Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Parish Council Minutes 5th July 2012


 Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 5th July 2012
66. Present:
Councillors B Rootham, (Chairman), P  Allen,  A Campbell, N Coles,  P Meadow-Jones, N Reynolds, C Turnell, PCSO Mike Bowes, PC Phil Sawyer, Mr P White and A McLaven (Clerk)
67. Apologies: Councillor Timms and sent his apologies which were accepted.
68. Election of Chairman
68.1 Councillor Rootham explained that under regulations a council must have a Chairperson, their duty is to chair the meeting, if present and to sign the minutes at the following meeting and to use a casting vote when necessary. Decisions cannot be made if there is no Chair.
68.2 The Clerk cannot chair the election, the outgoing chairperson remains in the chair until a new chair is elected.  The agenda can go out in the name of the Clerk.
68.3 Councillor Rootham then offered to Chair the meetings until the next Annual General Meeting in May 2013, when he would definitely not re-stand.  Councillor Cole proposed and Councillor Campbell seconded, all in favour of Councillor Rootham remaining Chair for the rest of the council year.

68.4 It was agreed to make a concerted effort to groom people to take on functions of the council.
69.Police Matters
69.1     There have been no reported crimes in Orlingbury in the past month
69.2     The issues for the village are traffic speeding through the village and parking problems, particularly near road junctions.

69.3     They confirmed that for emergencies people should still call 999 but if it is a non- emergency they should call 101.
69.4     Police Local Incident Priorities are : Speeding, Street Nuisance and in Earls Barton, Motorcycle nuiscance.
69.5     Crime in adjacent villages is maybe 1 or 2 a month at most.
70. Public Question Time
70.1     Mr Pat White asked what could be done regarding the allotments of Mrs Matthews,  Mr Mulroy and Mr Pipkin.  Following discussions it was agreed that as Mr Mulroy had received previous warnings he would be given written notice to quit the allotment within 28 days. Mrs Matthews and Mr Pipkin would be given a letter requiring them to keep to the terms of the allotments.
70.2 The next newsletter will advise people that if they are interested in renting an allotment to contact the Clerk to be put on a waiting list should a plot become available.

70.3 Mr White advised the meeting that he was willing to rotavate the empty plot if the Parish Council would provide the ‘Round up’ to start with.
70.1 It was agreed to review the plots and the tennancy agreement at the October meeting, possibly changing the dates of the agreement so that it runs from September until September.
71. Approval of Minutes of 5th May and 29th May
The date on the minutes of 29t May was corrected and both minutes were signed as a true and correct record.
72. Matters arising
72.1 From the planning meeting 29th May Councillor Rootham attended the site viewing. The neighbours discussed things which were agreed but at the planning meeting can only consider presented plans. WBC approved but with conditions- that the ground floor window will be obscured and unable to open.  It was also agreed that the building would be for ancillary use only.
72.2 65 The new house in the grounds of Orlingbury Hall, was approved by WBC Planning committee a 5-4 vote of the committee.
72.3 54.3 The name sign for Rectory Lane is ready to be collected.

72.4 54.3 Pell’s have still not responded, in view of the detailed proposal from Bosworth’s it was agreed Councillor Allen would proceed with a site meeting to discuss progressing, and advise chairman so he can be present at the meeting.
72.5 54.3 The owner of the sycamore pressing the wall near the site has not yet removed it as was agreed, Councillor Allen is going to try and resolve the problem with the owner.

72.6 54.4 The resident no longer parks blocking the post box.

72.7 54.5 The hedge on Isham Road is still a problem for pedestrians and traffic, it was agreed to try and work with the owner to achieve cutting it back further.
73. Code of Conduct.
73.1 It was agreed to accept the new code of conduct, using the NCalc version. Proposed by Councillor Rootham, seconded by Councillor Cole, all in favour.
73.2 It was agreed that the Clerk will advise all councillors which documentation should be brought to the meetings.
74. Action Log/ Declaration of interest

The Action log is upto date

74.2 Declarations of interest are now to be filled in on the registration form, so they wont have to be declared at each meeting.
75. Financial Matters

The Clerk has met with the Auditor, there is still work to be done, the Auditor is going to charge an extra £75 for having to come out more often, Regulations and Policies to be printed off and agreed, the Clerk will contact NCalc for these.  The Auditor will be asked to attend the finance meeting on 19th July.

75.2 The reason we have to pay 2 NCalc Auditor invoices is apparently historical, the year we are in needs to be paid as the Auditor is available during the financial year, and we have to pay the previous year as this is the year he is working on at the moment.
75.3 The following payments were approved

            750 HMRC PAYE                   £  49.60
            752 NCalc Audit fees               £285.31
            754 A Mclaven salary x 2         £198.80
            755 E-on Maintenance             £121.66
            756 E-on supply April – June    £448.82
75.4     The following payment was approved from the allotment income
            751 P White mower maint.       £22.58
76. Questionnaire
76.1 Nicola had received no responses to her draft questionnaire, she is happy to finish the preparations, but it was agreed it was better to put it on the back burner until we have completed the 106 commitments.

77. Lectern/Village sign

Councillor Allen had been in contact with the Blacksmith at Cransley Hill with regard to making a cast iron frame which would hold laminated boards/trays which could be changed periodically, the Blacksmith was also prepared at a later date to make and design a village sign.

77.2 Bosworths have quoted around £2300 for the work at the corner of Rectory Lane, repositioning the seat, replacing the sign, building the lectern, etc. The Metalwork should cost between £150 - £200, and the trays around £400 each. Approved unanimously and work should start as soon as possible.
77.3 Councillors Rootham and Allen will progress the lectern works, top of Rectory Lane.  Councillor Allen will progress with the Blacksmith. Councillor Allen will bring a design for the tray to the next meeting

77.4 All in favour of going ahead with the project spend.
77.5 It was agreed to use the same provider for the village sign, which we need to deal with next.

78. Planning
78.1 WP/2012/0310/F – First floor extension to rear of dwelling 21 Isham Road, S White
All materials to be kept on site as it is a busy road.

78.2  WP/2012/0303/F- Proposed demolition of garage, erection of granny annexe, single storey rear extension and erection of double garage – 100 Harrowden Road, Mr & Mrs Chipperfield.
The following conditions were proposed by Orlingbury Parish Council. Not to be sold as a separate dwelling as outside the village envelope.
79. Correspondence.
The mobile library service is no longer stopping in the village, it has been withdrawn due to lack of use. This will be noted in the newsletter. There was discussion regarding books being left in the church to be borrowed and Councillors were advised that the church already has a Christian Library.

79.2 Notice has been served of the proposed removal of some trees along the rear boundary of the Queen’s Arms, at the south west corner of the site. The trees in question are ash and hawthorn.  Residents are concerned about the lack of privacy once the trees are removed and also concerned that removal will make the subsidence worse.  It was also noted that another tree has previously been cut down and removed from the same site.

80. Dates of the next meeting.
These were agreed as 19th July 2012 (finance only), 6th September 2012, 4th  October 2012, 1st  November 2012, 6th December 2012, 7th February 2013, 7th March 2013, 4th April 2013, 18th April (Annual Parish Meeting) and 10th May 2013( Annual General Meeting), all  at 7.30pm, a January meeting is planned but the date to be agreed at the next meeting.
The meeting closed at 9.45 with thanks to those attending.

Date                      Chair

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