Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Parish Council Minutes June 16th 2011

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 16th June 2011

61. Present:
Councillors P Allen, (Chairman), B Rootham, (Deputy), A Campbell,
T Norton, N Reynolds and A McLaven (Clerk).

Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors P Meadows-Jones, G Rowlatt and G Timms

63. Minutes of the meeting 12th May 2011
These were signed as a true and correct record.

64.Matters arising
64.1 Nicola Reynolds was welcomed to the Council.
64.2 52.1 Mr Lucy had not responded to the Clerks request that the work will be done regarding the roof of the barn in Rectory Lane, before the village fete. Clerk to write and express our concerns over the delay, and lack of a response from the Borough and the work not having started yet
64.3 52.2 E-on advised the clerk the Street lights in Rectory Lane and Harrowden Road have not been repaired
64.4 52.3 The Borough Council have been in contact regarding the location of the Rectory Lane dog waste bin, and it is now being emptied regularly.
64.5 52.4 The bus timetable and the need to ‘Use it or Lose it’ will be in the newsletter.
64.6 The new councillor induction has taken place and responsibilities and duties discussed and agreed.
64.7 Model Standing orders will be issued to all councillors and then discussed at the September meeting so see what they could contribute to the running of the council or whether best practise is the better option.

66 Developments
The most important issue is resolving the gateway situation. The Clerk to chase Helen Howard.

66.1 An email regarding a sponsored bike ride for Cynthia Spencer Hospice, details to be put in the newsletter.
66.2 2 emails regarding the right to build, Councillor Reynolds to review and see if anything is applicable to ourselves.
66.3 Alex Stevenson, advising that planning application WP/2011/0225/F will probably go to the meeting on 27/7/11 and there is no rush for comments.
66.4 Police crime statistics, no reported crime in Orlingbury for the past three months
66.5 Email from Gillian Walton regarding the Oversixties group, now called OOAPS!, Councillor Allen to contact for clarification of what input they require from the Parish Council
66.6 E-on advising they are changing the layout of bills.
66.7 NCC advising the Minerals and Waster Development Framework Document has been adopted.
66.8 Sustainable communities information.

67.Financial Matters.
67.1 The accounts and annual return have not yet been finalised by the Auditor, they should be with the Clerk by Monday and will be available to be signed off at the meeting on 23rd June 2011.
67.2 It was agreed the Clerk would bring a new bank mandate to the meeting on 23rd June.
67.3 The following accounts were agreed for payment.

706 HMRC Clerks tax £ 24.80
707 Alison McLaven – salary £ 99.40

68. Planning applications and decisions.
68.1 WP/2011/0151/F – demolition of existing dwelling and erection of new 2 storey dwelling – 1 The Nursery Isham Road – James Lawson – Tree Information. Clerk to confirm that Councillors Norton and Rootham will attend the site visit.
68.2 WP/2011/0225/F Land at Orlingbury Hall Buildings adjacent 21 Harrowden Road Orlingbury. New house and access road on land at Orlingbury Hall (development within the curtilage of a Listed Building), Mr P Webb. It was felt there was insufficient time to scrutinise papers in depth before the meeting. Final comments have been deferred to a scrutiny meeting on 23rd June at 7pm. Mr Webb will be notified about the meeting as a matter of courtesy, by Councillor Allen.
68.3 WP/2011/0061/f – Domestic extension – 27 Isham Road- granted68.4 It was noted that although the Parish Council always ask that building materials are kept within the curtilage, they are never added as conditions of planning. The Clerk to inquire.69. Any Other Business
69.1 A sub-committee of Councillors Allen, Campbell and Meadow-Jones will discuss the newsletter and its frequency of issue, it was also noted that Rev. Simon Dommett is going a three month sabbatical and this may affect the Parish Newsletter.69.2 There are two trees at the bottom of The Leys, which are affecting the Broadband signal. BT says the responsibility of pruning the trees does not lie with them. A further tree at Harrowden road was also reported as in need of pruning. The Clerk to find out whose responsibility it is.
70. Date of next meeting.

The dates of the next meetings are 23rd June 2011 and 21st July 2011

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.50 pm with thanks to those attending.

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Chairman Date