Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 8th 2009 minutes


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 8th January 09

1.Present: Cllrs Rootham (Chairman), Allen, Rowlett, Waller, Watts,Timms (Borough) and Alison McLaven (Clerk). PC Lee was also present.

2. Apologies Were received and accepted from Cllr Miles

3. Minutes of the last Parish Council Meeting (6th November 2008) and matters arising.

3.1 These were signed as a true and correct record.

3.2 Most matters arising are dealt with under agenda items, it was agreed to ask Councillor Miles to contact the person running the village website to get it up and running so that the council can use it.

3.3 Access through Harrowden Road, The Clerk had spoken to Ewan Rennie, the Borough’s enforcement officer and he had visited the site, noting that the gate through Norlinton Close was open. The Clerk to write and advise that residents are still using the access straight on to the road, reversing on to the road on occasion, and asking him to write to re-enforce that they must access only through Norlinton Close.

4. Development Plan & Progress on Parish Plan

4.1 Councillor Allen presented the progress report to the meeting. Priority 1 – Procedures and responsibilities/ improvement of communication were on track for completion by their target date, with some already targets already achieved.

4.2 Priority 2 is connected to the 106 money. Councillor Allen had received telephone confirmation from Joe Hubbard that the request had been agreed as in the spirit of 106 and the developers approached for release of the monies. Councillor Allen to pursue with vigour.

4.3 Helen Howard at the County has been unable to find the request for 106 money. The Clerk to send a copy.

4.4 Priority 3 106 Development funding – mainly on track. We have received the £2000 donation from Councillor Bailey towards re-siting the notice board and wooden bollards to protect the edge of the green.

4.5 Priority 4 The Allotments – this is on target and itemised as a separate agenda item.

4.6 Councillor Allen was thanked for the work he had done. The Council are delighted with the progress made, but the pressure needs to be kept on

5. Police Matters

5.1 PC Lee had attended the meeting to discuss Smart Water. This is a clear liquid, which is painted on valuables and under ultra violet light reveals a code, which is individual to each owner. The kit can be bought and an annual sub paid, but if it is purchased through Neighbourhood Watch only a one off fee need be paid. The cost depends on the amount purchased, but is around £20 per tube. It was agreed to put an article in the village magazine and ask residents if they want to subscribe.

5.2 PC Lee offered use of speed recording equipment. Discussion of the speed measuring survey followed.

5.3 Councillor Waller advised the meeting about a car parked at the end of Rectory Lane. The tax ran out in November and the car would appear to have been removed after 28 days. This was thought to be the third car abandoned at that site. PC Lee advised the meeting that professional criminals often abandoned cars for a better one especially in rural areas, as there is no CCTV and less regular Police Patrols. It was thought a good idea to mention in the newsletter reporting suspicious vehicles.

5.4 PC Lee also advised the meeting that the number plate recognition cameras did a very good job at catching lots of different offenders.

6 Correspondence

6.1 Letter from NCC confirming the £2000 for re-siting of Notice board and bollards

6.2 Copy of register of electors 2009

6.3 Highways Parish Satisfaction Questionnaire and Area Structure Map. Councillor Allen to complete.

6.4 Civic Ball invitation.

6.5 Letter received by Councillor Rowlatt from Mr & Mrs Abrams concerned that the Parish Council is also paying for the Church mower and its maintenance. It was confirmed that the Parish Council allows the Church to keep its mower under lock and key in our garage, but that is all.

7. Financial Matters

7.1 Discussion on the precept, it was noted that any new mowing equipment would need to be funded from reserves. It was agreed to make an agenda item – Audit of other areas in the village requiring maintenance not done by the green team. Councillor Allen would have liked to be able to spend the precept money on repairing pavements, but this falls under Highways remit and we are not allowed to do any work. Councillor Watts proposed and Councillor Allen seconded, all in favour

7.2 the following accounts were agreed for payment Councillor Watts proposed 5% increase in the precept bringing it up to £6915. and Councillor Allen seconded, all in favour.

598 E-on electricity maintenance £116.59
599 A McLaven – salary £246.90
600 Orlingbury St Mary’s PCC £400.24 – this was for 2 years church floodlighting costs. (2007 - £162.61 & 2008 £237.63)

7.3 The bank require signatures again for the mandate in order for the Clerk to move money as they are saying that the mandate they have in force is from 2000 and gives S Turner permission, they also do not have recent councillors signatures on record so it was agreed for Councillors Allen, Rowlatt & Waller to meet the Clerk at the bank on Wednesday 14th Jan to rectify the matter, hopefully.

8.Reports from external meetings attended

8.1 There were no external meetings, although a meeting called for 9th December was not quorate so did not take place.

9.Planning applications and decisions

9.1 WP/2008/0556/F – raising of canopy by 0.9m – Red House Service Station

9.2 WP/2008/0544/F – single storey rear extension, alteration to front dormer and internal alterations – 24 Isham Road Orlingbury.

9.3 WP/2008/0497/F – demolition of 2 barns & erection of dwelling, land adjacent 2 Taggies Yard – site viewing 13 January.

10. Village Hall

10.1 Nothing to report.


11.1 Rod Derry and Councillor Rootham had sorted out the terms of reference and allocated according to the waiting list. Clerk to write to Mr Derry and thank for his help and input.

11.2 The Access still needs to be clarified. Councillors Miles and Rootham to deal with the matter, and if it needs be pass to the Borough Council to deal with further.

12.Any Other Business

12.1 Leaves in the lane outside the village hall blocked the drains and made the footpath slippy. Street Doctor needs to be contacted as soon this is a problem and they will deal with earlier than the scheduled kerb cleaning.

12.2 The junction of Rectory Lane and Isham Road – is very tricky to manoeuvre in the icy weather. Very little can be done as the village roads are only salted when it is very cold for a long period. The Council are not insured to grit roads.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 10.10pm, with thanks from the Chair to those attending.

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Chairman Date


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