Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Parish Council Minutes 6th November 2011

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 6th October 2011

Councillors P Allen, (Chairman), B Rootham, (Deputy), A Campbell,
P Meadow-Jones, N Reynolds and G Rowlett and A McLaven (Clerk).

102. Apologies:
Councillor T Norton sent his apologies.

103. Minutes of last Parish Council Meeting

(15th September 2011)
Unfortunately these had been published with a number of inaccuracies. These will be amended and signed at the next meeting.

104. Matters arising.

104.1 Minutes were incorrect when stating none of the people written to about hedges had done anything. Messrs Tompkins had responded by trimming the ivy in and around the wall at Rectory Lane, but had left other growth in the vicinity. It was noted that we have a duty of care to pursue this matter and seek a resolution: Hedge and plant trimming is necessary in the interests of health and safety so that residents are able to use the footpaths and grass verges.

104.2 91.2 Councillor Allen has written a long email to Helen Howard saying that whilst we are delighted with the partial installing of the gateways, outstanding matters necessitate a meeting for 10th November to discuss issues and the completion of the project.

104.3 99.1 The “Ward Walk” took place, its purpose being to examine outstanding issues within Wellingborough Council’s remit. Highways footpaths and hedges are not within this remit but the councillor attending said he would pass on our concerns relating to the state of footpaths etc.

There then followed discussion regarding the recent Parish Forum which had advised that the best way to interact with Highways Department is to contact Street Doctor.

105. Standing Orders
105.1 It was agreed, especially after discussion with other Parish Councils at the Parish Forum on the likelihood of powers being delegated to lower levels, under the Localism Bill, that we adopt the Model NCalc Standing Orders. It is felt that they will add probity to what we do and are part of the criteria for future audit.

105.2 It was felt best not to discuss Model Standing Orders at the time but at the next meeting when Councillor Allen will look at the NCalc Model of Standing Orders and other models and give recommendations.

106. Village Sign and Lectern
106.1 Councillor Allen is going to take on the co-ordination of this project and organise a working party to move forwards. Councillor Rootham said he would be happy to be on that working party.

106.2 The Newsletter and welcome pack is at the printers. The cost is £125106.3 Our Parish Plan is in need of updating and this should be undertaken as soon as possible. The Localism Bill which may be in place as soon as next Easter will necessitate a comprehensive degree of consultation in its formulation.

107. Correspondence

107.1 QE11 open space protecting open spaces. – Councillor Reynolds to investigate this.

107.2 Wellingborough Volunteer bureau AGM, changes to name & item on Community Bus – Councillor Rowlatt to investigate

107.3 Leanne Kelman – Cartographer –a possibility to provide a map with historic/geographic notations for lectern. Clerk to ring

107.4 BCW – Remembrance Day Wreath Available again for a donation of £20.

108. Financial matters

108.1 The following accounts were approved for payment

717 Eon supply £448.82
718 HMRC (PAYE) £ 24.80
719 A McLaven (Salary) £ 99.40
720 BDO Audit £162.00

108.2 Issues Arising from Audit – Fixed Assets – we increased our fixed assets this year by more than was spent due to some items under section 106 not being added until the project was completed this year, this needs to be noted.

Fidelity Guarantee The cover is less than we sometimes have in our bank account. Clerk to check cost of increase to either £30,000 or £50,000.

108.3 Lawn mower is due to be serviced before the start of the new growing season. Clerk to write and thank Green Team for work done and to ask if they would kindly have the mower serviced Jan/Feb time at their convenience. The mower will possibly need to be replaced soon.108.4 Following discussion Councillor Rootham proposed and Councillor Campbell seconded NCalc do the audit for next financial year. All in favour.

109. Planning
109.1 Decision 7th September, WP/2011/0328/NMA – non material amendment to WP/2011/0061/F 27 Isham Road – granted

109.2 Due to changes in the way information is being received by the Clerk, Councillors who notice a new application should make sure the Clerk is aware.

110. Any Other Business
110.1 Councillor Rootham requested the issue of Footpaths to be put on the next agenda. It was agreed Councillors Campbell and Rowlatt do an audit of the Footpaths and hedges.

110.2 Boundary hedges to be placed on agenda. An officer from NCC to be asked to advise how to proceed. This matter goes back a long time and we need to be able to get all the hedges cut back to a reasonable depth.

110.3 The Development plan to be put on the next agenda as it needs to be reviewed and we need to think how to embrace the community so that we can demonstrate support for the direction it takes. Councillor Reynolds to explore the possibilities of using Face book/Twitter and other media as means to consult with sectors of the public.

110.4 Ideas for a Jubilee Committee to be made an agenda item.

110.5 Flowers (near to gateways) – These are costed on the existing development plan, but the development needs ‘kick starting’; we need to decide how to progress. It was noted that the Village Hall Committee had spent £300 regenerating the area in front of the hall.

