Thursday, July 18, 2013

Parish Council Minutes 4th July 2013 draft/unapproved

Minutes of Meeting held in the village hall
On Thursday 4th July at 7.30pm

47. Present: Councillors Cole (Chairman), Campbell (Deputy), Allen, Hutchins, Morris, Reynolds Rootham, 2 members of the Public, John Rowlatt and Rod Derry, Andy Gosling also attended for the item on the website.

48. Apologies: There were no apologies

49 Declaration of Interests:

49.1 Councillor Allen stated he had commissioned his son to prepare the design for the Village Sign for which the charge would be £ 400.

49.2 Councillor Reynolds declared an interest in the planning matter.

50. Approval of Minutes of 16th May 2013.

50.1  It was noted that the minutes needed to be separated into individual meetings, the first to elect the Chairman and Deputy, and then the Parish Council meeting. The Clerk will do this and the minutes will be signed at the next meeting, also noting that Councillor Cole and Hutchins had incorrect name spellings throughout the minutes, which will be amended.

51. Matters Arising

51.1 Councillor Allen had concerns regarding the village sign, he felt he had been given Carte Blanche to deal with this, but now had feelings of deep frustration. Due to the nature of the work, wrought iron work, it was difficult to obtain 2 alternative quotations to the one he had sourced. The design was unique to the village, originating from a youth forum. Councillor Allen was happy to go ahead, with the council resolving site issues in the meantime. The design work was being done by a family member, and we could deduct what they charged for the design from the quotation from the blacksmith. There was discussion of the 106 issues and what had already been achieved.
Councillor Rootham proposed and Councillor Campbell seconded the consent that had been given for Councillor Allen to continue to be confirmed and note that the difficulty in obtaining more quotes would not only be time consuming but possibly fruitless. All in favour.

51.2 Councillor Hutchins was confirmed as allotments liaison officer.

51.3 43.2 section 137 payments are to cover things which are not specifically in the Parish Council remit, but the Council wants to pay for which are for the benefit of all parishioners.

51.4 The Clerk is liaising with Paul Bell re attending meetings.

51.5 There was discussion regarding the site for the village sign and it was agreed to make the location of the sign an agenda item for the September meeting.

52. Public Question Time.

52.1 Mr Rowlatt asked what had happened regarding the trees in the Leys, Mrs Gilder from highways had responded that the roots would be looked at by NCC but that the branches in the trees are the responsibility of the utility provider, which is BT. BT doesn’t have any tree surgeons any more. It was agreed that the Clerk write and advise of our concerns for residents and vehicles from branches causing accidents, mentioning the 2 audits submitted previously.

53. Village sign

53.1 Councillor Allen had spoken to his son Richard who as previously discussed was designing the sign which includes 2 circles with small motifs around the edge and then in the centre of the sign symbols of activities from past and present, including the church, the dovecote, Cows, Jock Badsaddle, hikers resting, wheel barrow race. It will have a look of a ‘Jan Pienkowski’ book illustration. Councillor Allen will get 2 or 3 drawings and circulate as soon as available.

54. Village Web Site

541 Andy Gosling advised the meeting that the village website was now in place, there are sections for each group. Each section has its own log in so that the minutes can be placed on the site, the Clerk can be given access to do this and then the minutes can be attached firstly in draft form and then as they are approved confirmed and the new set of draft minutes attached. It was suggested that important information can also be put on the site as well as councillor contact details.

54.2 Rod Derry, who had been attaching the minutes to the Orlingbury Blog advised he would put this set of minutes on the blog and then no more. Thanks were given to Rod for all his work with the blog.

54.3 It was also asked if the village hall committee through our member of their committee would be encouraged to do the same thing.

55. Speed sign

55.1  Isham now have the speed sign back although OPC have not put the sign in use for the last 6 months or the 6 month period it was available in 2012. The Chairman was concerned that the village had gone to a great deal of trouble and effort to gather speed data and prepared a petition about speeding. OPC had then made the reduction of speeding in the village a major priority, but failed to ensure that its best intenstions were translated into actions. Councillor Cole will contact Isham PC at the end of July to get the sign back, Councillors Hutchins and Morris offered to help secure the sign to one of the 4 posts. Clerk to forward costs and supply details for extra sign brackets to the Chairman

55.2 Isham Parish Council are responsible for the Insurance costs and we pay half of these, unfortunately they did not do this last year, so they are asking for Orlingbury to pay all of this year, Clerk to advise cost to Chairman, they have agreed to a 3 year contact with their supplier.

Rounded Rectangle: Draft


56. Village Defibrilator
56.1 Councillor Allen advised the meeting that he felt this was a practical way of ensuring we can support anyone who needs this help. Any first aider with this extra training can use a defibrillator, and the instructions are very clear and straight forward to follow. It would need to be stored in an accessible place for both villagers and emergency services to use. Redundant phone boxes have been used for this. The cost of a defibrillator is thought to be £2000.  Councillor Allen proposed and Councillor Cole seconded finding a suitable location and then purchasing if the costs permit. All in favour. Clerk to invite British Heart Foundation to the September meeting to discuss.

57. Grant to reduce crime, dis-order or anti-social behaviour.

57.1 It was agreed that there was not enough applicable crime to make us eligible for this.

58. Gypsy & Traveller Accommodation Option paper

58.1 There was discussion of the Pytchley site, which is the nearest option and to ask Andy Gosling and Rod Derry to use the web site and blog to make information available so that residents can make their own comments on this.  Councillor Allen felt we should make sure that residents realise that as it is another Borough Council’s planning that we are only making comments and not part of the process.

59. Finance

59.1 The Following accounts were approved for payment.

800 A-on – insurance (previous cheque damaged in post)         £308.04
801 E-on – lighting maintenance                                                £121.66
802 HMRC PAYE                                                                   £ 49.60
803 A McLaven salary, ink & paper                                         £215.05

59.2 Councillor Reynolds had obtained forms from the Bank to add signatories to the record but this needs to be minuted so it will be on the agenda for the September meeting.

60. Correspondence

60.1 NCalc asking for information re joint projects between Parish Councils, they were advised regarding our joint ‘flashing speed sign’
60.2 Police crime report figures
60.3 Little Harrowden PC, notice of a meeting re community shop, 10th July.
60.4 Information re wind turbine at Pytchley, comments needed by 2nd July, email advising this had been refused received this afternoon.
60.5 E-on re street lighting mercury vapour lighting to be phased out by end 2015. Also they can retrofit control gear to convert suitable orange lanterns to white. Clerk to contact WBC to ask to talk about street lighting, and to check inventory re mercury vapour lighting.

61. Planning

61.1 Councillor Reynolds declared an interest. WP/2013/0303/F – erection of first floor extension – 8 Lammas Close. Concerns over traffic movement, making sure right of way is kept clear and vehicles parked courteously in the close.

62. Any Other Business

62.1 It was agreed to put maintenance of seats etc. on the agenda for the next meeting.

63. Date of next meeting

63.1 The next meeting is Thursday 5th September at 7.30 in the village hall

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.30 pm with thanks to those attending.

………………………… Chairman

…………………………. Date

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