Thursday, July 18, 2013

Parish Council Minutes 4th July 2013 draft/unapproved

Minutes of Meeting held in the village hall
On Thursday 4th July at 7.30pm

47. Present: Councillors Cole (Chairman), Campbell (Deputy), Allen, Hutchins, Morris, Reynolds Rootham, 2 members of the Public, John Rowlatt and Rod Derry, Andy Gosling also attended for the item on the website.

48. Apologies: There were no apologies

49 Declaration of Interests:

49.1 Councillor Allen stated he had commissioned his son to prepare the design for the Village Sign for which the charge would be £ 400.

49.2 Councillor Reynolds declared an interest in the planning matter.

50. Approval of Minutes of 16th May 2013.

50.1  It was noted that the minutes needed to be separated into individual meetings, the first to elect the Chairman and Deputy, and then the Parish Council meeting. The Clerk will do this and the minutes will be signed at the next meeting, also noting that Councillor Cole and Hutchins had incorrect name spellings throughout the minutes, which will be amended.

51. Matters Arising

51.1 Councillor Allen had concerns regarding the village sign, he felt he had been given Carte Blanche to deal with this, but now had feelings of deep frustration. Due to the nature of the work, wrought iron work, it was difficult to obtain 2 alternative quotations to the one he had sourced. The design was unique to the village, originating from a youth forum. Councillor Allen was happy to go ahead, with the council resolving site issues in the meantime. The design work was being done by a family member, and we could deduct what they charged for the design from the quotation from the blacksmith. There was discussion of the 106 issues and what had already been achieved.
Councillor Rootham proposed and Councillor Campbell seconded the consent that had been given for Councillor Allen to continue to be confirmed and note that the difficulty in obtaining more quotes would not only be time consuming but possibly fruitless. All in favour.

51.2 Councillor Hutchins was confirmed as allotments liaison officer.

51.3 43.2 section 137 payments are to cover things which are not specifically in the Parish Council remit, but the Council wants to pay for which are for the benefit of all parishioners.

51.4 The Clerk is liaising with Paul Bell re attending meetings.

51.5 There was discussion regarding the site for the village sign and it was agreed to make the location of the sign an agenda item for the September meeting.

52. Public Question Time.

52.1 Mr Rowlatt asked what had happened regarding the trees in the Leys, Mrs Gilder from highways had responded that the roots would be looked at by NCC but that the branches in the trees are the responsibility of the utility provider, which is BT. BT doesn’t have any tree surgeons any more. It was agreed that the Clerk write and advise of our concerns for residents and vehicles from branches causing accidents, mentioning the 2 audits submitted previously.

53. Village sign

53.1 Councillor Allen had spoken to his son Richard who as previously discussed was designing the sign which includes 2 circles with small motifs around the edge and then in the centre of the sign symbols of activities from past and present, including the church, the dovecote, Cows, Jock Badsaddle, hikers resting, wheel barrow race. It will have a look of a ‘Jan Pienkowski’ book illustration. Councillor Allen will get 2 or 3 drawings and circulate as soon as available.

54. Village Web Site

541 Andy Gosling advised the meeting that the village website was now in place, there are sections for each group. Each section has its own log in so that the minutes can be placed on the site, the Clerk can be given access to do this and then the minutes can be attached firstly in draft form and then as they are approved confirmed and the new set of draft minutes attached. It was suggested that important information can also be put on the site as well as councillor contact details.

54.2 Rod Derry, who had been attaching the minutes to the Orlingbury Blog advised he would put this set of minutes on the blog and then no more. Thanks were given to Rod for all his work with the blog.

54.3 It was also asked if the village hall committee through our member of their committee would be encouraged to do the same thing.

