Thursday, December 9, 2010

Parish Council Minutes 25th November 2010

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 25th November 2010

118. Present: Councillors Allen, (Chairman), Rootham, (Deputy), Waller, Watts and Clerk. There were no members of the public.

119. Apologies: Councillors Miles, Rowlatt, and Timms (Wellingborough Borough Council) sent their apologies, which were accepted.

120. Minutes of the meeting 21st October 2010. These were signed as a true and correct record.

121. Matters arising
121.1 106 The Housing Need survey will go out in January.
121.2 110.3 Correction the cost of £500 is for the kerbstones only, not the cost of the labour etc:- the wrong impression was given in the minutes.

122. Site Specific Proposals (WBC review of Boundaries)
122.1 The map has not changed since the Parish Council reviewed the draft which reflected the current village position
122.2 Clerk to check portal works to ascertain whether reports from Parish councils have been posted.
122.3 The Hall and Old Rectory appear to be outside the village boundary. The civil cemetery and allotments are not classified in the Site Specific Proposals as separate entities.

123. Section 106 Developments – Report on expenditure so far
123.1 There has been no actual expenditure since the last meeting but a substantial amount of money is committed in the agreed Development plans.
123.2 The village sign and lectern still need to be designed
123.3 The gateways are well underway, but await the legality of moving the speed limit signs.

124. Development Plan Report.
124.1 Rectory Lane was mentioned in previous minutes because it arose from concern re 106 funding and the need to maintain items. The mower replacement funds are included in the 106 monies and need to separate from contingency monies in savings accounts.
124.2 The work needed in Rectory Lane is now unlikely to be done by Highways and the cost of kerbing and widening the corner, and road to allow large vehicles to access the road, is estimated by them to be around £5000. There was discussion regarding the width etc. Councillor Allen will investigate and get the work needed underway, but if the costs are much higher than anticipated he will call another meeting. All councillors present were in favour of this.

125. Correspondence.
125.1 NCALC information/advise re precept for next year
125.2 WBC re petition for extra councillor-Clerk to respond that review is urgent.
125.3 Police Crime Statistics
125.4 PCSO Lynne Amey Heard – email advising of return to work-Clerk to advise her of a car parking at weekends on the front of Norlinton Close/Harrowden Road.
125.5 Steve Shaw, National Co-ordinator Local Works – sustainable communities
125.6 Alex Stevenson WBC– re Barn – Clerk to contact Tim Lacey at WBC and ask when the work is being done.
125.7 Citizens Advice – Info and request for donation – Clark to investigate how they are funded and ask to come to meeting to do presentation.

126. Financial Matters.
126.1 The following accounts were approved for payment.

682 Westcotec for speed sign £3366.38
683 Royal British Legion (wreath) £ 20.00
684 A McLaven (salary & postage) £ 125.90

126.2 The Clerk had produced spreadsheets showing the accounts balances for the meeting.
126.3 A cheque had been received from Isham Parish Council for £382.00, towards the speed sign: The net cost of the sign is £2865.00 we have received the grant for both Parish Councils of £2500.00 leaving £365.00 remaining, half of which is £182.50, but as Isham have received our grant of £200.00 towards the licensing costs as well as their own grant, this has been included in the cheque.

127. Planning applications and decisions.
127.1 A public meeting was held to discus the implications of the licence application at the Hall. 48 people attended and it was decided to:-
a) organise a petition outlining the concerns
b) advise villagers to write individual letters
c) write as the Parish Council to represent the views of villagers.

127.2 The Parish Council have now been informed that recent legislation entitles the Parish Council to have a legitimate role in discussing licensing matters. A strong letter outlining our concerns was forwarded to Licensing Authority. The Licensing Authority advised that a petition is counted as just one letter, but a hearing would result from the submission. The manner in which the petitions were subdivided to represent sectors of the village meant that 23 petitions were submitted.
127.3 Councillors were thanked for their help in getting the petition together.

128. Speedwatch
128.1 This took place again, and the results have been submitted. There were fewer people being caught this time and this is a measure of the effectiveness of action. Sessions were evenly allocated throughout the daylight hours and included peak ‘travel to work’ times.
128.2 Orlingbury are signed up for 2 sessions again next year.
128.3 Councillors Allen and Rootham will unpack the sign and once it is confirmed that all is in place the Clerk will post the cheque.

129. Village Hall
129.1 The annual Drama Group production has just taken place.

130. Any Other Business
130.1 It was noted that the Police should be contacted when any incidents such as the bad parking take place.
130.2 The Boys Brigade Bugler did a very good job, at the Remembrance Service, he was a superb player but had struggled to get to Orlingbury on time due to road closures. Clerk to write and thank, after contacting Sally McKeown for the details.
130.3 E-on have repaired the light in Rectory Lane

131. Date of next meeting.
The date of the meeting is 6th January 2011

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.25pm with thanks to those attending.

………………….. ………………………..
Chairman Date

Monday, November 8, 2010

Parish Council Minutes 21st October 2010

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 21st October 2010

104. Present: Councillors Allen, (Chairman), Rootham, (Deputy), Miles, Rowlatt, Waller, Watts Timms (Wellingborough Borough Council) and Clerk, Joanne Martin (Rural Housing Association) Carol Conway (WBC). There were no members of the public.

105. Apologies:

106. Housing Needs Survey
106.1 Carol Conway explained that housing strategy meant that the Borough had to look at community needs and how to meet and fund these needs for housing in villages. The Borough has adopted a 5 year rolling plan of housing needs involving surveys for the 19 villages in the area.
106.2 Joanna Martin advised that they were aware of a previous Orlingbury village survey. The information needed is basic. The RHA will deliver a new survey to every household at no cost, either in the Parish Magazine or by letter drop. The residents will be advised of a forthcoming survey by a notice in the Parish Magazine.
106.3 The first page of the survey is anonymous. It also asks about facilities in the village. Additional pages are for those in need of affordable housing and require more detail. They seek to find out the extent of need and the connection to the village. A reply paid envelope is included and it is felt that a third of questionnaires returned is a good response.
106.4 Land adjacent to the village boundary may, in the case of affordable housing, be utilised. There will be criteria legally agreed for the site. If properties are required they will be 2/3 rental and 1/3 part owned. The land is bought for more than agricultural costs but not for full building market value. There is a specific planning exception to allow solely affordable housing to be built.
106.5 The letter regarding the survey will be posted to Orlingbury villagers in January. To be considered for eligibility for affordable housing there is a need to be on the Wellingborough Borough Council waiting list.
106.6 Discussions ensued about the situation in other villages. The struggle to fill affordable housing already present in the village was also discussed, and it was noted that if the survey identified a need then the RHA would try to fulfil this need by working with the Parish Council.

107. Minutes
of the meeting 9th September 2010These were signed as a true and correct record.

108. Matters arising
108.1 94.2 The agreed letter to landowners is still a work in progress
108.2 94.3 Rectory Lane should be fit to be regularly cut, but more discussion under Development plan.
108.3 94.9 Alex Stephenson is still looking into the Barn, and awaiting confirmation from Tim Lacy – Clerk to continue to pursue
108.4 94.8 The low canopy of trees on the Green has been dealt with. The council were contacted about clearing the cuttings and they removed this speedily. The trees over hanging the road are to be left pending the bus company being requested (through the Highways Department) that buses to use the other route around the green. The Clerk had received two quotations for the cutting back of these trees (around £300- £350).
108.5 99. Mr Abrams accepted our letter and apology.
108.6 102.3 The trees have been removed.

109. Development Plan Report.
109.1 Councillor Allen distributed the report to the meeting. We are well on track and if we look back over the past 3 years a great deal has been achieved. There is still the need for more effective portfolio holder? Individual councillor responsibility and progress reporting. The 106 expenditure is progressing more slowly than planned and we need to resolve how to move forward with greater speed. An example was given of the emergency planning imperative that was intended to move on as a separate group, but Councillor Allen was being asked to chair the delegated group with the result that councillor workloads were being compromised. Councillor Allen had had a very useful meeting with Helen Howard but Mr Leo Plant (MGWSP) although promising to resolve a number of concerns, had produced few appropriate actions. It was agreed that Peter Allen have authority to progress things as he sees fit.

