Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Parish Council Minutes 7th January 2010

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
7th January 2010

01. Present: Councillors Allen, (Chair) Rootham (Deputy), Miles, Norton, Rowlett, Waller and Clerk plus Trish Robinson, Megan Campbell, Karen Powles and Deborah Williams as members of the public.
02. Apologies: Were received and accepted from Councillor Watts and Councillor Timms (Borough).
03. Police Forum: The Chairman informed those present that the Police often attended our meetings and PC Hayley Lythgoe had been expected this evening. (An apology for absence had subsequently been received but not until after the meeting).
04.01 WP/2009/0479/F Councillor Norton Declared an interest in this matter
During an open session members of the public raised their concerns over the application which included:
i) an inaccuracy of describing the barn to be demolished as redundant whereas it was still in use for machinery storage and livestock shelter.
ii) increased traffic movements along Norlinton Close which was already
congested through cars being parked on verges due to the shortage of parking spaces at the houses. Comment was made that problems arising from historical permissions was not a planning issue.
iii) the dangers of these extra vehicle movements at the junction with Harrowden Road.
iv) ability of utilities to cope with the extra requirements

Councillor discussions centred on these concerns plus that the new properties be in keeping with other developments in the vicinity, did not impinge on light space and privacy of neighbouring properties and that over development of the site was a prevailing concern. A site meeting would be requested when residents could put there concerns direct to
Members of the Planning Committee.

04.02 Review of village boundaries Wellingborough Borough Council had completed the first stage of their consultations with the findings broadly in line with our recommendations not to change the village envelope. It was noted that the grounds of Orlingbury Hall were outside the planning boundary.
05.Minutes of the meeting 12th November 2009 and matters arising.
05.01 After adding Councillor Waller and removing Councillor Watts as present the minutes were signed as a true and correct record. This was proposed by Councillor Rootham, seconded by Councillor Norton and carried unanimously.
05.02 121.3 A metal bench will be sited at the top of the field below Lammas Close once Mr Reynolds’ estate manager has agreed the location with the footpaths and byways authority.
05.03 Planning Application WP/2009/0024 – Clerk to chase the response to the Appeal.
05.04 128.1 The concrete block is still restricting the bridle way. Councillor Rowlatt to pursue.
05.05 128.3 The leaves were removed immediately by the Borough
06. Speed watch
06.01 and 06.03 The signs are in place but one on The Green needed to be relocated to Northampton Road (as promised by the Highways department).The sign had served a useful function as a mount for equipment to monitor the volume of traffic. It should be moved soon.
06.02 The Speed-watch training starts on 30th January with the programme beginning on 14th February on alternate weeks over a six week period. It will take place for approximately an hour a day at a different time each day. The September training is on the 4th and it is hoped that different volunteers will be available, the programme will take place from late September/early October.
06.04 We had applied for funding for battery operated portable signs but although the grant was approved the Borough no-growth budget had resulted in funding being frozen. Due to savings made on the Section 106 expenditure we could now possibly afford to buy the equipment ourselves. This would be discussed with other development work at the next Development Working Party Meeting.
07. Emergency Plan
07.01 The St John First Aid training was going ahead on 16th January and was being funded from the Fete Committee Special Fund.
07.02 Local farmers are on standby to help clear the highways but was difficult without the right equipment.
07.03 The grit bins that were both full had been emptied within the first fall of snow. The grit was for use on the immediate local road area, not residents private driveways and footpaths a concern also expressed by the NCC Highways department. A note to this effect will be placed in the Parish Newsletter. It was agreed that we continue to lobby for 2 more bins.

08. Section 106 monies
08.01 A separate account of finances is to be produced for each meeting.
08.02 The car parking space opposite the church has been completed with all adjoining householders giving their approval. It will be necessary to place low posts around the parking area to ensure that vehicles do not use the grassed area.
08.03 The 4 seats and the bollards have been placed on The Green as agreed in the Section 106 project plan and as stated in the November Newsletter.

08.04 Young people will be invited to discuss the next six months development issues.
08.05 Work on the village gateways and integral signs etc should start in April, along with the reseeding of the parked area
08.06 There was discussion as to whether or not the Parish Council should actively take back the margins of the highway. It was agreed to write to Highways and ask them to solve the problem.

08.07 It was agreed to reconvene the development working group to determine what areas should next be addressed.
09. Financial Matters
09.01 – Councillor Rootham proposed, Councillor Norton seconded and the meeting unanimously carried that the precept for 2010/2011 be increased by 3% to £7122.09.02 The following accounts were approved for payment.
642 Bosworths £7350.00
643 EON – electricity maintenance £116.59
644 A McLaven – 2 months salary £248.40
645 P Allen – leaflet print/delivery £ 6.00
It was agreed to write to thank Bosworth’s for the work they have done, and also to give our condolences following the death of John Bosworth.

10. Village Maintenance
10.01 Leo Plant at Highways had been energetic in recording our concerns and had started well with pavement repair work in Pytchley Road and around The Green. There were still outstanding issues that needed to be addressed; notably the removal of bushes and installation of pavement outside the Hall.

11. Proposed Development Plan
11.01 It was agreed to raise the issue of a new Parish Plan for the next 3 years when the Development Working Party next meet. Recommendations would be presented to the next meeting of the Parish Council.

11.02 It was agreed to continue to emphasise the Priority of “Improving Communications” in the next three-year plan.

11.04 It was agreed to discuss future priorities for the Parish Council at the Annual Parish Meeting.

12. Correspondence
12.01 Local Works – campaigning to implement the Sustainable Communities Act.
12.02 North Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit – Rural Workshop. Information.
12.03 CPRE – ‘Stop the Drop’ campaign – high visibility jackets were available on request to do litter picking between April 9th and 18th. Clerk to make further enquiries.
12.04 MGSWP Parish satisfaction questionnaire to be completed by Councillor Allen.
12.05 NCC – small works advising that a short length of footway in the vicinity of Taggies Yard will be carried out during January/February
12.06 Rod Derry letter re. how the Blog is progressing, Clerk to write and thank him for his work. It was also noted that Andy Gosling is moving forward with the website.
12.07 The rest of the correspondence was passed among the councillors.
13. Village Hall
Nothing to report
14.Any other business
14.01 It was further noted that the Borough would require a regular report where we are with the Section 106 spending.
14.02 It was noted that the Police require a closed meeting to discuss operational matters, before the meeting is opened to the Public. It was agreed to do this before the next meeting.

14.03 Next meeting will be on 4th February 2010 at 7.30pm in the village hall.

There being no further business the meeting closed with thanks from the Chair to those attending.

Chairman ………………….. Date …………………..
Chairman Date

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