Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Parish Council Minutes 4th October Unnaproved/Draft

Minutes of the Meeting held in the village hall
On Thursday 4th October 2012

101. Present:
Councillors B Rootham (chairman), P Allen, A Campbell, N Coles, P Meadow-Jones,
N Reynolds, C Turnell, and Timms (Borough) and A McLaven (Clerk), and 1 Member of the public.

102. Apologies
102.1 There were no apologies received.

102.2 This has been discussed many times, all apologies should be sent to the Clerk at least 24 hours before the meeting, in writing. The apologies have then to be accepted at the meeting. If meetings are missed continuously for six months a councillor’s position is in question. It is not democratic to make decisions if the meeting is only just quorate.

102.3 It was agreed to keep an attendance record.

103. Open session for Members of the Public
103.1 Pat White advised the meeting that 2 of the allotments that had been complained about had been cleared. The 3rd, a half plot had been rotavated by Pat. The allotments will be discussed later in the meeting.

103.2 Pat was thanked for all the work he had done.

104. Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations other than already registered

105. Redhill Grange Development
105.1 Councillor Timms asked to speak to the meeting concerning developments at Redhill Grange. He advised that BeeBee still want to build on Redhill Grange and had held a meeting to discuss this on 17th August, he and many other Borough Councillors were not made aware of this until the afternoon of the day. The Clerk was only aware on receipt of the plans which contained a note saying sorry you were unable to attend.

105.2 They only want to progress with phase 1 at the moment due to costs. There was discussion regarding the site and the land available.

105.3 The Clerk to write to the CEO of the Borough Council, and Mike Kilpin in planning to express dismay that the meeting took place without the Parish Council being aware, and to ask that we are notified of future meetings in plenty of time so that we can arrange a village meeting so that we can get the views of residents. Also to write to the developer advising of the same.

105.4 Councillor Timms will speak to the 4 other parishes that he represents so that the Parishes can get together to put a response from all parishes.

106 Minutes of 6th September 2012Councillor Campbell proposed and Councillor Cole second that these were signed as true and correct record. All in favour.

107. Action Log/ Matters Arising
107.1 Councillor Cole has spoken to Mrs Stockdale and she agrees that the Sycamore tree is a problem and will arrange for it to be cut down. The Clerk will write and thank her for her assistance.

107.2 Councillor Cole had also reported a damaged kerb, to Street Doctor, and it was repaired promptly.

107.3 Regarding the small the green, the Borough Council had advised Steve Miles that there supplier could supply 1000 bulbs for £30. There has not been a response from Bosworths yet. Steve thinks he will need 2/3000 bulbs, fertiliser and grass seed and expects to spend up to £130. Councillor Coles proposed we accept this Councillor Campbell seconded all in favour, Councillor Rootham will confirm this with Steve.

108. Allotments
108.1 Following discussion it was agreed that all the tenants to be given Notice from early October, they will have to reapply for tenancy, but they will automatically have the same allotment, unless we have had problems.

108.2 The year will then run from 1st October to 30th September.

108.3 The rent for this year will be pro rata, £7.50

108.4 The two larger plots will be divided to make 4 smaller plots

108.5 There is a resident interested in taking on a new allotment, she has been advised to contact the Clerk.

108.6 The Clerk to telephone Pat White and advise him what is happening.

109. Risk Assessment Policy
109.1 Councillor Allen asked how the matter would be dealt with if something was said that was then recorded inaccurately. Councillor Rootham advised him that if a minute had been approved but was then found to be factually incorrect it could be corrected and a new minute issued.

109.2 It was agreed to add each councillor has responsibility to exercise proberty in all financial matters.

109.3 It was agreed to add and keep its public liability insurance up to date.

109.4 It was agreed to cut the sentence regarding the playing field as this is not relevant.

109.5 It was agreed to append the asset list to the Risk Assessment and also the duty list given to new Councillors.

109.6 ‘Roles and Responsibilities’ and the Equal Opportunities Policy to be on the next agenda.

110. Lectern/Village Sign
110.1 Councillor Rootham has been advised that Bosworths will start work within the next 2-3 weeks.

110.2 Councillor Allen showed the meeting the finished display which cost £42.00, it was then agreed to order another one and that future designs would have 2 copies made.

110.3 The Blacksmith is going to start work on the lectern very soon and Councillor Allen is going to present him with ideas for the design of the Village, i.e. chestnuts, leaves, doves, squirrels, and key images, such as dairy cows and the village green, it is possible the sign will be ready early next year.

111. Correspondence
111.1 information re a candidate for Police Commissioner

111.2 Various posters – registering for school places, informing the County Council of problems via the internet, and road safety – There was discussion of the best place to display the posters, Councillor Rootham will arrange this.

111.3 Parish Forum - This is to be held on Wednesday 10th October, Councillor Coles will attend this on behalf of the Council

111.4 Northamptonshire Licencing partnership – information re its 3 yearly review – a statement of principles can be viewed http://www.east-northamptonshire.gov.uk/licensing Comments required by 5th November.

111.5 Ian Arnott- the Auditor has resigned – Clerk to write and thank again for his advice and wish him well in the future.

112. Finance Matters
112.1 The Audit has been completed and the matters arising were

a) The Accounting statement not approved by 30th June, this was due to a new auditor and we shall in future try to approve the statements by 30th June.

b) The Fidelity Guarantee – we are aware of this and once the 106 monies have been spent this will not be an issue.

c) Change in accounting basis – just a note for readers of the accounts.

112.2 Councillor Reynolds proposed and Councillor Meadow- Jones seconded, all in favour of the following accounts for payment

762 Information Commission – for data protection       £ 35.00
763 BDO – for audit fees                                           £162.00
764 PAYE                                                                  £ 49.60
765 A McLaven salary oct/nov                                  £198.80
766 Clearly secure ltd – display board                        £ 42.00

113 Planning
WP/2012/0432/F – construction of 2 detached houses with garages – 1 The Nursery, Isham Road, Mr James Lawson – site visit requested to discuss access.

114. Any Other Business
114.1 Councillor Campbell asked for any items that could be included in the newsletter.

115. Date of next meeting
This is the 1st November 2012 at 7.30pm in the village hall.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.34pm with thanks to those attending.

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