Thursday, October 22, 2009

Parish Council Minutes 15/10/09

Minutes of the Meeting held in the village hall on
15th October 2009
104.Present: Councillors Allen, (Chair) Rootham Deputy, Miles, Rowlett and Watts.
105.Apologies: Councillors Allen and Waller sent their apologies, which were accepted.
106. Minutes of the meeting 3rd September and matters arising.
106.1 The minutes were signed as a true and correct record.
106.2 94.3 Councillor Allen is concerned that there is further delay in the response of the N.C.C Highways Department and its representative. He has arranged a meeting with Helen Howard on 20th October at 2pm to review the works that need to be done and the 106 joint plan.
106.3 94.4 The Clerk to contact further the dog warden and ask why still no response. Councillor Miles to put an article in the Parish Newsletter.
106.4 94.7 Councillor Allen is in regular contact with the PCEG and there will be continued close involvement of the PC in future developments.
106.5 94.1 The Clerk to check through the minutes as there are now concerns that the access restriction applies only to 19 Norlinton Close and not the other two properties. It was agreed in future any detailed planning outcomes and conditions should be minuted.
106.6 94.6 Anyone undertaking first aid on behalf of the Parish Council in an emergency is covered by our public liability.
106.7 97.1 The farmer still has to be contacted, about siting the seat. On rechecking her emails the clerk noted that highways have no objection as long as the landowner does not object. There is no mention of planning permission being needed.
107.Minutes of 17th September and Matters arising
107.1 These were signed as a true and correct record, after correcting the date. It was noted that this was not on the agenda and future agendas will read minutes of previous meetings.
108. 106 Monies – highways traffic calming, recreation and leisure components.
108.1 A copy of the letter sent to highways advising £6500 to be released for the traffic calming and gateway feature. Also 2/3 of the 106 monies (£26,100) are being collected from the developer. Alan Chapman (WBC) has requested a detailed analysis of the expenditure. Councillor Allen will be working on this in the next few days. The meeting on 20th with Helen Howard will work on how to dovetail the £6,500 with the £26,100, and the obligation the financial obligation Highways have re replacement costs of existing signs.

108.2 There is a need to set up a development committee with the power to give focus to the 106 developments. A small group with the knowledge and understanding of the village and the plan. Councillors Rootham, Rowlett and Allen will get together to meet and be ready to present recommendations at the next meeting. This was agreed to take place during the week commencing 26th October.
109. Progress re WBC capital grant for portable speed sensors.Councillor Allen spoke to Joe Hubbard re a Capital Grant for portable speed sensors, A grant for £6,700 should be available to us. A detailed and costed proposal been filed with WBCV and Councillor Allen will continue to pursue this. There was a discussion regarding the maintenance and up keep of sensors and charging of batteries, the cost of which has been applied for.
110. Emergency Plan – training and fundingThe fete committee and have agreed to pay for all of the first aid training. Gillian Walton is recruiting people for this and the 8 should start their training between November and January.
111. Speedwatch – training of volunteers.A letter from Councillor Waller advised that training will take place in January. There is a list of volunteers who will be contacted. The actual speed watch will take place over the six weeks from 14th February 2010 and 28th March 2010, Orlingbury having the 1st, 3rd and 5th week Isham the other weeks.
112. Village development
112.1 The progress report on Development Plan issues shows most objectives have been accomplished. The vital issues outstanding rest on a) improvements pending the section 106 monies (which have now been awarded) and b) Highways improvements, repairs and pruning as yet incomplete. The meeting on the 20th is pivotal. Priorities for the coming year will focus on a small manageable list of things to be done, with more community involvement. Achievements should be promoted further at the Annual Meeting.112.2 Emerging concerns. It was noted that trees on the highway had been damaged, by cutting. Following discussion it was agreed:
1. A notice be placed in the next Parish Magazine reminding villagers that any cutting of trees and bushes in public village spaces may only be undertaken with the approval of the Parish Council.
2. A letter is to be sent to the householder(s) concerned asking why surgery took place and what they are going to do about rectifying matters.
3. A sub-group headed by Councillor Rootham, is to be established to review all trees and bushes in public village spaces and adjacent settings with a view to moving towards formal protection procedures. Councillors Allen and Rowlett to join committee
112.3 A note to put in the Parish Magazine, noting the damage done and advising that trees on the public highway should not be attended to by members of the public.

113. Youth Focus GroupThere are several young people interested and it is progressing.
114. Correspondence
114.1 BDO Stoyhayward -Annual Return completion statement expresses concerns about asset valuation and fidelity guarantee. It was agreed to update the asset valuation at the next return and to increase fidelity guarantee by £20,000.
114.2 BCW details of how to obtain the wreath for Remembrance Day.
114.3 Corby BC – details of their consultation document for site-specific developments.
114.4 NCC – wanting to adopt Norlinton Close.
114.5 Otelo – telecommunications Ombudsman – if we have not heard back from BT about our concerns with Broadband we can contact them again in 8 weeks (the last week in November)
114.6 Parish Forum Agenda
115. Financial MattersThe following accounts were approved for payment.
628 E-on Electricity supply £116.59
629 BDO Stoyhayward – annual return £138.00
630 P Allen – emerg & focus group expenses £ 42.04
631 A McLaven – salary & course expenses £130.20
632 P Allen – leaflet distribution (E.Brown) £ 20.00
633 Sywell Motors – mower maint £ 80.00
634 S Miles – petrol for mower £ 52.29

116. Planning applications and decisions
116.1Decisions 12th August WP/2009/0156/F – two storey front extension and relocation of front door 19 Norlinton Close- granted with conditions inc. the access to the existing property at no 18 Harrowden Road provided off Harrowden Road shall be used for emergency purposes only.
116.2 WP/2009/0376/F Erection of stables 2 Taggies Yard – Mr I NortonFollowing discussion it was agreed to ask that it is sufficiently far from residents, and only for private use.

116.3 Isham Road planning application.
Discussion took place over the handling of this matter as an anonymous letter had claimed the Parish Council was not fulfilling its role, as it was perceived by the writer. It is the Parish Council’s remit to make its observations without emotion and with precise reference to existing planning policy whilst taking all views into consideration as consultees. Councillor Rootham had spoken to a resident over the same matter and explained that the role of the Parish Council is to be dispassionate but incisive in planning matters. It is not the role of the Council to Object. The final decision rests with the Borough Council Planning Committee. It was felt that the Council had acted responsibly but that expectation was different to what our role actually is.
117 Village Hall
The AGM had taken place and Gwen Carter is now the Treasurer, Barry Rootham is Chair, and Cath Gosling the Secretary. Next week the under stage is to be painted and the floor sealed. The works outside are no further forward yet.
118 Any other business
118.1 The Allotments have two plots which are not being attended – the agreement allows for notice to be given if they have not been attended for 3 months – Clerk to write and give notice, then contact Rod Derry for the waiting list, which should in future be kept by the Clerk.

118.2 Remembrance Sunday – 8th November
118.3 lamp no 27 out Clerk to contact ABB

The next meeting will be on 12th November 2009 at 7.30 in the village hall, the meeting finished at 9.15pm.………………….. …………………..
Chairman Date

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

An insightful post on Orlingbury Reflector
I did come across a website It’s has all information on first aid emergencies. It has information on Human emergencies and even for pets like cat or dog. Hope it help you guys too.

Signature: Online First Aid Kit