110. Gateways – meeting Helen Howard
110.1 We have sent our revised Section 106 plan to the Borough to make sure (in the light of phase 2 funding) it is accepted. A copy was given out at the meeting.
110.2 The 106 monies to Highways have been released. Helen Howard walked the gateway development sites with Councillor Allen and agreed to extend further out on 3 Sites. All sites will have integral signs, custom designed, wooden barriers and white lines on the road, giving the impression of the road narrowing with 30 mph limits’ painted on the road.
110.3 Helen Howard also agreed to consider liasing with the bus company with regard to the buses using the route around the green. She also agreed to consider match funding installing a kerb way in Rectory Lane. 50 yards of granite stones costs aprox £500. There is about 75 yards in Rectory Lane, Councillor Allen proposed that we should go ahead even if we don’t get match funding Councillor Rootham seconded this, and all were in favour.

111. Litter, Fly Tipping and Dog Fouling
111.1 Black Bags have been left on the Northampton Road, Councillor Waller has reported this to the Borough, and generally these are removed. There is a lot of fly tipping in the ditches. Clerk to write to Wellingborough Council of ongoing concerns.
111.2 Dog Fouling issues to be placed in the newsletter. Councillor Rootham proposed and Councillor Miles seconded the purchase of 2 dog bins, the Clerk to investigate the cost of emptying them.
111.3 Councillor Allen has been in conversation with Alex Stephenson who put him in touch with a company that produces custom designed litter bins. These are galvanised bins on plinths surmounted by slats of oak. The cost of these including installation is about £300.

112. Correspondence.
Emailed copy of September edition project reduce e-newsletter NCC views requested on Concessionary Travel – Clerk responded that we did not want residents to loose any benefits that they already received.
Licence Act – statement of Policy NCC – definitive map and statement for Northamptonshire - Clerk to complete licence request.
Aon – increase in fidelity cover, this was agreed to be paid as it is a requirement of the Auditors.CVL systems – request for sales team to visit re security systems Pytchley PC re purchasing mobile VAS sign, thanked them for their offer but already sharing costs with Isham PCWBC –
Cost of Parish Council Elections 2011 Wendy Luck – confirming action fund grant of £200 – Councillor Timms thanked for the grant, unfortunately the grant was paid into Isham PC bank account and therefore a cheque will be raised by Isham but their next meeting is not until 23rd November.
Marilyn Richardson – re petition for extra councillor – Clerk to write to resource committee to request extra councillor due to growth of village and management of section 106 expenditure and increased workload.
Police – no reported crime in September RBS software demo available of packages Danny Moody Northants Calc Agm Limehouse – 2 consultations re Police Rural North updates
Kate Houlian – Information re Northants Gen Hospital consultation re becoming a Foundation Trust –
Councillor Miles to deal withRemembrance Day Wreaths available for donation of £20 as per previous years Councillors Rootham Miles and Waller should be able to attend service. There was discussion about re-using last years wreath, but this is always moved to the village hall to replace the one there
Police Authority –on line survey SLCC –
benefits of clerk becoming a member The council agreed to cover half of the cost of this.

113. Financial Matters.
113.1 The following accounts were approved for payment.
676 Orlingbury Village Hall rent £ 9.00
677 A-On fidelity cover increase £ 42.70
678 E-on electricity supply July – September £431.38
679 E-on electricity maintenance £126.56
680 A Mclaven salary £124.20
681 BDO Stoyhayward £364.25

it was noted that the BDO invoice had increased due to the fact that we have section 106 monies in reserve taking us over the next cost limit.
113.2 Clerk to liase with Councillor Rootham over spread sheet.

114. Planning applications and decisions.
114.1 WP/2010/0368 Land at Orlingbury Hall-Erection of a dwelling house within the curtilage of a listed building – no further information on this.
114.2 WP/2010/ 0364 – 16 Pytchley Road ground floor extension
Only comments that, materials should be in keeping with existing and kept on site during construction.
114.3 WP/2010/0405/F 24 Norlinton Close Detached double garage with storage loft
Comments as above.

115. Speedwatch
115.1 We are 2/3 through this session of Speedwatch.
115.2 The purchase of the speed sign is in progress and the licence application is being prepared by the Clerk. This can be applied retrospectively if we get the sign before the licence.
115. Village Hall Nothing to report.

116. Any Other Business
116.1 Clerk to contact Harpurs regarding the verge and hedge
116.2 The Leys has been marked out in yellow for road repairs
116.3 Three bollards to be placed on the grass outside Orlingbury Hall, where the hedge was.
116.4 Discussion took place on the need for a sign by the car parking opposite the church and how it could be enforced.
116.5 Copy of application for licence at Orlingbury Hall for information only.

117. Date of next meeting.
The date of the meeting is 25th November 2010

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.30pm with thanks to those attending.

………………….. ………………………..
Chairman Date

Monday, October 11, 2010

Parish Council Minutes 9th September 2010

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 9th September 2010

91. Present: Councillors Allen, (Chairman), Rootham, (Deputy), Miles, Rowlatt, Timms (Wellingborough Borough Council) and Clerk, there were no members of the public.

92. Apologies:
Were received and accepted from Councillors Norton, Waller and Watts.

93. Minutes of the meeting 15th July 2010 These were signed as a true and correct record.

94. Matters arising
94.1 Copies of the Annual Parish and Annual General Meeting minutes will go out with these minutes.

94.2 81.2 An agreed letter asking landowners to cut back trees and shrubs, was placed in the parish Council newsletter. Some landowners have already responded to this request The council will now contact specific landowners. Councillors Rootham and Allen will form a sub-committee and meet on 16th September to research the names of relevant landowners and prepare the letter.

94.3 81.3 The area cleared in Rectory Lane is again in need of trimming. The green team are to be be asked to strim or mow the area Councillor Miles to report back. The cost of hiring a stump grinder to remove outstanding tree stumps will also be researched.

94.4 81.4 The light on the corner of Norlinton Close and Harrowden Road remains on all the time.

94.5 81.5 Fly-tipping to be put agenda of next meeting

94.6 82.2 The following response was received from the Borough Council regarding the number of councillors :
There is no requirement in legislation that the number of councillorsshould be proportional to electorate size. From 13 February 2008 district councils have had responsibility forundertaking 'community governance reviews' which consider the electoralarrangements of each Parish. These include the size, boundaries, numberof Councillors etc. We are considering when to begin the next review andwe will let you know when this has been decided. Alternatively, a review can be triggered by a valid communitygovernance, petition which must meet the conditions stated in the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007. Clerk is to find out how to make a community governance petition.

94.7 82.3 Newsletter produced with article promoting Parish Council Work and inviting interest from the community and Councillors consulted regarding commitment.

94.8 83.1 Trees overhanging on the Green:. The canopy.
3 councillors to meet and decide how to cut back the canopy without spoiling the trees. This to be done at 6.30 Thurs 30th September. 83.2 Trees overhanging the Green: Trees over hanging the road. The Clerk to communicate with the Street Doctor again and obtain quotes from Tree Surgeons.

94.9 86.1 Alex Stephenson to be asked to do something with regard to the Barn under section 77 of the Dangerous Buildings Act. Clerk to write and copy in Tim Lucy.

94.10 88.1 A further four people attended the Speedwatch training on.September 4th 201094.11 88.3 Councillor Timms was thanked for donating the cost of the Licence for the speed indicator sign. Councillor Timms was asked to sign our grant application and it is to be returned to the Borough.

95. Meeting of 15th August re planning issues

95.1 Attended by Councillors Allen, Rootham, Rowlatt and Norton. The supportive comments made on 6 Isham Road –were duly sent to the Borough Council.

96 Section 106 Developments
96.1 It was agreed that instead of the Clerk just reporting figures to the meeting a spread sheet would be produced showing income, expenditure and planned expenditure. This would be presented to the meeting in future.

