Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Parish Council Minutes 7th February 2013

Minutes of the meeting held in the village hall
Thursday 7th February 2013

01. Present:
Councillors Barry Rootham (Chairman), Peter Allen, Allison Campbell, Nigel Coles, Nicola Reynolds, Clerk Alison McLaven and one member of the public, John Rowlatt

02. Apologies:
Councillors Charlotte Turnell and Pen Meadow-Jones, Pen also sent a letter of resignation as she is moving out of the village. The Borough Council have been advised of this and will in due course call an election. There was discussion on how to encourage people to become part of the council. It was agreed to put posters up around the village, encouraging people and asking them to come to the Annual Meeting. All Councillors to send ideas to Councillor Campbell by the end of the week she will send out a draft before putting up the final poster.

03. Public Question Time:
Mr Rowlatt advised the meeting that he was concerned over trees growing in the Leys whose branches were growing through telephone lines. Following discussion it was agreed the Clerk would contact Street Doctor, any information received from them would be given to Mr Rowlatt and would be followed up by the Clerk, to ensure the work is carried out.

04. Minutes of 6th December:
Councillor Allen proposed and Councillor Campbell seconded they be signed and a true and correct record.

05. Matters Arising:
05.01  -136.3 A response had been received from the Borough Council following our complaint of lack of time for preparing a Capital Grant Bid. The response was that no more time was available, and that we should plan for this in case they ask for bids next year. The form was very involved and it was agreed that we shall put Capital Grant bid planning on the September agendas from now on. Councillor Cole proposed and Councillor Campbell seconded putting the matter on the Parish Forum agenda asking why there can be no more time allowed and if the form can be made available beforehand. All in favour.

06. Training Policy
The revised training policy was approved.

07. Village Sign/Lectern
07.01 The village sign is in abeyance until the lectern is completed. The Supplier is very busy with a lot of huge commissions, but Councillor Allen is hoping to collect the lectern in the next few days. Councillor Rootham will help him install it.

07.02 The Noticeboard is completed and back in place, Bosworths had problems drying it out. They have sent an invoice for £3030.00 which will be added to the invoices presented for payment tonight.

07.03 Councillor Rootham will ask Pat White regarding lettering for the Noticeboard

08. Financial Matters
08.01 The Government has changed the way Borough Councils are funded, and this has resulted in WBC giving up £155.60 support for the next financial year, but they have advised they may not be able to do this next year.

08.02 Councillor Allen proposed, Councillor Reynolds seconded and all in favour of the following accounts being approved for payment:

776 – E-on electricity maintenance      116.42

777- Orlingbury Village Hall rent          36.00

778 - A Campbell newsletter cost      110.00

779 – E-On electricity supply            453.76

780 – HMRC - PAYE                       49.80

781 – A McLaven – salary               198.60

782 – Bosworths – landscaping etc   3030.00

09. Correspondence
Victim Support – request for funding

WBC – re Capital Expenditure grant – discussed previously

Request for an Allotment – Clerk to confirm all holders paid, and what is left available.

Community Speed Watch – request to take part, originally also to pay £450 towards costs, but this has been removed. We need to provide a Co-Ordinator, 10 volunteers and 20% of the electorate in support. Councillor Campbell will liaise with Pat Waller who was the previous Co-Ordinator. The speed camera was discussed and Councillor Cole will help Councillor Rootham with siting and recharging the camera. Parking on the verges was also discussed.

BCW Electoral Review

BCW re precept

NCC Highways maintenance – newsletter

Aon – requiring employer’s reference

Street Doctor – gateway being referred for works

NCC notice of request for enhancement gang works – Councillor Cole to receive any requests and copy of last year’s form in preparation for the new request.

Library service – request for volunteers – There was discussion of having a small library in the church as the mobile library no longer calls in the village, this will be discussed again once the new incumbent is in place, which is hoped to be in the summer.

Entry form for best village competition

NCC rights of way update, Richard Woodhouse is now our rights of way officer.

Zurich Insurance – wanting to quote for insurance, needing copy of policy in place.

Acre – Wellbeing service – request for any one with need to fill in survey – this has been passed to Gillian Walton and she will be completing this as an individual.

10. Planning
WP/2013/0016/F – Erection of a single storey building to be used at a pre-school nursery- replacing the existing one. New vehicular access – Land adjacent to Day Nursery Kettering Road Orlingbury – Mr Asit Badiani

Various concerns were raised. It was agreed to ask for a site viewing at 8.30 – 9.00 am as we have concerns over commercial movement, whether the original access will be closed off.  We feel it is an opportunity to improve the junction, which is very busy. We hope that parking will be banned on the road as it is an accident black spot.

11. Any Other Business
There was no other business.

12. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be 7th March 2013 at 7.30 in the village hall

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.30 with thanks to those attending.

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Date / Chairman

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