Thursday, August 4, 2011

Parish Council Minutes 21st July 2011

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 21st July 2011

76. Present:
Councillors P Allen, (Chairman), B Rootham, (Deputy), A Campbell
P Meadow-Jones, G Rowlett, G Timms (Borough) and A McLaven (Clerk).

Councillors Norton and N Reynolds sent their apologies.

78.Minutes of last Parish Council Meetings (16th and 23rd June 2011)
Councillor Rootham proposed and Councillor Campbell seconded; all in favour of signing as a true and correct record.

79. Matters arising.
79.1 64.1 Clerk to check whether the maintenance to the Telegraph Pole has been done, and to chase the repair of the light by Post Office.

79.2 Clerk to write to Tompkins regarding the issue of overgrown hedging and undergrowth on telegraph pole next to Garden House

79.3 The mobile library days and tmes have been confirmed as Fourth Friday 18.20 to 18.45 and the details passed to Allison and Pen for the Village Newsletter.

79.4 Specimen Standing Orders to be put on the next agenda

79.5 Helen Howard to be thanked for her help in making sure the gateways look good, and to remind her how long developments have taken.

79.6 The planning application at the Hall is not being looked at by the Wellingborough planning committee, at least, until the September meeting, it was noted that on the web site the application is marked as being “delegated”, Councillor Timms will investigate this, and make sure that a site viewing takes place.

79.7 Even though there is no reported crime, we must make sure we keep links with Neighbourhood Watch.

79.8 66.5 Clarification had been obtained from Gillian Walton. The Over-sixties group has been extended into OOAPS . The Parish Council is required to kick-start funding a transport project, assisting in transporting elderly people without access to transport to doctors/dentists/ on shopping trips/emergency trips. It was agreed to explore any overlap with the ‘Wellibus’ scheme. The Council will look into supporting this and in principle agree to giving an amount for this specific project.

79.9 69.1 Allison and Pen have copies of the templates for the Welcome Pack and newsletter and are looking into combining the two.

79.10 69.2 Street Doctor to be chased regarding the trees in the Leys and if no response is forthcoming the Council will engage some one to carefully, clip the trees to clear the telephone wires.

79.11 68.4 The reason the Council’s repeated requests that building materials are kept within the curtiledge of developments is never added to conditions by the borough Council is that they are not a condition of planning.

79.12 73.6 The letter was produced and copied onto the portal, and we did request a site viewing.

79.13 74.3 Looking into the possibility of a replacement Auditor provided by Ncalc is still a work in progress: the Clerk is to investigate further.

79.14 74.4 The Clerk has been chasing the final tranche of 106 monies, following up on her letter to Mr Chapman (WBC). He advised her that he no longer dealt with the matter and had passed the request on to Carol Wilson. The Clerk contacted Carol to find out what was happening, but Carol could not advise of anything until she had spoken to Mike Kilpin, and he was away until the following week. Clerk to pursue.

80. Developments

80.1 We are still at the same critical stages with issues still to address. The gateways need to move forward as it is in the 4th year since being a development priority. The road repairs at Rectory Lane are an important issue being pursued with MGWSP.

80.2 It is important to move the lectern and village sign forward, Tim has agreed to co-ordinate the focus group to assess the cost and design. At the moment, plans are to situate these developments between the Church & Mr Lewis’s property.

80.3 It was agreed to ask for suggestions for a site for the third bin, in the newsletter although Mr Allen has suggested the possibility of a location in the church yard.

81. Newsletter
81.1 This is progressing, it will be reflect recent positive developments, mentioning that white lines have been painted in preparation for the siting of the gateways.

82 Right to Build
82.1 This is part of the localism bill, which is having its second reading and will not be in place before November 2011. It gives the community the power to decide what the community needs building, This means like minded people will be able to have an impact and it is therefore, imperative that the community is encouraged to be even more proactive. There will need to be a change in planning regulations to allow for developments. Right to Build may also mean that another overlay of planning regulations could be an outcome of this approach. A copy of the synopsis of this report produced by Councillor Reynolds will be sent to all councillors.

83. Correspondence
83.1 Ncalc sent a link to a questionairre regarding council performance. Rather than complete this, it was felt better to ask Danny Moody to explain the role of Ncalc.

83.2 NCC questionnaire re speed camera grant.

84. Financial matters
84.1 It was agreed to spend £40 on repairing the handle of the hand mower.

84.2 The following accounts were agreed for payment.

708 Orlingbury Village Hall Committee (rent) £ 24.00
709 Isham Parish Council (1/2 share sign ins) £ 24.40
710 Meadows (audit fees) £ 90.00
711 E-on Supply £845.11

84.5 It was agreed that the New Councillors would take the completed mandate to the bank to be added as signatories to the cheques.

85. Any Other Business
85.1 Councillor Timms agreed to bring the monthly Borough Council meeting notes to the Parish Council meetings and report on key issues.

85.2 Councillor Rowlatt explained that the footpaths had not been cut this year. She had spoken to the Rights of Way Officer who advised that all scheduled cutting had been done for this year. He will contact Mr Tarry to see if he will reconsider clearing foothpaths that have been identified by councillors as overgrown. Councillor Rowlatt will also lobby to ensure that the bridle way footpath sign on Northampton Road is refurbished.

85.3 Clerk to write to Mr Wilson asking him to cut back trees and hedge boundaries to allow pedestrian passageway, also Mr Webb regarding the hedge on the left hand side of Harrowden Road and the Landlord of the Queens Arms regarding the height of the Leyland Cyprus along the the garages access road.

85.4 Councillor Rootham noted that the speed sign between 9th and 15th July on the Isham Road facing out of the village ‘clocked’ 2147 vehicles entering the village at over 33mph.

85.5 Councillor Rootham noted an incident of a suspicious person reading meters at 7.05pm British Gas and the Police were made aware of the situation.

86. Date of next meeting.
The date of the next meeting is 12th September 2011.There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.55 pm with thanks to those attending.

Chairman Date

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