55. Speed sign

55.1  Isham now have the speed sign back although OPC have not put the sign in use for the last 6 months or the 6 month period it was available in 2012. The Chairman was concerned that the village had gone to a great deal of trouble and effort to gather speed data and prepared a petition about speeding. OPC had then made the reduction of speeding in the village a major priority, but failed to ensure that its best intenstions were translated into actions. Councillor Cole will contact Isham PC at the end of July to get the sign back, Councillors Hutchins and Morris offered to help secure the sign to one of the 4 posts. Clerk to forward costs and supply details for extra sign brackets to the Chairman

55.2 Isham Parish Council are responsible for the Insurance costs and we pay half of these, unfortunately they did not do this last year, so they are asking for Orlingbury to pay all of this year, Clerk to advise cost to Chairman, they have agreed to a 3 year contact with their supplier.

Rounded Rectangle: Draft


56. Village Defibrilator
56.1 Councillor Allen advised the meeting that he felt this was a practical way of ensuring we can support anyone who needs this help. Any first aider with this extra training can use a defibrillator, and the instructions are very clear and straight forward to follow. It would need to be stored in an accessible place for both villagers and emergency services to use. Redundant phone boxes have been used for this. The cost of a defibrillator is thought to be £2000.  Councillor Allen proposed and Councillor Cole seconded finding a suitable location and then purchasing if the costs permit. All in favour. Clerk to invite British Heart Foundation to the September meeting to discuss.

57. Grant to reduce crime, dis-order or anti-social behaviour.

57.1 It was agreed that there was not enough applicable crime to make us eligible for this.

58. Gypsy & Traveller Accommodation Option paper

58.1 There was discussion of the Pytchley site, which is the nearest option and to ask Andy Gosling and Rod Derry to use the web site and blog to make information available so that residents can make their own comments on this.  Councillor Allen felt we should make sure that residents realise that as it is another Borough Council’s planning that we are only making comments and not part of the process.

59. Finance

59.1 The Following accounts were approved for payment.

800 A-on – insurance (previous cheque damaged in post)         £308.04
801 E-on – lighting maintenance                                                £121.66
802 HMRC PAYE                                                                   £ 49.60
803 A McLaven salary, ink & paper                                         £215.05

59.2 Councillor Reynolds had obtained forms from the Bank to add signatories to the record but this needs to be minuted so it will be on the agenda for the September meeting.

60. Correspondence

60.1 NCalc asking for information re joint projects between Parish Councils, they were advised regarding our joint ‘flashing speed sign’
60.2 Police crime report figures
60.3 Little Harrowden PC, notice of a meeting re community shop, 10th July.
60.4 Information re wind turbine at Pytchley, comments needed by 2nd July, email advising this had been refused received this afternoon.
60.5 E-on re street lighting mercury vapour lighting to be phased out by end 2015. Also they can retrofit control gear to convert suitable orange lanterns to white. Clerk to contact WBC to ask to talk about street lighting, and to check inventory re mercury vapour lighting.

61. Planning

61.1 Councillor Reynolds declared an interest. WP/2013/0303/F – erection of first floor extension – 8 Lammas Close. Concerns over traffic movement, making sure right of way is kept clear and vehicles parked courteously in the close.

62. Any Other Business

62.1 It was agreed to put maintenance of seats etc. on the agenda for the next meeting.

63. Date of next meeting

63.1 The next meeting is Thursday 5th September at 7.30 in the village hall

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.30 pm with thanks to those attending.

………………………… Chairman

…………………………. Date

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Orlingbury Parish Council AGM 16th May 2013

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 16th MAY 2013.

Peter Allen, Councillors Allison Campbell, Nigel Coles, Nicola Reynolds, and
Barry Rootham. 2 members of the public, John Hutchings and Rod Derry.

Apologies were received  and accepted from Alison McLaven. Minutes recorded by Nicola

Election of Chairman and Deputy: 
Councillor Campbell  proposed
 Councillor  Coles, seconded by Councillor Reynolds. All in favour.

Councillor Coles proposed Councillor Campbell as Deputy Chairman, seconded by Councillor Reynolds. All in favour.

