Monday, November 8, 2010

Parish Council Minutes 21st October 2010

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 21st October 2010

104. Present: Councillors Allen, (Chairman), Rootham, (Deputy), Miles, Rowlatt, Waller, Watts Timms (Wellingborough Borough Council) and Clerk, Joanne Martin (Rural Housing Association) Carol Conway (WBC). There were no members of the public.

105. Apologies:

106. Housing Needs Survey
106.1 Carol Conway explained that housing strategy meant that the Borough had to look at community needs and how to meet and fund these needs for housing in villages. The Borough has adopted a 5 year rolling plan of housing needs involving surveys for the 19 villages in the area.
106.2 Joanna Martin advised that they were aware of a previous Orlingbury village survey. The information needed is basic. The RHA will deliver a new survey to every household at no cost, either in the Parish Magazine or by letter drop. The residents will be advised of a forthcoming survey by a notice in the Parish Magazine.
106.3 The first page of the survey is anonymous. It also asks about facilities in the village. Additional pages are for those in need of affordable housing and require more detail. They seek to find out the extent of need and the connection to the village. A reply paid envelope is included and it is felt that a third of questionnaires returned is a good response.
106.4 Land adjacent to the village boundary may, in the case of affordable housing, be utilised. There will be criteria legally agreed for the site. If properties are required they will be 2/3 rental and 1/3 part owned. The land is bought for more than agricultural costs but not for full building market value. There is a specific planning exception to allow solely affordable housing to be built.
106.5 The letter regarding the survey will be posted to Orlingbury villagers in January. To be considered for eligibility for affordable housing there is a need to be on the Wellingborough Borough Council waiting list.
106.6 Discussions ensued about the situation in other villages. The struggle to fill affordable housing already present in the village was also discussed, and it was noted that if the survey identified a need then the RHA would try to fulfil this need by working with the Parish Council.

107. Minutes
of the meeting 9th September 2010These were signed as a true and correct record.

108. Matters arising
108.1 94.2 The agreed letter to landowners is still a work in progress
108.2 94.3 Rectory Lane should be fit to be regularly cut, but more discussion under Development plan.
108.3 94.9 Alex Stephenson is still looking into the Barn, and awaiting confirmation from Tim Lacy – Clerk to continue to pursue
108.4 94.8 The low canopy of trees on the Green has been dealt with. The council were contacted about clearing the cuttings and they removed this speedily. The trees over hanging the road are to be left pending the bus company being requested (through the Highways Department) that buses to use the other route around the green. The Clerk had received two quotations for the cutting back of these trees (around £300- £350).
108.5 99. Mr Abrams accepted our letter and apology.
108.6 102.3 The trees have been removed.

109. Development Plan Report.
109.1 Councillor Allen distributed the report to the meeting. We are well on track and if we look back over the past 3 years a great deal has been achieved. There is still the need for more effective portfolio holder? Individual councillor responsibility and progress reporting. The 106 expenditure is progressing more slowly than planned and we need to resolve how to move forward with greater speed. An example was given of the emergency planning imperative that was intended to move on as a separate group, but Councillor Allen was being asked to chair the delegated group with the result that councillor workloads were being compromised. Councillor Allen had had a very useful meeting with Helen Howard but Mr Leo Plant (MGWSP) although promising to resolve a number of concerns, had produced few appropriate actions. It was agreed that Peter Allen have authority to progress things as he sees fit.

110. Gateways – meeting Helen Howard
110.1 We have sent our revised Section 106 plan to the Borough to make sure (in the light of phase 2 funding) it is accepted. A copy was given out at the meeting.
110.2 The 106 monies to Highways have been released. Helen Howard walked the gateway development sites with Councillor Allen and agreed to extend further out on 3 Sites. All sites will have integral signs, custom designed, wooden barriers and white lines on the road, giving the impression of the road narrowing with 30 mph limits’ painted on the road.
110.3 Helen Howard also agreed to consider liasing with the bus company with regard to the buses using the route around the green. She also agreed to consider match funding installing a kerb way in Rectory Lane. 50 yards of granite stones costs aprox £500. There is about 75 yards in Rectory Lane, Councillor Allen proposed that we should go ahead even if we don’t get match funding Councillor Rootham seconded this, and all were in favour.

