Monday, August 9, 2010

Orlingbury Parish Council Minutes July 15th 2010

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
15th July 2010

79. Present: Councillors Allen, (Chair) Rootham (Deputy), Miles, Waller, Timms (Wellingborough Borough Council) and Clerk, there were no members of the public.

80. Apologies: Were received and accepted from Councillors Norton, Rowlatt and Watts.

81. Minutes of 3rd and 17th June and matters arising.
81.1 These were both signed as a true and correct record.

81.2 70.1 The audit record of issues relating to trees and shrubs around the village will not be acted upon until after the next newsletter (70.4) is produced when a letter reminding landowners of responsibilities re. the upkeep and trimming of shrubs bordering footpaths and roads will be raised. If after reading this landowners have not responded to this general request to cut back overgrown hedgerows, they will be contacted in writing individually.

81.3 70.02 Bosworths have cut the vegetation back in Rectory Lane, but the tree stumps appear to be at ground level. Bosworths are to be asked to remove the stumps a couple of inches below ground level, so that there is no future obstruction to the mower.

81.4 75.1 All street lights should be re-checked and re-reported if still not working.

81.5 75.2 Fly tipping was omitted from this agenda but will be placed on the September agenda.

82. Promoting New Interest in the Parish Council
82.1 In order to make the Parish Council a going concern, each member is required to take an active role. Whilst it is appreciated that individual councillors have competing pressures of employment: absence or inability to share key responsibilities has, on occasions resulted in a small number of councillors taking on increasing work to enable work objectives to be accomplished.

Over recent years there have been many issues to address and the Council has made good progress. However, the future continued success of the Parish Council requires people in the community to express active interest, taking part in its work and refreshment of membership to enable a distribution and effective delegation of tasks.

It is felt the council membership should ideally, represent the whole community. It is necessary to pre-empt a possible shortage of councillors following the elections, which have to take place in 2011 (5th May) by promoting interest in the Council and enthusiasm in all age groups for standing as a member or taking part in the delegated work of a sub-committee. There was discussion about asking the pubic to join sub-committees, and encouraging attendance at meetings as observers. It was noted that newcomers to the village are sometimes apprehensive about getting involved and that they should be encouraged and supported to use expertise and knowledge.

82.2 The Clerk is to confirm how many councillors the Council is eligible to have, given the size of Orlingbury population.

82.3 It was agreed Councillor Allen would produce a newsletter asking villagers if they are interested in the work of the Parish Council, to come to the next meeting and to observe what goes on. He is also to write to all councillors asking, given the work load of the Parish Council if each can give a broad commitment to attend the schedule of the meetings for this council year. Councillor Rootham offered to assist with the writing of this newsletter.

83. Trees on the green
83.1 Councillor Miles had been approached by the green team who are concerned that the trees on The Green are very low. This presents a hazard to those using the mower to cut the green. A householder, who lives opposite The Green had received complaints from bus drivers who were unable to negotiate past overhanging branches when cars were parked outside her house.

83.2 Following discussion it was agreed that any trimming of trees on the Green should be sensitively and expertly undertaken to ensure that the appearance of the plants should not be compromised. It was agreed to ask Councillor Norton if he was willing to trim the trees on the green sympathetically to allow the mower to safely pass beneath..

83.3 The Highways Authority would be asked to cut the tree overhanging the highway. In the event of the Authority not agreeing to undertake this work, tenders would be obtained from reputable tree surgeons.

84. Section 106 Developments
84.1 Entrance to village signage and gateways and section 106 funding and promised match funding (Highways Department). A letter has been received from Mr Joe Hubbard (Acting Chief Executive, Wellingborough Borough Council), apologising for the delay in response to releasing funding to the Highways Authority. Unfortunately, due to a change in the financial rules, further written evidence was required by Wellingborough (the executors of funding from the Developers of Norlinton Close) of NCC Highways Authority. However, Mr Hubbard is anticipating the invoice being raised and funds being transferred. Wellingborough Borough Council are still awaiting formal confirmation of the occupation of the final property. Clerk to contact Alan Chapman regarding this.