96.2 Councillor Allen produced a document itemizing all Section 106 expenditure, as there is a need to provide a revised development plan for the Borough Council incorporating how the final part of the grant will be spent in order to obtain this final £13050 of the section 106 monies.

96.3 The Highways component of the Section 106 to be used for the gateways has been approved by the Borough Council. Legal details regarding the relocation of speed signs further out and the exact location of these signs is to be finalised before work begins.

97. Correspondence.
97.1 BCW – S106 new procedures

97.2 NCC – mineral waste strategy has been adopted and is available to download

97.3 Rural Development plan – village community shop – There was discussion about the shop in Little Harrowden probably closing in the next six months, and its implications for Orlingbury.

97.4 Northants CALC AGM information 20th Oct 2010, Unfortunately no-one available to attend as this clashes with other councillor commitments.

97.5 NALC events bulletin

97.6 Crime report for August- none reported.

97.7 Northants fire service –home fires safety checks, Councillor Allen pointed out that this may be a feature of the forthcoming Emergency Group public meeting scheduled for October. 97.8 BCW – Parish forum 7/10/10 Councillor Rootham and the Clerk to attend.

97.9 NRHA – House available in Orlingbury, Clerk to prepare Advert to go into the Notice Board advising of availability and reminding that anyone interested in affordable housing should be on both the Borough’s register and that of the Housing Association.

97.10 NCC – rights of way map – this shows which officer is responsible for each area in the County.

97.11 WBC – building control slide show from meeting via email link; a copy from the meeting attended by Councillors Rootham and Rowlatt At the meeting they were advised that Kettering Borough Council will be outsourcing its Planning to Wellingborough Borough Council. They also learnt that Building Control Inspectors only inspect at ground level and then when the building is complete.

97.12 NALC – AGM & ‘Stand & Deliver’ campaign to promote local elections. 2 places provisionally booked for 14th September.

97.13 NCC emergency planning conference – Councillor Allen to attend, as on same day (7/10/10) as Parish Forum.97.14 NHS Northamptonshire AGM 23rd September – no one available to attend.

98. Financial Matters.
98.1 The following accounts were approved for payment.
669 P Allen –newsletter and distribution expenses £ 29.94
670 E-on elec supply £ 431.38
671 Bosworths car parking £ 350.00
672 E-ON elec maint £ 27.58
673 A Mclaven salary £ 248.40
674 Sywell Mowers £ 55.00
675 R Derry – allotment equipment £ 51.16

98.2 As part of the yearly council audit programme by the BDO the Auditor required further information on a number of issues. The Clerk’s response was read and explained to the meeting and a copy of the letter is on file. The subsequent alterations to the Annual Return were approved.

98.3 The empowerment grant from Councillor Bailey had been agreed and received and the 8.3monies, although shared with Isham Parish Council, since only one cheque for £2500 was sent, have been banked by the Orlingbury Parish Council pending payment for the shared Speed Indicator sign.

98.4 It was agreed new statement sheets will be produced in future for meetings including a separate sheet for 106 expenditure, and planned expenditure. Clerk to liase with Councillor Rootham over this.

98.5 Cheques to be signed by 2 councillors who will initial cheque stubs and sign and date invoices to verify that they have seen them. Every payment must have a written invoice, or other relevant paperwork, and be formally approved for payment by the Parish Council in advance.

98.6 Councillors Bailey and Timms were thanked for their contributions to the speed camera. There was discussion about batteries. Councillor Rootham was willing to be trained to maintain the sign etc. It was agreed to meet with representatives of Isham PC to discuss issues.

99. Recommendation of the Working Party Planning on Audit Procedures
99.1 Mr Richard Abrams had asked the Parish Council to investigate invoices with regard to servicing the mower. At the time, it was concluded that payments and invoice details were in order. Mr Abrams wrote again to request that the parish Council look into his original complaint with more rigour. A working party was set up to review this matter and Mr Abrams was advised of this. Councillor Rootham talked through the report arising from the working party’s deliberations.

99.2 Following more detailed investigation it was evident that the Parish Council had paid for 3 mowers to be serviced in 2008/9, one of which (housed in the same lock-up) was that belonging to the Parish Church. Three invoices including that for the Church Machine had been stapled together and paid for together. Previous invoices for earlier years were examined and it was determined that prior to this only Parish Council mowers had been paid for.

99.3 Arising from the working party’s investigations, the following proposals were agreed.1 No charge is to be made to St Mary’s Church for the error of 2008/9 for the servicing of the Lawn King Mower at a cost of £116.562 A written amendment is to be made at the foot of the Parish Council minutes of January 2009 which will explain that the original minute was incorrect and could cause the reader to draw an inaccurate conclusion, other than the correct one i.e. that the original complaint was based on the commitment by Mr & Mrs Abrams to maintain probity, openness and rigour in invoice payments of a public organisation3 A written apology will be sent to Mr Abrams explaining our findings and expressing our concerns that his original observations of November 2008 did not receive a written response.

100. Planning applications and decisions.
WP/2010/0368 Land at Orlingbury Hall-Erection of a dwelling house within the curtilage of a listed building

The Highways Authority has not yet commented on this application though issues related to the dangers of access to this site are well documented. Part of the application is dependant on work having been agreed in the past for a golf course club house on this site. The applicants express willingness to give up the permission for a golf course on the site, if this application is granted.

Following discussions it was agreed that the Parish Council should ask that the application is refused on the following grounds:
a)The application is outside village development envelope and an application on an adjacent property has recently, been refused for this reason. It was agreed to ask for a site viewing if the application is not automatically refused.

101. Village Hall Work has just been completed on the village hall.

102. Any Other Business
102.1 A letter had been received from Mrs Nora Hurst thanking us for the grant for the Oversixties.

102.2 There was recently, an organised event on The Green and the lack of rubbish bins had been noticeable, although it is recognised that provision for these have been made in the Section 106 development plan. There then followed discussion about disposal arrangements for grass cuttings from The Green. . It was agreed to explore this issue further and to find out costs and then discuss possible storage sites.

102.3 Dog Fouling on the footpath to Little Harrowden is again a problem. The Borough Dog Warden to be asked to monitor the situation but Cllr Timms said that any witnesses to fouling acts would have to make written statements and be able to provide absolute proof before any owners could be taken to court.
102.3 3 trees have been planted outside 6a and 8a Pytchley Road. These are on the highway. Clerk to write and ask the landowner to remove the trees as they are on the public highway.

103. Dates of next meetings.

The dates for the next few meetings are as follows, 21st October 2010, 25th November 2010, 6th January 2011 and 17th February 2011.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.50pm with thanks to those attending.

………………….. ………………………..
Chairman Date

Monday, August 9, 2010

Orlingbury Parish Council Minutes July 15th 2010

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
15th July 2010

79. Present: Councillors Allen, (Chair) Rootham (Deputy), Miles, Waller, Timms (Wellingborough Borough Council) and Clerk, there were no members of the public.

80. Apologies: Were received and accepted from Councillors Norton, Rowlatt and Watts.

81. Minutes of 3rd and 17th June and matters arising.
81.1 These were both signed as a true and correct record.

81.2 70.1 The audit record of issues relating to trees and shrubs around the village will not be acted upon until after the next newsletter (70.4) is produced when a letter reminding landowners of responsibilities re. the upkeep and trimming of shrubs bordering footpaths and roads will be raised. If after reading this landowners have not responded to this general request to cut back overgrown hedgerows, they will be contacted in writing individually.

81.3 70.02 Bosworths have cut the vegetation back in Rectory Lane, but the tree stumps appear to be at ground level. Bosworths are to be asked to remove the stumps a couple of inches below ground level, so that there is no future obstruction to the mower.

81.4 75.1 All street lights should be re-checked and re-reported if still not working.

81.5 75.2 Fly tipping was omitted from this agenda but will be placed on the September agenda.

82. Promoting New Interest in the Parish Council
82.1 In order to make the Parish Council a going concern, each member is required to take an active role. Whilst it is appreciated that individual councillors have competing pressures of employment: absence or inability to share key responsibilities has, on occasions resulted in a small number of councillors taking on increasing work to enable work objectives to be accomplished.

