could report central issues with more vigour. A lot of the previous meeting was very positive, but the records appeared bland. Discussion followed and it was agreed that after the minutes are completed both Councillor Miles and Councillor Allen would check through to make sure all issues are covered. It was noted that minutes are just a brief outline of what went on at a meeting, not a verbatim report. Councillor Rootham suggested that important issues be reported upon in the Parish Magazine, so that villagers are kept update with progress. It was felt important in our recording of minutes to highlight our resolve to move things forward and highlight the development plan. It was also then agreed to discuss the agenda at the end of the meeting and put major issues at the top of the agenda.
55.2 45.5 The Pulse Park application has been rejected out by the planning inspector
55.3 45.8 The Clerk to write to a senior officer (from the Police or County? Cant remember which) to attend the next meeting and comment on traffic survey.

55.4 45.10 The implement blocking the bridle way has been removed.
55.5 46.1 The obsolete lamppost on the corner of Rectory Lane and Lammas close has been replaced.
55.6 46.2 The village phone box is due to be painted before the end of the year.55.7 47.2 The clerk will reinstate the standing order for garage rent
55.8 47.3 Still no bills from e-on but an unmetered supplies agreement has been signed in regard of our 42 lampposts.55.9 49.1 The Borough Council will only allow the Clerk one copy of a planning application. There are concerns that Parish Councillors need more time to study plans to make informed observations on planning applications. Councillor Timms advised re the planning committee meetings, that Borough Councillors are only given outline details to start with and if they want further information they can go to the files and look. The PC can ask for an extension to the time limit if it is a major plan that requires a public meeting.55.10 50.7 Felicity Webber had advised the Clerk that the S106 monies had been collected. She then phoned Councillor Allen to ask if the Parish Council would allow the monies to be used for a pocket park in Little Harrowden. Councillor Allen advised her that there were coherent plans in action for the appropriate village use of this grant money. Clerk to write to Lynn Martin-Bennison and ask if the traffic calming monies have been spent.

Clerk55.11 52.1 Councillor Miles attended the Audit Commission Focus group, Earls Barton, Finedon and Mears Ashby also attended. They spoke to an Inspector from Bristol giving their views on the Borough Council, telling of issues in the past. It was felt that the provision of services was all right, but communication was a problem, the Parish forum was discussed as the idea was good, but when attended the Parishes are just told what is being done for the town, and nothing to do with the Parishes.55.12 52.3 Clerk to chase up re reported excavations – to clarify the situation with the Borough as the constant noise from earth moving equipment is causing a problem as it is happening in evenings and over the weekend as well as during the day
55.13 Clerk to give a copy of the planning document to all councillors with these minutes.

56.1 NCC Waste management – one of the preferred sites for waste management is adjacent to the A14 and A43 by Pytchley. Councillor Timms read a letter that the borough councillors had received from Joe Hubbard in relation to a television programme the previous evening, where waste from residents with their address on had been found on a waste site in India. All the county recycling is traceable and it would appear that any contaminated paper waste is placed in landfill. Councillor Miles is going to put information regarding this in the Parish Magazine. 56.2 Smartwater- Councillor Timms explained about this further, costs could be reduced if the Parish Council or Neighbourhood Watch co ordinate the distribution. Councillor Miles will contact Charlotte Cook. The meeting was advised that all church property was marked with similar water containing the appropriate postcode.
56.3 Councillor Bailey and Lyn Martin-Bennison would like to attend a Parish Council meeting, the dates have been sent to her PA.
46.2 The remainder of the correspondence was passed around the Councillors.
57 Financial Matters
57.1 Councilor Rowlett proposed and Councillor Watts seconded, all in favour of the following accounts being approved for payment. 506 E-on (electricity maintenance) £119.12
507 Mrs A McLaven (salary) £235.38
58. Reports from external meetings attended (if any)

58.1 Councillor Waller had attended a meeting with the Police. A point was made about the Police response to speed issues, their response had not been helpful, as a lot of work had been done by the village, and the Police did not follow this through with vigour or with the co-operation of volunteer villagers. It was noted that the Police do respond well in emergency situations.
Councillor Miles and the Clerk had attended a stakeholder meeting about the A43. It will be 2015 before action will be taken to overcome congestion. There will be further meetings.

