Monday, August 24, 2009

OPC Minutes of Thursday 13th August 2009.


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 13th August 2009
79.Present: Cllrs Allen, (Chairman), Rootham (Deputy), Miles, Rowlett, Waller, Watts and Alison McLaven (Clerk), Gillian Walton. Special Constable Robinson and PCSO Amey-Heard

80.Apologies: Were received and accepted from Cllr Norton.81. Police Community Session
81 Police community session
81.1 Concerns were raised regarding cars parking on the footpath causing obstructions, the police will keep an eye on this, but it should be reported when it is happening so that they can come and see the situation for themselves. 03000111222is the telephone number to report crime if it is not regarded as an emergency.
81.2 More than154 signatures have so far been collected in support of speed watch. Over 40 people have agreed to take part in the project. Thanks were given to those who collected the signatures. Councillors Rowlett and Waller will work with PCSO Amey-Heard to organise the training of volunteers. The Clerk will contact our Insurance company re third party insurance for the speed check signs.

82. Minutes of meetings 2nd July 2009 The Minutes were approved as a true and correct record.

83. Matters arising

83.1 67.2 – A large Morrison’s lorry was reported to have travelled through the village and taken branches off several trees. HGV’s will be an agenda item at the next meeting It was noted that when reporting matters of HGV infringements, vehicle registration, date and time and the name of the company should be noted, and details passed to the police on 03000111222.
83.2 72.4 – The gate at Norlinton Close designated for emergency purposes, contrary to planning agreement appears to be in regular use. Clerk to write to the enforcement officer.
83.3 68 The Meeting between Councillor Timms, Local Authority Officer Mike Hayburn and the councillors was a welcome development but had not resulted in the resolution of a reported incident of fly tipping. Asbestos dumped on Northampton Road has still not been cleared. Clerk to write to Lyn Martin-Bennison expressing our disappointment.
83.4 We have been advised that the area outside Orlingbury Hall (previously cleared of obstructive bushes) will be filled in within the next few weeks. Clerk to contact Mark Gatlin regarding the removal of re-grown shrubs and tarmacing of the road.
83.5 The Clerk to contact the dog warden for more signs.

84 Progress on Emergency Planning (Gillian Walton)

84.1 Thanks were given to Gillian for chairing the group working on the emergency plan. The final plan is on file. Several points were made for discussion.
84.2 A first aid course has been suggested by St Johns Ambulance, they will do a course for £45 per person for a minimum of 10 people, Gillian has funding for 2 young people and suggested that the Parish Council pay for 8 other people. Councillor Rootham proposed and Councillor Watts seconded The Parish Council fund 8 people to get the first aid qualification and to keep the funding every 3 years so that there are always qualified people in the village. All in favour. It was noted that these costs should be kept in mind when setting the precept each year.
84.3 The St Johns Ambulance also recommend defibrillators which cost £800 including training costs, which are a further £80 per year. Following discussion it was agreed that Gillian would find out more information and the Clerk will check on insurance cover. The fete committee special fund may be able to help with costs.
84.4 Salt bins, it is the responsibility of Highways to fill the bins, we are in discussion with Dave Grindley regarding more bins.
84.5 Gillian will draft a letter for the village, a) inviting views b) advising on the Emergency plan purposes and needs c) proposed on-going support c)advising of young people’s input and d) first aid training.
84.6 Councillor Miles to put note in newsletter advising where copies of the plan can be obtained.
84.7 Clerk to chase little Harrowden contact details 84.8 Councillor Allen and Gillian will meet and finalise the PCEG group, which will be a combined group of Neighbourhood watch, Parish Councillors, and young people. Gillian and Ian Walpole will work on the constitution of the group.
85. Section 106 development funding – focus group for planning centre of village sign.
85.1 We have no further information Clerk to write to Lyn Martin-Bennison and ask what is happening and copy Joe Hubbard in.

85.2 A focus group of 13-19 year olds has been suggested to work on the design and location of the centre of village sign. Councillor Allen would like to start working on this as soon as possible, the group to have an older person as chair, and an observer who is CRB checked. All in favour of this.
86. Correspondence
86.1 The Community Panel meeting was attended by Councillor Miles, who felt that the meeting was not very useful. It was agreed that Councillors Rowlett and Waller would attend the next meeting on 22nd October.
86.2 Highways Annual Day Conference on Wed 9th Dec Councillors Allen and Rootham to attend.
86.3 Choice based lettings – Allocations Policy – Clerk to write that we agree with the draft letting policy and ask the number of lettings in Orlingbury.
86.4 BT – invitation to adopt red kiosk for £1 – bt will then remove the telephony. This was not regarded as helpful. The PC wish to retain it as a Telephone kiosk.
86.5 E-on inventory update
86.6 Mr Percival from the Waendel Walkers has offered a gift of £500 towards our seat. They have money to give to Parishes for seats that are of benefit, they will place a small brass plaque on the back of the seat. There is another £1000 on offer if we have attractive seats as part of our development plan. Councillor Waller proposed and Councillor Watts seconded we accept the gift All in favour. Councillor Allen will write to confirm our acceptance of this offer and thank them.
86.7 The village notice board. Seals had now been fitted on the new notice board to prevent rain damage . It was agreed that payment should be made to Bosworth’s.

86.8 Councillor Allen had met with Mr Steve Barber (Highways) regarding the speed check signs. It was agreed that the speed check sign on the green could be placed on Northampton Road. The purpose of posts is as a mounting for sensors for speed watch. A movable flashing speed sign can be purchase for £4000, it is battery operated. WBC want grant funding bids by 31st August we have to match fund. All in favour of Councillor Allen requesting extra funding.
87.Financial Matters
These will be dealt with at the next meeting
88.1 Tree removal. There is a request to remove the eucalyptus tree behind the Queens Arms, following discussion, Councillor Rowlett proposed it be left in place, there was no seconder. Councillor Miles proposed it be cut, Councillor Allen seconded 2 in favour 1 against and 3 abstainees. The proposal went forward.
88.2 WP/2009/0295/F erection of single garage 43 Norlinton Close. Clerk to write to Planning Officer requesting that the usual care and consideration be observed re safety of building vehicles during the erection of the garage.
88.3 Village boundary. Two meetings were held to determine what initial contribution could be made to the ongoing review of Village development lines.
It was felt that the Parish Council should endorse the current village policy line and associated policy re. village development. Councillor Rootham proposed and Councillor Rowlett seconded that this view be adopted as our current policy position and that Councillor Allen write and inform Mike Kilpin of this.
88.4 The 226 dwellings at Niort Way – Councillor Allen to write a note of concern regarding the affect of development on communication infrastructure and increase of traffic, and the unnecessary expansion onto open farm land.
89.Any Other Business
Councillor Rowlett raised concerns about carrying over items, it was felt that this was due to the amount of work needed to get through and should ease soon.It was agreed to make BT (Telephone & Broadband) and Village Maintenance items for the next agenda.
The lamp over the 30mph sign is still out
90.Date of the next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 3rd September 2009 in the village hall at 7.30pm.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.15pm, with thanks from the Chair to those attending.

Chairman Date