Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Parish Council Minutes 17th March 2011

ORLINGBURY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on Thursday 17th March 2011 27. Present: Councillors Allen, (Chairman), Rootham, (Deputy), Waller, Timms (Borough and Clerk. Helen Howard from NCC Highways. There were no members of the public. 28. Apologies: Apologies were received from Councillors Miles, Rowlatt, and Watts 29 Report from Helen Howard NCC on developments and gateways 29.1 Helen presented the meeting with designs and maps for the village gateways, the costs of which, will be match funded with the Section 106 monies received from the developer of Norlinton Close and highways. The gateways are being custom made by a company in Sywell, they are pressure treated softwood, and will have the village name on them. The speed limit signs will be on independent posts behind the gateways. 29.2 Pytchley Road will have a gateway on the left as you drive into the village, where the new speed limit begins. The post for the original speed sign will be left so that the flashing speed sign can be sited on it when necessary. The post from the other side of the road will be moved to the Harrowden Road for use of sign. Isham Road will have a full size gateway on the right and a smaller gateway on the left as there is less available verge. Northampton Road will have two gateways at the start of the 30mph limit. Harrowden Road – it was agreed to revisit the site and explore the possibility of extending the 30mph further and then we will also be able to have a repeater of the 30 mph on the road. There will be 30 mph signs painted on all the other roads as you enter the village limits. 29.3 It was agreed to have the gateways made and sited as soon as possible and the speed signs once the speed limit legislation has been passed. Helen could not advise of the time scale for making the gates, but she will find out and let the council know. 29.4 The discussions then went to the subject of Rectory Lane. Helen re-itereated the fact that the County are only repairing roads and no longer doing schemes or reconstructions. Following more discussion of the erosion of the surface and the resurfacing that did not cover the full width of the road, it was agreed for the Clerk to contact Terry Matthews the County Council maintenance manager, and Leo Plant with dates to meet and view the site. 29.5 Helen was thanked for attending. 30. Minutes of the meeting 17th February 2011 Following corrections the minutes were signed as a true and correct record. A new copy to be issued and those minutes in the Notice Board to be replaced. Councillor Rootham proposed and Councillor Waller seconded the corrected version. 31.Matters arising 31.1 17.3 Tim Lucy was able to attend a site viewing of the barn, Alex Stephenson was not. Tim had knocked at Mrs Stockdales to discuss the matter but there was no answer. Tim agreed that the state of the roof on the small barn was very dangerous and that the finial on the barn was also dangerous. Tim had written in November asking for the roof to be made safe, but this had not been followed up by the council He agreed it was an ongoing problem and that they can only enforce making the loose tiles safe and this could re-occur. There were discussions about a guttering or covering the roof with netting Tim will write again giving 28 days notice to make good or they will have to issue an enforcement notice. He agreed to include the Clerk in the correspondence, but nothing has been received by the Clerk. 31.2 17.4 The street light is still off and now also one in Harrowden Road, the Clerk to re- report both. 31.3 17.7 Councillor Allen had contacted the Borough Council about the sites of the new bins and dog bins. He left a message asking them to get back to him so that he could show them the site of the bin in Rectory. They did not do this and the bin was not emptied when the lorry was in the village emptying all the others. 32. Correspondence. 32.1 There has been various correspondence between HMRC, Ncalc, accountancy firms and the Clerk regarding new legislation. The legislation requires councils to register as an employer and Clerks are no longer allowed to be self employed. The Clerk has spoken to HMRC and after 6th April she can register the council as an employer. HMRC will provide a downloadable tool for the Clerk to use. This will enable PAYE to be paid, there will be no need for NI payments as this is below the threshold. At the end of the financial year a form will need to be completed but this can be done on line through the downloadable tool. They feel that it is simple to complete and use and that there is no need for any accounts packages or accountants to be involved. It was agreed for the Clerk to progress this but any financial expenditure must be brought back to the Council for approval. The Council may need to seek further advice from WBC and elsewhere. 32.2 WBC Parish Forum to be held on 6th April at 7pm in the council chamber. Councillors Allen, Rootham and Waller to attend if possible. 32.3 Police – 1 burglary in February 32.4 Ferguson Broadbent – Bench at America Farm, they would prefer we did not site a litter bin near the bench or in the vicinity of the field. 32.5 Ncalc Freedom of Information training Clerk attended previously 32.6 CPRE Planning Road Show with Localism as one of the topics. Clerk to ask CPRE to attend our meeting and discuss localism. 32.7 Sustainable government newsletter 32.8 IAC company from Bath offering Internal Audit 32.9 Email received from Councillor Miles. Emma Green had contacted him regarding the Parish Council Notice Board She was unsure what it could be used for. It was clarified that the notice-board was for the publicity of the Parish Council and designated village matters. Space is limited and if there is space available it should be reserved for organisations promoting events for the benefit of the village. It is definitely not for commercial advertising. Councillor Allen will write to Emma advising of this and a copy given to councillors for future reference. 33. Financial Matters. 33.1 The following accounts were agreed for payment. 694 St Mary’s PCC (church floodlighting) 164.25 695 P Allen (printing & distribution costs) 51.90 696 A McLaven (salary x 2) 248.40 33.2 There followed discussion that due to amount of time and costs incurred in printing and publishing newsletters etc it would be better that it be done commercially in the future. 34. Planning applications and decisions. WP/2011/0061/F, 27 Isham Road Orlingbury, Mr Lyon domestic extension – only to comment materials to be in keeping and all construction materials to be kept within the curtilage of the property 35. Speedwatch and portable speed sign There have been no more volunteers for training even with advertising in the newsletter. 36. Village Hall Nothing to report 37. Any Other Business There was discussion of the content of the Annual Parish Meeting, Councillors Allen, Rootham and Waller will meet to finalise this. Clerk to write to John Watts with our good wishes etc. 38. Date of next meeting. The date of the meeting is 14th April 2011, the Annual Parish Meeting and this will be followed by the Parish Council meeting. There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.30 pm with thanks to those attending. ………………….. ……………………….. Chairman Date

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