59. Planning applications and decisions
59.1 Decisions 23rd July
WP/2008/0269/F – demolition of existing house and construction of new house, detached house and related site development works – Derwent Builders – granted

59.2 WP/2008/0150/OEIA – outline proposal for 3000 dwellings, retail commercial facilities non-residential institutions, neighbourhood centre, open spaces, facilities and infrastructure. – an identical application to WP/2007/0750/OEIA – our previous comments can just be moved to this application.

60. Traffic and section 106 monies
60.1 Councillor Allen was thanked for his exceptional work on behalf of us all.60.2 Councillor Allen explained that a newly established Development Working Party met on three occasions in July and August discussing Section 106 matters overlapping the development plan. This working party followed the large amount of work done on the traffic survey, petition and audit and responded to the need to progress rapidly. The idea of a working party was to give quality time to making key decisions.

Traffic- Prior to the Development Group Meetings there had been a detailed audit of the roadways and the Green, which was divided into 3 parts, repairs safety pruning and improvements. Councillors Waller and Rowlett and the Clerk met with Verity Chilvers and Andrew Leighton from the County Council, who walked the village with our substantial list and added to it.

May Gurney WSP will deal with the safety pruning issues. Other matters need to wait until December when a Highways Traffic and Speed review will conclude its work and this could result in funding being available not only for scheduled repairs but for relocation of integral speed and village signs.S106 funding awarded to NCC for traffic calming resulting from additional effects of increased traffic from the Norlinton Close Development, it was envisaged, would finance Harrowden Road Developments. In addition costings for the village gateways and signs had been received; Councillor Allen had made a map of improvements, and enhancement. The gateways and associated planting will also need to be maintained professionally. Following discussions it was agreed to call a meeting to firm up all these ideas, a date to be arranged as soon as possible.

The Council was presented with a progress report on developments arising from the Highways audit and NCC acknowledgements.

Councillors were reminded that much work had been accomplished by earlier working parties but that a range of projects originally studied require the acquisition of land or agreement of landowners and this had proved impossible to secure.

Given the support by the villagers for a range of measures to regulate and calm ‘through’ traffic to ensure that open village spaces were safe and secure for villagers a range of small changes designed to enhance existing public spaces were projects now focused on as achievable options.
60.3 Priorities, therefore, concentrated on health, safety, and villager wellbeing, a) focusing on replacing signs, refurbishing footpaths, remarking roads, resiting signs and b) dealing with trees and shrubs overgrowing the highway, and village gateways. Works funding and grants would be secured from the NCC for these and 106 would be used where funding from the NCC would not be forthcoming.

The next priorities were a) seating on the village green, a centre of village sign on the small green and b) parking for people using the church and green c) resiting of the Village Notice Board with a paved and planted area, and a seat in the vicinity.

Councillor Allen had researched into 106 spending and there is no restrictive definition on use of S106 funding to enhance public space.

60.4 It was felt that the village would probably not object to the precept being increased to cover maintenance of the projects though additional costings had been included in projects to account for this.

61. Allotments

61.1 Councillor Allen declared an interest.61.2 Following the development group meeting, and the response from the Church, about future use of allotment ground for burial purposes, it was determined that the need for additional burial sites would be gradual, the 26 existing plots within the churchyard being used at about 2 per year. Extra land from the allotment site would be unlikely to be needed for at least ten years. The allotment site would therefore, remain.
It was decided to reallocate the allotment site to enable a larger number of users and to enable future gradual use as an additional burial ground. It was agreed to contact the owners, who have been given notice to leave the site, and ask if they wish to continue with the allotment for the next season. The site would then be re divided, and a new contract drawn up for tenants to sign.
Councillor Rootham has agreed to draw up a draft contract for the next meeting.

61.3 A note to be put in the newsletter advising people what is happening 61.4 There was discussion about the access to the allotments. Clerk to find the tenancy and access agreement.
62. Village Hall62.1 Councillor Watts stepped down from the village hall committee. As Councillor Rootham is already on the committee he will report to the council. It was felt important that there is representation from the Parish Council at the village hall committee.
63. Any Other Business

63.1 Councillor Waller reported there was a light out at the garages, lamp 26

63.2 It was agreed that the agenda for the November meeting would run as follows, apologies, open session, minutes of previous meetings, development plan, and progress on Parish Plan, followed by usual items.

64. Date of the next meeting

64.1 This will be Thursday 6th November 2008.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.35, with thanks from the Chair to those attending.

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Chairman Date