Approval of minutes: 
AGM minutes of 5.5.12 taken as a true record. Proposed by Councillor Allen and seconded by Councillor Campbell. It was clarified that whilst that meeting had suggested a revolving chair, the Council subsequently were advised as to the illegality of this,and Councillor Rootham is thanked for taking the chair in the interim.

The meeting declared was declared closed in order that the ordinary Parish meeting could take place.



Friday, July 5, 2013

Orlingbury Parish Council. Notice for Information. 4th July 2013


Kettering Borough Council (KBC) are in a consultation period which expires at 5.30pm on 15th July 2013regarding the location of proposed new Gypsy & Travellers sites. One such location is Highcroft Farm, which is on the Pytchley turn off the A43. This site is already owned by KCB and could hold up to 15 pitches ( 1 permanent + 3 temporary caravans per pitch) so potentially 60 caravans or 100 plus people. This site is only 2.5 miles from the Orlingbury.

To view more information about all the proposed sites and lodge any comments, residents who have internet access can visit;-


Any residents who do not have internet access please contact me on 01933 403654 for a copy of the comment
form provided by Kettering Borough Council.

Nigel Cole
Orlingbury Parish Council 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Parish Council Minutes 16th May 2013. Draft/unapproved

Minutes of the Meeting 16th MAY 2013.

35.  Present:
Peter Allen, Councillors Allison Campbell, Nigel Coles, Nicola Reynolds, and
Barry Rootham. 2 members of the public, John Hutchings and Rod Derry.

36. Apologies:
Apologies were received  and accepted from Alison McLaven. Minutes recorded by Nicola

37.Public Question Time:
Rod Derry questioned whether the ratified PC minutes could be added to the village blog?
The Clerk is invited to clarify.
38.Election of Chairman and Deputy: 
Councillor Campbell  proposed
 Councillor  Coles, seconded by Councillor Reynolds. All in favour.

Councillor Coles proposed Councillor Campbell as Deputy Chairman, seconded by Councillor Reynolds. All in favour.

39.Approval of minutes: 
39.1 AGM minutes of 5.5.12 taken as a true record. Proposed by Councillor Allen and seconded by Councillor Campbell. It was clarified that whilst that meeting had suggested a revolving chair, the Council subsequently were advised as to the illegality of this,and Councillor Rootham is thanked for taking the chair in the interim.

39.2 Minutes of meeting 18.4.13 taken as a true record. Proposed by Councillor Allen and seconded by Councillor Campbell. It was later noted that only the Parish Council Meeting on that date should have been approved as the Annual Parish Meeting Minutes are approved at the next Annual Parish Meeting.

40.Matters arising from the minutes:
40.1 29.1: Clerk requested to update the Council as to the progress and response from Highways.
40.2 29.2:  Councillor Allen expresses the need to clarify as he is aware from personal knowledge that the Council do have such a mechanism, and will endeavour to make enquiries direct with the Council / observe / photograph said mechanism when next in the locality. Proposed by Councillor Allen and seconded by Councillor Campbell, all in favour.

40.Councillor Rootham, was asked about the absence of the Speed Indicator Sign, and he asked when Councillor Cole would be available to assist with the installation, and was informed either 20th or 21st May.

The Parish Council are in a position to co-opt up to two Councillors. Councillor Cole proposed, seconded by Councillor Reynolds, Mr Paul Morris of Greenwoods, 2a Harrowden Road, all in favour and  then Councillor Cole proposed, seconded by Councillor Reynolds, Dr John Hutchings of 7 Pytchley Road.  Clerk to deal with the formalities. 
42.1 Councillor Rootham raises concern as to any suggested Allotment Association. The allotments are subject to renewal annually and the land has been designated in the long-term as burial land. The offer of Rod Derry to provide a copy of the allotment map with measurements to the Clerk was gratefully accepted.
42.2 The Meeting discussed the need for an allocated ParishCouncillor to have a "helicopter view" over allotment issues, in particular to ensure direct communication with existing and prospective allotment holders. The Clerk shall retain administrative duties. John Hutchings as an allotment holder will accept this role, once he has completed the relevant paperwork.