Over recent years there have been many issues to address and the Council has made good progress. However, the future continued success of the Parish Council requires people in the community to express active interest, taking part in its work and refreshment of membership to enable a distribution and effective delegation of tasks.

It is felt the council membership should ideally, represent the whole community. It is necessary to pre-empt a possible shortage of councillors following the elections, which have to take place in 2011 (5th May) by promoting interest in the Council and enthusiasm in all age groups for standing as a member or taking part in the delegated work of a sub-committee. There was discussion about asking the pubic to join sub-committees, and encouraging attendance at meetings as observers. It was noted that newcomers to the village are sometimes apprehensive about getting involved and that they should be encouraged and supported to use expertise and knowledge.

82.2 The Clerk is to confirm how many councillors the Council is eligible to have, given the size of Orlingbury population.

82.3 It was agreed Councillor Allen would produce a newsletter asking villagers if they are interested in the work of the Parish Council, to come to the next meeting and to observe what goes on. He is also to write to all councillors asking, given the work load of the Parish Council if each can give a broad commitment to attend the schedule of the meetings for this council year. Councillor Rootham offered to assist with the writing of this newsletter.

83. Trees on the green
83.1 Councillor Miles had been approached by the green team who are concerned that the trees on The Green are very low. This presents a hazard to those using the mower to cut the green. A householder, who lives opposite The Green had received complaints from bus drivers who were unable to negotiate past overhanging branches when cars were parked outside her house.

83.2 Following discussion it was agreed that any trimming of trees on the Green should be sensitively and expertly undertaken to ensure that the appearance of the plants should not be compromised. It was agreed to ask Councillor Norton if he was willing to trim the trees on the green sympathetically to allow the mower to safely pass beneath..

83.3 The Highways Authority would be asked to cut the tree overhanging the highway. In the event of the Authority not agreeing to undertake this work, tenders would be obtained from reputable tree surgeons.

84. Section 106 Developments
84.1 Entrance to village signage and gateways and section 106 funding and promised match funding (Highways Department). A letter has been received from Mr Joe Hubbard (Acting Chief Executive, Wellingborough Borough Council), apologising for the delay in response to releasing funding to the Highways Authority. Unfortunately, due to a change in the financial rules, further written evidence was required by Wellingborough (the executors of funding from the Developers of Norlinton Close) of NCC Highways Authority. However, Mr Hubbard is anticipating the invoice being raised and funds being transferred. Wellingborough Borough Council are still awaiting formal confirmation of the occupation of the final property. Clerk to contact Alan Chapman regarding this.

84.2 Another £250 has been spent on clearing Rectory Lane, £75 each on 5 posts for the car parking areas.

84.3 There is still the sign, lectern, wastebaskets, fingerposts, and maintenance issues to be paid for. Councillor Rootham proposed and Councillor Miles seconded A development meeting to discuss and prepare a 7-10 year plan for maintenance, and allocation of monies to do this. All in favour.

85. Village Boundaries
85.1 A site specific proposals development plan document has been received from the Borough Council, this is asking for our comments regarding the village boundaries. We have already written to the Borough with our views on what we want to happen to the village boundary. The proposals concur with our earlier contributions though some suggestions for amendment are to forwarded to the Borough.

85.2 We agreed with the Wellingborough Council’s proposals, which reflect the Parish Council’s own early submission to the review. However, it was felt that one of the criteria for replacement dwellings was ambiguous, {we suggested that the area of land behind Orlingbury Hall be designated as an Environmentally Important Open Space, as well as Bad Saddle and Wythmail. We also felt that there was possibly not a flexible enough approach over sites for employment use, and the village was land poor}.

85.3 It was agreed to publish our criteria for Planning with respect to the village boundary and the building envelope in the next newsletter.

86. Correspondence
86.1. Rectory Lane Barn, Alex Stephenson had responded to our enquiry about the state of the barn, asking if we were concerned for safety reasons or aesthetic reasons. Clerk to respond we are concerned about Public safety.

86.2 Building control information and update session for councillors – this will take place on 17th August, Councillor Allen is attending, Councillor Waller would like to attend if there are spaces.

86.3 North Northamptonshire Rural Action Partnership – Funding Opportunities – Councillor Rootham to look into this as a way of protecting the dovecote.

87. Financial Matters
87.1 It was disappointing that the Auditor was not in attendance. The Clerk will invite her to attend the next meeting.

87.2 It was noted that the allotment income should be a separate strand in Parish Accounts. There was then a discussion of how the monies are split and allocated.

87.3 The strimmer had broken when Councillor Miles was using it to prepare for the village fete. The bill for repairs was £64.00 to mend the broken fuel pipe.

87.4 The following accounts were approved for payment.
664 E-on Electricity Maintenance £119.12
665 Village Hall Committee Rent April-June £ 24.00
666 Alison McLaven Salary £124.20
667 Sywell Mowers – strimmer repair £ 64.00

87.5 VAT recovered £1694.11

87.6 Current account £ 8587.85
Section 106 account £18075.39

88. Speedwatch
88.1 Training will take place again on 4th September. There are at least 3 more people willing to take part. Councillor Rowlatt is unable to help and Trish Robinson has agreed to assist Councillor Waller.

88.2 Councillors Waller and Allen met with the Clerk and Councillor Alan Curtis from Isham Parish Council, to facilitate a joint bid for funding of a speed sensor indicator. This will be shared between the two villages, and used in different locations. Councillor Bailey has been approached for a grant of £1250 from each village, the cost of the sign is approximately £2600.88.3 Councillor Timms is donating £400 in total towards the cost of licences for the above speed sensor indicator.

89. Village Hall
Nothing to report.

90. Any Other Business
90.1 Councillor Rootham has received a letter from Mr Richard Abrams concerning an incorrect Parish Council minute (January 09 6.5). It was agreed to set up a working party to investigate this and report back to the September meeting, as this was an issue of probity and accuracy. The meeting was set for 7pm on 12 August, comprising Councillor Miles, Chair of the Council at the time, Councillor Rootham, Councillor Rowlatt, Councillor Allen and the Clerk.

90.2 Councillor Miles had received an email from Peter Robinson regarding the poor quality of Broadband in the village. Following discussion it was felt this was a matter the Council would support emerging pressure groups in rectifying, but that this matter was not the direct responsibility of the Council. A note could be put in the newsletter asking for people interested in lobbying for better Broadband facilities.

90.3 A copy of the Annual Parish Meeting and Annual General Meeting minutes to go out to Councillors, with the copy of these mins. There being no other business the meeting closed with thanks to those attending at 9.40 pm

Chairman Date

Monday, June 14, 2010

Orlingbury Parish Council Minutes June 3rd 2010

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
3rd June 2010

66. Present:
Councillors Allen (Chair) Rootham (Deputy), Rowlatt, Watts and A McLaven (Clerk)

67. Apologies:
Were received and accepted from Councillors Miles’ Norton Waller and Timms (Borough).
There were no members of the public present and the Police were not represented. Clerk to write to the Police and advise them of our regrets that no representative was available to attend as regular meetings with the Police are welcomed as an opportunity for the public to share concerns.

68. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 13th May and Matters arising
68.01 The Minutes were signed as a true and correct record.
68.02 56.02 Bosworths will take the Notice Board down after the village fete and refurbish it.
68.03 56.05 The invoice for the servicing of the mowers has been received
68.04 61.03 The emergency planning meeting 6th July is postponed
68.05 64.02 The Speed watch results published in the Parishes Magazine prompted discussion that there was often insufficient coverage of Orlingbury news, the Waendel Walk, and Worm Charming, being two examples of events could have been reported.

