Monday, June 14, 2010

Orlingbury Parish Council Minutes June 3rd 2010

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
3rd June 2010

66. Present:
Councillors Allen (Chair) Rootham (Deputy), Rowlatt, Watts and A McLaven (Clerk)

67. Apologies:
Were received and accepted from Councillors Miles’ Norton Waller and Timms (Borough).
There were no members of the public present and the Police were not represented. Clerk to write to the Police and advise them of our regrets that no representative was available to attend as regular meetings with the Police are welcomed as an opportunity for the public to share concerns.

68. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 13th May and Matters arising
68.01 The Minutes were signed as a true and correct record.
68.02 56.02 Bosworths will take the Notice Board down after the village fete and refurbish it.
68.03 56.05 The invoice for the servicing of the mowers has been received
68.04 61.03 The emergency planning meeting 6th July is postponed
68.05 64.02 The Speed watch results published in the Parishes Magazine prompted discussion that there was often insufficient coverage of Orlingbury news, the Waendel Walk, and Worm Charming, being two examples of events could have been reported.

69. Section 106 Monies
69.01 Expenditure – There has been no expenditure since the last meeting. We have spent £11,025 out of the £29,100 received, leaving £18,075 remaining together with a final £13,000 still to be received following the occupancy of the last dwelling in the Norlinton Close Estate.
69.02 Gateways Helen Howard had previously written to inform the Council that the Gateways would be erected by Mid-May, and the Council had informed the village of this at the Annual Parish Meeting. However, when she was contacted to ask when works would commence, she then advised us that the money had not been released from the Borough Council, because the Highways Authority had not submitted a development plan. The money from the Borough is being match funded by the County to pay for the cost of the gateways and signs. (Helen was invited to the Annual Parish Meeting but was unable to attend. It was felt she should be invited to the next meeting to explain delays.) The Clerk had rang Alan Chapman at the Borough Council to check on the situation, unfortunately he is ill, but Mr Kilpin rang back and promised to investigate matters. It is felt that a response should be received by Monday. It was agreed for the Clerk to write to Joe Hubbard and request a meeting with him to clarify the situation, noting also that the final house at Norlinton Close is occupied and therefore, the final Section 106 payment from Developers should be made. Copies of the letter, also to be sent in an email attachment, to Councillors Allen, Rootham, Bailey, Timms, Helen Howard, Mike Kilpin, and NCC CEO
70. Village maintenance.
70.1 The village was walked by several councillors and the clerk, Councillor Allen produced a report showing the issues discovered. Several identified issues were the responsibilities of Private Landowners, A copy of the report is to be kept on file.
70.02 Land opposite houses in Rectory lane. Following discussion it was agreed that Bosworths will quote to clear the verge, cutting back vegetation and removing roots, in preparation for more regular maintenance to be undertaken. Councillor Allen was given the authority to approve the arising quotation if it is reasonable. Work may then start as soon as possible.
70.03 The issues that highways should deal with have been passed to the Parish Enhancement Gangs at MGSWP (the N.C.C Highways agency) .
70.04 Councillor Rootham had provided a draft for the newsletter regarding issues relating to upkeep of land bordering roads and footpaths but under private ownership. It was agreed that once the newsletter had gone out, letters would be written to land owners where there was need to address maintenance respectfully requesting that problems be dealt with.
70.05 Car parking spaces opposite the church. Following discussion it was agreed
that discrete markings be drawn on the car parking area with 4 equally spaced posts sited at the back of the space to deter motorists from driving onto the grassed area. The parking space will be marked with sufficient spaces to allow ease of access for passengers but to optimise parking.

71. Correspondence
WBC 13th May received Invitation to citizen panel on 20th May*
CRE - Town & County awards- nominations required
NCC – behind the scenes at the shoe museum 5th June 10-30am – 12 noon £3
NCC – summer health walk Stanwick Lakes 5th June 1.30 pm
NCC – waste recycling centre changes
Police – Family Funday 6th June 1-5pm
*WBC – Ela Goodall asking for Housing Needs Survey to be put on the September Agenda and Joanne Martin from NRHA and either Ela or Carol Conway from the Borough to attend to discuss this. It was agreed to do this.
* It was noted that some items (particularly from Wellingborough Council) are being received with very short notice to respond

72. Financial Matters.
72.01 The Annual Accounts were approved
72.02 It was agreed to give a grant of £200 to the Oversixties group. This followed discussion of what the group did and how it was funded.
72.03 The following accounts were approved for payment
660 E-on electricity maintenance £119.12
661 A McLaven Salary £124.20
662 Oversixties group £200.00
663 Garden Machine Servicing – mowers £254.12
72.04 Mrs Sisman, the auditor is able to attend the July meeting.

73. Planning
73.01 WP/2010/0136/F – This has been recommended for refusal by the Borough Council, but on their report it states no objections from neighbours, which we know to be incorrect. Clerk to advise the borough of this.
73.02 The new build in Pytchley Road (WP/2008/0269/F). There are concerns that the land owner is using flood lights to light up the front of the house, Clerk to email Mr Kilpin of the WBC Planning Department to ascertain whether there are infringements of planning regulations and also to request that the pavement be re-instated by the developer at the same time that a new drop kerb access is being put in place.

74. Village Hall
The Annual General Meeting will be held on 24th June, and an audit of the contents will take place at the weekend following this meeting.

75. Any Other Business
75.01 There is lamp on the Harrowden Road, which remains lit at all times, and the light outside the church is hanging off its post. These items will be reported by the Clerk to the appropriate authorities who will be expected to promptly respond.
75.02 Fly-tipping is a particular problem on roads leading from the village. It is particularly bad on the Northampton Road. This issue to be placed on the agenda for the next meeting for discussion.
75.03 The dates of the next meeting is 15th July 2010, the meeting closed at 8.50pm with thanks to those attending.

………………….Chair …………………………date

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