Thursday, November 26, 2009

Parish Council Minutes 12th November 2009

Minutes of the Meeting held in the village hall on 12th November 2009

119.Present: Councillors Allen, (Chair) Rootham Deputy, Miles, Norton, Rowlett, Watts and Councillor Timms (Borough), and Clerk .
120.Apologies: Councillor Watts was not present-he tendered his apologies.
121.Minutes of the meeting 15th October and matters arising.
121.1 The minutes were signed as a true and correct record.
121.2 An item, following a discussion with the Dog Warden, was placed in the magazine. The Dog Warden had been in contact with the Clerk and has put new signs up in the village and suggested that we report all problems to him as they will be “taken seriously”.
121.3 106.7 Mr D Reynolds has agreed to the seat being located alongside the footpath near Lammas Spinney and his estate manager will be contacting re. details.
121.4 118.2 Thanks were given to those councillors who attended the Remembrance Day Service.
121.5 118.3 The faulty street lamp has been repaired.
121.6 Any other matters arising dealt with under agenda items.
122. Developments , Progress Reports and Actions
122.1 The first 2/3rds of the section 106 monies (£29,100) has been received and NCC Highways are in receipt of £6,500 for traffic calming.
122.2 We have received a positive note from Joe Hubbard (Deputy Chief Executive WBC) in relation to the grant for portable speed sensors. The application has progressed through the first stage. However, all new bids are now in abeyance, due to a full review of the capital programme and the Borough’s zero increased budget for the next fiscal year. We should be notified within the next 2 weeks if we have been successful this year or if the funding has been deferred.
122.3 Helen Howard (our Highways Officer representative) has written to confirm match funding the £6,500 for gateways, new integral village signs and traffic calming features i.e. for the total sum of £13,000.

122.4 2 cheques have also been received; £500 from the Waendel Walkers Association and £500 from a walker who wishes to remain anonymous. We have paid £19.95 for a brass plaque which has been fitted.
122.5 It was agreed to write to thank donors .Councillor Bailey who awarded an empowerment grant for the notice board project, should also be formally thanked and advised that his donation has empowered the Council to generate extra funding.
122.6 A meeting was held between Councillors Allen, Rootham, Rowlett, the Clerk and Helen Howard. We were advised that legal expenses have been moved in- house by the County Council. This has helped cut costs towards moving speed limit signs in the village.

122.7 P.C. McQuade came to the village and met with Councillors Allen, Waller and Rowlett. They walked the village to see where the community speed watch team should be positioned. The positions for Speed Watch operations and sensor/monitoring instruments are strictly, governed by the road safety of operators and motorists and the limitations of instruments.

There is a recording box positioned on the temporary Speed Check post on the Green. This monitors the speed and flow of traffic as well as giving a visual warning. The speed check sign was scheduled to be moved to Northampton Road. This has been deferred until the speed sensor and monitoring device has collected sufficient data.

There are 40 volunteers for the speed watch training. The first round of training begins in January.
122.7.1Mr Leo Plant from MGWSP met with Councillor Allen, to discuss previous delayed response to agreed repairs and pruning. He agreed the following improvements and maintenance:
a) Shrubs and roots at the junction of Isham/Harrowden Road (outside the Hall), will be removed and the area re-seeded with grass. This area was noted as a safety issue, by Mr Plant and also P.C. McQuade. However, the scheduled paved area will be postponed until there is positive legal advice on the safety of this measure.
b) The footpath and paving i) at the Church on the Pytchley Road and ii)outside the last house on the Isham Road (on the Right hand side) will be patched where, it is judged by the Highways Department, there is a danger to pedestrians.
c) The footpath by the Old School House and phone box are priority patching areas.
d) A failure by BT to instate part of the footpath at the Leys and Isham Road junction will be referred to BT.
e) Overgrown verges and hedgerows at the splay on the Isham Road right corner has been referred to the Environment Officer as a hazard.
f) An additional grit bin will be placed at the junction of Rectory Lane and Isham Road.g) Pruning of the tree by the telegraph pole in the Leys has been passed to the environment officer.
g) Illegal access points on Isham Road have been recorded by Mr Plant and reported to Kerry Palmer.
h) The pavement outside 5 the Leys will be repaired.

