Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Parish Council Minutes 7th March 2013

Minutes of the meeting held in the village hall
Thursday 7th March 2013

13 Present:
Councillors Barry Rootham (Chairman), Peter Allen, Allison Campbell, Nigel Coles, Nicola Reynolds, Clerk Alison McLaven

Councillor Charlotte Turnell sent a letter of resignation. Councillor Timms sent his apologies which were accepted.

15. Public Question Time:
There were no members of the public in attendance

16.Minutes of 7th February 2013
16.1 Councillor Rootham asked that minute 03 be changed to read he was concerned,

16.2 Councillor Allen was concerned that the minutes had not been proof read and were inaccurate in tone.

16.3 The date of the minutes was corrected to 7th February 2013

17. Matters arising:
17.1 – 03  Street Doctor had finally replied to the Clerk and advised her that she should contact BT as highways are only responsible if it is a highway safety issue.

17.2-05.01  Clerk had emailed request for agenda item but not had a response. Councillor Campbell to attend Parish Forum and Councillor Cole if able.

17.3 – 09 Speedwatch, 14 letters have been sent to previous volunteers, Councillor Campbell is preparing a leaflet drop to get pledges in support and ask for more volunteers.

18. Annual Parish Meeting.
18. 1 Following discussion it was agreed to send out a flyer regarding the Annual Parish Meeting.

18.2 It was agreed to have an agenda item ‘The Way Forward’

18.3 Reports to be as brief as possible, but to ask the representatives to talk informally on their group.

18.4 Clerk to produce agenda and contact list to be circulated before sending out formal invitations, agenda to be produced at meeting, not sent with invitation.

19. Village Sign/Lectern
19.01 The lectern is completed

19.02 Councillor Allen is to progress the sign and will come back to the meeting once a design has been produced.

19.03 Councillor Rootham has spoken to Pat White regarding the lettering for the Notice Board, but he was unable to help. Councillor Allen will send a template to the lectern people and ask if they can do a sign.

20. Correspondence
20.1 NCC – parish enhancement request form – following discussion including repairing/ enhancing Rectory Lane verge, and preventative measures on the corner of the green it was agreed Councillor Cole would fill out and return the request form.

20.2 Section 106 community projects request form – following discussion it was agreed that the priorities provided were not applicable to Orlingbury and to request the refurbishment of Rectory Lane and better parking/traffic control

20.3 Webcast of County Council meetings available - noted

21. Financial Matters
21.01 The effectiveness of internal controls was undertaken and agreed that it was working well.

21.02 Councillor Allen proposed, Councillor Reynolds seconded and all in favour of the following accounts being approved for payment:

783 – HMRC - PAYE                                      49.60

784 – A McLaven – salary & stamps              213.20

21.03 Councillor Rootham proposed the mowers be services Councillor Campbell seconded all in favour.

21.04 Councillor Allen proposed that the council purchase 4 collapsible posts for the speed sign thought to cost £400, Councillor Cole seconded all in favour, Clerk to contact Fritwell Parish Council to ask for details of their supplier

22. Planning
There were no planning applications to discuss

23. Any Other Business
23.1 The lamp in Norlington Close is flashing – Clerk to report to ABB

24. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be the Annual Parish Meeting on Thursday18th April 2013 at 7.30 in the village hall, followed by the ordinary Parish Council meeting, and the Annual General Meeting will be on Thursday 16th May at 7.30
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00 with thanks to those attending.

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Date / Chairman

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