84.2 Another £250 has been spent on clearing Rectory Lane, £75 each on 5 posts for the car parking areas.

84.3 There is still the sign, lectern, wastebaskets, fingerposts, and maintenance issues to be paid for. Councillor Rootham proposed and Councillor Miles seconded A development meeting to discuss and prepare a 7-10 year plan for maintenance, and allocation of monies to do this. All in favour.

85. Village Boundaries
85.1 A site specific proposals development plan document has been received from the Borough Council, this is asking for our comments regarding the village boundaries. We have already written to the Borough with our views on what we want to happen to the village boundary. The proposals concur with our earlier contributions though some suggestions for amendment are to forwarded to the Borough.

85.2 We agreed with the Wellingborough Council’s proposals, which reflect the Parish Council’s own early submission to the review. However, it was felt that one of the criteria for replacement dwellings was ambiguous, {we suggested that the area of land behind Orlingbury Hall be designated as an Environmentally Important Open Space, as well as Bad Saddle and Wythmail. We also felt that there was possibly not a flexible enough approach over sites for employment use, and the village was land poor}.

85.3 It was agreed to publish our criteria for Planning with respect to the village boundary and the building envelope in the next newsletter.

86. Correspondence
86.1. Rectory Lane Barn, Alex Stephenson had responded to our enquiry about the state of the barn, asking if we were concerned for safety reasons or aesthetic reasons. Clerk to respond we are concerned about Public safety.

86.2 Building control information and update session for councillors – this will take place on 17th August, Councillor Allen is attending, Councillor Waller would like to attend if there are spaces.

86.3 North Northamptonshire Rural Action Partnership – Funding Opportunities – Councillor Rootham to look into this as a way of protecting the dovecote.

87. Financial Matters
87.1 It was disappointing that the Auditor was not in attendance. The Clerk will invite her to attend the next meeting.

87.2 It was noted that the allotment income should be a separate strand in Parish Accounts. There was then a discussion of how the monies are split and allocated.

87.3 The strimmer had broken when Councillor Miles was using it to prepare for the village fete. The bill for repairs was £64.00 to mend the broken fuel pipe.

87.4 The following accounts were approved for payment.
664 E-on Electricity Maintenance £119.12
665 Village Hall Committee Rent April-June £ 24.00
666 Alison McLaven Salary £124.20
667 Sywell Mowers – strimmer repair £ 64.00

87.5 VAT recovered £1694.11

87.6 Current account £ 8587.85
Section 106 account £18075.39

88. Speedwatch
88.1 Training will take place again on 4th September. There are at least 3 more people willing to take part. Councillor Rowlatt is unable to help and Trish Robinson has agreed to assist Councillor Waller.

88.2 Councillors Waller and Allen met with the Clerk and Councillor Alan Curtis from Isham Parish Council, to facilitate a joint bid for funding of a speed sensor indicator. This will be shared between the two villages, and used in different locations. Councillor Bailey has been approached for a grant of £1250 from each village, the cost of the sign is approximately £2600.88.3 Councillor Timms is donating £400 in total towards the cost of licences for the above speed sensor indicator.

89. Village Hall
Nothing to report.

90. Any Other Business
90.1 Councillor Rootham has received a letter from Mr Richard Abrams concerning an incorrect Parish Council minute (January 09 6.5). It was agreed to set up a working party to investigate this and report back to the September meeting, as this was an issue of probity and accuracy. The meeting was set for 7pm on 12 August, comprising Councillor Miles, Chair of the Council at the time, Councillor Rootham, Councillor Rowlatt, Councillor Allen and the Clerk.

90.2 Councillor Miles had received an email from Peter Robinson regarding the poor quality of Broadband in the village. Following discussion it was felt this was a matter the Council would support emerging pressure groups in rectifying, but that this matter was not the direct responsibility of the Council. A note could be put in the newsletter asking for people interested in lobbying for better Broadband facilities.

90.3 A copy of the Annual Parish Meeting and Annual General Meeting minutes to go out to Councillors, with the copy of these mins. There being no other business the meeting closed with thanks to those attending at 9.40 pm

Chairman Date

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