Monday, October 6, 2008

January 10th 2008 Minutes


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Thursday 10th January 2008
01. Present: Councillors Miles (Chairman), Rootham, Allen, Rowlatt Waller, Watts, Alison McLaven (Clerk).

02. Apologies: Councillors Norton and Timms (Borough) sent there apologies, which were accepted.

03. Minutes of meeting 8th November 2007 and matters arising.03.1 These having been revised by Councillor Miles, were adjusted slightly to give a better impression of the meeting and will be signed once the alterations have been made by the Clerk. Minutes in future to have an action box so that Councillors and the Clerk can see who is to do what more clearly. Proposals will be in bold so that they are more noticeable as well. Councillors will be referred to in the minutes by their surname.

03.2 72.5 The Council does not object to planning applications, it makes observations. 03.3 72.5 The tree across the footpath has been cut and removed.
03.4 81.2 The Borough Council have responded with regard to the wreath and the Parish Council will have to include the cost of the wreath in the precept in future. It was felt that the Borough could have consulted the Council before last years precept so that they were aware, and not waited until the wreaths were needed.03.5 83.2 Councillor Miles had contacted Grace Homes and confirmed that the Council have approved the lighting and will take over responsibility once the road has been adopted.03.6 85.3 The Borough Council have agreed to signs for Lammas Close and the County Council have agreed wooden fingerposts for the footpath.
04. Minutes of the meeting 29th November 2007 and matters arising

04.1 These were approved and signed as a true and correct record.
04.2 89.1 Letters had been written to the Consultation Team and Peter Bone MP
05. Section 106
05.01 Following the meeting Councillor Miles wrote to the Chief Executive, the letter and its response were read to the meeting, a copy available on file.
AM to contact Street Doctor
05.02 Clerk to write and ask for a copy of the study and give to Councillors before they attend a meeting to discuss the action of the 106 working party
05.03 The Council should meet and set out how things should progress. A couple of ways forward should be agreed on and the working party take away the suggestions and make costings and report back to the Council. Most ideas have fallen away because of the lack of land. The definition of recreation is very wide and vague. Councillor Rootham proposed 3 Councillors get together and decide on priorities and the next stage, which will then be put to the 106 to detail and cost by the end of April. Councillor Allen seconded all in favour.
05.04 It was felt that the Borough Council should have followed planning conditions and collected the monies as the fell due.
06. Allotments
06.1 Councillor Miles wrote to the Secretary of the PCC asking if the Church will agree to sell/lease/rent an acre of land on Pytchley Road.
07. Parish Plan07.1 Councillors Allen, Rootham and Waller had met to lock at the plan to give focus to the Council, make it more proactive and set out priorities. This was discussed and a copy of the plan available. It was felt the Council should secure relationships with key organisations and ask probing questions. Communication should be improved in order to involve the village more. It was felt the Annual Parish Meeting was a good forum to consult the village and maybe more full village meetings should be held on matters, especially those that may need to be financed by the precept. 07.2 It may be that the village puts planters on the entrance to the village, and helps with the upkeep. 07.3 There were concerns over the overhanging shrubs at road junctions and the foliage over speed signs. 07.4 Councillor Allen proposed and Councillor Rootham seconded, all in favour of the plan being reviewed and updated accordingly at the beginning of each meeting. 07.5 Councillor Miles thanked Councillor Allen for all his hard working in producing the plan.
08. Emergency Plan08.1 The plan is more refined but has stalled as people on the list need to be contacted to make sure they do not mind being on the list and that our information is accurate.
08.2 Councillors Miles, Rootham, Waller and Norton (to be asked) to get together and discuss what equipment to be kept where and if Road Representatives should be responsible for each area, as it is difficult to know who could be available at any time.
The Road Reps could know where generators, sand, sandbags etc are available. Various emergency scenarios were discussed.
08.3 The Village Hall and the Church will be available as muster points in an emergency.
08.4 Tom Ormorod and Nora Hirst will provide a list of venerable residents.
08.5 The next parish magazine will have a list of Councillors with contact numbers.
09. Welcome Pack
09.1 Councillor Waller thanked Councillor Allen for his help.
09.2 50 copies have been printed of the first edition and will be distributed to newer residents, a few copies will be left at the back of church.
09.3 Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinators will have a few copies each and give to new residents.
09.4 Councillor Allen had £25 expenses for the production of the leaflet, it was agreed to pay this at the next council meeting.
10. Traffic survey
10.1 23 Volunteers had agreed to sit at windows and measure the flow of traffic at appropriate times of day, on 23/24 Jan.
10.2 Councillor Rowlatt will be adjacent to the green in her car to survey 2 roads, Pytchley Road and Northampton Road.
10.3 There are still vacancies to be sorted.
This will be added to the Widdups petition.

11. Correspondence
11.1 Non-urgent packet to be passed around Councillors.
11.2 AM contact Borough & M. Allen for village hall.
AM to phone/ write?WBC Tree works at Orlingbury Hall, walnut tree and lime, dead wood removed, minor thinning.
11.3 Wellingborough Homes, have taken over the garage, which the Council rent
11.4 WBC invite to the Civic Valentines Ball
12. Financial Matters12.1 The precept was discussed and church floodlighting and the wreath need to be included in the precept, and reserve towards a new mower in the future. Councillor Rootham proposed, Councillor Watts seconded, all in favour of the precept being increased by 5% to £6615.
12.2 The following accounts were approved for payment, Councillor Rootham proposed, Councillor Watts seconded, all in favour ofChq No Payee Amount
500 ABB electricity maint. £176.81
501 E.on electricity supply £315.06
502 Alison McLaven salary £235.38
13. Planning applications and decisions
13.1 The Clerk to obtain a copy of the planning guide lines
13.2 WP/2007/0750/OEIA – Outline planning for 3000 dwellings, retail, commercial facilities, non-residential institutions, neighbourhood centre, open spaces, associated facilities and infrastructure. Land off the A509 Niort Way.A DVD of this application was available to the meeting, and is kept on file. The Council observed that Great Harrowden is being joined in Wellingborough, there are concerns over the infrastructure, and that it is a Greenfield site. It was agreed to ask to the Borough to give a presentation to the village with more information.
Decisions – 12th December 2007
13.3 WP/2007/0629/F – 19 Norlington Close, Double Garage – granted.
14. Any Other Business
14.1 An Access gate has gone up between 18 Harrowden Road properties and the main road, which appears to be used as access, the planning decision was for emergency access only, the properties to go through Norlinton Close. Clerk to contact the Borough.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 10.05pm – with thanks from the Chair to those attending for their input and support.

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