.1 Receipts and payments for year end 2013. The references in fixed assets shall be amended from speed camera to read speed indicator.

.2 The meeting observed the need for the document to be checked for spelling errors. Councillor Cole queries Section 137 payments and why as representatives of the community with £2,281.65 at our disposal, only £20 been spent. CouncillorRootham refers to strict rules as to expenditure. The Clerk is asked to add to the agenda for the next minutes, and to be in a position to clarify, the criteria for expenditure. The following shall be added to the accounts information at the end of the document " The Parish Council have sought advice and clarification as to the strict criteria applicable for the expenditure of section 137 payments". Accounts approved subject to this addition. Councillor Cole to liaise with Clerk before signing off the accounts with the agreement of the meeting.

43.3 Account payments approved and cheques signed as follows: 
792 NCALC Audit fees £145
793 NCALC Training £14.50
794 George James £90
795 E-on maint £ £101.38
796 Clerk salary £99.40
797 HMRC Paye £24.80
798 A-on insurance £308.04 (approval by the meeting to be signed once made out by the Clerk).
44 Correspondence:

44.1 The new County Councillor, Paul Bell has contacted the Parish Council indicating he is available to attend meetings upon invitationThe Clerk to liaise with Paul Bell and provide him withmeeting dates. 
44.2 Letter from a resident received in respect of the sighting of the village sign, suggesting inadequate consultation and issues as to ownership of the said site. The meeting were referred to the high level of formal and informal  consultation that has taken place with the community. Councillor Rootham has sought advice from The Highways Department who have provided records of areas maintained by them, that include the land in question.
The meeting agreed that clarification should be sought as to the status of the land. The meeting noted that after extensive consultation the village supported a village sign, thus it is not for the Council to abandon the project on the views of one member of the community, although the meeting was concerned to recognise that residents views and ensure concerns were taken seriously and addressed. The issue to be added to the agenda of the next meeting. Councillor Rootham to reply to the concerned party.

44.3 Orlingbury Dovecote renovation. County heritage have done a survey (detailed email to be sent to Nigel from Peter) and it is in a bad state of repair. E mail outlines what needs to be done.

44.4 ACRE. Street lighting. Letter detailing the need to update/change all street lights in villages. Money may be available to help in replacing all/parts of some streetlights. A survey will need to be done before any improvements take place.

44.5 Parish Crime Report, 2 Burglary, 5 Burglary other, 1Criminal damage,1 Theft (motor vehicle)and 3 Theft (handling). These figures are for May 2012- Feb 2013

45. Planning

No planning applications submitted.

46. Dates of next meetings

These were agreed as Thursdays, 4th July 2013, 5th September 2013, 7th November 2013, 9th January 2014, 6th March 2014, Annual Parish Meeting 3rd April 2014, and 8th May 2014, Annual General Meeting.                                                                

The meeting declared was declared closed at 10.15pm, with thanks to those attending.



Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Parish Council Minutes 7th March 2013

Minutes of the meeting held in the village hall
Thursday 7th March 2013

13 Present:
Councillors Barry Rootham (Chairman), Peter Allen, Allison Campbell, Nigel Coles, Nicola Reynolds, Clerk Alison McLaven

Councillor Charlotte Turnell sent a letter of resignation. Councillor Timms sent his apologies which were accepted.

15. Public Question Time:
There were no members of the public in attendance

16.Minutes of 7th February 2013
16.1 Councillor Rootham asked that minute 03 be changed to read he was concerned,

16.2 Councillor Allen was concerned that the minutes had not been proof read and were inaccurate in tone.

16.3 The date of the minutes was corrected to 7th February 2013

17. Matters arising:
17.1 – 03  Street Doctor had finally replied to the Clerk and advised her that she should contact BT as highways are only responsible if it is a highway safety issue.

17.2-05.01  Clerk had emailed request for agenda item but not had a response. Councillor Campbell to attend Parish Forum and Councillor Cole if able.