69. Section 106 Monies
69.01 Expenditure – There has been no expenditure since the last meeting. We have spent £11,025 out of the £29,100 received, leaving £18,075 remaining together with a final £13,000 still to be received following the occupancy of the last dwelling in the Norlinton Close Estate.
69.02 Gateways Helen Howard had previously written to inform the Council that the Gateways would be erected by Mid-May, and the Council had informed the village of this at the Annual Parish Meeting. However, when she was contacted to ask when works would commence, she then advised us that the money had not been released from the Borough Council, because the Highways Authority had not submitted a development plan. The money from the Borough is being match funded by the County to pay for the cost of the gateways and signs. (Helen was invited to the Annual Parish Meeting but was unable to attend. It was felt she should be invited to the next meeting to explain delays.) The Clerk had rang Alan Chapman at the Borough Council to check on the situation, unfortunately he is ill, but Mr Kilpin rang back and promised to investigate matters. It is felt that a response should be received by Monday. It was agreed for the Clerk to write to Joe Hubbard and request a meeting with him to clarify the situation, noting also that the final house at Norlinton Close is occupied and therefore, the final Section 106 payment from Developers should be made. Copies of the letter, also to be sent in an email attachment, to Councillors Allen, Rootham, Bailey, Timms, Helen Howard, Mike Kilpin, and NCC CEO
70. Village maintenance.
70.1 The village was walked by several councillors and the clerk, Councillor Allen produced a report showing the issues discovered. Several identified issues were the responsibilities of Private Landowners, A copy of the report is to be kept on file.
70.02 Land opposite houses in Rectory lane. Following discussion it was agreed that Bosworths will quote to clear the verge, cutting back vegetation and removing roots, in preparation for more regular maintenance to be undertaken. Councillor Allen was given the authority to approve the arising quotation if it is reasonable. Work may then start as soon as possible.
70.03 The issues that highways should deal with have been passed to the Parish Enhancement Gangs at MGSWP (the N.C.C Highways agency) .
70.04 Councillor Rootham had provided a draft for the newsletter regarding issues relating to upkeep of land bordering roads and footpaths but under private ownership. It was agreed that once the newsletter had gone out, letters would be written to land owners where there was need to address maintenance respectfully requesting that problems be dealt with.
70.05 Car parking spaces opposite the church. Following discussion it was agreed
that discrete markings be drawn on the car parking area with 4 equally spaced posts sited at the back of the space to deter motorists from driving onto the grassed area. The parking space will be marked with sufficient spaces to allow ease of access for passengers but to optimise parking.

71. Correspondence
WBC 13th May received Invitation to citizen panel on 20th May*
CRE - Town & County awards- nominations required
NCC – behind the scenes at the shoe museum 5th June 10-30am – 12 noon £3
NCC – summer health walk Stanwick Lakes 5th June 1.30 pm
NCC – waste recycling centre changes
Police – Family Funday 6th June 1-5pm
*WBC – Ela Goodall asking for Housing Needs Survey to be put on the September Agenda and Joanne Martin from NRHA and either Ela or Carol Conway from the Borough to attend to discuss this. It was agreed to do this.
* It was noted that some items (particularly from Wellingborough Council) are being received with very short notice to respond

72. Financial Matters.
72.01 The Annual Accounts were approved
72.02 It was agreed to give a grant of £200 to the Oversixties group. This followed discussion of what the group did and how it was funded.
72.03 The following accounts were approved for payment
660 E-on electricity maintenance £119.12
661 A McLaven Salary £124.20
662 Oversixties group £200.00
663 Garden Machine Servicing – mowers £254.12
72.04 Mrs Sisman, the auditor is able to attend the July meeting.

73. Planning
73.01 WP/2010/0136/F – This has been recommended for refusal by the Borough Council, but on their report it states no objections from neighbours, which we know to be incorrect. Clerk to advise the borough of this.
73.02 The new build in Pytchley Road (WP/2008/0269/F). There are concerns that the land owner is using flood lights to light up the front of the house, Clerk to email Mr Kilpin of the WBC Planning Department to ascertain whether there are infringements of planning regulations and also to request that the pavement be re-instated by the developer at the same time that a new drop kerb access is being put in place.

74. Village Hall
The Annual General Meeting will be held on 24th June, and an audit of the contents will take place at the weekend following this meeting.

75. Any Other Business
75.01 There is lamp on the Harrowden Road, which remains lit at all times, and the light outside the church is hanging off its post. These items will be reported by the Clerk to the appropriate authorities who will be expected to promptly respond.
75.02 Fly-tipping is a particular problem on roads leading from the village. It is particularly bad on the Northampton Road. This issue to be placed on the agenda for the next meeting for discussion.
75.03 The dates of the next meeting is 15th July 2010, the meeting closed at 8.50pm with thanks to those attending.

………………….Chair …………………………date

Orlingbury Parish Council MInutes 13th May 2010

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
13th May 2010

54. Present : Councillors Allen (Chair) Rootham (Deputy), Miles, Rowlatt, Waller and A McLaven (Clerk), Mr Knightly & Mr Porter

55. Apologies: Councillors Norton and Watts

56. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 4th March and Matters arising

56.01 The Minutes were signed as a true and correct record.
56.02 36.07 The staples are still in the Village Notice Board.
56.03 39.02 The seat looks good in its location.
56.04 41.1 It was felt the comment made by Councillor Bailey at the APM about OPC not being represented at the Parish Forum was unnecessary.
56.05 46.1 The mowers have now been away and serviced. Thanks were given to Councillors Miles and Rootham for taking over the arrangements of the rota etc.
56.06 47.01 Alex Stephenson said he would investigate the Barn in Rectory Lane, but he has not yet advised his next steps.

57. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 29th April 2010 and Matters arising
57.01 The Minutes were signed as a true and correct record.
57.02 52. This application has been withdrawn.
57.03 53. Councillor Rowlatt had spoken to Steven Holloway who passed the matter to Alan Rigby, with whom she spoke to on Monday; he came out to visit the site on Tuesday. Mr Rigby then advised her that Mr Tarry will remove the concrete block within the next few days, and will put in a gateway within the next few weeks.

58. Planning
58.01 WP/2010/0136/F – new one & half storey detached 4 bedroom dwelling with garage, Garden Land at 19 Harrowden Road. (It should be noted that the meeting was opened for public question time, to allow residents to put their views.)
58.02 After discussion the following points were noted to be put in a letter of response to the Borough Council with the Clerk and Chair liasing on the final copy which would be shown to Mr Knightly prior to be sent off.
58.03 The most important issue is that the property is outside the village building envelope, even though the building will be ‘in fill’ between existing residences.
58.04 There are concerns if, as the design statement says, but not shown accurately on the drawings, the property follows the building line, then the adjacent property will lose light, and will be very overlooked.
58.05 The design statement also mentions mature hedges and trees screening the boundary, and these features are felt not to afford screening. There are concerns about the tree at the entrance (also inaccurately drawn), being removed to make way for access.
58.06 The access to the proposed site also causes concern as it is at a dangerous point on the highway.
58.07 A site visit will be asked in the event of the application not being automatically refused.

59 Section 106 Monies
59.01 Expenditure Report
Income Section 106 grant 26100
Cllr Bailey grant 2000
Donation Waendel Walk 500
Anon donation 500
Total 29100

Landscaping and Notice Board 2750
Car park, Benches Bollards seats 7350
Bollards Bench in field 11025
Total 18075

* 13,000 final tranche to be received
59.02 Next steps, with reference to the proposed Village Sign, Jacob Hartley, well supported by William Harwood gave a very good presentation at the Annual Parish meeting. Jacob is chairing a group of young people some of whom are much older than himself, and has raised various issues. It was agreed to meet on 27th May, and walk the village to decide preferred sites for the village sign, lectern, waste bins and finger posts.
59.03 Councillor Allen has produced designs for the gateposts and given the information again to Helen Howard at NCC. There was discussion on the legal issues of moving the 30mph signs, but this has been covered in the development plans and discussed with Helen therefore it should be in hand.
59.04 Maintenance issues; we have put aside monies from our Section 106 money to cover maintenance issues.

