Monday, October 6, 2008

March 6th 2008 Minutes


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Thursday 6th March 2008
15 Present: Cllrs Miles (Chairman), Rootham, Allen, Norton, Rowlatt, Waller and Alison McLaven (Clerk). There were 9 members of the public in attendance.

16 Apologies: Were received and accepted from Cllrs Watts and Timms (Borough).

17 Open session for the public.17.1 There were questions about the traffic survey and these will be dealt with fully, during the meeting as the agenda item is reached.
17.2 Transport through the village is still very heavy early in the morning, unfortunately this can not be stopped but the speed should be monitored. It was mentioned if the employer and/or agency supplying staff could be asked to notify their staff to cut speed through the village.
17.3 A team trained with the speed camera was also discussed, but there is a prioritised waiting list. The Parish Council are frustrated like the public, but the criteria for speed cameras etc are based on the number of reportable and fatal accidents, which the village fortunately does not have. We also do not have a school, a crossing, a shop all of which add to the need for traffic restrictions.17.4 There was a comment on how wonderfully litter free the village is. Thanks to be passed on to the volunteers who pick up litter.
18 Minutes of meeting 10th January 2008 and matters arising.18.1 These were signed as true & correct record, once the word stalled was changed to slowed as it gave the wrong impression.
18.2 Open space study had been received but it was very vague.

18.3 Neighbourhood watch had supplied a list of vunerable elderly

18.4 List of councillors was not in the newsletter due to lack of space

18.5 Welcome pack gone to newly occupied houses, but not yet placed at the back of the church18.6 Clerk to get copy of planning guide lines and distribute to councillors
18.7 The gate onto Harrowden Road by Norlington Close is only in use during building work and will be just for emergency services once the work is completed.
18.8 The finger post for Lammas Close is impossible for people see it is between two walls
19 Minutes of the meeting 30th January 2008 and matters arising
19.1 These were signed as a true and correct record

