Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Parish Council Minutes 6th January 2011

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 6th January 2011

1. Present:
Councillors Allen, (Chairman), Rootham, (Deputy),Miles. Rowlatt, Waller, and
Timms (Borough) Clerk. There were no members of the public.

2. Apologies:
There were no formal apologies. The best wishes of the Council were extended to
Councillor Watts who is currently recovering from illness.

3. Minutes of the meeting 25th November 2010
Following the addition of the word “be” in minute 124.1 in order that it read – “need
to be separate from contingency monies”, minutes were signed as a true and correct

4. Matters arising
4.1 122.2 Clerk to check WBC Consultation on Site Specific Proposals portal to
confirm whether reports from Parish councils have been posted in abbreviated form
prior to placement on the web-site. The Clerk to write a) to point out that the Borough
Council concerns re. lack of response from Parishes should be balanced by precise
recording of responses when they are received and b) to ask why the civil cemetery
and allotments are not classified in the Site Specific Proposals as separate entities, as a
full reason for this has not been given.
4.2 124.2 The estimation of cost and work, from the Highways Department,
in Rectory Lane has not been forthcoming. This is mainly due to the
recent bad weather.
4.3 125.6 No response from Tim Lucy; Clerk to contact him and if still no
response Alex Stephenson, Ewan Rennie and the CEO to be copied in to a
further letter.

4.4 127.2 Clerk not able to contact bugler, Councillor Miles will provide
contact details for Mrs McKeowan.
130.3 The street light was repaired but it has failed again. Clerk to
contact utility.

5. 2011 Elections – attracting new candidates and promoting the election
5.1 The elections and implications of poor interest in standing for office have
been discussed on many previous occasions and the situation shows no

5.2 Following discussions it was agreed that councillors should raise this
matter with villagers, a direct approach being the best way forward.
Councillor Allen to put an article in the newsletter and the Parish
newsletter to recruit new councillors.

6. Developments

6.1 Developments with regard to the village gateways await planning and
resolution of legal matters with regard to new siting. Works are expected
to begin within the next month but considering grants were agreed and
monies in place six months ago, progress has been slow.

6.2 Councillor Allen has authority to move forward with the Centre of
Village Sign, Lectern and Bins.

7. Correspondence.
Wellingborough Homes - the VAT increase means garage rent will increase from
£8.23 to £8.40.
WBC – form to request precept.
Countryside gardens – information regarding landscaping business.
NCALC - S137 limit for 2010/11 £6.44 per elector.
Communities “right to build” team – link to localism bill.
NCALC – reaction to the localism bill.
County Libraries – request for information re welcome pack.
NCALC - encouraging people to stand for the 2011 elections.
Police crime report - Clerk to contact Police and ask how Anti-social behaviour is
recorded, as there is no mention of it on the reports.
WBC – copy of the sub-committees decision re. premises licence for Orlingbury
Hall, granted with conditions.
NRHA – annual report.
NCC – Parish Satisfaction Questionnaire.
WBC – committee recommendation that the Orlingbury Request for a Review of
Electoral Arrangements and Council Membership Numbers be declined.
Royal British Legion – Information about the Great Poppy weekend to celebrate
their 90th Birthday on the weekend of 10-12 June. Information passed to fete
WBC – invitation to Civic Ball on 12th February.

8.Financial Matters.
8.1 The following accounts were approved for payment.
685 E-on elec supply £431.38
686 A Mclaven salary & licence objection costs £277.10
687 Isham PC (half of cost of insurance & locks for the join speed sign) £28.69
688 S Miles petrol costs for mowers £69.08

8.2 It was felt that financial recording was much improved.

9. Planning applications and decisions.
9.1 The hearing for the licence application at Orlingbury Hall lasted about 4 hrs
and 12 people from the village attended. 1JP and senior officers and councillors from
the Borough formed the Hearing Committee. The applicant had legal representation
and the village was represented by Mrs Reynolds of Lammas Close who is a Barrister
Papers presented on the day included copies of the petition signed by 137 villagers
and 37 independent letters. The licence was granted with important conditions, which
were very sympathetic to concerns regarding possible noise and disturbance. It is also
noted that the granted licence may be reviewed at any time if there are substantiated

9.2 WP/2010/0544/F; a proposed rear extension to property creating a new garden
room and kitchen extension with shallow pitched roof at 16, Pytchley Road; owned by
Mr Mark Edwards. The Council’s response was that all materials to be in keeping and
all materials and vehicles to be kept within the boundaries of the proposed

10. Speedwatch and portable speed sign
10.1 The dates for the summer Speedwatch are 22nd May until 25th June; the weeks
to be shared with Isham. This information will be placed into the newsletter along
with a request for more volunteers to be trained. There are more villages taking part.

10.2 The new flashing speed sign is now in place at Little Isham; the sign and is
shared between Orlingbury and Isham Parish Councils. The device is simple to use; it
is set to the speed limit, either 20/30/40 mph, and every time it flashes it trips a
counter, which can be used for evidence gathering. There are 2 batteries; each lasting
5-7 days.

10.3 The sign is insured but only on the policy of Isham Parish Council as it can
only be on one asset list. Councillor Rootham is to draft an agreement between the
councils, agreeing to share usage at 6 months each per year and costs, including the
excess if a claim is made. This will then be sent to the Insurers.

10.4 The yellow board and camera signs to be taken down by Councillor Miles

11. Village Hall
11.1 Nothing to report.

12. Any Other Business

12.1 Horses are using the footpath around the back of the village, there are also
reports of quad bikes using the paths as well. Clerk to liase with Councillor Rowlatt in
contacting the footpath warden and also the estate manager of Reynolds to ask if they
are interested in joining us in deterring horse riders and quad bikes on footpaths that
are not bridle paths.

12.2 Dog bins – Councillor Allen to progress the purchase and siting of these.

12.3 It was agreed that mower and the Hayter would be serviced.

131. Date of next meeting.

The date of the meeting is 17th February 2011

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.10 pm with thanks to those

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