60. Village maintenance.
60.01 Trees and shrubs. Councillors Rootham and Rowlatt have been in contact with Felicity Weber at the Borough Council and as far as she is concerned, the trees in the conservation area are covered by Tree Protection Orders and the remaining trees on Public Land are not to be touched by the public. Following discussion it was agreed Councillors Rootham and Rowlatt would draft a leaflet to be delivered to all the village regarding the responsibility of landowners to hedgerows, and the public to the trees. Also the Councillors will annotate a map of the areas where maintenance or replacement is required.
60.02 Areas at Orlingbury Hall and Rectory Lane; problem sites for maintenance are areas to be resubmitted for the Parish Enhancement Gangs to deal with. The kerbstones on the Rectory Lane corner will also be resubmitted.
60.03 Rectory Lane. It was agreed that elder roots need removing and shrubs cutting back with a canopy at head height. It may then be possible to mow along the verge and then the kerb can be reinstated, Councillor Rootham proposed and Councillor Rowlatt seconded asking Bosworths to quote to clear the trees to head height and remove the stumps; all in favour.
60.04 Isham Road-The Clerk to write to the owner of the Cherry tree and advise that, as it is not growing, and to ask that it be replaced as previously agreed.
Councillor Allen

61. Correspondence,
61.01 Wellingborough Partnership Annual Conference 7th June, representative request, Councillor Waller to attend.
61.02 Northants County Council – You choose campaign, to gather information on how the public wants the county to spend its money. All Councillors to fill in and return forms to County.
61.03 NCC – Emergency Planning seminar 19th May (Kettering) or 6th July (Guildford) request for attendees
61.04 MK & Northants C C working towards reducing waste; sent by landfill- information
61.05 NCC – Minerals and waster framework information
61.06 NCALC – village of the year competition; once all work is done we will enter the competition again
61.07 NCALC – training dates including 17th July Chairmanship Training and 7th December Election workshop. Following discussion it was agreed to put on the next agenda an item to discuss how to promote new interest in the council. Councillor Allen will also write and invite the village to attend meetings with a view to becoming a councillor at the elections next year. This will go on the next newsletter along with the information relating to trees.
61.08 WBC Ward support survey – 3rd June 8pm, Clerk to ask officers to attend at the village hall and this will be part of the next Parish Council meeting.61.09 NCC – Local Council’s conference 16 June 2010, no-one available to attend.

62. Financial Matters.
62.01 The following accounts were approved for payment.
656 E-on electricity supply £431.38657
657 Di Sisman, audit fees £ 70.00658
658 Ncalc subscription £ 122.09659
659 A Mclaven salary March Apr £ 248.40
62.02 The audit has been done by Mrs Sisman, and the accounts are ready to be typed up. They will be circulated before the next meeting and the Annual Return prepared. Mrs Sisman is to be invited to the next meeting to explain her role, and to answer questions. She was invited to tonight’s meeting, but was unable to attend.
62.03 The Insurance documents have arrived, but we need to increase our fidelity insurance, and add the extra street furniture to the policy. The Clerk will organise this, getting signatures and signed cheques outside of the meeting if necessary, whilst making sure the insurance stays concurrent.

63. Village Hall
Nothing to report.

64. Any Other Business
64.01 At the Annual Parish Meeting Councillor Bailey had advised that there were grants still available for village empowerment. He mentioned this to Isham PC. At the meeting of Isham PC 2 days ago it was proposed that 2 councillors from Isham Parish Council meet with 2 councillors from Orlingbury to further the idea of buying a portable flashing speed sign between the 2 councils. It was agreed that Councillors Allen and Waller would meet and discuss this. Clerk to arrange meeting.
64.02 Councillor Waller had received the Speed Watch analysis from ACRE and considering the weather and a faulty camera they had done well. 28 cars over the limit had resulted in 22 letters being sent out, all to non-residents. They had 78.6% accuracy result.

65.The dates of the next meetings
were confirmed as 3rd June 2010, 15th July 2010, 9th September 2010, 14th October 2010, 18th November 2010, 6th January 2011, 10 February 2011, 17th March 2011, Annual Parish Meeting, 21st April 2011, and Annual General Meeting 12th May, the meeting closed at 9.50pm with thanks to those attending.

………………….Chair …………………………date

Parish Council Minutes AGM 13th May 2010

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
held in the Village Hall on 13th May 2010

Present : Councillors Allen (Chair) Rootham (Deputy), Miles, Rowlatt, Waller and A McLaven (Clerk)Apologies: Councillors Norton, Timms and Watts

Election of Chairman:
Councillor Rootham proposed and Councillor Waller seconded Peter Allen as Chair, all in favour.

Election of Deputy:
Councillor Rowlatt proposed and Councillor Allen seconded Barry Rootham as Deputy, all in favour.

Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting (7th May 2009)
These were approved as a true and correct record.

Any Other Business:
Councillor Allen thanked the Councillors for their support through out the year, especially with the growing agenda, but noted it was good to see issues resolved. Councillor Waller thanked Councillor Allen for all the hard work he had done through out the past year.

The date of the next meeting was confirmed as 13th May 2010 at 7.30pm, the meeting closed at 8pm with thanks to those attending.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Parish Council Minutes 3rd March 2010

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall

on 4th March 2010

32.Present: Councillors Allen, (chair), Rootham, Rowlatt, Waller & Watts and Clerk.

33.Apologies: Were received and accepted from Councillors Miles, and Norton.

34.Police ForumRepresentatives of the Community Police were unable to attend. Clerk is to write to Lynette Amey-Heard and thank her for her hard work and send our good wishes. Clerk also to write to PC Lee with the dates for the next meeting and ask if a police presence would be possible every other month.

35. Open Session for the Public There were no members of the public.

36. Minutes of the meeting 4th February and matters arising.

36.01 The minutes were signed as a true and correct record.

36.02 20.02 Councillor Allen has emailed Mr Grindley (NCC) who has referred our request for 2 more grit bins.

36.03 20.05 Clerk to report still outstanding issues re. hedges, roadside works etc to Street Doctor.

36.04 22.01 The second Parish Newsletter outlining progress has been delivered to all Orlingbury Households.

36.05 26.02 It was noted that Councillor Rowlatt not Councillor Waller, as minuted, is conducting the tree audit with Councillor Rootham.

36.06 The date of the next meeting was confirmed as 22nd April and a meeting to plan the agenda was set for 11th March at 8pm. As many councillors as possible are requested to attend. Pat Norton and Charlotte Cook are also invited.

36.07 It was noted that an item had been stapled to the outside of the new notice board. This will damage the wooden frame and water-proofing.

37 .Planning Applications and decisions
37.01 WP/2009/0479/F Amended plan, 2 Norlinton Close. It was felt that the parking issues remain unresolved, and that additional traffic generated by further housing will create additional difficulties particularly at the access to Norlinton Close from Harrowden Road. A reduction in the proposed building footprint was still considered inadequate. The Clerk was requested to write to the Planning Department underlining continuing concerns.

37.02 WP/2010/52/O Northampton Road. Erection of a new nursery building to replace existing, new access.

Concerns were raised regarding a) the building being on a green-field site, b) increased traffic access c) the dangers of locating the nursery next to a petrol station where access of traffic to the filling station was already, significantly impaired by nearness to the major highway intersection, and d) sewage, drainage (water is observed to already overflow at this location) and other public utilities may be further compromised. Clerk was requested to write to the Planning Department underlining concerns and seeking clarification of numbers using the building.

38. Speed watch
38.01 After initial difficulties with the camera supplied, PC McQuaid replaced the equipment and the village team of volunteers have made good progress. Councillor Allen congratulated Councillor Waller on her work, and she praised the volunteers.

39 Section 106 monies
39.01 8 bollards have now been placed at the church car park area.

39.02 There has been a letter on behalf of David Reynolds regarding the location of a seat in “America” field. The letter is very specific about location and maintenance. The bench may be accessed via the grass headlands and footpath. The Parish Council were requested to sign an agreement detailing responsibilities. The Parish Council have agreed that access routes over the headlands to the seat are not necessarily all public rights of way and shall therefore, be treated as ‘Permitted Access Routes’.

40. Village Maintenance
40.01 Trees and Shrubs – Councillor Rootham has had a long conversation with Ms F Webber of the Wellingborough Council re trees and shrubs. All trees in the conservation area are protected. Several trees have Tree Protection Orders (TPOs). Trees on public land are unlikely to have TPOs unless they are trees which have been identified as a strong public amenity, or perceived public amenity. Councillors Rootham and Rowlatt will do a preliminary audit of trees and shrubs making recommendations to the Parish Council on possible protection, pruning, replacement and additional planting.