111. Date of next meeting.
The date of the next meeting is 20th October 2011, but this will be for the Development Plan, and the next full meeting with all the above items on the agenda will be 24th November 2011. There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.15 pm with thanks to those attending.

………… …………..
Chairman Date

Monday, October 3, 2011

Parish Council Minutes 15th Sept 2011

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall
on Thursday15th Sep2011

87. Present:
Councillors B Rootham, (Deputy), A Campbell, P Meadow-Jones, G Timms
(Borough), Danny Moody (NCalc) and A McLaven (Clerk).

88. Apologies:
Councillors P Allen, (Chairman),T Norton, N Reynolds and G Rowlett sent their apologies.

89. Minutes of last Parish Council Meetings (21st July 2011)
All in favour of signing as a true and correct record.

90 Danny Moody – the role of Northants Calc
90.1 Danny joinded NALC around 5 years ago and one of the first things he did was to change the name of NALC (Northamptonshire Assoiciation of Local Councils) to Northants Calc (County Association of Local Councils) in order to differentiate it from the National Association of Local Councils (NALC). NCalc is a membership organisation of Parish and Town Councils. There is no formal association with ACRE although originally they shared a building. There are 208 Parish & Town Councils in Northamptonshire and 51 Parish Meetings. Some parts of the county have no Parishes.

90.2 The job of NCalc is to provide advice and guidance to a council as a corporate body, answering any questions an queries that arise. This can normally be done in house, but if there is anything more specialised (eg legal) then they can escalate matters to the National body. NCalc also provide training over many topics, eg new councillors, allotments, admin etc.

90.3They also provide an Internal Audit service, the meeting was provided with a check list of what is required by the auditor. There was discussion on this and it was agreed to put the matter as an agenda item for the next meeting.

90.4 Councillor Timms had a question regarding wether or not a Borough Councillor can speak at a Parish Council meeting, Danny advised that technically they can only speak at Public Question time as they are a member of the public, but that at the Chairmans discrection would be a better way to promote a good rapore between the councils.

91. Matters arising.
91.1 Non of the people written to about hedges have done anything, Clerk to chase, also street doctor re trees in Leys. Also to write to the Barratts to ask to clear the street light in the tree on their property.

91.2 Helen Howard to be asked when the 30mph limits become legal.

91.3 79.14 Third Tranche to be chased yet again.

91.4 85.2 Footpaths have been cleared.

92. Developments
92.1 The gateways are now inplace. The general impression is that they are not very impressive, not quite what was expected. Councillor Rootham will meet with Councillor Allen and discuss the situation.

92.2 It was agreed to have a meeting early in October to discuss the lectern and the village sign.

93. Standing Orders
93.1 It was agreed to discuss this at the next meeting when there are more councillors present. Clerk to circulate Ncalc and Sunderland Standing orders prior to the meeting.

93.2 Danny Moody offered to email the Clerk model standing orders.

94. Newsletter
94.1 This is nearly done, just needs Councillor Allen to look over and if he is happy with it, it can go ahead. When it is finalised Councillor Rootham would like extra copies of the welcome pack to be placed in the back of the church.

95. Welcome Pack
95.1 This is now included in the newsletter.

96. Correspondence
WBC – changes to consultation process. The Borough is no longer sending out paper copies of plans, unless it is a large application, the notifications will now be a link to the web site, also it is no longer sending out decision notices, the web site will have to be checked for this information. NCC- new information campaign Ncalc invite to AGM on 22nd October. Police – crime reports The Pilot Project – councils to join together to buy oil. East Midlands Council Info re membership £360 + VAT per year. RHS re Britain in Bloom competition Catherine Greenfield – request for information re spending of Grant. Jan Jones – Parish Council survey – followed by individual councillors survey. WBC – review of Polling districts – response sent Ncalc – Opportunity to become board member. NCC revised bus timetable. Police- Information re have your say. Ncalc request for training requests. Ncalc request to put planning on agenda. CVS various information. Public service news various newsletters. NCC Library consultation – public now being consulted
WBC Parish Forum 5th October upto 3 councillors can attend.

97. Financial matters
97.1 There were not enough council members available with clearance to sign cheques. Council members to attend at bank to be able to sign as soon as possible.

98. Planning
98.1 There was nothing to discuss on planning.

99. Any Other Business
99.1 Councillor Timms is planning a ward walk to see if there are any major problems in the villages, this will be on 22nd September, starting at 10am in Isham. Paul Burnett from the Borough Council and Lynette Amey-Heard from the Police will also be on the walk.

99.2 It was agreed that the meeting to be held on 6th October will be a full council meeting, and therefore the meeting on 20th will be a smaller meeting.

100. Date of next meeting.
The date of the next meeting is 6th October 2011.There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.35 pm with thanks to those attending.

Chairman Date