17.3 – 09 Speedwatch, 14 letters have been sent to previous volunteers, Councillor Campbell is preparing a leaflet drop to get pledges in support and ask for more volunteers.

18. Annual Parish Meeting.
18. 1 Following discussion it was agreed to send out a flyer regarding the Annual Parish Meeting.

18.2 It was agreed to have an agenda item ‘The Way Forward’

18.3 Reports to be as brief as possible, but to ask the representatives to talk informally on their group.

18.4 Clerk to produce agenda and contact list to be circulated before sending out formal invitations, agenda to be produced at meeting, not sent with invitation.

19. Village Sign/Lectern
19.01 The lectern is completed

19.02 Councillor Allen is to progress the sign and will come back to the meeting once a design has been produced.

19.03 Councillor Rootham has spoken to Pat White regarding the lettering for the Notice Board, but he was unable to help. Councillor Allen will send a template to the lectern people and ask if they can do a sign.

20. Correspondence
20.1 NCC – parish enhancement request form – following discussion including repairing/ enhancing Rectory Lane verge, and preventative measures on the corner of the green it was agreed Councillor Cole would fill out and return the request form.

20.2 Section 106 community projects request form – following discussion it was agreed that the priorities provided were not applicable to Orlingbury and to request the refurbishment of Rectory Lane and better parking/traffic control

20.3 Webcast of County Council meetings available - noted

21. Financial Matters
21.01 The effectiveness of internal controls was undertaken and agreed that it was working well.

21.02 Councillor Allen proposed, Councillor Reynolds seconded and all in favour of the following accounts being approved for payment:

783 – HMRC - PAYE                                      49.60

784 – A McLaven – salary & stamps              213.20

21.03 Councillor Rootham proposed the mowers be services Councillor Campbell seconded all in favour.

21.04 Councillor Allen proposed that the council purchase 4 collapsible posts for the speed sign thought to cost £400, Councillor Cole seconded all in favour, Clerk to contact Fritwell Parish Council to ask for details of their supplier

22. Planning
There were no planning applications to discuss

23. Any Other Business
23.1 The lamp in Norlington Close is flashing – Clerk to report to ABB

24. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be the Annual Parish Meeting on Thursday18th April 2013 at 7.30 in the village hall, followed by the ordinary Parish Council meeting, and the Annual General Meeting will be on Thursday 16th May at 7.30
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00 with thanks to those attending.

…………………………….. ………………………………..
Date / Chairman

Parish Council Minutes 7th February 2013

Minutes of the meeting held in the village hall
Thursday 7th February 2013

01. Present:
Councillors Barry Rootham (Chairman), Peter Allen, Allison Campbell, Nigel Coles, Nicola Reynolds, Clerk Alison McLaven and one member of the public, John Rowlatt

02. Apologies:
Councillors Charlotte Turnell and Pen Meadow-Jones, Pen also sent a letter of resignation as she is moving out of the village. The Borough Council have been advised of this and will in due course call an election. There was discussion on how to encourage people to become part of the council. It was agreed to put posters up around the village, encouraging people and asking them to come to the Annual Meeting. All Councillors to send ideas to Councillor Campbell by the end of the week she will send out a draft before putting up the final poster.

03. Public Question Time:
Mr Rowlatt advised the meeting that he was concerned over trees growing in the Leys whose branches were growing through telephone lines. Following discussion it was agreed the Clerk would contact Street Doctor, any information received from them would be given to Mr Rowlatt and would be followed up by the Clerk, to ensure the work is carried out.

04. Minutes of 6th December:
Councillor Allen proposed and Councillor Campbell seconded they be signed and a true and correct record.

05. Matters Arising:
05.01  -136.3 A response had been received from the Borough Council following our complaint of lack of time for preparing a Capital Grant Bid. The response was that no more time was available, and that we should plan for this in case they ask for bids next year. The form was very involved and it was agreed that we shall put Capital Grant bid planning on the September agendas from now on. Councillor Cole proposed and Councillor Campbell seconded putting the matter on the Parish Forum agenda asking why there can be no more time allowed and if the form can be made available beforehand. All in favour.

