Saturday, November 5, 2011

Parish Council Minutes 20th October 2011

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 20th October 2011

112. Present:
Councillors P Allen, (Chairman), B Rootham, (Deputy), A Campbell,
P Meadow-Jones, N Reynolds and A McLaven (Clerk).

113. Apologies:
Councillor G Rowlett sent her apologies, as well as her resignation as a councillor. Clerk to write and thank for her long service and sterling work. She was a vibrant and useful member of the Parish Council, in particular with respect to her work on highways and footpaths, and on the development sub-committee.

114. Standing Orders:
114.1 NCalc and Northumbria Council had both provided copies of Standing Orders, which we will adapt for our use. The NCalc orders are written for a range of councils and are a very complex guide on the composition of councils, committees, practise and code of conduct. The Northumbrian ones are more succinct, providing a working guide for smaller councils.

114.2 Both suggest that Declarations of interest should be on each agenda and we will incorporate this in future agendas.

114.3 A time limit for members of the public to speak was also discussed and it was agreed to put a discressionary 5 min limit per person.

114.4 The Standing Orders also give guidance regarding the Annual review of finance and risk assessment.

114.5 It was proposed by Nicola Reynolds and seconded by Barry Rootham that we trial with the Standing Orders given to the meeting and review them at the April meeting and then review at the April meeting each year. All were in favour.

115. Development Plan
115.1 A copy of the plan is kept on record.

115.2 Although we are at the end of a 4 year period the work continues. The Government are making moves to include all villagers in consultations. We need to agree our draft priorities.

115.3 With reference to recording future Council Action it was felt we should a) log our future actions and review them to accertain whether they had been achieved, also b) log forum and Police meeting attendance.

115.4 The Development Plan for 2088-11 was discussed. We should reflect that we have achieved a lot, sometimes against a backdrop of tardiness from other major authorities. There is still much to be done and we need to keep up pressure to achieve maintenance and improvement of roads and footpaths.

115.5 The Development plan for 2011 was discussed and how the complexity of the plan for the next four years could be to communicated to the village whilst giving opportunity for meaningful contribution and consultation. It was also felt that a context of financial restraint should be underlined.

115.6 There was discussion of the lectern and sign, costed at £12,000. It was felt that there needs to be still more consultation with residents regarding these.

115.7 It was agreed to focus on Priority 3 (106 funded next steps), and Priority 2 (Roads and Pathways) work to be continued. Consultation would be particularly important on Priority 3. It was agreed that we publish a flyer reminding villagers of the history of the Section 106 developments and next steps in developments and we invite contribution and consultation. This would be mentioned within the context of the new four year development plan.

Nicola Reynolds, Allison Campbell, Pen Meadow-Jones and Peter Allen are to work on this item, which will be prepared in time for the November meeting. Details of a focus meeting to inform a sub-committee in early January will be planned. A sub-meeting will take place prior to the meeting on 24th November.

115.8 It was thought that it would be helpful for Peter Allen to attend a meeting of OOAPs to speak about Priority 3 of the Development Plan (in particular content for the centre of village sign and information lectern), and to take ideas away from the meeting.

115.9 The Emergency Plan needs re- starting, it needs some-one with time to lead a village action group to co-ordinate activities arising from the plan.

116. Correspondence
116.1 Helen Howard had met with Peter Allen following his letter thanking her for support in erecting gateways to the village, but bringing her attention to matters outstanding. Following a meeting with Councillor Allen, Mrs Howard had agreed some important additions to the gateways. We are still awaiting confirmation of new speed limits. It was noted the repeater speed signs are to be kept on Harrowden Road.

116.2 Joe Hubbard has advised that we should be receiving the third tranche of the Section 106 money shortly.

117. Financial matters
It was agreed to sign the cheque for HMRC for next months PAYE so that it can be sent off before the next meeting.

118. Any Other Business
118.1 It was agreed that a joint chair for the next few meetings would help new councillors experience the Chair role within the council, Nicola Reynolds would help at the next meeting, followed by Allison Campbell at the following meeting.

118.2 Thanks were again given to Allison Campbell and Pen Meadows-Jones for the production of the newsletter.

118.3 Clerk to contact Borough regarding the election of new councillors.

119. Date of next meeting.
The date of the next meeting is 24th November 2011. There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.15 pm with thanks to those attending.

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Chairman Date

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