Monday, October 6, 2008

July 3rd 2008 Minutes


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Thursday 3rd July 2008
43 Present: Cllrs Rootham (Chairman), Allen, Rowlett, Waller, Timms (Borough) and Alison McLaven (Clerk). .

44 Apologies: Were received and accepted from Cllrs Miles, Norton and Watts.
45 Minutes of meetings 1st May 2008 and 3rd June 200845.1 The Clerk apologised for the minutes of 3rd June, being a draft and not making sense. It was agreed that they should be altered to read ‘ the whole building is very high and doest not fit in with the street scene. Councillor Rootham to sign the revised copy.45.2 The minutes of 1st of May were missing the information about the telegraph pole light – The Clerk will add this paragraph and Councillor Rootham will sign the revised copy.45.3 There were no matters arising from the 3rd June minutes.
45.4 31.5 Councillor Allen had circulated a copy of the planning document and the Clerk will put a hard copy in with all the minutes when they are circulated
45.5 Councillor Timms asked about the minutes concerning the Pulse Park. He was informed that these were on the Annual Parish Meeting minutes. He advised the meeting that the Planning Inspector had thrown out the plans for the pulse park. There was discussion about the presentation at the Parish Meeting and the lack of Borough Councillors, Councillor Timms advised that the Borough found it difficult to attend these meetings as anything they said could be used against them during the planning process. It was felt they should attend, but not say anything and that the meeting be advised of the situation.
45.6 Councillor Allen had met with Councillor Miles, who was attending a focus group and had asked for incidences such as mentioned above to take to the meeting.
45.7 31.2 The hedge – Councillor Allen, Councillor Waller and the Clerk, possibly Councillor Miles are to meet with Verity Chilvers from the County on 10th July and walk the village to discuss the problems raised from the original walk around the village, which includes the hedge. If the hedges are highways problem, then we shall insist they are removed as soon as possible. The meeting should help say who is responsible for what and also to help cost projects for calming and improving. It was commented on that the Councillors do not want to come to evening meetings.

45.8 It was asked if there had been any response to the traffic survey. It was felt that the Clerk should write to ask a senior officer to attend and make comment on the survey.
45.9 37.1 It is noted that Atkins are no longer the County’s partner, it is now May Gurney. Councillor Timms informed the meeting that they are dealing with a backlog of work, but it was asked how it was since most of the staff were the same.
45.10 37.2 it was reported that Councillor Watts had spoken to the owner of the implement blocking the bridle way, and is looking into the matter. Councillor Rowlett reported that Highways had come out to look at the matter and agreed it was a safety issue. There should be 2 meters if it is a footpath but bridle ways need 3 meters. Highways have spoken to the landowner and he now has 28 days to move it. They will issue an enforcement notice on 17th July if nothing has been done. The county are trying to prioritise cutting footpaths back, there is a worry that 2 horses cannot get past the blockage. Councillor Rowlett was thanked for this information and asked to pursue the matter.
46. Correspondence
46.1 Councillor Allen declared an interest. A costing has been received from ABB for the cost of moving the light at the top of Lammas close. The cost of moving the light and installing a new column was £1029.00 plus VAT. The Clerk was asked to contact ABB and ask if they could just move the lamp to an adjacent post. If this is not possible then they should go ahead and move the light.

46.2.1 English Heritage advising us that the phone box is now a listed building. BT has been informed of this. Clerk to contact BT and ask if they could now paint the box and also remove the notice saying that coins cannot be used. Councillor Miles be asked to include this information in the newsletter.
46.3 The remainder of the correspondence was passed around the Councillors.
47. Financial Matters
47.1 The accounts were approved. It was noted that the Oversixties grant had been paid at the start of this financial year. That money was building up in the kitty but that this had been ring fenced for replacing the mower.
47.2 Wellingborough Homes and the Borough had both been receiving rent for the garage. The money paid to the Borough had been transferred to Wellingborough Homes but this meant that we are well in advance of our payments. As the problem arose through standing orders for payment, the Clerk has cancelled both standing orders and received a direct debit form (which gives the council more control) and she will start this once we have caught up on ourselves.
47.3 There have been no bills from e-on since January, the Clerk contacted them and found that they have no up to date inventory, later in the meeting it was discovered that the information they have is the correct information, and the Clerk will advise them of this, and that we shall have new lamps once the Norlinton Close development is completed. The Clerk had advised that we will not be able to pay the invoices until our September meeting, but it was suggested that we pay the bill in installments, as they have not been able to send the bills on time.
47.4 The Auditor had noted that a previous VAT claim had been totaled incorrectly, the customs and excise had not noticed this either and there had been an extra £465.94 claimed. This money has to be repaid.

47.4 The Annual Report was approved.
47.5 The following accounts were approved for payment. 590 Orlingbury Village Hall (rent) £ 37.80591 ABB (electricity maintenance) £198.49
592 Mrs D Sisman (audit) £ 80.00593 HM Customs & excise (VAT repayment) £465.94594 Mrs A McLaven (salary) £235.38
48. Reports from external meetings attended (if any)

48.1 None had taken place.
49. Planning applications and decisions
49.1 Discussion took place on planning meetings, it was agreed that these have to take place because of timescale issues. It was felt that the other items added were not appropriate. It was questioned if we could look at the plans in advance, with out members of the public. Councillor Timms advised that the plans have to be looked at and commented on at the time, we could not have a meeting to discuss them and then a meeting to make a decision. Members of the public have a right to attend meetings but should only speak during public question time and not have the meeting stopped so that they can talk. The Clerk to ask if we can have seven copies of the plans so they can be distributed before the meetings.
50. Traffic and section 106 monies
50.1 It was agreed to discuss these items together.
50.2 There was an update of the situation. The Clerk to contact Councillor Bailey regarding the grant for a gateway into the village.
50.3 The meeting that is taking place on the 10th should help focus matters, as we should know what is to be done by the County and what we need to do ourselves.
50.4 There are overlap issues with the section 106 monies. There was discussion on how to progress matters. It was agreed to set up a group with 4/5 councillors and co-opt members of the public as and when. This development group will consult over 3 meetings and have some concrete plans costed for the September meeting. The dates for the meetings were agreed as 31st July, 6th August, and 21st August. It was agreed the Councillors would be Councillor Rootham, Councillor Rowlett, Councillor Allen and Councillor Miles, Councillor Waller was unable to attend the meetings but asked to be involved before hand if possible.
50.5 A villager had offered to keep a piece of grass tidy outside the village hall.
50.6 A copy of the report produced by the Police was shown to the meeting, but it did not reflect the speeding pattern.
50.7 An email from Lyn Martin-Bennisons’ PA advised that the section 106 money has not been invoiced yet. The Clerk was asked to email and ask how the £1500 for improving road signs and £5000 for traffic calming had been spent. (to quote from agreement).
51. Village Hall51.1 Councillor Watts remains on the Village Hall committee
52. Any Other Business

52.1 Councillor Miles is attending a focus group about communication with the Borough and will discuss matters that concern us, and also when people have been helpful. Previous similar meetings were discussed.
52.2 Councillor Allen will attend a meeting with for the Partnership with community Police. Councillors Rootham and Waller will also try to attend.
52.3 One of the councillors is aware of a large excavation in the grounds of Orlingbury Hall. There are concerns about the large amount of water that will be involved in these 2 large ponds. The Clerk will check with the Borough and Anglian Water to see if any permissions are need and if they have been sought

Date of the next meeting

The next meeting will be 4th September, and Councillor Waller offers her apologies in advance.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.35, with thanks from the Chair to those attending.

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Chairman Date

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