06. Training Policy
The revised training policy was approved.

07. Village Sign/Lectern
07.01 The village sign is in abeyance until the lectern is completed. The Supplier is very busy with a lot of huge commissions, but Councillor Allen is hoping to collect the lectern in the next few days. Councillor Rootham will help him install it.

07.02 The Noticeboard is completed and back in place, Bosworths had problems drying it out. They have sent an invoice for £3030.00 which will be added to the invoices presented for payment tonight.

07.03 Councillor Rootham will ask Pat White regarding lettering for the Noticeboard

08. Financial Matters
08.01 The Government has changed the way Borough Councils are funded, and this has resulted in WBC giving up £155.60 support for the next financial year, but they have advised they may not be able to do this next year.

08.02 Councillor Allen proposed, Councillor Reynolds seconded and all in favour of the following accounts being approved for payment:

776 – E-on electricity maintenance      116.42

777- Orlingbury Village Hall rent          36.00

778 - A Campbell newsletter cost      110.00

779 – E-On electricity supply            453.76

780 – HMRC - PAYE                       49.80

781 – A McLaven – salary               198.60

782 – Bosworths – landscaping etc   3030.00

09. Correspondence
Victim Support – request for funding

WBC – re Capital Expenditure grant – discussed previously

Request for an Allotment – Clerk to confirm all holders paid, and what is left available.

Community Speed Watch – request to take part, originally also to pay £450 towards costs, but this has been removed. We need to provide a Co-Ordinator, 10 volunteers and 20% of the electorate in support. Councillor Campbell will liaise with Pat Waller who was the previous Co-Ordinator. The speed camera was discussed and Councillor Cole will help Councillor Rootham with siting and recharging the camera. Parking on the verges was also discussed.

BCW Electoral Review

BCW re precept

NCC Highways maintenance – newsletter

Aon – requiring employer’s reference

Street Doctor – gateway being referred for works

NCC notice of request for enhancement gang works – Councillor Cole to receive any requests and copy of last year’s form in preparation for the new request.

Library service – request for volunteers – There was discussion of having a small library in the church as the mobile library no longer calls in the village, this will be discussed again once the new incumbent is in place, which is hoped to be in the summer.

Entry form for best village competition

NCC rights of way update, Richard Woodhouse is now our rights of way officer.

Zurich Insurance – wanting to quote for insurance, needing copy of policy in place.

Acre – Wellbeing service – request for any one with need to fill in survey – this has been passed to Gillian Walton and she will be completing this as an individual.

10. Planning
WP/2013/0016/F – Erection of a single storey building to be used at a pre-school nursery- replacing the existing one. New vehicular access – Land adjacent to Day Nursery Kettering Road Orlingbury – Mr Asit Badiani

Various concerns were raised. It was agreed to ask for a site viewing at 8.30 – 9.00 am as we have concerns over commercial movement, whether the original access will be closed off.  We feel it is an opportunity to improve the junction, which is very busy. We hope that parking will be banned on the road as it is an accident black spot.

11. Any Other Business
There was no other business.

12. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be 7th March 2013 at 7.30 in the village hall

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.30 with thanks to those attending.

…………………………….. ………………………………..

Date / Chairman

Friday, December 14, 2012

Parish Council Minutes 6th December 2012

Minutes of the Meeting held in the village hall
on Thursday 6th December 2012 at 7.30p.m.

131. Present:
Councillors B Rootham (Chairman), P Allen, A Campbell, N Reynolds,
C Turnell, and A McLaven (Clerk).

132. Apologies
132.1 Councillor Cole sent his apologies which were accepted.

133. Public Question Time
133.1 There were no members of the public in attendance.

134. Declarations of Interest
134.1 There were no declarations other than already registered

135. Minutes of 1st November 2012
135.1 Councillor Allen proposed and Councillor Turnell seconded all in favour of being signed as a true and correct record.
135.2 The revised minutes of 4th October were also signed after min 125.2 was changed to the lectern sheet has been satisfactorily amended by the producers.

