Monday, April 5, 2010

Parish Council Minutes 3rd March 2010

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall

on 4th March 2010

32.Present: Councillors Allen, (chair), Rootham, Rowlatt, Waller & Watts and Clerk.

33.Apologies: Were received and accepted from Councillors Miles, and Norton.

34.Police ForumRepresentatives of the Community Police were unable to attend. Clerk is to write to Lynette Amey-Heard and thank her for her hard work and send our good wishes. Clerk also to write to PC Lee with the dates for the next meeting and ask if a police presence would be possible every other month.

35. Open Session for the Public There were no members of the public.

36. Minutes of the meeting 4th February and matters arising.

36.01 The minutes were signed as a true and correct record.

36.02 20.02 Councillor Allen has emailed Mr Grindley (NCC) who has referred our request for 2 more grit bins.

36.03 20.05 Clerk to report still outstanding issues re. hedges, roadside works etc to Street Doctor.

36.04 22.01 The second Parish Newsletter outlining progress has been delivered to all Orlingbury Households.

36.05 26.02 It was noted that Councillor Rowlatt not Councillor Waller, as minuted, is conducting the tree audit with Councillor Rootham.

36.06 The date of the next meeting was confirmed as 22nd April and a meeting to plan the agenda was set for 11th March at 8pm. As many councillors as possible are requested to attend. Pat Norton and Charlotte Cook are also invited.

36.07 It was noted that an item had been stapled to the outside of the new notice board. This will damage the wooden frame and water-proofing.

37 .Planning Applications and decisions
37.01 WP/2009/0479/F Amended plan, 2 Norlinton Close. It was felt that the parking issues remain unresolved, and that additional traffic generated by further housing will create additional difficulties particularly at the access to Norlinton Close from Harrowden Road. A reduction in the proposed building footprint was still considered inadequate. The Clerk was requested to write to the Planning Department underlining continuing concerns.

37.02 WP/2010/52/O Northampton Road. Erection of a new nursery building to replace existing, new access.

Concerns were raised regarding a) the building being on a green-field site, b) increased traffic access c) the dangers of locating the nursery next to a petrol station where access of traffic to the filling station was already, significantly impaired by nearness to the major highway intersection, and d) sewage, drainage (water is observed to already overflow at this location) and other public utilities may be further compromised. Clerk was requested to write to the Planning Department underlining concerns and seeking clarification of numbers using the building.

38. Speed watch
38.01 After initial difficulties with the camera supplied, PC McQuaid replaced the equipment and the village team of volunteers have made good progress. Councillor Allen congratulated Councillor Waller on her work, and she praised the volunteers.

39 Section 106 monies
39.01 8 bollards have now been placed at the church car park area.

39.02 There has been a letter on behalf of David Reynolds regarding the location of a seat in “America” field. The letter is very specific about location and maintenance. The bench may be accessed via the grass headlands and footpath. The Parish Council were requested to sign an agreement detailing responsibilities. The Parish Council have agreed that access routes over the headlands to the seat are not necessarily all public rights of way and shall therefore, be treated as ‘Permitted Access Routes’.

40. Village Maintenance
40.01 Trees and Shrubs – Councillor Rootham has had a long conversation with Ms F Webber of the Wellingborough Council re trees and shrubs. All trees in the conservation area are protected. Several trees have Tree Protection Orders (TPOs). Trees on public land are unlikely to have TPOs unless they are trees which have been identified as a strong public amenity, or perceived public amenity. Councillors Rootham and Rowlatt will do a preliminary audit of trees and shrubs making recommendations to the Parish Council on possible protection, pruning, replacement and additional planting.

40.02 Tree warden conference information was given to Councillor Rootham who will study this with a view to attending the conference on our behalf.

40.03 The concrete block is still in place at the entrance to the field next to the first house on the Isham Road. This is considered to be a hazard. The Clerk was requested to write to the enforcement officer.

40.04 The issue of fly tipping in field entrances especially, on the Northampton Road was raised and it was agreed to report this matter to the Environmental Services Department. The Clerk is to also report concerns to the Borough Council.

41. Correspondence
41.01 BCW –details of Parishes Forum Meeting on 21st April, agenda items to be received by 31st March.

41.02 BCW – section 106 letter passed to Planning Dept.

41.03 The rest of the correspondence was passed to all councillors.

42. Proposed development plan 2010-2013
42.01 This was passed for all councillors to look at. We have achieved most of the plan. Additional features relate to shrubs and vegetation management.

42.02 There was discussion of outstanding matters, mainly with reference to shrubs and vegetation.

42.03 The feature relating to section 106 monies has been extended to indicate development features related to the next round of expenditure.

42.04 Discussion also took place about continuing to inform villagers and to continue to generate interest in Parish Council work. This would include further expansion of sub-committee work involving non Parish Councillors as the size of the Parish Council can not be increased.

43. Financial Matters
Councillor Rootham proposed and Councillor Watts seconded and all were in favour of approval for payment of the following:
649 P Allen – to replace cheque 645 lost by the bank £ 6.00
650 P Allen – expenses printing etc £ 35.85
651 A McLaven – 1 months salary £124.20
652 Orlingbury PCC – floodlighting costs £438.37

44. Village Hall
Nothing to report

45. Allotments
45.01 It was agreed to keep a separate account of the allotment rents

45.02 There is now one vacant allotment. It has been offered to one person on the waiting list who no longer required it. The next person on the list has yet to be approached. Councillor Allen will look into the possibility of letting it rent free for the first year, to make it a more attractive proposition as it needs additional work to become productive.

46. Green Team
46.01 It was agreed to arrange for the mowers to be serviced in preparation for use by the Green Team.

47.Any other business
47.01 Councillor Waller raised a concern that the tithe barn was in a dangerous condition in respect of the roof and loose stones. The Clerk was requested to write to Alex Stephenson.

48. Date of the next meeting
The next meeting will be the Annual Parish Meeting on 22nd April
at 7.30 in the village hall

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9 pm with thanks from the
Chair to those attending.

Chairman ………………….. Date …………………..

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