Thursday, December 9, 2010

Parish Council Minutes 25th November 2010

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 25th November 2010

118. Present: Councillors Allen, (Chairman), Rootham, (Deputy), Waller, Watts and Clerk. There were no members of the public.

119. Apologies: Councillors Miles, Rowlatt, and Timms (Wellingborough Borough Council) sent their apologies, which were accepted.

120. Minutes of the meeting 21st October 2010. These were signed as a true and correct record.

121. Matters arising
121.1 106 The Housing Need survey will go out in January.
121.2 110.3 Correction the cost of £500 is for the kerbstones only, not the cost of the labour etc:- the wrong impression was given in the minutes.

122. Site Specific Proposals (WBC review of Boundaries)
122.1 The map has not changed since the Parish Council reviewed the draft which reflected the current village position
122.2 Clerk to check portal works to ascertain whether reports from Parish councils have been posted.
122.3 The Hall and Old Rectory appear to be outside the village boundary. The civil cemetery and allotments are not classified in the Site Specific Proposals as separate entities.

123. Section 106 Developments – Report on expenditure so far
123.1 There has been no actual expenditure since the last meeting but a substantial amount of money is committed in the agreed Development plans.
123.2 The village sign and lectern still need to be designed
123.3 The gateways are well underway, but await the legality of moving the speed limit signs.

124. Development Plan Report.
124.1 Rectory Lane was mentioned in previous minutes because it arose from concern re 106 funding and the need to maintain items. The mower replacement funds are included in the 106 monies and need to separate from contingency monies in savings accounts.
124.2 The work needed in Rectory Lane is now unlikely to be done by Highways and the cost of kerbing and widening the corner, and road to allow large vehicles to access the road, is estimated by them to be around £5000. There was discussion regarding the width etc. Councillor Allen will investigate and get the work needed underway, but if the costs are much higher than anticipated he will call another meeting. All councillors present were in favour of this.

125. Correspondence.
125.1 NCALC information/advise re precept for next year
125.2 WBC re petition for extra councillor-Clerk to respond that review is urgent.
125.3 Police Crime Statistics
125.4 PCSO Lynne Amey Heard – email advising of return to work-Clerk to advise her of a car parking at weekends on the front of Norlinton Close/Harrowden Road.
125.5 Steve Shaw, National Co-ordinator Local Works – sustainable communities
125.6 Alex Stevenson WBC– re Barn – Clerk to contact Tim Lacey at WBC and ask when the work is being done.
125.7 Citizens Advice – Info and request for donation – Clark to investigate how they are funded and ask to come to meeting to do presentation.

126. Financial Matters.
126.1 The following accounts were approved for payment.

682 Westcotec for speed sign £3366.38
683 Royal British Legion (wreath) £ 20.00
684 A McLaven (salary & postage) £ 125.90

126.2 The Clerk had produced spreadsheets showing the accounts balances for the meeting.
126.3 A cheque had been received from Isham Parish Council for £382.00, towards the speed sign: The net cost of the sign is £2865.00 we have received the grant for both Parish Councils of £2500.00 leaving £365.00 remaining, half of which is £182.50, but as Isham have received our grant of £200.00 towards the licensing costs as well as their own grant, this has been included in the cheque.

127. Planning applications and decisions.
127.1 A public meeting was held to discus the implications of the licence application at the Hall. 48 people attended and it was decided to:-
a) organise a petition outlining the concerns
b) advise villagers to write individual letters
c) write as the Parish Council to represent the views of villagers.

127.2 The Parish Council have now been informed that recent legislation entitles the Parish Council to have a legitimate role in discussing licensing matters. A strong letter outlining our concerns was forwarded to Licensing Authority. The Licensing Authority advised that a petition is counted as just one letter, but a hearing would result from the submission. The manner in which the petitions were subdivided to represent sectors of the village meant that 23 petitions were submitted.
127.3 Councillors were thanked for their help in getting the petition together.

128. Speedwatch
128.1 This took place again, and the results have been submitted. There were fewer people being caught this time and this is a measure of the effectiveness of action. Sessions were evenly allocated throughout the daylight hours and included peak ‘travel to work’ times.
128.2 Orlingbury are signed up for 2 sessions again next year.
128.3 Councillors Allen and Rootham will unpack the sign and once it is confirmed that all is in place the Clerk will post the cheque.

129. Village Hall
129.1 The annual Drama Group production has just taken place.

130. Any Other Business
130.1 It was noted that the Police should be contacted when any incidents such as the bad parking take place.
130.2 The Boys Brigade Bugler did a very good job, at the Remembrance Service, he was a superb player but had struggled to get to Orlingbury on time due to road closures. Clerk to write and thank, after contacting Sally McKeown for the details.
130.3 E-on have repaired the light in Rectory Lane

131. Date of next meeting.
The date of the meeting is 6th January 2011

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.25pm with thanks to those attending.

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Chairman Date

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