Monday, June 14, 2010

Orlingbury Parish Council Minutes June 3rd 2010

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
3rd June 2010

66. Present:
Councillors Allen (Chair) Rootham (Deputy), Rowlatt, Watts and A McLaven (Clerk)

67. Apologies:
Were received and accepted from Councillors Miles’ Norton Waller and Timms (Borough).
There were no members of the public present and the Police were not represented. Clerk to write to the Police and advise them of our regrets that no representative was available to attend as regular meetings with the Police are welcomed as an opportunity for the public to share concerns.

68. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 13th May and Matters arising
68.01 The Minutes were signed as a true and correct record.
68.02 56.02 Bosworths will take the Notice Board down after the village fete and refurbish it.
68.03 56.05 The invoice for the servicing of the mowers has been received
68.04 61.03 The emergency planning meeting 6th July is postponed
68.05 64.02 The Speed watch results published in the Parishes Magazine prompted discussion that there was often insufficient coverage of Orlingbury news, the Waendel Walk, and Worm Charming, being two examples of events could have been reported.

69. Section 106 Monies
69.01 Expenditure – There has been no expenditure since the last meeting. We have spent £11,025 out of the £29,100 received, leaving £18,075 remaining together with a final £13,000 still to be received following the occupancy of the last dwelling in the Norlinton Close Estate.
69.02 Gateways Helen Howard had previously written to inform the Council that the Gateways would be erected by Mid-May, and the Council had informed the village of this at the Annual Parish Meeting. However, when she was contacted to ask when works would commence, she then advised us that the money had not been released from the Borough Council, because the Highways Authority had not submitted a development plan. The money from the Borough is being match funded by the County to pay for the cost of the gateways and signs. (Helen was invited to the Annual Parish Meeting but was unable to attend. It was felt she should be invited to the next meeting to explain delays.) The Clerk had rang Alan Chapman at the Borough Council to check on the situation, unfortunately he is ill, but Mr Kilpin rang back and promised to investigate matters. It is felt that a response should be received by Monday. It was agreed for the Clerk to write to Joe Hubbard and request a meeting with him to clarify the situation, noting also that the final house at Norlinton Close is occupied and therefore, the final Section 106 payment from Developers should be made. Copies of the letter, also to be sent in an email attachment, to Councillors Allen, Rootham, Bailey, Timms, Helen Howard, Mike Kilpin, and NCC CEO
70. Village maintenance.
70.1 The village was walked by several councillors and the clerk, Councillor Allen produced a report showing the issues discovered. Several identified issues were the responsibilities of Private Landowners, A copy of the report is to be kept on file.
70.02 Land opposite houses in Rectory lane. Following discussion it was agreed that Bosworths will quote to clear the verge, cutting back vegetation and removing roots, in preparation for more regular maintenance to be undertaken. Councillor Allen was given the authority to approve the arising quotation if it is reasonable. Work may then start as soon as possible.
70.03 The issues that highways should deal with have been passed to the Parish Enhancement Gangs at MGSWP (the N.C.C Highways agency) .
70.04 Councillor Rootham had provided a draft for the newsletter regarding issues relating to upkeep of land bordering roads and footpaths but under private ownership. It was agreed that once the newsletter had gone out, letters would be written to land owners where there was need to address maintenance respectfully requesting that problems be dealt with.
70.05 Car parking spaces opposite the church. Following discussion it was agreed
that discrete markings be drawn on the car parking area with 4 equally spaced posts sited at the back of the space to deter motorists from driving onto the grassed area. The parking space will be marked with sufficient spaces to allow ease of access for passengers but to optimise parking.

71. Correspondence
WBC 13th May received Invitation to citizen panel on 20th May*
CRE - Town & County awards- nominations required
NCC – behind the scenes at the shoe museum 5th June 10-30am – 12 noon £3
NCC – summer health walk Stanwick Lakes 5th June 1.30 pm
NCC – waste recycling centre changes
Police – Family Funday 6th June 1-5pm
*WBC – Ela Goodall asking for Housing Needs Survey to be put on the September Agenda and Joanne Martin from NRHA and either Ela or Carol Conway from the Borough to attend to discuss this. It was agreed to do this.
* It was noted that some items (particularly from Wellingborough Council) are being received with very short notice to respond

72. Financial Matters.
72.01 The Annual Accounts were approved
72.02 It was agreed to give a grant of £200 to the Oversixties group. This followed discussion of what the group did and how it was funded.
72.03 The following accounts were approved for payment
660 E-on electricity maintenance £119.12
661 A McLaven Salary £124.20
662 Oversixties group £200.00
663 Garden Machine Servicing – mowers £254.12
72.04 Mrs Sisman, the auditor is able to attend the July meeting.

