Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Parish Council Minutes 24th Nov 2011

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 24th November 2011

120. Present:
Councillors P Allen, (Chairman), A Campbell,
P Meadow-Jones, Councillor G Timms and A McLaven (Clerk).

121. Apologies:
Apologies were received and accepted from N Reynolds and B Rootham,

122. Open Session for the public
There were no members of the public in attendance.

123. Minutes of 19th September
The agreed corrections having been made these were signed as a true and correct record. Proposed A Campbell seconded P Meadow-Jones, All in favour.

124. Minutes of 6th October and matters arising.
These were signed as a true and correct record, proposed A Campbell seconded P Meadow-Jones, All in favour.

125. Minutes of 20th October and matters arising.
125.1 These were signed as a true and correct record, proposed P Meadow-Jones seconded A Campbell, All in favour.

125.2 -116.2 The final tranche of the section 106 monies has been received.

125.3 115.7 The Development focus meeting will now meet in early January.

125.4 115.8 Councillor Allen will talk to OOAPS on 6th December regarding the village sign and lectern, asking for any village history recent past included.

125.5 Helen Howard has agreed to put returns on the gateways.

126. Parking on Public Footpaths.
126.1 Cars are being parked on the footpath, by the post box and the public telephone. This makes it difficult for people using the footpath, especially if they are wheelchair users, or pushing pushchairs. It was felt best to write to all residents in that area advising them of the problem. It was also agreed to raise the general problem of parking on footpaths and pavements into the newsletter.

126.2 Several residents have driveways that have been extended straight to the highway. This is an inherited problem that should have been dealt with in the past as the infringements occurred.

127. Boundary Commission recommendations for the North Ward.
127.1 The Boundary Commission are looking to reorganise the constituency boundaries. There suggestion is that the North Ward, Orlingbury, Isham, Little and Great Harrowden, and Hardwick be put in the Kettering parliamentary constituency.

127.2 Councillor Timms explained in the past a similarly unworkable situation had occurred involving Earls Barton being placed for a period of time in the Daventry constituency.

27.3 It was agreed the Clerk should write that this is unacceptable as we have no affinity with Kettering Borough Council, all our amenities come from Wellingborough Borough Council and important links are well established with Wellingborough.

128. Developments including Centre of Village sign and Information Board.
128.1 It was agreed that the meeting for the sub-committee should take place on Thursday 8th December.

129. Results of Consultation of litter bin.
It was agreed to leave this matter until the January meeting.

130. Correspondence
130.1 WBC re-instating planning consultation information
130.2 WBC letter re changes to garden waste collection (dated 24/10 collection ceased week commencing 18/10)
130.3 Fire service – re fire at Blackbridge Farm
130.4 WBC – request for information regarding future 106 expenditure – in future, arising out of the localism bill all new properties built will incur 106 penalties, when the money is collected the borough will then spend it in the village it came from, we have updated the form they sent us.
130.5 NCC grass mowing agreement, our grant will be £217.35 for the year to cover 3 cuts of urban grass.
130.6 Email NCC
130.7 Email NCalc – re Localism Bill, many of the provisions coming into effect 1st April 2012

131. Financial matters
131.1 It was agreed to hold a precept, budgeting meeting on 10th January at 7.30 in the village hall.

131.2 It was agreed to pay for the cost of repairing the tap at the rear of the church, which services the allotments.

131.3 The following accounts were agreed for payment.

722 Orlingbury Village Hall – rent £ 15.00
723 Royal British Legion cost of wreath £ 20.00
724 Eon- electricity maintenance £243.32
725 Mrs A Mclaven – salary £ 99.40
726 Mr S Miles –petrol for mower £ 81.00

131.4 It was agreed to sign a cheque for next month’s PAYE

131.5 E-on have issued reminders for invoices we have paid, the Clerk contacted them and advised of cheques issued, but if E-on are unable to find them then we will cancel and reissue the cheques, outside of a meeting if necessary.

132. Planning
132.1 An application for a wind turbine in Pytchley on a Farm in Broughton Road had been received from Kettering Borough Council. The website was difficult to access and notice of the application was very short, not giving time for proper consultation.

133. Any Other Business
There was no other business

134. Date of next meeting.
The date of the next meeting is 19th January 2012, although there is a precept meeting for Councillors on 10th January 2012 . There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.00 pm with thanks to those attending.

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Chairman Date

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