19.2 Nothing had yet been done about the damaged signs, although Councillor Rootham can report the Dovecote sign is being replaced. A private CCTV camera recorded an incident in Little Harrowden at the same time.
19.3 Concrete and post left on side of road. Removal to be arranged.
19.4 The Notice Board has been replaced. The fete committee arranged for the costs to be paid from their special fund. Discussion followed on whether or not it needed to be resited. It was agreed that the traffic survey group look at the matter, as it was felt it could be a safety issue.
20 Correspondence
20.1 NCC –minerals and waster framework – comments by 1st May20.2 Atkins – grass cutting payment of £224.74 towards cutting highways.20.3 Audit Commission – BDO Stoyhayward to continue as district Auditor, cost
for this years audit to be £135.0020.4 Monthly Crime reports – Dec 0 crime, Jan 3 other crimes
20.5 Village of year application – the village took part last year and received a comprehensive report. It was felt that it would be advisable to wait a few years before reapplying.
20.6 Nick Price (Police) – information on parking regulations.
21 Financial MattersThe following accounts were approved for payment, Councillor Rootham proposed, Councillor Rowlatt seconded, all in favour ofChq No 504 A McLaven (salary ) £235.38505 P Allen (welcome pack expenses) £41.89
22 Reports from external meetings attended
22.1 Councillors Miles and Allen had attended the Parish Forum. Councillor Bailey had ‘had a go’ at the speaker as they were only talking about Wellingborough Town. The next meeting will be 29th October.
23.1 Decision 16th JanWP/2007/0607/F – extension to garage, 3 Northampton Road granted.
23.2Pulse Park. Concerns that it is joining Kettering and Wellingborough into one town. The Isham By-pass appears on the plans. A meeting for the village to be arranged so that everyone can be aware of the plans. This to take part during the Annual Parish Meeting
23.3`WP /2008/0089/F – 17 Pytchley Road, Derwent BuildersDemolition of existing house and construction of new dwelling house, detached garage and related site development works.Concerns that the development is out of keeping with the village, that it does not suit the street scene, that it is overdevelopment of the site, increasing the footprint on the site. Councillor Rootham is concerned that all local residents are not aware of this.
24 Section 106 Monies24.1 Thanks to Trevor Haste for his help and advice given to Councillor Allen24.2 As soon as money is given for section 106 instead of land problems start to arise. Councillor Allen explained what had happened previously, but after a lot of work all the schemes required land that is not forthcoming. The dilemma is to find a solution.
24.3 A recent suggestion was to use the allotment area as a play area/tranquillity garden. The area is to be given back to the church for burials, but there would still be space for a garden. A number of people who live in the vicinity attended a meeting and for a variety of reasons they did not want a playspace, but a tranquillity garden was a possibility.
24.4 The Allotment holders have to be re-sited, an offer of land on Pytchley Road was investigated, but the land is no good for growing crops.
24.5 New ideas include extra seating on the green, a village sign, dog litter bins, disabled parking, traffic calming measures, possibly hading over some money to neighbouring villages that have land to have a joint recreation area (this is the least likely option).
24.6 The way forward is to look at different ideas and have 3 adequately costed and reasearched proposals by September with a view to putting 1 or 2 in action by Sept 09.
24.7 Councillor Rootham suggested a 4 gateways to the village, giving the impression of the road narrowing, causing traffic to slow.
24.8 CouncllrsThe question of whether or not the money has been received by the Borough Council was raised, as we have not yet been informed.
24.9 Councillor Allen proposed and Councillor Miles seconded, all in favour of 3 groups – a) Garden of tranquillity b) Traffic/village safety c) environment enhancement (seats & signs).Councillor Miles then proposed and Councillor Waller seconded, all in favour that Councillors Miles and Allen work out the most suitable people to work on each project and set up three groups with a strong emphasis on villagers joining in. A written brief to be given to each group.
25. Traffic survey.
25.1 Councillor Allen had produced a report, a copy of which is on file. Thanks given to all people that had helped with the survey.
25.2 The recommendations of the report are to discuss the Parish Council priorities and kick start them. The Local Authorities to be invited to attend the Annual Parish meeting, and traffic to be an agenda item at the meeting.
25.3 The add on to the petition already produced by the Widdups is going slow due to Councillor Rootham’s time constraints. It was agreed all councillors to circulate the petition to the houses in their areas.
25.4 The report to be posted on the website.
25.5 The meeting was closed for members of public to have their say. It was felt that something should be done. It is a culture thing if people get into the habit of driving slowly through the village, then new traffic will follow. It should be made difficult for a rat run to function through the village. Flashing signs are thought to be effective, but cost a great deal of money. The scarecrow festival did slow traffic. Sat Nav’s are sometimes to blame as they don’t all show the weight limit and lorries therefore come through the village. When there is an incident on the A509 or A14 traffic is diverted through the village.
25.6 It was agreed the Clerk should invite the Police, the chair of the Police Authority, Peter Bone MP and Councillor Bailey to the Annual Parish meeting.
25.7 Councillor Allen made a final point that it was most inspiring to see so many people taking part, the village pulling together.
26. Allotments26.1 Letters have gone out to the allotment holders giving 12 months notice, unfortunately they don’t know where they can move to as the moment.
SM27. Village Hall
27.1 The hall is well used and the bookings very good.
28 Any Other Business
28.1 The hedge out side the hall is still causing problems for traffic. Councillor Rowlatt proposed Councillor Allen seconded all in favour of the Clerk to write to the owner and ask them to cut it back.
28.2 There was an abandoned car in the village, but it has been removed.
28.3 Councillor Miles to organise a flyer to be put around the village detailing information about the Pulse Park, Upper Redhill and the traffic problems, hopefully all items to be addressed at the Annual Parish Meeting on 3rd April.
28.4 The mower is being sent to Pages for its annual service within the next few days.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.30pm – with thanks from the Chair to those attending for their input and support

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