73. Planning
73.01 WP/2010/0136/F – This has been recommended for refusal by the Borough Council, but on their report it states no objections from neighbours, which we know to be incorrect. Clerk to advise the borough of this.
73.02 The new build in Pytchley Road (WP/2008/0269/F). There are concerns that the land owner is using flood lights to light up the front of the house, Clerk to email Mr Kilpin of the WBC Planning Department to ascertain whether there are infringements of planning regulations and also to request that the pavement be re-instated by the developer at the same time that a new drop kerb access is being put in place.

74. Village Hall
The Annual General Meeting will be held on 24th June, and an audit of the contents will take place at the weekend following this meeting.

75. Any Other Business
75.01 There is lamp on the Harrowden Road, which remains lit at all times, and the light outside the church is hanging off its post. These items will be reported by the Clerk to the appropriate authorities who will be expected to promptly respond.
75.02 Fly-tipping is a particular problem on roads leading from the village. It is particularly bad on the Northampton Road. This issue to be placed on the agenda for the next meeting for discussion.
75.03 The dates of the next meeting is 15th July 2010, the meeting closed at 8.50pm with thanks to those attending.

………………….Chair …………………………date

Orlingbury Parish Council MInutes 13th May 2010

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
13th May 2010

54. Present : Councillors Allen (Chair) Rootham (Deputy), Miles, Rowlatt, Waller and A McLaven (Clerk), Mr Knightly & Mr Porter

55. Apologies: Councillors Norton and Watts

56. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 4th March and Matters arising

56.01 The Minutes were signed as a true and correct record.
56.02 36.07 The staples are still in the Village Notice Board.
56.03 39.02 The seat looks good in its location.
56.04 41.1 It was felt the comment made by Councillor Bailey at the APM about OPC not being represented at the Parish Forum was unnecessary.
56.05 46.1 The mowers have now been away and serviced. Thanks were given to Councillors Miles and Rootham for taking over the arrangements of the rota etc.
56.06 47.01 Alex Stephenson said he would investigate the Barn in Rectory Lane, but he has not yet advised his next steps.

57. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 29th April 2010 and Matters arising
57.01 The Minutes were signed as a true and correct record.
57.02 52. This application has been withdrawn.
57.03 53. Councillor Rowlatt had spoken to Steven Holloway who passed the matter to Alan Rigby, with whom she spoke to on Monday; he came out to visit the site on Tuesday. Mr Rigby then advised her that Mr Tarry will remove the concrete block within the next few days, and will put in a gateway within the next few weeks.

58. Planning
58.01 WP/2010/0136/F – new one & half storey detached 4 bedroom dwelling with garage, Garden Land at 19 Harrowden Road. (It should be noted that the meeting was opened for public question time, to allow residents to put their views.)
58.02 After discussion the following points were noted to be put in a letter of response to the Borough Council with the Clerk and Chair liasing on the final copy which would be shown to Mr Knightly prior to be sent off.
58.03 The most important issue is that the property is outside the village building envelope, even though the building will be ‘in fill’ between existing residences.
58.04 There are concerns if, as the design statement says, but not shown accurately on the drawings, the property follows the building line, then the adjacent property will lose light, and will be very overlooked.
58.05 The design statement also mentions mature hedges and trees screening the boundary, and these features are felt not to afford screening. There are concerns about the tree at the entrance (also inaccurately drawn), being removed to make way for access.
58.06 The access to the proposed site also causes concern as it is at a dangerous point on the highway.
58.07 A site visit will be asked in the event of the application not being automatically refused.

59 Section 106 Monies
59.01 Expenditure Report
Income Section 106 grant 26100
Cllr Bailey grant 2000
Donation Waendel Walk 500
Anon donation 500
Total 29100

Landscaping and Notice Board 2750
Car park, Benches Bollards seats 7350
Bollards Bench in field 11025
Total 18075

* 13,000 final tranche to be received
59.02 Next steps, with reference to the proposed Village Sign, Jacob Hartley, well supported by William Harwood gave a very good presentation at the Annual Parish meeting. Jacob is chairing a group of young people some of whom are much older than himself, and has raised various issues. It was agreed to meet on 27th May, and walk the village to decide preferred sites for the village sign, lectern, waste bins and finger posts.
59.03 Councillor Allen has produced designs for the gateposts and given the information again to Helen Howard at NCC. There was discussion on the legal issues of moving the 30mph signs, but this has been covered in the development plans and discussed with Helen therefore it should be in hand.
59.04 Maintenance issues; we have put aside monies from our Section 106 money to cover maintenance issues.

