Monday, February 20, 2012

Parish Council Minutes 19th January 2011

Minutes of the Meeting held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 19th January 2012

1. Present:
Councillors P Allen, (Chairman), A Campbell,
P Meadow-Jones, N Reynolds and A McLaven (Clerk).

2. Apologies:
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors B Rootham and, Geoff Timms

3. Co-option
3.1 Councillor Meadow-Jones proposed and Councillor A Campbell seconded Nigel Coles being co-opted as a councillor, all in favour. Clerk to write and welcome Mr Coles to the council.

3.2 It was noted there is still one vacancy on the council and another co-optee needs to be found.

4. Open Session for the public
There were no members of the public in attendance.

5. Minutes of 24th November 2011
5.1 These were signed as a true and correct record.

6. Matters Arising
6.1 126.1 Letters need to go to the residents alongside the telephone box
6.2 129 There are 4 sites available for the bin, a) in Churchyard, b) in car park opposite, c)Isham Road, next to dog bin and d) outside the village hall. Councillor Campbell proposed and Councillor Reynolds seconded putting the bin in the churchyard. All in favour. Clerk to write to Reverend Dommett

7. Development plan
7.1 The development plan was discussed and responsibilities allocated, Clerk to make log of actions from minutes and log attendances. Councillor Rootham responsible for audit, finance, speed sign and attending site viewings. Councillors Meadow-Jones and Campbell magazine and newsletter, and roads and pathways, they will commence an audit of roads and pathways in the near future. Councillor Reynolds oversee priority 1 and planning including localism bill. Councillor Allen Section 106, and attending site viewings wherever possible. Councillor Coles will be asked to take on Roads and Highways.
7.2 It was agreed to keep safety on the agenda, and keep using the flashing speed sign.
7.3 It was agreed to change the time span on 1-c as ongoing rather than April 2012.
7.4 Acre has asked for a copy of our plan and we have agreed to give them a PDF copy.

8. Section 106 Developments including Centre of Village sign and Information Board.
8.1 Councillor Allen had contacted Harry Stebbings, a sign maker, he will design a sign, but needs to visit and will cost between 10 and 18 thousand pounds, and made note of the fact that it is the Queens Jubilee this year. Councillor Allen will make more enquiries into signs.
8.2 There are concerns regarding the site next to the church for the lectern, a risk assessment would need to be undertaken. It was agreed that there were potential safety risks and that the question of an alternative site for the lectern to be put on the agenda of the Annual Parish Meeting. The Annual Parish Meeting is a good opportunity to sign post the work we are doing on the information board and sign. We will put this on the February meeting agenda as planning for APM, it was noted that the meeting will take place on 5th April, and we could ask the brownies/guides if they would provide refreshments again.
8.3 Councillor Campbell had got more information for the lectern.

9. Correspondence
9.1 MGWSP –Parish Satisfaction Survey completed at the meeting.
9.2 WBC – consultation on budget, Clerk responded that our meeting is not until after the closing date, 2 weeks given from date of letter.
9.3 NCalc various emails advising of Parish Councils precept, new homes bonuses, responses to consultations
9.4 Highways monthly newsletter
9.5 Boundary Commission receipt of comments
9.6 NCC asking if welcome packs can contain information re libraries, we already do this.
9.7 Police requesting financial support for PCSOs, Clerk to look into what they require.
9.8 NCC tree pack (105 saplings) available to communities, it was agreed to mention this in the newsletter as in order to proceed we need to have details of available land to plant the saplings and how we will protect them in the future.
9.9 NCalc planning training, Councillor Reynolds to attend, Councillor Rootham to be asked if available to also attend

10. Financial matters including setting the precept
10.1 It was agreed not to increase the precept so it will remain at £7122
10.2 The following accounts were agreed for payment.
729 Eon- electricity supply £448.82
730 Northamptonshire Acre subs £ 34.00
731 E-on electricity maintenance £121.66
732 Mrs A Mclaven – salary £ 99.40

10.3 It was agreed to sign a cheque for next month’s PAYE
10.4 The Clerk to contact E-on regarding the changeover of street lamps.

11. Planning
Nothing to report.

12. Any Other Business
There was no other business

13. Date of next meeting.
The date of the next meeting is 23rd February 2012. There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.55 pm with thanks to those attending.

………… …………..
Chairman Date

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