Monday, July 20, 2009

Parish Council Minutes 02/07/09


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 2nd July 2009
63. Present:
Cllrs Allen, (Chairman), Rootham (Deputy), Rowlett, Waller, Councillor Timms (Borough) and Alison McLaven (Clerk), Gillian Walton.

64. Apologies:
Were received and accepted from Cllr Miles.
65. Public Question Time:
There were no questions.

66. Minutes of meetings June 3rd and June 18th 2009
The Minutes of 3rd June were approved as a true and correct record, the meeting planned for 18th June did not take place as Councillor Allen was advised by the WBC Planning Officer that the planning application did not need a response within the 21 day period, as it would take longer to deal with. It should be noted that the application has now been designated invalid and a new application if made will be dealt with at that time.

67. Matters arising
67.1 The police surgery went well at the previous meeting. There will be a police surgery at the next meeting.
67.2 Councillor Rootham would like to put the issue of HGV’s violating the weight restrictions on the next agenda, this was agreed.
67.3 Councillor Timms was unable to meet the council request for an empowerment grant for additional grit bins. Discretionary funding does not permit spending on grit bins as the County Highways Department need to agree a site and should infact, provide and fill the bins. Clerk to email Dave Grindley to chase up previous emails with ref. to grit bins from Councillor Allen that have not been responded to.
67.4 52.5 There have been further formal complaints about the speed check area sign by the church, as it is a) sited on a conservation area b) has appeared in and therefore, spoiled wedding photographs and c) is a less appropriate site than Pytchley or Northampton Roads. In the absence of anyone claiming responsibility for siting the signs the Clerk to write to Highways, Borough and the Police and inform them it is our intention to move the signs to a different location 21 days from the date of the letter unless we are informed otherwise.
67.5 Councillor Allen had spoken to Mr Kilpin, Planning Officer regarding the unnecessarily, short time limit for planning applications created by the clerk often receiving applications up to a week later after the time of sending. Councillor Allen sought assurance that notification would be achieved promptly to enable considered responses within the 21 day time-frame. Mr Kilpin explained that the Planning Department would endeavour to ensure that applications were despatched early but also pointed out that the 21 day period was a minimum and if there were concerns relating to particular applications, Councillor Allen may contact Mike Kilpin with a view to extending the consultation period. Councillor Rootham asked if late letters to planning committee were given to planning hearings, Councillor Timms confirmed that the committee should be given them.

Councillor Timms will ask if it is possible for the plans to be emailed from the Borough so that more immediate scrutiny of applications may be achieved/

68. Councillor Timms
The North Ward officer, Mike Hayburn would be writing to the council to arrange a meeting to discuss what spending priorities could be met by WBC empowerment grant, Councillor Timms offered the possibly of waste bins, and dog waste bins. It was agreed that matters of grants should be discussed at a meeting on the 16th @ 6pm at the village hall.

69. Progress Report on Priority Plan
69.1 Emergency Plan – report by Gillian Walton
There had been a reasonable response to the request for volunteers to be involved in the focus group, approximately 10 people have become involved. They had met and a full report of the meeting is available from the Clerk. The emergency plan has been reviewed, with additional information contributed by Ian Walpole and others working with emergency plans. It was felt that 2 levels were required in the plan a) the PECG and b) a community support group.
All the volunteers had expressed willingness to be part of future emergency groups and would like to work on the plan further and bring back proposals to council for approval. It was recommended that all councillors be part of the PCEG.There are concerns about the medical contacts, Gillian will contact nominees to confirm that they are still registered, insured and wish to be on the list. The possibility of a) a first aid course for any interested villager, and b) supplying a defibrillator was discussed and it was agreed that these matters would be looked into. The Clerk will contact the Borough and County to ask broad questions about insurance cover for the use of tractors etc., giving the use of a chain saw as an example. It was agreed that Gillian would go back to the focus group with Council feedback. Then possibly a mini questionnaire would be devised to guage support and further guidance. Street wardens would administer this. The updated emergency plan would then be given to the 13th August meeting. Including Neighbourhood watch co-ordinators and involving young people was also discussed.Gillian was thanked for her hard work on the project.

70. Correspondence
70.1 NCC request for details of Highways Rep – Tree Wardens – Parish Path Wardens.
70.2 Governance Toolkit – this document has been updated and is available on a free download at
71.Financial Matters
71.1 The following accounts were approved for payment.
617 Orlingbury Village Hall – rent Jan – March 09 £ 27.0
618 E-On Electricity Maintenance £116.59619
Mrs A McLaven – salary £124.20620
Orlingbury Village Hall – rent April – June 09 £ 27.00
622 P Waller – for leaflet distribution (Welcome Pack) £10.00623
P Allen - for leaflet distribution ( Speed Watch Meeting) £10.00
71.2 Please note that cheque 621 was allocated to Bosworths for the Notice Board and surrounding area, there have been teething problems with water getting into the new Notice Board, following discussion Councillor Allen will contact them and we will either pay excluding the Notice Board costs or wait and pay in full on completion after discussion.
72.1 Site visit Isham Road – This application has been refused as it is outside the village envelope.
72.2 During the site visit Mike Kilpin mentioned that there is a review of village envelopes in the County. Further enquiry by the chairman (with Ms Bateman Planning Department) revealed the following:
“We are currently reviewing the existing Village Policy Lines as part of our work on the Site Specific Proposals Development Plan Document. This document once adopted will replace the Local Plan. We are currently hoping to have a version available for consultation in Nov 2009….. Consultation would be invited in November and further consultation in July 2010 with the results taking effect in 2011.”
72.3 Notwithstanding, it was agreed to hold a meeting of councillors to address issues related to this review of guidelines. The meeting would follow that with Mr Hayburn and Councillor Timms on 16th July. The Clerk will provide copies of the village map and policies with date issued to councillors as soon as possible.
72.4 Norlinton Close – following an email from the WBC Planning Department confirming that access for site development and future use of the site would only be achieved through Norlinton Close and that the Harrowden Road entrance was for emergency use only, the request for a site viewing was withdrawn. In view of the hazards presented by this entrance, it was agreed to monitor future use to verify compliance.

73. Section 106 monies
A letter has been received from Alan Chapman at the Borough Council, advising that proceedings have been taken against the developer to recover the monies due. As the council records do not have the final dwelling occupied, they are only claiming for the first two tranches. All monies have been index linked. He also confirmed that our development costings have been approved as an appropriate spending of the monies, The County Highways Department will have close involvement on road signs and gateway features. A copy of the letter has gone to Helen Howard at the County Highways Department. He will advise as soon as any monies are received.

74.Priority 3 development funding
74.1 Focus Groups – Councillor Allen gave out an information sheet for all councillors regarding a Youth focus group of 13 to 19 year olds. This will be discussed at the next meeting.
75.Notice Board
75.1 It has been agreed that the Old Notice Board needs refurbishing and that this will be done once it has been resited outside the village hall. Half the Board will be contact details for hall users and the other side will advertise events in the hall.
75.2 The resiting of the seat is to be discussed and we will be advised of the new site.

76. Village Hall
76.1 The village hall is to be completely redecorated in August.
77.Any Other Business
There was no other business
78. Date of the next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 13th August 2009 in the village hall at 7.30pm.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 10.00 pm, with thanks from the Chair to those attending.

Chairman Date