60. Village maintenance.
60.01 Trees and shrubs. Councillors Rootham and Rowlatt have been in contact with Felicity Weber at the Borough Council and as far as she is concerned, the trees in the conservation area are covered by Tree Protection Orders and the remaining trees on Public Land are not to be touched by the public. Following discussion it was agreed Councillors Rootham and Rowlatt would draft a leaflet to be delivered to all the village regarding the responsibility of landowners to hedgerows, and the public to the trees. Also the Councillors will annotate a map of the areas where maintenance or replacement is required.
60.02 Areas at Orlingbury Hall and Rectory Lane; problem sites for maintenance are areas to be resubmitted for the Parish Enhancement Gangs to deal with. The kerbstones on the Rectory Lane corner will also be resubmitted.
60.03 Rectory Lane. It was agreed that elder roots need removing and shrubs cutting back with a canopy at head height. It may then be possible to mow along the verge and then the kerb can be reinstated, Councillor Rootham proposed and Councillor Rowlatt seconded asking Bosworths to quote to clear the trees to head height and remove the stumps; all in favour.
60.04 Isham Road-The Clerk to write to the owner of the Cherry tree and advise that, as it is not growing, and to ask that it be replaced as previously agreed.
Councillor Allen

61. Correspondence,
61.01 Wellingborough Partnership Annual Conference 7th June, representative request, Councillor Waller to attend.
61.02 Northants County Council – You choose campaign, to gather information on how the public wants the county to spend its money. All Councillors to fill in and return forms to County.
61.03 NCC – Emergency Planning seminar 19th May (Kettering) or 6th July (Guildford) request for attendees
61.04 MK & Northants C C working towards reducing waste; sent by landfill- information
61.05 NCC – Minerals and waster framework information
61.06 NCALC – village of the year competition; once all work is done we will enter the competition again
61.07 NCALC – training dates including 17th July Chairmanship Training and 7th December Election workshop. Following discussion it was agreed to put on the next agenda an item to discuss how to promote new interest in the council. Councillor Allen will also write and invite the village to attend meetings with a view to becoming a councillor at the elections next year. This will go on the next newsletter along with the information relating to trees.
61.08 WBC Ward support survey – 3rd June 8pm, Clerk to ask officers to attend at the village hall and this will be part of the next Parish Council meeting.61.09 NCC – Local Council’s conference 16 June 2010, no-one available to attend.

62. Financial Matters.
62.01 The following accounts were approved for payment.
656 E-on electricity supply £431.38657
657 Di Sisman, audit fees £ 70.00658
658 Ncalc subscription £ 122.09659
659 A Mclaven salary March Apr £ 248.40
62.02 The audit has been done by Mrs Sisman, and the accounts are ready to be typed up. They will be circulated before the next meeting and the Annual Return prepared. Mrs Sisman is to be invited to the next meeting to explain her role, and to answer questions. She was invited to tonight’s meeting, but was unable to attend.
62.03 The Insurance documents have arrived, but we need to increase our fidelity insurance, and add the extra street furniture to the policy. The Clerk will organise this, getting signatures and signed cheques outside of the meeting if necessary, whilst making sure the insurance stays concurrent.

63. Village Hall
Nothing to report.

64. Any Other Business
64.01 At the Annual Parish Meeting Councillor Bailey had advised that there were grants still available for village empowerment. He mentioned this to Isham PC. At the meeting of Isham PC 2 days ago it was proposed that 2 councillors from Isham Parish Council meet with 2 councillors from Orlingbury to further the idea of buying a portable flashing speed sign between the 2 councils. It was agreed that Councillors Allen and Waller would meet and discuss this. Clerk to arrange meeting.
64.02 Councillor Waller had received the Speed Watch analysis from ACRE and considering the weather and a faulty camera they had done well. 28 cars over the limit had resulted in 22 letters being sent out, all to non-residents. They had 78.6% accuracy result.

65.The dates of the next meetings
were confirmed as 3rd June 2010, 15th July 2010, 9th September 2010, 14th October 2010, 18th November 2010, 6th January 2011, 10 February 2011, 17th March 2011, Annual Parish Meeting, 21st April 2011, and Annual General Meeting 12th May, the meeting closed at 9.50pm with thanks to those attending.

………………….Chair …………………………date

Parish Council Minutes AGM 13th May 2010

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
held in the Village Hall on 13th May 2010

Present : Councillors Allen (Chair) Rootham (Deputy), Miles, Rowlatt, Waller and A McLaven (Clerk)Apologies: Councillors Norton, Timms and Watts

Election of Chairman:
Councillor Rootham proposed and Councillor Waller seconded Peter Allen as Chair, all in favour.

Election of Deputy:
Councillor Rowlatt proposed and Councillor Allen seconded Barry Rootham as Deputy, all in favour.

Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting (7th May 2009)
These were approved as a true and correct record.

Any Other Business:
Councillor Allen thanked the Councillors for their support through out the year, especially with the growing agenda, but noted it was good to see issues resolved. Councillor Waller thanked Councillor Allen for all the hard work he had done through out the past year.

The date of the next meeting was confirmed as 13th May 2010 at 7.30pm, the meeting closed at 8pm with thanks to those attending.