Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Parish Council Minutes April 12th 2012 Draft/unapproved


Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 12th April 2012

40. Present:
Councillors P Allen, (Chairman), B Rootham, (Deputy),A Campbell,
P Meadow-Jones, N Reynolds, C Turnell and A McLaven (Clerk).

41. Apologies
Councillor N Cole and Borough Councillor G Timms sent their apologies which were accepted.

42. Open Session for the public
There were no members of the public in attendance.

43. Approval of Minutes of 29th March 2012
43.1 These were signed as a true and correct record

44. Matters Arising
44.1 31.2 The left action margin needs actions entered on log and log to be on agenda
44.2 Audit of roads and footpaths carried out; it was noted that the date should be stamped on photos to help with future audits. Councillor Allen had pre-empted audit by completing Parish enhancement forms for MGWSP to carry out works needed.
44.3 Helen Howard has been given information re modifying Rectory Lane, and Councillor Allen to meet with her on 17th April to discuss works and improvements; the Borough and the County have also been given this information.
44.4 Acre have now received the development plan and asked if they can use it as an exemplar, this was agreed provided it was noted that the plan was formed ‘p re localism’ and is not a neighbourhood plan
44.5 31.7 The bin is now sited.
44.6 33.2 Councillor Allen will contact the designers regarding the information board and ask them to come back with a design and an estimate of costs.
44.7 38.3 Clerk to now write to Sheila Gilder at Highways and advise that we have had no response to our requests for residents not to park in front of the letter box.

45. Correspondence
45.1 NCalc – update
45.2 Bespoke media requiring information about producing newsletters, they produced our previous newsletter.

46. Financial matters:
46.1 It was agreed that Charlotte Cook would be compensated for any petrol used travelling to Neighbourhood Watch meetings on behalf of the Parish Council and she was formally thanked for her good work.
46.2 BDO Stoyhaywood has sent the annual return papers and they need to receive the completed form by 27th July 2012.
46.3 Clerk has contacted NCalc who will provide an Auditor for £140.31 for the financial year 2011/12 and £145.00 for the year 2012/13
46.4 The Clerk has not yet been able to file the end of year report, awaiting a letter of registration from HMRC and therefore cannot do the PAYE for this month until it has been received. It was agreed to do a nil return for April and pay 2 months in May
46.5. The following accounts were agreed for payment.

744 E-on electricity supply Jan- March         £448.82
745 NCalc subscription                                £127.16

47. Planning
There were no planning matters to report.

48. Any Other Business
48.1 The WBC Parish Forum was helpful and interesting, it gave a basic feel for neighbourhood development issues. It seems that localism will introduce another layer of consultation to planning. It was felt that small parishes need to work in partnership with the Borough Council. A register of potential community assets needs to be put on the agenda of the next meeting for discussion.
48.2 Councillor Reynolds will ask all Councillors to comment on the questionnaire she has produced to find out the demographics of the village, and the needs of the village as discussed at the Annual Parish Meeting. It was agreed to have the final draft for the 3rd May meeting and then Councillor Reynolds and Councillor Meadow-Jones will liaise with others to arrange delivery.

49. Date of next meeting.
The date of the next meeting is the Annual General Meeting, 3rd May 2012 at 7.30pm. It will be followed by a Parish Council Meeting. There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.30pm with thanks to those attending.

Chairman Date

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