Monday, October 6, 2008

February 2008 Orlingbury Parish Plan

The Orlingbury Parish Plan February 2008

It has been suggested that a Parish Plan should be constructed to give focus, direction and continuity to the work of the Parish Council.
The village has experienced great change in the last five years. Changes have included:
Continued growth of the village due to housing development
Changes in the composition of village population and increases in a) the numbers of villagers approaching or past retirement and b) the numbers of villagers travelling from the village for employment purposes
Larger numbers of new villagers
Closure of the village post-office and possible closure of the public house
Use of village roadways as thoroughfare for traffic travelling from A roads
Increases in the speed and frequency of through traffic.
A regular turnover of Parish Councillors.
Significant growth in the Northampton area involving regular updating of regional proposals for growth and development.

There is a need for the Parish Council to be up to speed with regional and local developments so that it may play a pro-active as well as a cooperative and reactive role to developments. Inevitable changes in the composition of the Council mean require the council to:
· Be absolutely, clear about its role and function in relation to the village needs and the priorities of Borough and County Councils. This requires:
o Induction of new members in to their role
o Established Parish Council procedures and good communication to ensure early consideration and actionning/ resolution of issues
o Detailed Knowledge of the relevant policies of the local councils and where they overlap with local needs
o Good communication and working relationships with Councils and Councillors
· Develop clarity about priorities for short, medium and long term.
· Strengthen communication with parishioners and move towards greater consultation to ensure that expertise is effectively used and agreed priorities are achieved.
· Determine short and medium term priorities as a working group to achieve focus of objectives

It is suggested that the Parish Council develop first, an achievable set of priorities with a time line to achieve these. From a position of confidence, say after a period of one year, it should then strive to develop a wider consultation process involving all interested villagers.

As a working set of achievable priorities, it is suggested the PC focus initially on developing and improving communications in the broadest sense i.e.

Priority 1
Parish Council Development
Procedures and Responsibilities
i. Improve decision making by actionning decisions with appropriate time-spans for achieving actions and monitoring of agreed actions.
ii. Ensure secure relationships with key community organisations including local councils and community police.
iii. Councillors have agreed responsibilities and report to the PC about progress.
iv. Ensure emergency planning and support procedures are in place
v. Respond to local planning proposals with consistency and due reflection.
Improvement of Communication & Consultation with villagers to ensure:
i. Newcomers get to know the village and its key organisations and services quickly.
ii. There is clarity about what needs to be done in the village and support for its development.

Priority 2
Roads and Pathways
Safety Given the increase in housing in the village and the increase in the volume, speed and size of traffic, the PC work in cooperation with current and future housing developers, the county council and the police to
i. Audit the extent of concerns through survey and consultation.
ii. Ensure that current traffic calming funding for the Harrowden Road is used.
iii. Create a traffic calming/pedestrianisation and regulation system throughout the village.
iv. Create a safe network of footpaths and crossing points.

Maintenance, Lighting and Cleanliness of all pavements and pathways
i. Ensure that all unsafe surfaces are scheduled for repair and all dog fouling and littering of footpaths is minimised.
ii. Ensure that all boundary shrubbery and road verges are maintained and trimmed so that there is no obstruction to pedestrians and drivers.

Priority 3
106 Development Funding
Liaise with parish scoping groups to ensuring the proposals for the use of 106 money and contingency proposals receive professional support from the Borough Council.
b. Resulting in
i. 3 adequately, costed and researched proposals result in a PC decision
ii. Proposals to reflect diversity of community need through consultation and, to if possible, relate to the PC priorities and to be interrelated.
iii. All elements within the chosen project being resolved.
Priority 4
Village allotments
Given the need to develop the existing allotment area for a) extra-burial ground and b) a possible 106 project, the PC should work with stakeholders, the BC and landowners to facilitate the securing of a convenient and local replacement plot.

© PRA 2008-01-11

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