All village pavements are recommended for resurfacing in the next three years but currently, only those areas that are deemed to be unsafe will be repaired.
122.8 The Development Group met on the 30th October to address the details of the costed 106 related improvement plan now that funding strands had been agreed. The group confirmed the focus of the first round of improvements and, in view of additional funding strands and match funding, what was required in terms of additional areas for development. The group resolved that:
· A separate balance sheet should be kept to keep a clear track of the development funding and expenditure.
· At the April Annual Parish meeting time should be set aside to further explain developments and the funding and to publicise achievements.
· Additional features should include Street lighting at the edge of the village, litter bins, extending the paving to the left of the notice board as a site for the information lectern.
· The location of the centre of village sign was also discussed as were issues of additional maintenance around the village.
· A good newsletter was agreed to promote new developments. This has since been produced and sent to every household.
122.9 Work on the Village Green and car park opposite the church is to begin next week.

123. Future Development
123.1 A review of progress shows that the majority of priorities on the Parish Council Plan have been successfully, achieved. Items which had been hitherto marked as amber i.e. “movement slow” have now changed to green i.e. completed. It is expected that all developments will have been achieved or commenced by the end of the financial year.
123.2 The next Parish Plan will continue to refine communications by further, involving the community. It is hoped that the resolution of 106 related issues will see the road clear to a less crowded agenda for development.
123.3 The idea of a Pocket Park and a pathway alongside the road to Harrowden were floated as a possible development foci for the coming year but these were rejected, for the reasons agreed in 106 deliberations i.e. issues related to the lack of available land in and around the village.

123.4 There are concerns regarding the width of verges, particularly, on the Harrowden Road approach to the village. It was agreed to endeavour to, year by year, cut back hedges and to incrementally increase the size of the verges.

124. Correspondence
124.1 Letter from BCW regarding affordable housing. It was agreed that their representative attend our next meeting, and meanwhile, for the clerk to research how many “affordable” houses there are in the village.
124.2 Police next consultation meeting 10th December, Councillors Waller and/or Rowlett to attend.
125. Financial MattersThe following accounts were approved for payment.
635 Northants Acre – subscription £ 34.00
636 E-on Maintenance £ 36.39
637 E-on supply £422.20
638 Village Hall rent £ 21.60
639 P Allen – per invoice £ 29.94
640 Royal British Legion £ 20.00
641 A McLaven – salary £124.00
126. Planning applications and decisions
126.1 WP/2009/0411/F – Extension to Barn, Taggies Yard. -Councillor Norton declared and interest. There were no objections.
126.2 Decisions – WP/2009/0319F – house adjacent to 43 Norlinton Close, following site visit – development granted, with conditions including access to be from Norlinton Close with shared private drive.WP/2009/0298/F – stables Taggies Yard, refused, but the Parish Council have since reviewed a re-submission received via WBC.

126.3 Access to Harrowden Road from properties adjacent to Harrowden Road with restricted access to the same.

Norlinton Close is the principal access for these properties, and residents have assured Councillor Allen that they are very aware of safety issues relating to the Harrowden Road access and therefore, use the Norlinton Close access as directed. They point out that occasionally, the access is blocked, either by parked cars or wheelie bins.

Arising from these concerns Councillors resolved that access to Norlinton Close for these householders should, at all time be unobstructed.

Councillors also discussed the issue of cars parking on the Harrowden Road highway in front of the properties in Norlinton Close. This was contrary to road safety and to owner and tenant agreements.

Following discussion it was agreed to write to all Harrowden Road/ Norlinton Close residents reminding them to park at the rear of dwellings and to avoid obstructing access.
127 Village Hall£3,500 has been spent on the building, repairs and decoration.
128 Any other business
128.1 The Isham Road bridle way has now been blocked with a concrete block Councillor Rowlett has spoken to the Enforcement Officer who will speak to the land owner and advise installation of either a central post or gate providing regulation width access for pedestrians and horses.
128.2 Councillors Waller & Rowlett will attend the safety forum on 14th Jan. Orlingbury were not mentioned at the previous meeting as we have no problems. The forum is focusing on Anti-social behaviour in Finedon.
128.3 The leaves outside the village hall and at5 the Rectory Lane Road junction are causing problems. The Borough will be asked to remove them.

The next meeting will be on 7th January 2010 at 7.30 in the village hall, it was also agreed to change the date of the Annual Parish Meeting to 15th April 2010, the meeting finished at 9.30pm.

Councillor Rowlett gave thanks to Councillor Allen on behalf of all the Councillors for all work done by him on the Section 106 matters.………………….. …………………..
Chairman Date

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