40.02 Tree warden conference information was given to Councillor Rootham who will study this with a view to attending the conference on our behalf.

40.03 The concrete block is still in place at the entrance to the field next to the first house on the Isham Road. This is considered to be a hazard. The Clerk was requested to write to the enforcement officer.

40.04 The issue of fly tipping in field entrances especially, on the Northampton Road was raised and it was agreed to report this matter to the Environmental Services Department. The Clerk is to also report concerns to the Borough Council.

41. Correspondence
41.01 BCW –details of Parishes Forum Meeting on 21st April, agenda items to be received by 31st March.

41.02 BCW – section 106 letter passed to Planning Dept.

41.03 The rest of the correspondence was passed to all councillors.

42. Proposed development plan 2010-2013
42.01 This was passed for all councillors to look at. We have achieved most of the plan. Additional features relate to shrubs and vegetation management.

42.02 There was discussion of outstanding matters, mainly with reference to shrubs and vegetation.

42.03 The feature relating to section 106 monies has been extended to indicate development features related to the next round of expenditure.

42.04 Discussion also took place about continuing to inform villagers and to continue to generate interest in Parish Council work. This would include further expansion of sub-committee work involving non Parish Councillors as the size of the Parish Council can not be increased.

43. Financial Matters
Councillor Rootham proposed and Councillor Watts seconded and all were in favour of approval for payment of the following:
649 P Allen – to replace cheque 645 lost by the bank £ 6.00
650 P Allen – expenses printing etc £ 35.85
651 A McLaven – 1 months salary £124.20
652 Orlingbury PCC – floodlighting costs £438.37

44. Village Hall
Nothing to report

45. Allotments
45.01 It was agreed to keep a separate account of the allotment rents

45.02 There is now one vacant allotment. It has been offered to one person on the waiting list who no longer required it. The next person on the list has yet to be approached. Councillor Allen will look into the possibility of letting it rent free for the first year, to make it a more attractive proposition as it needs additional work to become productive.

46. Green Team
46.01 It was agreed to arrange for the mowers to be serviced in preparation for use by the Green Team.

47.Any other business
47.01 Councillor Waller raised a concern that the tithe barn was in a dangerous condition in respect of the roof and loose stones. The Clerk was requested to write to Alex Stephenson.

48. Date of the next meeting
The next meeting will be the Annual Parish Meeting on 22nd April
at 7.30 in the village hall

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9 pm with thanks from the
Chair to those attending.

Chairman ………………….. Date …………………..

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Parish Council Minutes 4th February 2010

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on 4th February 2010

15.Present: Councillors Allen, (Chair) Miles, Waller Watts, and Clerk plus Janet Norton and Pat Norton as members of the public.

16.Apologies: Were received and accepted from Councillors Rootham, Rowlett, Norton, and Timms (Borough).

17.Police Forum The Police were unable to attend.

18. Open Session for the Public The members of the public came to observe the meeting.

19. The Emergency Plan
St John Ambulance First Aid Training – Acknowledgement of success 10 villagers completed their training at the village hall and are now able to administer First Aid and medical support, 2 of those trained are under 18, Alex Pipkin and Jacob Hartley. The day was reported to have been a great success. First Aiders will be formally congratulated by letter and certificates will be presented at the Annual Parish Meeting.

20. Minutes of the meeting 7th January and matters arising.
The date of the meeting was corrected and the minutes signed as a true and correct record.

20.01 06.01 The Speed sign on the Green is shortly to be moved to Northampton Road. Councillor Allen has recently received further assurances from Mr S Barber (Accident Reduction Team) to this effect.

20.02 07.03 The grit bins have now been topped up in preparation for further frost. The Parish Council will continue to press for two more bins.

20.03 08.02 There is shortly to be a meeting with Bosworths regarding low posts around the new parking area.

20.04 08.04 Jacob Hartley (12 years old) has agreed to chair a group of young people to look into the content and design of the village sign.

20.05 08.06 The Highways Department have been written to regarding the requirement to cut back overgrown margins of the highway. The matter has been referred to the Environmental Department who have not responded. The clerk is to seek clarification from the department about what they intend to do.

20.06 12.05 The short length of footway in the vicinity of Taggies Yard has been completed.

21 .Planning Applications and decisions
21.01 04.01 WP/2009/0479/F - The Parish Council have written to the Borough Council with concerns raised by residents. There will be a site visit on the 9th February.

22. Expansion of Parish Council
22.01 Concerns were raised that the Council should actively encourage villagers to be interested in future membership. Although membership of the Parish Council is fixed at 7 and co-option therefore not possible it was felt that people should be actively encouraged to take an interest in the council to enable more to confidently come forward for the next election in about 18 months. It was decided to plan features at the Annual Parish Meeting and other events to generate interest and further understanding of the Council’s work that would encourage participation. A further Parish Newsletter is planned for February.

23. Speed watch
23.01 Councillor Waller reported that 15 people had attended for training at Brackmills. Training will take place for further volunteers on 4th September in preparation for the joint Police and Village speed watch campaign in September/October. Speed Watch sessions will probably entail three 1 hour sessions on designated days.

23.02 Councillor Waller will continue to report progress on the Speed Watch Campaign. She was thanked for her role in liaising with the Police and in jointly organising training with them.

24. Section 106 monies
24.01 The Income and expenditure sheet was produced at the meeting.
Income is as follows:

£29,100 income, represented 2/3rds of the section 106 monies (the final 1/3 being retained by the Norlinton Close Developers until the final house was occupied).
£2,000 empowerment grant from Councillor Bailey.
Two £500 donations from the Waendel Walkers Association and an anonymous donor.

Development expenditure (as set out in the approved plan submitted to the WBC and Developers) is as follows:
£2,750 for the noticeboard and seat feature at the top of Rectory Lane.
£10,100 for the seats and bollards on the Green and the Parking Space opposite the church.

24.02 It was agreed to open a separate account for the monies so that income and expenditure strands were easily recognisable and section 106 and other development grants easily distinguished from precept monies.

24.03 The next steps have been costed at approximately, £18,000 and include maintenance costs for new features.

24.04 The NCC Highways Department to commence the planned replacement of village signs and gateways features, which would include integral speed signs and markings. This will be financed with the separate £6,500 section 106 funding received by them and matched by them with a further £6,500.

24.05 Further planned development items include an information lectern and village sign. Plans will be supported by consultation with villagers. A youth group headed by Jacob Hartley (12 years old) will consult, research and list possible features in preparation for further planning.

24.06 The decision to purchase a portable speed sensor will be made after the Speed Watch Project when the effectiveness of such signs will be reviewed.

24.07 The Clerk was requested to write to Wellingborough Council to confirm that the last house in the Norlinton Close development has been occupied so that the final instalment of the Section 106 grant may be claimed.

25. Village Maintenance
25.01 Some work has been undertaken since the last joint inspection. The NCC have now rescinded their decision to pave outside Orlingbury Hall on the grounds that this would demonstrate approval of a road crossing point for pedestrians at a point that is now deemed by them to be unsafe. The area of shrubbery will again be cleared and then seeded by the Authority. The possibility of asking the occupants of the Hall to pave the area was discussed.

26 Proposed development plan 2010-2013
26.01 Further to discussions at the previous meeting, it was felt that the present three year plan should be extended to ensure that all items which were largely accomplished should be fully completed. Councillor Allen will redraft the plan to give additional focus to outstanding items i.e. the next stage in Section 106 funded development and focus on the management of trees and shrubs and roadside verges in the area of the village and its approaches.

26.02 It was agreed that Councillor Waller and Councillor Rootham will do an audit of the trees and shrubs in the village in preparation for this

26.03 The council welcomed the emerging more positive and productive partnership with the Wellingborough Council.

27 Planning Committee for next Annual Parish Meeting
Councillors Waller and Miles will be unable to attend the APM but have agreed to contribute to preparations for this event. Councillors Rootham and Rowlatt will also meet with Councillor Allen to discuss the format for the APM.