136. Action Log/ Matters Arising
136.1 122.5 There was discussion of the newsletter, only councillors phone numbers to be put in the newsletter, all calls should go through the Clerk.
136.2 Councillor Rootham had not received a draft copy of the newsletter and it was agreed that he would be sent a copy to look through before it was signed off.
136.3 126.6 Councillor Allen had taken away the information about the capital grant but it was felt too late to deal with the paperwork which was very detailed and involved. Many other parishes felt the same and were also not able to put in bids. Clerk to write to the Chief executive and complain about the lack of time to make bids, at least 2 or 3 months’ notice to be able to deal with the paperwork copies to be sent to Councillor Timms and Councillor Bailey.
136.4 129.1 Councillor Rootham was upset by the lack of attendance at the Remembrance Day Service, Councillors Allen and Cole had sent apologies but no other councillor had either sent apologies or attended. The Councillors had their reasons for non- attendance, but had not realised this was the one occasion that it was necessary to attend if possible. The service is an ecumenical one. Unfortunately, partly due to the church being interregnum the person who was supposed to be taking the service was unaware of this and attended at a different service. Councillor Rootham had to take the service and 2 ex councillors carried the flag.
136.5 The above led to discuss of war graves and Councillor Reynolds proposed Councillor Turnell seconded all in favour of investigating the cost and supporting where appropriate the reconditioning of the 2 war graves in the churchyard.
136.6 122.7 The emergency plan is 18 pages and Councillor Turnell suggested something more user friendly, this is her first remit. The plan builds into the Borough then County and then National plan. Councillor Turnell will make further efforts to identify the first aiders.

137. Finance and precept
137.1 All Councillors have signed a dispensation requesting permission to discuss the precept. The Clerk granted the dispensation
137.2 There was discussion of the need to meet expenditure but not increase the precept too much. We need to maintain our 106 expenditure, street lighting will need changing within the next few years and Rectory Lane needs the verge refurbishing.
137.3 Councillor Reynolds proposed Councillor Allen seconded an increase of 2.5% in line with inflation this takes the precept from £7122 to £7300. All in favour.
137.4 Councillor Reynolds proposed and Councillor Campbell seconded the following accounts for payment. All in favour.

773 A McLaven salary and expenses                    £145.08
774 HMRC PAYE                                               £ 24.20
775 S Miles green team expenses                         £239.44

138. Complaints Policies.
138.1 It was felt this was a very formal approach for dealing with formal complaints, and it was agreed to start the Policy with --
If issues raised cannot be resolved by other means, and add ‘all complaints to be dealt with expeditiously on an individual basis’
Councillor Reynolds proposed and Councillor Campbell seconded the additions, all in favour.

139. Training Policy
139.1 A training budget of £500 was identified
139.2 Following discussion of the draft proposal it was agreed that the policy was more relevant to larger council and the Clerk will draft a new policy and distribute before the next meeting for comments.

140. Lectern/Village Sign
140.1 The work at the top of Rectory Lane is almost complete, the Noticeboard will be removed to be repainted.

141. Correspondence
141.1 The Borough Council wrote to advise that although we had requested a site viewing for the application at the nurseries, there would be no site viewing as the site had been visited several times previously.
141.2 NCC Annual waiting restriction review – request for any parking restriction changes – We don’t have any but note was taken that it is a problem in Rectory Lane and around the Green.

142. Planning
142.1 There were no planning matters to discuss.

143. Any Other Business
143.1 Pat White had advised Councillor Rootham of his concerns about the village pavements. Clerk to write to Highways, although we are aware there is no funding available at present.

130. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be 7th February 2013 at 7.30pm in the village hall.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.15 pm with thanks to those attending.