Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Parish Council Minutes 4th February 2010

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on 4th February 2010

15.Present: Councillors Allen, (Chair) Miles, Waller Watts, and Clerk plus Janet Norton and Pat Norton as members of the public.

16.Apologies: Were received and accepted from Councillors Rootham, Rowlett, Norton, and Timms (Borough).

17.Police Forum The Police were unable to attend.

18. Open Session for the Public The members of the public came to observe the meeting.

19. The Emergency Plan
St John Ambulance First Aid Training – Acknowledgement of success 10 villagers completed their training at the village hall and are now able to administer First Aid and medical support, 2 of those trained are under 18, Alex Pipkin and Jacob Hartley. The day was reported to have been a great success. First Aiders will be formally congratulated by letter and certificates will be presented at the Annual Parish Meeting.

20. Minutes of the meeting 7th January and matters arising.
The date of the meeting was corrected and the minutes signed as a true and correct record.

20.01 06.01 The Speed sign on the Green is shortly to be moved to Northampton Road. Councillor Allen has recently received further assurances from Mr S Barber (Accident Reduction Team) to this effect.

20.02 07.03 The grit bins have now been topped up in preparation for further frost. The Parish Council will continue to press for two more bins.

20.03 08.02 There is shortly to be a meeting with Bosworths regarding low posts around the new parking area.

20.04 08.04 Jacob Hartley (12 years old) has agreed to chair a group of young people to look into the content and design of the village sign.

20.05 08.06 The Highways Department have been written to regarding the requirement to cut back overgrown margins of the highway. The matter has been referred to the Environmental Department who have not responded. The clerk is to seek clarification from the department about what they intend to do.

20.06 12.05 The short length of footway in the vicinity of Taggies Yard has been completed.

21 .Planning Applications and decisions
21.01 04.01 WP/2009/0479/F - The Parish Council have written to the Borough Council with concerns raised by residents. There will be a site visit on the 9th February.

22. Expansion of Parish Council
22.01 Concerns were raised that the Council should actively encourage villagers to be interested in future membership. Although membership of the Parish Council is fixed at 7 and co-option therefore not possible it was felt that people should be actively encouraged to take an interest in the council to enable more to confidently come forward for the next election in about 18 months. It was decided to plan features at the Annual Parish Meeting and other events to generate interest and further understanding of the Council’s work that would encourage participation. A further Parish Newsletter is planned for February.

23. Speed watch
23.01 Councillor Waller reported that 15 people had attended for training at Brackmills. Training will take place for further volunteers on 4th September in preparation for the joint Police and Village speed watch campaign in September/October. Speed Watch sessions will probably entail three 1 hour sessions on designated days.

23.02 Councillor Waller will continue to report progress on the Speed Watch Campaign. She was thanked for her role in liaising with the Police and in jointly organising training with them.

24. Section 106 monies
24.01 The Income and expenditure sheet was produced at the meeting.
Income is as follows:

£29,100 income, represented 2/3rds of the section 106 monies (the final 1/3 being retained by the Norlinton Close Developers until the final house was occupied).
£2,000 empowerment grant from Councillor Bailey.
Two £500 donations from the Waendel Walkers Association and an anonymous donor.

Development expenditure (as set out in the approved plan submitted to the WBC and Developers) is as follows:
£2,750 for the noticeboard and seat feature at the top of Rectory Lane.
£10,100 for the seats and bollards on the Green and the Parking Space opposite the church.

24.02 It was agreed to open a separate account for the monies so that income and expenditure strands were easily recognisable and section 106 and other development grants easily distinguished from precept monies.

24.03 The next steps have been costed at approximately, £18,000 and include maintenance costs for new features.

24.04 The NCC Highways Department to commence the planned replacement of village signs and gateways features, which would include integral speed signs and markings. This will be financed with the separate £6,500 section 106 funding received by them and matched by them with a further £6,500.

24.05 Further planned development items include an information lectern and village sign. Plans will be supported by consultation with villagers. A youth group headed by Jacob Hartley (12 years old) will consult, research and list possible features in preparation for further planning.

24.06 The decision to purchase a portable speed sensor will be made after the Speed Watch Project when the effectiveness of such signs will be reviewed.

24.07 The Clerk was requested to write to Wellingborough Council to confirm that the last house in the Norlinton Close development has been occupied so that the final instalment of the Section 106 grant may be claimed.

25. Village Maintenance
25.01 Some work has been undertaken since the last joint inspection. The NCC have now rescinded their decision to pave outside Orlingbury Hall on the grounds that this would demonstrate approval of a road crossing point for pedestrians at a point that is now deemed by them to be unsafe. The area of shrubbery will again be cleared and then seeded by the Authority. The possibility of asking the occupants of the Hall to pave the area was discussed.

26 Proposed development plan 2010-2013
26.01 Further to discussions at the previous meeting, it was felt that the present three year plan should be extended to ensure that all items which were largely accomplished should be fully completed. Councillor Allen will redraft the plan to give additional focus to outstanding items i.e. the next stage in Section 106 funded development and focus on the management of trees and shrubs and roadside verges in the area of the village and its approaches.

26.02 It was agreed that Councillor Waller and Councillor Rootham will do an audit of the trees and shrubs in the village in preparation for this

26.03 The council welcomed the emerging more positive and productive partnership with the Wellingborough Council.

27 Planning Committee for next Annual Parish Meeting
Councillors Waller and Miles will be unable to attend the APM but have agreed to contribute to preparations for this event. Councillors Rootham and Rowlatt will also meet with Councillor Allen to discuss the format for the APM.

28 Correspondence
28.01 Northamptonshire Rural Housing Association – Annual Report

28.02 Alzheimer’s Society –information

28.03 The rest of the correspondence will be circulated in the package. passed to Councillors to scrutinise

29. Financial Matters
Councillor Miles proposed, Councillor Allen seconded and all in favour of the following accounts being approved for payment .
646 EON – electricity supply £422.20
647 EON – electricity maintenance £116.59
644 A McLaven – 1 months salary £124.20

30. Village Hall
Nothing to report

31Any other business
31.01 The Allotment rent is due – Clerk to send invoices, The vacated lot will be reallocated.

31.02 Gillian Walton is organising the Emergency Planning committee and there will be at least two Parish Council representatives on this. Councillors Allen and Miles agreed to be members with Councillor Waller attending in the absence of Councillor Miles. The PCEG is planning a ½ day seminar in June: the drama group has agreed to enact emergency scenarios as a starting point for discussion. If possible a representative from another successful village PCEG will be invited to give an input. The purpose of the event will be to raise villager awareness of the Emergency Plan and arrangements for support in conditions where external support is not available.

31.03 Next meetings will be on 4th March 2010 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, the Annual Parish Meeting on 22nd April and the Annual General Meeting on 13th May.

There being no further business the meeting closed with thanks from the Chair to those attending.
Chairman ………………….. Date …………………..

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