28 Correspondence
28.01 Northamptonshire Rural Housing Association – Annual Report

28.02 Alzheimer’s Society –information

28.03 The rest of the correspondence will be circulated in the package. passed to Councillors to scrutinise

29. Financial Matters
Councillor Miles proposed, Councillor Allen seconded and all in favour of the following accounts being approved for payment .
646 EON – electricity supply £422.20
647 EON – electricity maintenance £116.59
644 A McLaven – 1 months salary £124.20

30. Village Hall
Nothing to report

31Any other business
31.01 The Allotment rent is due – Clerk to send invoices, The vacated lot will be reallocated.

31.02 Gillian Walton is organising the Emergency Planning committee and there will be at least two Parish Council representatives on this. Councillors Allen and Miles agreed to be members with Councillor Waller attending in the absence of Councillor Miles. The PCEG is planning a ½ day seminar in June: the drama group has agreed to enact emergency scenarios as a starting point for discussion. If possible a representative from another successful village PCEG will be invited to give an input. The purpose of the event will be to raise villager awareness of the Emergency Plan and arrangements for support in conditions where external support is not available.

31.03 Next meetings will be on 4th March 2010 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, the Annual Parish Meeting on 22nd April and the Annual General Meeting on 13th May.

There being no further business the meeting closed with thanks from the Chair to those attending.
Chairman ………………….. Date …………………..

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Parish Council Minutes 7th January 2010

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
7th January 2010

01. Present: Councillors Allen, (Chair) Rootham (Deputy), Miles, Norton, Rowlett, Waller and Clerk plus Trish Robinson, Megan Campbell, Karen Powles and Deborah Williams as members of the public.
02. Apologies: Were received and accepted from Councillor Watts and Councillor Timms (Borough).
03. Police Forum: The Chairman informed those present that the Police often attended our meetings and PC Hayley Lythgoe had been expected this evening. (An apology for absence had subsequently been received but not until after the meeting).
04.01 WP/2009/0479/F Councillor Norton Declared an interest in this matter
During an open session members of the public raised their concerns over the application which included:
i) an inaccuracy of describing the barn to be demolished as redundant whereas it was still in use for machinery storage and livestock shelter.
ii) increased traffic movements along Norlinton Close which was already
congested through cars being parked on verges due to the shortage of parking spaces at the houses. Comment was made that problems arising from historical permissions was not a planning issue.
iii) the dangers of these extra vehicle movements at the junction with Harrowden Road.
iv) ability of utilities to cope with the extra requirements

Councillor discussions centred on these concerns plus that the new properties be in keeping with other developments in the vicinity, did not impinge on light space and privacy of neighbouring properties and that over development of the site was a prevailing concern. A site meeting would be requested when residents could put there concerns direct to
Members of the Planning Committee.

04.02 Review of village boundaries Wellingborough Borough Council had completed the first stage of their consultations with the findings broadly in line with our recommendations not to change the village envelope. It was noted that the grounds of Orlingbury Hall were outside the planning boundary.
05.Minutes of the meeting 12th November 2009 and matters arising.
05.01 After adding Councillor Waller and removing Councillor Watts as present the minutes were signed as a true and correct record. This was proposed by Councillor Rootham, seconded by Councillor Norton and carried unanimously.
05.02 121.3 A metal bench will be sited at the top of the field below Lammas Close once Mr Reynolds’ estate manager has agreed the location with the footpaths and byways authority.
05.03 Planning Application WP/2009/0024 – Clerk to chase the response to the Appeal.
05.04 128.1 The concrete block is still restricting the bridle way. Councillor Rowlatt to pursue.
05.05 128.3 The leaves were removed immediately by the Borough
06. Speed watch
06.01 and 06.03 The signs are in place but one on The Green needed to be relocated to Northampton Road (as promised by the Highways department).The sign had served a useful function as a mount for equipment to monitor the volume of traffic. It should be moved soon.
06.02 The Speed-watch training starts on 30th January with the programme beginning on 14th February on alternate weeks over a six week period. It will take place for approximately an hour a day at a different time each day. The September training is on the 4th and it is hoped that different volunteers will be available, the programme will take place from late September/early October.
06.04 We had applied for funding for battery operated portable signs but although the grant was approved the Borough no-growth budget had resulted in funding being frozen. Due to savings made on the Section 106 expenditure we could now possibly afford to buy the equipment ourselves. This would be discussed with other development work at the next Development Working Party Meeting.
07. Emergency Plan
07.01 The St John First Aid training was going ahead on 16th January and was being funded from the Fete Committee Special Fund.
07.02 Local farmers are on standby to help clear the highways but was difficult without the right equipment.
07.03 The grit bins that were both full had been emptied within the first fall of snow. The grit was for use on the immediate local road area, not residents private driveways and footpaths a concern also expressed by the NCC Highways department. A note to this effect will be placed in the Parish Newsletter. It was agreed that we continue to lobby for 2 more bins.

08. Section 106 monies
08.01 A separate account of finances is to be produced for each meeting.
08.02 The car parking space opposite the church has been completed with all adjoining householders giving their approval. It will be necessary to place low posts around the parking area to ensure that vehicles do not use the grassed area.
08.03 The 4 seats and the bollards have been placed on The Green as agreed in the Section 106 project plan and as stated in the November Newsletter.

08.04 Young people will be invited to discuss the next six months development issues.
08.05 Work on the village gateways and integral signs etc should start in April, along with the reseeding of the parked area
08.06 There was discussion as to whether or not the Parish Council should actively take back the margins of the highway. It was agreed to write to Highways and ask them to solve the problem.

08.07 It was agreed to reconvene the development working group to determine what areas should next be addressed.
09. Financial Matters
09.01 – Councillor Rootham proposed, Councillor Norton seconded and the meeting unanimously carried that the precept for 2010/2011 be increased by 3% to £7122.09.02 The following accounts were approved for payment.
642 Bosworths £7350.00
643 EON – electricity maintenance £116.59
644 A McLaven – 2 months salary £248.40
645 P Allen – leaflet print/delivery £ 6.00
It was agreed to write to thank Bosworth’s for the work they have done, and also to give our condolences following the death of John Bosworth.

10. Village Maintenance
10.01 Leo Plant at Highways had been energetic in recording our concerns and had started well with pavement repair work in Pytchley Road and around The Green. There were still outstanding issues that needed to be addressed; notably the removal of bushes and installation of pavement outside the Hall.

11. Proposed Development Plan
11.01 It was agreed to raise the issue of a new Parish Plan for the next 3 years when the Development Working Party next meet. Recommendations would be presented to the next meeting of the Parish Council.

11.02 It was agreed to continue to emphasise the Priority of “Improving Communications” in the next three-year plan.

11.04 It was agreed to discuss future priorities for the Parish Council at the Annual Parish Meeting.

12. Correspondence
12.01 Local Works – campaigning to implement the Sustainable Communities Act.
12.02 North Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit – Rural Workshop. Information.
12.03 CPRE – ‘Stop the Drop’ campaign – high visibility jackets were available on request to do litter picking between April 9th and 18th. Clerk to make further enquiries.
12.04 MGSWP Parish satisfaction questionnaire to be completed by Councillor Allen.
12.05 NCC – small works advising that a short length of footway in the vicinity of Taggies Yard will be carried out during January/February
12.06 Rod Derry letter re. how the Blog is progressing, Clerk to write and thank him for his work. It was also noted that Andy Gosling is moving forward with the website.
12.07 The rest of the correspondence was passed among the councillors.
13. Village Hall
Nothing to report
14.Any other business
14.01 It was further noted that the Borough would require a regular report where we are with the Section 106 spending.
14.02 It was noted that the Police require a closed meeting to discuss operational matters, before the meeting is opened to the Public. It was agreed to do this before the next meeting.

14.03 Next meeting will be on 4th February 2010 at 7.30pm in the village hall.

There being no further business the meeting closed with thanks from the Chair to those attending.

Chairman ………………….. Date …………………..
Chairman Date