111. Litter, Fly Tipping and Dog Fouling
111.1 Black Bags have been left on the Northampton Road, Councillor Waller has reported this to the Borough, and generally these are removed. There is a lot of fly tipping in the ditches. Clerk to write to Wellingborough Council of ongoing concerns.
111.2 Dog Fouling issues to be placed in the newsletter. Councillor Rootham proposed and Councillor Miles seconded the purchase of 2 dog bins, the Clerk to investigate the cost of emptying them.
111.3 Councillor Allen has been in conversation with Alex Stephenson who put him in touch with a company that produces custom designed litter bins. These are galvanised bins on plinths surmounted by slats of oak. The cost of these including installation is about £300.

112. Correspondence.
Emailed copy of September edition project reduce e-newsletter NCC views requested on Concessionary Travel – Clerk responded that we did not want residents to loose any benefits that they already received.
Licence Act – statement of Policy NCC – definitive map and statement for Northamptonshire - Clerk to complete licence request.
Aon – increase in fidelity cover, this was agreed to be paid as it is a requirement of the Auditors.CVL systems – request for sales team to visit re security systems Pytchley PC re purchasing mobile VAS sign, thanked them for their offer but already sharing costs with Isham PCWBC –
Cost of Parish Council Elections 2011 Wendy Luck – confirming action fund grant of £200 – Councillor Timms thanked for the grant, unfortunately the grant was paid into Isham PC bank account and therefore a cheque will be raised by Isham but their next meeting is not until 23rd November.
Marilyn Richardson – re petition for extra councillor – Clerk to write to resource committee to request extra councillor due to growth of village and management of section 106 expenditure and increased workload.
Police – no reported crime in September RBS software demo available of packages Danny Moody Northants Calc Agm Limehouse – 2 consultations re Police Rural North updates
Kate Houlian – Information re Northants Gen Hospital consultation re becoming a Foundation Trust –
Councillor Miles to deal withRemembrance Day Wreaths available for donation of £20 as per previous years Councillors Rootham Miles and Waller should be able to attend service. There was discussion about re-using last years wreath, but this is always moved to the village hall to replace the one there
Police Authority –on line survey SLCC –
benefits of clerk becoming a member The council agreed to cover half of the cost of this.

113. Financial Matters.
113.1 The following accounts were approved for payment.
676 Orlingbury Village Hall rent £ 9.00
677 A-On fidelity cover increase £ 42.70
678 E-on electricity supply July – September £431.38
679 E-on electricity maintenance £126.56
680 A Mclaven salary £124.20
681 BDO Stoyhayward £364.25

it was noted that the BDO invoice had increased due to the fact that we have section 106 monies in reserve taking us over the next cost limit.
113.2 Clerk to liase with Councillor Rootham over spread sheet.

114. Planning applications and decisions.
114.1 WP/2010/0368 Land at Orlingbury Hall-Erection of a dwelling house within the curtilage of a listed building – no further information on this.
114.2 WP/2010/ 0364 – 16 Pytchley Road ground floor extension
Only comments that, materials should be in keeping with existing and kept on site during construction.
114.3 WP/2010/0405/F 24 Norlinton Close Detached double garage with storage loft
Comments as above.

115. Speedwatch
115.1 We are 2/3 through this session of Speedwatch.
115.2 The purchase of the speed sign is in progress and the licence application is being prepared by the Clerk. This can be applied retrospectively if we get the sign before the licence.
115. Village Hall Nothing to report.

116. Any Other Business
116.1 Clerk to contact Harpurs regarding the verge and hedge
116.2 The Leys has been marked out in yellow for road repairs
116.3 Three bollards to be placed on the grass outside Orlingbury Hall, where the hedge was.
116.4 Discussion took place on the need for a sign by the car parking opposite the church and how it could be enforced.
116.5 Copy of application for licence at Orlingbury Hall for information only.

117. Date of next meeting.
The date of the meeting is 25th November 2010

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.30pm with thanks to those attending.

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Chairman Date